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Messages - Hitler-Chan

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Naruto / Re: Boruto Chapter 5
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:17:24 AM »

*coughs* This is rather odd, given that no one seemed to have gone for the 4 tails after a couple days of whatever has been going on. I'd like to make a request for Keito to fight it or someone. Though I did tell shadow I was down to GM any necessary event and hope my involvement with such wouldn't prevent me from signing up. If it does, I'd still rather go for the 4 tails then. Otherwise I'd be down to do both and fight as the 8 tails.

Well, I suggest you contact Trev, and inform him that you will be challenging him for his beast. ;)

Nobody has went after it because Trev is the owner of it already. Cheers!

Starts rolling a giant blunt for the 8 tails. ;) Ball's in your court, Keito.

Bijuu Arena / Re: [The SL Open] Challenger Thread
« on: September 24, 2016, 09:18:14 PM »
Multiple fights don't work. Also that would directly interfere with trying to do this quickly. This one multi fight would take weeks even if done by the rules.

I hate to be needlessly despondent, but when regarding the Bijuu, nothing tends to move quickly. If all participants agree to a Big Brawl, I do not see any reason, nor do I see any residing power that has the authority to tell them they cannot. Strictly speaking about the battle itself, it would provide large benefits to those who understand the rules of engagement, and would penalize those who don't. Would also give those who believe they are less equipped an easier way to take down an opponent who has been worn down from slaying another participant. :D Since nobody currently has a bijuu sealed within them, no way to claim enough chakra to fight 2 or 3 'equal' opponents without tiring.

Bijuu Arena / Re: [The SL Open] Challenger Thread
« on: September 24, 2016, 04:46:06 PM »
I am gonna bring raw popcorn kernels to that fight, have me a bucket full by post two. ;)

Village Square / Re: Summon Questions!!
« on: September 23, 2016, 03:42:56 AM »
True. I mean I saw someone summon Zapdos as in the pokemon and thought it was quite cool and yet would it be taken serious?

We as RP characters have no point of reference when it comes to stuff like that, so if you stayed true to the IC nature that this site provides, as far as Iburi Ray would know, it's just a big yellow bird that shoots lightning, nothing legendary about it in our history books.

And to use him as an example, if the bird could shoot lightning at the same speed as natural lightning, and just spam that because it's some god of the element, then it'd likely not be accepted.

I used to summon funky jellyfish back in the day >_> I might just bring that back.

As long as you don't do something crazy, it should be fine. Basically, if you wanna be super powered, you gotta walk a fine line between god mode and pic related

Basically what he said. ^

Village Square / Re: Summon Questions!!
« on: September 23, 2016, 02:58:39 AM »
I'm feeling some heat here. xD Did it have to be Buddhist?

1) I think there was a thing that said you can only have 1 or maybe 2, who gives a rip.
2) As long as whoever you are Rp'ing with it accepts it, there are technically no limits to how crazy you can go. We Uzumaki have Death Knights and the Shinigami. Suna has them Sand worms.

Don't you already summon dinosaurs? In a universe relatively devoid of science (Yes I know Boruto introduced some advances) summoning a species extinct by several million years to fight at your side is quite 'fantastical', which is to say, I think you've already answered your own question.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Official Challenge
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:44:57 AM »
Let us not incite more hate by playing into his game. :) As justified as you may be.

Village Square / Re: Does chakra really matter?
« on: April 12, 2016, 08:37:14 AM »
Hmm...Yeah, it does make things difficult to do. But, I guess one way to overcome that power-gap is to basically set it to the level the majority is at. For example...

Players A, B, and C are all playing. A usually RPs as a god-like character while B and C are happy just being an average ninja. They're doing some RP event where A could really just do it all on his own if he wanted to. So, to make up for this, A lowers his character's ability to fit the playstyle of B and C. The character can still have the same abilities/personality/whatever, but A just lowers his speed/power so he's not the Flash/Hulk. Or, A can just not play with them.

Basically, YOU should judge how strong your character should be based on the situation at hand. Self-regulation.

^ I love this guy.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« on: April 03, 2016, 01:50:27 AM »

With only a cursory glance towards the man who knew only to be the Godaime Tsuchikage, as it was totes Yujo's father who Bocchiere had personally given Jiongu to, the monk took one final moment to savor his rubber toy before removing it from his mouth and into his 'back pocket' for safe keeping, this occurring whilst the past Kage's flames dissipated. Meanwhile one of the creepy hearts residing behind one of several Hannya styled masks began gathering Natural Energy, an idea Yujo totally didn't steal from that double Hirudora guy that beat up his extraterrestrial friend. This was only needed due to Yujo forgetting how to passively absorb natural energy just as the fight began, an occurrence not questioned for a second by the monk himself, luckily he kept a stockpile of the stuff stored in one of several seals tattooed on his body, for cases just like this.

Anywhozers, as the Tsuchikage spawned in Yujo's thready innards took the form of two hands, and without further interruption, the moment we've all been waiting for...Clouds residing within the air above converged, being supplemented by a larger output of chakra via this Uzumaki's insanely large chakra pool, much much larger than the Uzumaki's very own derelict father, otherwise known as the boastful abdominal guy. Normally this jutsu required minimal chakra to form, and even so,,8891.0.html

(Spoiler Alert) Of course he wasn't multiplying said jutsu by 100 thousand trillion, though just enough to place the Kage in peril of becoming very wet in the next 30 seconds or so if the rain was unimpeded. Other details could totally be added to describe this, just refer back to any of the previous fights of mine, or Ryoji's. The self-aware shinobi then questioned once again if he actually was Ryoji, a plot twist much greater than Han Solo dying.

It was common for a shinobi utilizing a jutsu of this caliber to find himself at a loss for what to do with the rest of his actions, activate sage mode..? Yeah probably a suitable response considering he did respect his opponent's skill as a fighter, and being as Yujo absorbed the knowledge of Masane, who absorbed the knowledge of Tsuyo, who absorbed the knowledge of Bocchiere (Human Pathception) not too much was going to be a surprise to him in the way of techniques, especially since those new dust release techniques inexplicably were dropped, and it's night time.

Normally favoring the dark side of his dual sage mode, Yujo decided to switch it up a bit mostly because he wanted to post the cool picture of it here to show that there are other custom sage modes that are cool, coming at you Kage.

It was around this time a chibi version of Yujo paused the fight from his personal theater and turned to the camera that had been projecting the battle and said, "Damn, it would have totally been a good idea to empower this jutsu with Sage chakra, huh? Okay so let's take a rewind, and being as Wall of Text No jutsu has already been activated, I'll spare potential readers the trouble and just retcon a little. So now assume I activated his sage mode before using the Dokuton Rain, easy peasy." With that done, Chibi Yujo turned to the Chibi Rusaku sitting next to him and handed him their shared small popcorn, and resumed playing the fight, it was date night.

With a final action, Yujo materialized a black baseball of ice into his hand, winded up and chucked it at his opponent, his intention was to knock him unconscious so Bocchiere could be fitted with a binky too, for all will share in it's glory, in the case that it didn't put his opponent to sleep, Yujo had other plans for it. (Do note, the Baseball was thrown at somewhere near 300 Mph)

Village Square / Re: Does chakra really matter?
« on: March 31, 2016, 01:19:23 AM »
I know we had talked about this before.... Although, these new Acads that think they can beat a Kage is quite annoying, and that chakra system should be put in place to prevent that.

Not sure why giving a new Acad infinite chakra would be a problem anyway. Let them think they can beat the top guys, no reason to ruin their fun by reinforcing that they are scrubs and don't deserve chakra.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« on: March 26, 2016, 07:36:28 PM »

As the sun stood high in the sky a pillar of fire would burst forth from the earth, scorching a 15 foot wide crater in the grassy plains. As the blaze subsided Bocchiere would be revealed to be standing in the middle of the crater, wearing his now common shirtless attire. His scythe was slung across his back, his amulet of Jashin was around his neck, and his Akatsuki ring was on his right thumb. His 3 tomoe Sharingan remains active and his arms are covered in a variety of seals and fuinjutsu.

As stated thusly, Yujo would be taking the first post, meaning the above is voided. The first post of the battle will be placed below.

"Retreat!" A silent order, given internally by the vulnerable vegetation to any within earshot. Premonitions, prognostications, prophecies; telling of a battle to take place upon these plains, one that'd reshape the landscape of humanity. The first engineer of this masterpiece arrived just as the order was given, the still exposed flora falling prey to his advance. An ornate door, resembling those of an Italian chapel materialized somewhere near the southern side of the plains. The black structure stood as a passage way between this world, and the frozen one, the same that a particular man chose to take refuge in from the vicissitudes the human world seemed to harbor.

With the threshold of this 'Portal' crossed he made his entrance. His first step accompanied by the deaths of every unfortunate blade within a 5 foot radius of his foot. Moisture within the flora crystallizing under the freezing weight of his presence, shattering into a glitter like dust that'd rise to glisten his entrance even further. One may assume that the magnificence of the sparkling man would be aided by bathing in the glow of light, their notions would be shattered by the full moon above, creating the light that his sparkles craved, if his judgment was correct, it'd be sometime around 9:00 PM.

As he stood now fully exited from his door, he scanned the area quickly for any signs of hostiles, or even the man who deemed himself worthy of a challenge, the reprobate patchwork was disappointed to see neither. With this in mind he began idly drawing in at the infant toy residing in his mouth. The small blue rubber toy within the mouth of a man known to consume his opponents, was a sight to see, but it wasn't the most off putting article of this encounter. The sound created within his mouth was unlike a toddlers, in fact it sounded similar to a sweaty footed nurse frantically moving around a hospital floor, in Crocs.

It was at this point he removed the tool from his mouth, and began rifling in through his back pocket, and for this moment the noise would cease. He'd now simply await his opponent, natural energy being gathered as per usual, his freezing presence spreading to it's programmed radius.

Spam / Re: Do you have any pets?
« on: March 25, 2016, 04:51:49 PM »
Siberian Huskie (White-Blue eyes), a brown terrier mix mut thing (My sisters dog but it has an underbite xD), and a dapple dachshund (My mothers dog who barks...a lot). Also have a pet snake named Simba, he's a grower.

Bijuu Arena / Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« on: March 23, 2016, 09:03:18 PM »
Current Host: Uzumaki Yujo

Affiliation: Uzushiogakure

Battle Method: 1v1/2v2 OOC death match

Judge(s): PMs will be used to determine an agreed-upon judge

List of Challengers:

Special Rules:

-The match will be OOC for the benefit of both participating characters. This is essentially to prevent either playing from having to deal with the hassle of dying IC, and additionally leaves both participants free for IC RP during the match. Thus, though the match will be OOC, participants must still RP as their character, exactly as if they were IC, with the addition of following any decided voids, nerfs, etc.

-The match will strictly be 1v1, to prevent any complications arising from extra participants. The player remaining alive retains Gyūki/Isobu. The player that is killed will neither gain nor lose anything else. Essentially, this means the match is strictly about the beast and thus nothing else will be changed as a result.

-If desired, a logical RP can be worked out for a reasonable and plausible IC transfer of the beast to the next host.

-No match will begin without a judge agreed upon beforehand.

-You must have a biography/profile detailing what abilities and techniques you have, which includes your mastery in your abilities. Techniques used that are not listed in your profile will be voided. The same will go for notable skills and abilities not explained in your profile. Exceptions for this are General Skills, such as Tree Climbing Practice or Water Surface Walking Practice. Simple nature manipulation such as producing a small gust of wind to re-balance yourself or causing some water to flow into your mouth to drink is fine as well. Combining techniques on the fly, such as using a wind technique to empower a fire, is also exempt from this.

- If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 30 days then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (I.E. Both fighters MUST send a PM for this option. Stipulation: If for whatever reason after the prerequisite 30 days has passed, and either combatant cannot further fight his/her opponent, that person must speak with the judge, explaining that position; at which point the fight's judge will decide if the fight will be concluded upon his/her decision, or will continue] If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a winner based on these criteria:

•Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?

•What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?

•Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. His(her) decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.


~If using any of the eight IG KG, the same system against combing rinnegan/sage, uchiha/hyuga, etc. applies. Any external or custom special skills will need to be accurately assessed and set before the match begins.


-Arguing is discouraged. I will talk over any concerns regarding the match with you if the conversation remains calm and logical. If it steps outside of that, then the judge will be asked to make a decision. Pointlessly bickering is not fun or useful for anyone. Inflammatory, racial, harassing, or abusive language aimed at each other either in the match or in PM will result in an immediate void of the challenge. If challenger, (s)he loses all rights to ever challenge the current Jinchūriki. If host, he loses the match and Bijū given to the challenger.

-If any of the rules set forward are broken, I reserve the right to cancel the match. This will not prevent you from re-challenging (3-Month Cooldown)

Non-Negotiable Voids:

-Anything that does not have a reasonable explanation within the Naruto/SL lore
-Any custom technique that has no prescribed flaw (auto-hitting/character control)
-Any of the recent Rikudo powered abilities
-Body Revival Technique (when used to survive Hachimon)
-Swift Release
-If you have Kamui with other MS Jutsu. Its either Kamui or the other techniques.

~ All information subject to change
~ Mail me with any questions

Zone: Plains.
Judge: Ryoji.
Nature of the Fight: 1v1 OOC Deathmatch.
Stakes: Yujo (3+8 Tails), Bocchiere (9+Whatever other beast he wants to give up)

As Bocchiere is the Challenger, Yujo will be taking first post. (First post will immediately proceed this one)

Let's make this a good one.

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