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Messages - Mei

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 [47] 48 49 50
Spam / Re: Can sharingan copy Rasengan?
« on: June 10, 2009, 09:07:03 PM »
I'm pretty sure Kishi said that Kakashi copied the Rasengan. I don't feel like looking up that chapter where he trains Naruto right now, so I'll just stay with that. Why do people have to look to far into things?

There's nothing to look up as I have already provide the manga page that proves that Kakashi learned Rasengan before Chidori. In Kakashi Gaiden, Kakashi created Chidori BEFORE he even gained the Sharingan.

Spam / Re: Rin'negan into SL
« on: June 10, 2009, 06:50:19 PM »
Even using those corresponding Jutsus for "Paths" they'd be very limited to how they can be performed... and most of those jtusus would not some odd work, the animal path for instance.
Would you need to buy the animals/summonings?
Would they be determined depending on your reborns?
Would they be able to be exchanged?

You would not need to buy the summonings, that's too much work. They just "appear" when you use Animal Path. I guess reborning into it the 1st time, would allow you to summon 1 creature and as you reborn 2nd time, you will notice that 2 creatures come out when you use the "jutsu". The Animal Path did use alot of different creatures. I would say that 1st creature only attacks. When you reborn 2nd time to have 2 creatures out at the same time, the 2nd creature can be that chameleon that "hides" your appearance, making it harder for the opponent to hit you. The 3rd creature can be a creature that grants you atk/def buffs. The 4th creature can be something that just attacks but deals more dmg than the 1st creature.

For the Preta Path, we seen enemies use ninjutsu in a fight and they will give you warning a turn before they actually use the ninjutsu. When you see the warning, you can use Preta Path to nullify the ninjutsu attack for like 3 rounds.
For the Human Path, it will deal dmg while paralyzing the opponent
Deva Path would be a Kaiten-like move because it can stop anything but due to the interval time, it only last for 1 or 2 turns.
Asura Path should be the easiest to do. Just deal a certain amt of dmg and make it possibly to hit multiple enemies.
Hell Path you could make its healing ability only accessible when your hp is the red zone.

I mean I dont think it's odd since if you think about it, everything in Naruto is odd, including reviving the dead o.o
I'm just trying to make it as realistic as possible

Spam / Re: Rin'negan into SL
« on: June 10, 2009, 05:13:11 PM »
Actually at first I think the idea of putting in Rinnegan in SL was ridiculious but then that depends on how you "limit" it.
I have an idea that could make Rinnegan useable. Instead of using six bodies, you have 6 techniques and each technique corresponds with the one of the Paths of Pain.

Deva path - Could be like 1 or 2 turn(s) Kaiten-like move
Animal path - Summon creatures that will fight alongside you for a few rounds (maybe 7 rounds with 3 creatures out)
Preta path - "Absorb" an incoming ninjutsu towards you (more like protects you from them but I'm not sure, how many rounds that would last)
Human path - This could be based off of one of the moves in the Genjutsu speciality or even Tsukuyomi and have it last for like 5 rounds, maybe
Asura path - shoot missiles for a few turns (simiilar to using shurikens, smokebomb, etc)
Hell path - This move can heal you although not sure about amount it will heal you by.

In terms of insight (the percentage that it would decrease enemy's atk/def), it should be less than BOTH sharingan and byakugan. So I guess it could work if you set it up like that. Although problem is that it would be unfair for those you have already reborned into a doujutsu KG since they will not have access to it. However I doubt Neji will put this move in the game anyway. xD

Spam / Re: Can sharingan copy Rasengan?
« on: June 10, 2009, 04:36:28 PM »
I dont think Sharingan can copy Rasengan.

Chakra molding occurs inside the body, gaining the required amount of chakra inside your body to use the jutsu while you are performing the necessary seals.

From Naruto Wiki ( Molding chakra means to extract energies from both the body's cells and the mind's consciousness, then mixing them together within the individual. The amount of each energy will differ from the type of technique the ninja wishes to execute. In other words, a ninja could create too much or too little chakra for a given jutsu, and the chakra cannot be used efficiently. In addition, even if a ninja is able to mold the correct amount of chakra, if they aren't able to manipulate the chakra properly, the desired jutsu won't be as effective or not executed at all.
This is Tsuande only saying that only 2 ppl could use rasengan:
This is proof that Kakashi learned Rasengan before Chidori:

That means that Rasengan was created probably a good time before the Uchiha clan massarce and before Kakashi got his Sharingan eye, which means Minato must have taught that move to Kakashi. For Tsuande to say that only 2 ppl know the Rasengan and not state any Uchiha members in that statement means that Sharingan cannot copy that jutsu. After all, it's a move purely based on chakra control with no physical movement required.
That's my take on it. >.>

Feature Requests / Re: Question in regards to Sofushasen no Tachi
« on: May 19, 2009, 03:20:47 PM »
I forgot to do further research on the 2 moves.  There is actually a big difference between manga and anime version of the moves, in terms of how many shurikens/kunais Sasuke threw, which leads to how many wires were out to the size of the flame from the Dragon Fire jutsu. I would have to say the chakra cost would be more like 1 or 2 since if you think about it's just 1 flame being split due to the wires.
But in the end, if Neji was to implement this move in SL, it will be his choice on the chakra cost anyway.

Feature Requests / Question in regards to Sofushasen no Tachi
« on: May 19, 2009, 12:40:21 PM »
I tried searching to see if this was previously mentioned but I didnt see any signs of it in the search results so I'll mention this now...

Sofushasen no Tachi - control shuriken that have wire cords attached to them (two held with the hands and one with the mouth) and manipulate their paths to tie an opponent to a nearby large object, binding them.

Now I think I can speak for every1 how this move is kinda useless for a few reasons but I remembered how Sasuke combined that move into Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique), which allow the user breathes fire along a cord or any other type of long object. So my requests is that when you use Sofushasen no Tachi, the following turn you will have the option to use Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu afterwards, which will appear on the Katon Ninjutsu list under Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu, costing between 3-5 chakra (you can choose the chakra cost as long as it is not more than 5 imo)

For example, you're in a fight (assuming you are able to use Sofushasen no Tachi in the first place)...
Round 1: Use Sofushasen no Tachi
Round 2: The option to use Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu, magically appears and you use the move.

However, if you use Sofushasen no Tachi and do not use the Ryūka no Jutsu option the following turn, then the option disappears until you use Sofushasen no Tachi again. I'm not sure how much dmg it should do but I think it should be fair since it's a 2-part move which cost at a max of 9 chakra together >.>
I honestly think this is a fair request, dont you think? o.o

Feature Requests / Re: Multiple Spouses
« on: June 02, 2007, 09:59:11 AM »
::wonders if Lebis takes everything in SL so seriously:: >.>
always, i like this idea and it's not like it's just for guys...i mean gurls can have 3 husbands too >.>
the benefit for this would be more defense buff and ultimate pimp status ^^

Feature Requests / Re: Kenjustu
« on: May 27, 2007, 12:01:32 AM »

1) What Tenten used wasn't kenjutsu. She summons weapons then either throws them and swings them around. (summoning jutsu + weapon handling)
i didnt even say Tenten was using kenjutsu so dont assume i did =P

2) Ninjas do not use kenjutsu. (Only Samurais do so)
Ninjas dont use kenjutsu? So i guess those times they have swords w/ them (for example Itachi had a sword w/ him when he killed his clan) was just for show then? >.>

3) The only "kenjutsu" ever shown on Naruto was Dance of the Crescent Moon (Mikazuki no Mai) used by Gekko Hayate (dead). Kaguya uses something like kenjutsu, but they are considered as kekkai genkai so you can't use those skill for your kenjutsu specialty.

4) I am against making up jutsu (including the names).
well there's a first time for everything, there are some names that i appeared in the anime/manga that werent even named by the creator but by gamemakers themselves so how would this be any different?
it's not like we cant change the name of the moves once we discover their true names >.>

So if you can't find 6-8 official "Kenjutsu" from Naruto (game/manga/anime) that come with names and not just how they swing their katana around, then close this request.
wow you are like one of the harshiest woman i have ever met and i bet even i did find 6-8 official moves you will reject them anyway...bcuz ur just simply mean like that >.>

u just said there's no animantion hence there is no "feel" for the specialty...ur just selecting a move and besides i did gave description for it anyway...also, it's not like there's no char that names their moves by numbers, even though i cant think of any who does that in Naruto at the moment

Feature Requests / Re: Kenjustu
« on: May 26, 2007, 12:56:25 PM »
well can u think of better names?
i didnt kno a jutsu has to sound kewl to be effective >.>
i personally dont mind but i guess could try and give them actually names based on the appearance the move
anyways, anything else u disapprove of?

Feature Requests / Re: Kenjustu
« on: May 26, 2007, 04:50:53 AM »
Taijutsu, ninjutsu and genjutsu. There is no kenjutsu.

ok i just gave u a list based on Naruto eps and you are still arguing against it?! ok so answer this question then, wat jutsu is tenten is utilizing when she is using her weapons? >.>

I'd say ninjutsu... It does involve scrolls though, but I think that is just for the weapon summoning. And arguing against most topics in feature requests is just Gyu's way.

yea i notice...
yea you're right, the only thing ninjutsu about it is just the summoning of the weapons. If you were to look up anything involving Tenten, it would be that she's a weapon specialist, plain and simple. I dont see ninjutsu/taijutsu/genjutsu as one of her specialties.
sooner or later we might have to make a jutsu specialty relating her fighting style when more of her moves are being presented in the manga/anime. I dont know why Gyu is acting close-minded about this when i already i provided the jutsu list and the "proof" that it's naruto related even if they were filler eps >.>
I just wanted to know if the list could be acceptable or not. Instead I got an immediate disapproval for whole thing without a good reason T.T

p.s. - tenten is so sexi ^^

Feature Requests / Re: Clayjutsu (Deidara's jutsu)
« on: May 26, 2007, 02:28:56 AM »
For me, deidara is just a terrorist or a suicide bomber >_> not good for children.

terrorist? yea
Sucide Bomber? nah...he has convenient ways of making the bombs goin to the targeted destination w/o killin himself lol

Feature Requests / Re: Kenjustu
« on: May 26, 2007, 02:26:26 AM »
Taijutsu, ninjutsu and genjutsu. There is no kenjutsu.

ok i just gave u a list based on Naruto eps and you are still arguing against it?! ok so answer this question then, wat jutsu is tenten is utilizing when she is using her weapons? >.>

Feature Requests / Re: Clayjutsu (Deidara's jutsu)
« on: May 26, 2007, 01:06:01 AM »
::finishes readin the thread:: mmm....that event is very disturbing >.>
having to take somebody's arms to use a certain jutsu? sounds kinda Oro-ish imo o.O
anyways, i dont think that event is really necessary..basically all Deidara is doin is puttin his chakra in the clay to turn them into bombs...i assume the purpose of those mouths in his hands are to put chakra while at the same time shaping them into something.
now tell me how is that any different then just holding the clay in ur hand, shaping the clay into an animal or w/e and putting the chakra in it urself to turn it into a bomb? >.>
if u think about it, that's no different than gaara's sand ninjutsu where he puts chakra into his sand and make it turn into a clone, a hand, an avalanche, and live-size image of shukaku, etc
mmm...unlimited amt of clay...well there are some sites that tell you how u can make homemade clay so i think it's safe to assume that your character will be making more clay when he runs out...unless neji wants you to pay for it >.>

Feature Requests / Re: Kenjustu
« on: May 25, 2007, 07:54:17 PM »
::changes his entire post:: the end, i accept and agree w/ Gyu's decision...although it would have been fun using kenshin's move lol

so where is the list for kenjutsu...even if this is denied, i just want to know if this list would be ok >.>
From what I have observed in Naruto Episode 159 and 160

- Quick Drawing of a Sword (preparation) – delivers a slash and afterwards gets a 10% increase in attack for 8 rounds (Cost 1 chakra)
- Me ni mo tomaranu hayasade (it’s so fast your eyes cant catch it) – destroying the opponent’s weapon, you lower the opponent’s defense for 5 rounds (Cost 3 chakra)
- Me ni mo tomaranu hayasade 2 – stunning the opponent w/ the hilt of your sword, you do some damage while temporarily disabling the opponent for 1 turn (Cost 5 chakra)
- Me ni mo tomaranu hayasade 3 – you delivers 3 quick deadly slashes in an instant for 4-6 turns (Cost 7 Chakra)
- Me ni mo tomaranu hayasade 4 – you hitting the opponent w/ the sheath as he tries to attack you from behind, giving him some damage and getting a 10% increase in defense (Cost 9 Chakra)
- Me ni mo tomaranu hayasade 5 – you deliver a strong slash w/ the back of your sword, doing great damage while stunning the opponent for 1 turn (Cost 12 Chakra)
- Me ni mo tomaranu hayasade 6 – utilizing your speed and quickness into your sword slash, you destroy the opponent’s weapon so easily that you gave the opponent the fear of death in his eyes, you greatly lower the opponent’s defense for 9 rounds (Cost 15 Chakra)

for lowering defense part i was thinking about genjutsu and how most of the moves (in what i believe anyway) lowers the opponent's attack/defense
feel free to change anything including the order >.>

Feature Requests / Re: Kenjustu
« on: May 24, 2007, 08:44:27 AM »
well i thought the list could be made of kenshin's moves XD
would that be ok? >.>

This is Naruto not Rurounin Kenshin...

well not everything in SL are naruto related >.>
y dont we make an exception? ^^

u make it sounds like it's suppose to be hard to find a puppet or a sword? >.>
Funny how much you see in my should speculate less... it sounds like u want me to ignore your all posts to this thread >.>

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