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Messages - Garō, Ichirou

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Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 04:55:07 AM »
The kick was delivered to the mongrel with Gusto, causing it to lose it's footing for but a moment as the tentacle came down, however it was rather quick, and as the tail struck it the beast would not go flying, as it had latched on to the gigantic tail and had been smacked into the ground like a fly.

but it's follow up was clean, having a grip stronger than the strongest vices times a hundred, the beast would roll on it's shoulder, aiming to uproot athos from the ground before slamming him back down yet again, should the slam go off without a hitch the beast would burst forth and soccer kick the grounded Athos in an attempt to send him flying instead.

Ichirou would make his move whether the Beasts kick had been successful or not, tackling him hard not seconds after the kick, landing in a full mount position on the ground. of course physically Ichirou was outmatched here, so he had to be quick to try an force the technique out of the beast again. Funneling Gelel energy through his palm, he would utilize the Gelel Laser technique to release a highly potent highly concentrated blast of Gelel energy directly into the beasts ugly face. Ichirou hoped that it would either initiate it's absorption move, or he woul find a way to pierce it's flesh.

Luckily, the beast triggered it's move.

The space in the center of the beasts forehead, directly above it's eyes; would open. Much like a third eye, though what resided within was a Red Gelel stone. The source of the cretins massive power. Ichirou's technique would be absorbed into this stone easily, and if he had continued to supply it he imagine it would have drained him of all his available power. But he wouldn't let it go that far, he had gathered enough information from his assault to formulate a strategy on taking this thing down, the key was timing as always.

Ichirou ended his laser attack, and quickly covered his chest with his arms as he was punched, sent flying back and crashing into the ground though he still landed on his feet. As the beast stood, it was apparent that it had become larger, it's muscles more vascular and with more size, as well as it's height. The glow of it's body was once again a much brighter red. However the beast did not redirect the attack initially.

"Did it want the energy?Ichirou asked himself, "Did this make it stronger? Or simply give it a payload.." He quickly surveyed the area for Athos, aiming to formulate a plan against this thing as fast as possible before it began to get the upper hand. Without the aid of a Biju like Athos had, Ichirou had a much higher chance of getting pushed to his limits, though that was still far from occurring as of this moment, the point was that this fight couldn't go on forever.

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 04:25:18 AM »
Ichirou paused for a moment and swallowed as he kept his eyes locked on the beast, "Well.. to be honest with you I don't have a lot to go on right now. I couldn't actually see whatever it did to survive the attack, let alone redirect it. But the closest comparison I have to whatever that was is the Uchiha Return, the only question is how many times can it do this in succession? He paused for another moment as he charge Gelel energy into his palm, creating a Gelel Rasengan roughly the size of the Odama Rasengan, and with relative ease. "Right now, I'd say our best course of action is to try to force it to the do the move again-" Ichirou's words were cut short as the beast appeared before him once again, It's hefty blade held high above it's head before being brought down in an outrageously fast single motion.

the force was enough to shatter the ground and release a shockwave, sending huge stones flying about in random directions, as for Ichirou, he had side stepped the black and moved in to the beasts center as to avoid his strike, the shockwave from the blast essentially propelling him as he moved to strike the creature in the stomach with the Rasengan.

However to his surprise, the beast did not repeat it's actions again. No instead it took the hit, being launched backward from the force of the blast, but not before it through a wild last out, aiming to grab hold of Ichirou once more, but merely smacking him to the ground, causing him to bounce like a ball before landing on his feet again.

Ichirou clutched his shoulder, It had been severely dislocated. "Son of a.." he grumbled as he gripped the arm tightly before shouting, "Bitch!" As he snapped it back into place with a relieved sigh. He had progressive healing in this satte, so a matter of minutes and his shoulder would be as good as new as far as any extensive damage was concerned. For now he focused his attention on the beast once more, who was collecting itself off the ground with a smile

Feature Requests / Re: Free Up the Zones?
« on: December 28, 2015, 04:10:41 AM »
Hello. Can we get rid of the rank cap on the upper zones and just make them accessible to everyone? It would seriously free up extra places to rp and also if a Jinchuuriki was posting there it would be more accessible to hunters. I know for the Chuunin exams there is already a crunch for board space going on.

Please do, I would enjoy this very much.

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 04:08:29 AM »
Quite the move the duo had pulled on this thing, the successful deflection of the blade followed by a hefty strike to the beasts chin, causing it to stumble back a back as Athos released his tailed beast ball. The beast seemed to remain stationary as the attack came in, was it stunned? in shock? Hardly. It's never that easy.

The beast would smirk as the ball connected with it's forehead, the resulting explosion expanding rapidly, before appearing to implode in on itself as rapidly as it had expanded. What was left behind was smoldering ash of the rock that once was there, a crater. And the beast standing within. The red glow that was dim beneath it's skin had become bright, and it almost seemed rejuvenated as it leapt from it's crater in one motion, reaching Athos' position in the sky and opening it's maw.

From within? The blast shot forth from the Bijudama. The explosive power of the attack erupting from it's mouth like a beam of destruction as it once again aimed to remove Athos from the equation. "What the hell!?" Ichirou shouted as he too leapt from the ground in a tremendous bound, reaching the duo's position. However instead of striking the beast physically, he would howl. Release a force strong enough to blast the beast back to the earth, causing it to hit the ground and slide, throwing up a long trail of dust as it traveled before regaining it's footing and leaping up in a flurry of flips.

"What the hell was that? Did it just recycle the power from the attack?"Ichirou questioned himself as he descended, assuming that Athos had been tossed to the side. Hopeful that he had not been obliterated. The only thing Ichirou could compare this too as of this point was something similar to the Uchiha return.. but it didn't seem quite the same.

This was the real challenge in fighting abominations. Each comes with a specific curse, no two the same in any way. The effects that the corrupted Gelel energy casts upon their bodies results in powerfully outlandish abilities, which were coined by Ichirou as their curses. It appeared at first that this beasts curse was it's impervious body, but this didn't seem to be the case after all.. As he touched down he would move to regroup with Athos, while the beast moved to recover it's blade. They needed to decipher just how the creature had performed this feat.. just how it worked.

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 03:28:05 AM »
And yet the creatures intelligence was shown once more..

As the 'Tag' of sorts was initiated, the beast was quick to catch on, realizing that Athos had stepped up to the plate and intended to attack it. However this time instead of a full frontal assault, the beast would use it's blade as a projectile. Throwing it forth with speed similar to that of a bullet, a huge just of dust emerging from the force behind the blade.

Simultaneously, the beast would use it's outrageous speed to burst forth and around athos, ending up behind him around the same time the blade would arrived at his face, the beast drew it's hand up with intent to strike at the same time the blade would hit, a means to disabling one of the two opponents it was faced with

But it wouldn't be that easy,

With Ichirou watching from the distance, he would find the opportune moment to release his attack on the mongrel as it appeared behind Athos, having had a decent amount of time to focus the energy into his palm, he would swipe the air in front of him as he initiated the Gelel Blast technique.

This technique made to create a blast from a distance without the need of physical contact or projectiles, it would bend the air around it's target before erupting, but with the beast focusing on Athos and apparently not counting on long range tactics, it would go off without a hitch. Though Ichirou new this attack wouldn't do so much as to draw a spec of blood from this beast, that wasn't his goal.

The detonation would occur at the back of the beasts knee, the force of which caused the leg to buckle and the beast to unexpectedly fall to a knee behind athos, who Ichirou assumed would have dealt with the blade incoming blade by this point.

This would serve as an opening for Athos to initiate a counter attack, though only seconds existed for the window, and Ichirou braced himself to either take the beasts next charge, or move in for an assisting attack in conjuction with Athos.

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 03:05:54 AM »
Ichirou listened as Athos made mention of treating this combat like a hunt, "Sure, we'll give that a shot." Ichirou replied as he began to move along a wide right flank of the beasts position, his wolf like form gliding across the ground with elegant speed as he moved,

Of course, the abomination had other plans in store.

The creature, despite it's hulking size, lack of ability to speak and excessive anger. It was much much smarter than it looked. And rather than taking on Athos, the initial charger -a tactic that one would expect from a rabid beast- he would make his move for Ichirou.

The ground would explode in a huge cloud of dust, the abomination moving with the speed of a shunshin almost passively, a second earth shattering boom could be heard to the right of Athos, as the hulkling appeared before Ichirou. Ichirou snarled an ducked low as the beast swung to cleave him in twain with it's massive blade, missing by just the slightest of hairs. Ichirou used his low position to incite a powerful jump straight up, releasing a boom of his own as his knee came into contact with the hulklings chin, causing it's head to tilt back and the beast to furrow it's brow.

Jolting it's head back down it threw Ichirou off balance, causing him to flip behind the monstrosity, and before he could regain his footing he had been snatched from the air by the massive hand of the creature, and tossed like a rock directly towards Athos, but Ichirou was quicker than that. collecting himself and digging his feet into the earth as he flew back, stopping just shy of Athos' location/previous location if he had moved.

"Damn thing is smarter than it looks.." he grumbled as he straightened up and locked his eyes on his target, his eyes weren't fully comparable to the Byakugan in this state, but he was able to keep up with the thing more or less. He began to channel gelel energy into his right hand, the veins in his arm radiating a deep green glow in pulses as the energy gathered. He knew his next strike wouldn't maim the beast, but used in proper collaboration with Athos they could get the upper hand, at least for a few moments.

Village Square / Re: Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 02:45:40 AM »
Ichirou would stand and turn to Athos, opening his mouth to speak, but as soon as words would have left his mouth, they were stolen away. A booming sound ruptured throughout the area, almost like a meteor had hit the ground, the sky would grow dark. As if night had been dragged from the other side of the planet.

The rocks around them would rumble and crack, Ichirou would scoop his sword and quickly leap from the cheaply made cavern he had constructe. Assuming that Athos would need no instruction to o the same. As the two men had left the encampment, it would crumble behind them as several small landslides erupted throughout the canyon.

They had been spotted.

The hulking beast stood roughly 500 meters away from their location. Steam erupting from it's mouth as it huffed, it's eyes and body hummed a deep red color, the corruption of the Gelel energy that did not belong within this host. As Ichirou landed on the ground he despawned his executioners blade in a puff of smoke, and begin to radiate his own energy, a much lighter green color. "It seems i'm not going to be able to brief you like I wanted to on this thing, and we definitely didn't get the element of surprise that I was hoping for. But there's one thing that you should about this thing above all others. It doesn't bleed. We can't cut it, we can't blow it up. This is all i've got on this thing as far as it's curse goes for now, but i'm sure we'll discover more shortly.." As Ichirou finished his sentence, his body changed. The green energy encumbering it and emitting a bright flash before fading away again. Now his body was as black as pitch. Claws on his hands and feet, and the entirety of his form looked like that of a humanized wolf. Because it was. This was the pinnacle of Ichirou's physical capabilities, and a byproduct of the Stone of Gelel that had been infused into his blood. His physical prowess was increased nigh 50 fold in this form, and on par with high level Hachimon users. His voice, now much deeper and gruff, called out through the wolf head that sat upon his shoulder. "Until we can uncover more about this bastard, our best rules of Engagement are going to be hand to hand combat. Which may be harder than it looks.." The hulking mass of energy and muscle stood at a massive 9 feet, towering over the two ninja who were tall amongst there kind. The muscles on this creature easily encompassed Ichirou and Athos' chests, and it was safe to safe that this beast possessed physical strength much higher than anything that either of the ninja had encountered before. In it's hand it bore a hefty blade, seemingly crafted from stone. The blade within itself dwarfed the two men... this was going to be quite the combat.

This was only one of the many abominations that Ichirou had committed himself to tracking and removing from the face of this planet. Not only would he be able to reclaim the gelel power that rested within these monstrosities, but he would be able to add to his own power as well. Though on a much more stable level of course."Before we get started, I want to let you know, I've only ever fought one of these abominations, and the first one i fought.. well.. the easiest thing to compare it to was a fighting a Biju." were Ichirou's final words as he knelt low to the ground, preparing himself for what was to come from this thing.

Village Square / Calling on an Old Friend..
« on: December 28, 2015, 02:12:37 AM »

The wind whistled through the crevices of the dusty canyon, a few vultures could be heard off in the distance, but that was the last thing on Ichirou's mind right now. He had been tracking this... this thing. For months, and finally tracked it down. His preliminary recon of this things curse were conclusive and frustrating collectively. It would be difficult for him to take this thing down alone, especially given the circumstances.

So he needed to call in a little back up, no biggie. He knew just who to call in. The clay bird that he had sent out three days ago should have arrived at Athos on the second day, and if he had taken Ichirou's request seriously then he should be arriving shortly. The exact Coordinates of Ichirou's cave camp being listed within the letter that the clay bird contained.

He watched the shadowy hulking mass with his Byakugan as it paced around the canyon. Grumbling and grunting, it couldn't even speak it was so far gone. Ichirou was glad to have rained hell down on the bastards who had created this piece of evil, and even more glad that he was the one who would reclaim what was wrongly bestowed into this beast. Ichirou wore his usual red archery gear, his bow no where to be seen, but his executioners blade sitting close by in the small cavern he had carved in the wall of the rocky cliffs to use as a base. The blade was an identical replica of the legendary Kirigakure sword it was named after, though that was just for show. Everything else about this blade bore no relation to the original.

Ichirou would continue to watch the cretin should it's hulking mass decide to throw it to some other corner of the world, he hoped Athos would arrive soon before it relocated..

Hunter's Guild / Re: Hero's Guild: Dungeons 101
« on: December 28, 2015, 01:25:14 AM »
Ichirou nodded his head at the mention of hands-on teaching. Something that could be expected from someone like Athos. And he drew his swords once more as he stepped into formation, following in line as they would begin their trek into the depths of the structure. If the Byakugan was useful in the detection of these beasts, then it was possible that his Gelel sensing would be as well.. but that would be something that would need to be tested.

The mention that the beasts do not emit chakra lead Ichirou to believe that the only way the Byakugan would be useful in detecting them, is looking for 'voids' of chakra so to speak. But he couldn't be for sure quite yet. Either way there was one more question that he needed answered, as it was relevant to the safety of the team on this mission.

"What's the structural integrity like? If we go blowing things up with explosive tags or any other form of explosives, do we risk caving the dungeon in on us? Or breaching to lower floors?" Ichirou was keen on explosives, whether it be in one form or another. Though they weren't a necessary tactic to his combat strategy he would need this information to make sure he didn't put a comrades life in harms way.

He wondered just what they would encounter here, were they biting off more than they could chew? He doubted that. Even given the strength that these monstrosities possessed, it was safe to safe that a capable team had been assembled. One that could take on the challenges of the first floor of this dungeon, to say the least.

Or so he hoped. 

Hunter's Guild / Re: Hero's Guild: Dungeons 101
« on: December 26, 2015, 08:07:08 AM »
Ichirou cracked a undeniable smirk across his lips, he was loving this already and it was only going to get better. As the order of troops were established Ichirou would trigger his item seal to summon his bow, before seemingly breaking it into two pieces, the draw string retracting in to one of the ends as they released a distinct click and the edges of the now blades sharpened as if on command, he would then holster the weaponry onto a more convenient back holster that he had on his person

"Well. Provided that things within here can actually be sensed, I can set up a sensory field around us that will stretch a bit, it's not the best that could be done, but it's what I have to offer with my Paper ninjutsu as of right now." he commented, giving his strategic input to the situation. "Is there any chance we've got some form of idea of what is actually in there enemy wise? Also is it safe to assume that we're the first to ever step foot in here? If so, then that would mean that we should probably keep eyes open for traps, no? Seeing as there hasn't been anyone in there before to trigger them and die. Unless there has been." This was one of Ichirou's biggest concerns, sure he could fashion torches and things of the like and he assumed he wasn't the only one here who could do so, but the idea of traps attacking them from unknown directions and means meant that the structure itself bore an element of surprise. It was going to be difficult enough carving there was through the beasts that reside here, let alone having to worry about spikes and firetraps bursting out of the walls. 

Game Related Discussions / Re: Iwa's Barrier
« on: December 22, 2015, 06:03:03 PM »
Barrier Gate Five Seal Technique: Eight Gate Lock-up:

"but any being attempting to pass through in either direction will be destroyed by unquenchable flames."

Fūka Hōin - An advanced fūinjutsu that, upon utilization, absorbs any and all flame -- even extremely powerful fire such as the Amaterasu -- into its depths

So they have a fuinjutsu that can seal amaterasu the top level fire technique, but this barrier is all of a sudden untouchable? I don't think so.

Use Fuka Hoin on the barrier. Problem solved. :P

But in all seriousness that 'barrier' isn't even supposed to be allowed anywhere. Auto-voided if more people knew about it. So void it here if you want. It's BS.

I Second that

Village Square / Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:42:43 AM »

Name: Ichirou
Alias: Lobo
Kekkai Genkai: Byakugan
Affinity: Ototon, Futon
Hiden: Paper Ninjutsu
High chakra control
Efficient at Taijutsu

Village Square / Re: The revival of Ichirou
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:17:18 PM »
That's true but I just don't want a negative reception I suppose. The worse thing about just making a new character is the lack of DP,
Tis' good to be back
Why not use the old account?

I had deleted it, but I got it back so we're good now!

Nice, congrats on that.  :D

Hunter's Guild / Re: Hero's Guild: Dungeons 101
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:17:00 PM »
Ichirou was close behind Jay as he traveled through the forest, choosing instead to stick to shadows of the ground, the treetops providing excellent cover as he moved through everything, Jay's entrance to the forest was followed quickly by the white haired wolfs, staying close behind him as he greeted the man that waited for the duo.

Of course Ichirou knew the identity of this man, though for the sake of anonymity he would shoot the Guild leader a smirk followed by a bow, but no words, instead he turned around to see if the third of the members were close behind them, sniffing the air a bit to see if he could pick up Ray's scent, provided that he was not just as close to the rest of the team as he was expected to be.

Hunter's Guild / Re: Mission Headquarters
« on: December 21, 2015, 07:39:21 PM »
Was caught off guard by the sudden and loud exit made by his party member, and was quick to give chase, en route to the location where the trio's journey would begin and end. Though hopefully it wouldn't end in the death of anyone involved. But who was to say? only time would tell.

(all right, Ray can make his exit post from the MHQ here and then I guess we're moved to the actual rp thread!)

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