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Messages - Teostra

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Bijuu Arena / Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: September 30, 2016, 09:25:51 AM »
Teostra found himself in the middle of this cloud of smoke with the number of targets suddenly increasing. Clones, he figured. Not much he could do from in here though as he reached into his satchel with his left claw and did handsigns with the right hand  within his claw. He pulled out another statue and stated, "Anuket, 「scale」!" which resulted in his manticore statue to spring to its full size. In the same swift motion, he left up onto it's back and it took off. All the while, a small spiraling sphere of purple energy formed in the palm of his right claw.

Outside the smoke cloud, the Jell responded to the newly appeared Ray. Giving the man little time for respite, the Jell whipped it's arms out towards the man. They were surprisingly stretchy and would be able to reach from where it was, with the intent to wrap around him and bind his arms and legs.

Once Teostra breached the cloud and got back in the air (or if he didn't because something may have halted his progress) he'd aim his palm down towards the thermal signature of Ray that was closest to him and fire a purple beam as he called out, "Katon: Unodesuzoru!". Whether it was a clone or the real thing, he aimed to hit one of them at least.

Katon: Unodesuzoru

Jell: Arm wrap

Manticore: Full size

Bijuu Arena / Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: September 29, 2016, 10:48:01 PM »
Teostra would indeed barrel forward and strike the rock slab, subsequently drilling right through it before smashing into the ground where Ray should be. Though the smoke may have been able to weaken the size of the drill a bit, it would not be fast enough to halt the attack. That is unless it acted up the wind through a chakra-draining mechanism, which would result in a surprising lack of effect on the drill jutsu. But, once Teostra came to a halt, he would be back on the attack.

Though the smoke disrupted his normal vision, he was able to also see the world through a kind of thermal view due to his kekkei genkai. Utilizing this ability, he'd search through the haze to track down his opponent. At the same time, he did a strange set of handsigns with his right hand and stated, "Doton: Doruk!" before the earth rose up around him and coated him with a layer that formed into a plate-like armor. His jell stood idly by and observed the fight from outside of the smoke, undulating as its two tentacle arms lazily hung from its frame.

Doton: Doruk
KG: Thermal View

Bijuu Arena / Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: September 29, 2016, 02:52:56 PM »
Teostra responded with a quick nod before saying, "I expect no punches pulled, Iburi..." as he did a quick string of hand seals with his left hand (the 'fingers' of the claw doing the same). He then quickly leapt forward and was engulfed in a purple, spiraling wind that basically turned him into massive drill not unlike a certain Inuzuka skill, as he said Fūton: Garuzonis! The technique was just a little bit wider than his wingspan.

He spiraled towards his target, the edges of the drill digging away at the ground it came in contact with. He was unsure exactly how effective this would be, but he figured that striking an Iburi with this would be very disruptive. As he barreled towards Ray, something that looked like a wooden wad of snot came flying out from within. Just before he should come in contact with Ray, he could be heard saying 「scale」. This resulted in that wooden snot, his Jell statue, growing to its full size that was just a few inches taller than Teo. It landed a little bit away from them with a big 'plop'.

Fūton: Garuzonis
Statue: Jell-Full size

Bijuu Arena / Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: September 29, 2016, 07:18:03 AM »
Teostra entered he zone with a rather relaxed saunter, his large size and equipped claws almost giving him the look of a gorilla. His hair was rather unkempt and his face covered with some stubble, it was almost like he just woke up for this purpose and donned some second hand clothes beneath his cloak. His eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in the familiar sight of this zone that he frequented long ago. Of course, time only added to the amount of weapons that littered the area compared to back then.

Thouh his hood and hair obscured view of his face, one would be able to see that the sclera of his left eye was a deep red, indicating that he had the second stage of his Kekkei Genkai. "Looks like it's time for another bout, Anuket...This will be a nice 「breath」 of fresh air for us." He spoke to himself, regardless if his opponent was there or not already. What his opponent wouldn't know was that simple phrase did more than it seemed as something sprang to life within the satchel hidden beneath his cloak.

Village Square / Re: People are getting stupid (Wikia talk)
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:49:45 AM »
Oh yeah? Well, I reject your reality and substitute my own.
Orange = citrus
Citrus = grapefruit
Therefore, orange = grapefruit

So whatever helps you sleep at night, grapefruit lady =P

Village Square / Re: People are getting stupid (Wikia talk)
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:22:04 AM »
Oh yeah? Well, Kayenta has orange clothes...Orange is a citrus fruit...And Kayenta hates grapefruit...Grapefruit is also a citrus...Therefore, Kayenta wears grapefruit clothes. Clearly this is something that should be impossible.

Ball's in your court, sis >_>

Village Square / Re: People are getting stupid (Wikia talk)
« on: September 28, 2016, 03:43:33 AM »
I've played with people who weren't very creative and heir stuff didn't make any sense if you compared it to naruto, but I still played with them. We both had fun, so isn't that all that matters?

Village Square / Re: People are getting stupid (Wikia talk)
« on: September 28, 2016, 02:21:04 AM »
I know Teo doesn't really fit into the Naruto canon, but I have fun RPING with him and his backstory. I hope that the people I played with have fun too, because that's what i try for. I don't want to be a generic uzumaki or Uchiha (which end up being so powerful it's crazy anyway) or just another cookie cutter build.

Then again, the link in my description is how I feel people are sometimes these day. But, if it ain't bothering you, then there shouldn't be any trouble. You can always choose who you play with.

Village Square / Re: People are getting stupid (Wikia talk)
« on: September 27, 2016, 11:26:00 PM »
What classifies as "mainstream RP"? And isn't all RP group RP unless you're literally posting something all by yourself for your character's benefits?  <_<

Council / Re: [Bijuu Council] Agenda #3 - All of the things
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:57:00 AM »
Once someone has a bijuu, they can determine if they want OOC or IC challenges, right? If I win, I just want IC and SL only, I hate the forum only stuff >_> But I see where Silver is coming from and I do miss those days.

Bijuu Arena / Re: [The SL Open] Challenger Thread
« on: September 24, 2016, 04:48:53 PM »
Sis, you know how much of a cluster that would be? >_>

Multipeople events already have a hard enough time being done due to time constraints. You'd have to boot whoever runs out on the time limit and then continue on from there, which could make some posts null and void if they're hitting something that ain't there anymore.

As cool as it might be to have something like that, I don't think this community could handle it @_@

Village Square / Re: Summon Questions!!
« on: September 23, 2016, 03:14:30 AM »
I used to summon funky jellyfish back in the day >_> I might just bring that back.

As long as you don't do something crazy, it should be fine. Basically, if you wanna be super powered, you gotta walk a fine line between god mode and pic related

Feature Requests / Re: Powers for level Sitters!
« on: September 22, 2016, 09:27:02 AM »
I thought resets and everything don't matter anymore? That's why a whole bunch of people come out of nowhere and roleplay as a god when they got none of the time invested to back it up >_>

OR do they matter again now?

Bijuu Arena / Re: [The SL Open] Challenger Thread
« on: September 21, 2016, 06:13:05 AM »
Teo for 7. I'll submit the form in a min.

Council / Re: [Bijuu Council] Agenda #3 - All of the things
« on: September 21, 2016, 05:03:03 AM »
7 or 5 tails. Either or.

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