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Messages - KayentaMoenkopi

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Bijuu Arena / Re: Official Challenge for the 6 tails: Athos
« on: December 28, 2016, 08:56:00 AM »

After losing a challenge, the defeated challenger may not challenge the same host for the same beast for 3 months. However, he or she may challenge this same host for a different beast in his or her possession without waiting. the rules. Comply.

This means that WHEN YOU HAVE MADE YOUR PERSONAL THREAD...addressed in another post Then an official challenge can be made. NO CHALLENGES ARE OFFICIAL UNTIL YOU HAVE CREATED THE PLACE FOR THEM TO BE POSTED!!!

Can He challegne you for a different beast even if he has to wait 3 months to do a repeat challenge for one he just lost?

WHY YES>...according to the rules, he can.

A host must create a thread with the name of his or her bijuu in the title to the Bijuu Arena board, and use this thread to: state his or her preference for battle, keep a list of challengers, indicate if he or she is a new host and when his or her grace period will be over, and post any notices of absence.

I do not see one host who has made a personal thread to keep track of their beast, preferences, challenge list, and activity log.

Because this is true, I also do not see any challenger posting to the host's personal thread.



Council / Re: How to Handle Your Council Woman
« on: December 24, 2016, 11:06:06 PM »
Just posting again to see how everyone is doing. And merry Christmas.

Council / Re: How to Handle Your Council Woman
« on: December 22, 2016, 09:42:59 PM »
So I was here today and read all the stuff. am being active. Nothing has really happened other than the Gedo being in power void discussions still.
I look in a lot more often than I post.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

Village Square / Re: The Third Ever Cherry Blossom Festival.
« on: December 22, 2016, 09:33:43 PM »
How about you ask the Kiri officials if they even want to host it?

Well the idea has been posed to offer Kiri the social event... about they comment on if it would be something they would like, as active parts of the community, here in a discussion thread about how to hold the event?

Oh, you are from Kiri...what are your thoughts on the matter? Is this something you would like to do Dart?

Spam / Re: A Little TMI, but what the heck, right?
« on: December 15, 2016, 10:45:54 AM »
So my sister came in to visit mom with me. She is still hanging in there while they starve her to death. She was very glad to see both of us, smiling and talking and bossing us around. Imagine, MY MOTHER a bossy woman.


anyway, hardly on death's door step. The stupidity drives me insane. The POA/Brother is depending on the doctor, whom dad called an incompetent quack from the moment he came to town and refused to take new patients. Dad was retiring and was quite excited to have a new doctor in town...who immediately refused to treat anyone in it...yeah.

With my driving miss daisy job I had at the senior citizen's center...talking them to appointments....well their personal experiences with the man were less glowing than my father's words. And he was a Marine, so you got the PG version. It tickles me to hear old people swear...I miss that job. It was great all the stuff I learned from people. But yeah...this who my brother looks to treat our mother.

Well, my successive reports are just going to go down hill from there, you can be sure. I will not make another.

And thanks for all your kind words during this time. It was hard losing my dad, but this one...this one is gonna kill me.

First of this video and committ it to memory.

First of all...yes. again, first of all.

I am a Lady. This filth talking aggressive rude antagonistic crap I have seen here since my repulsive. I do not enjoy this sort of behavior nor being goaded into responding in kind. You bring something to the council like an adult or go away.

Make a topic. Lay out your concerns...and no insults. are there any 12 year olds on the site? *blink blink* The ones I know who are [over the years], they really know how to behave properly and people should take a lesson from them, because I don't see them acting like this. is the second part. Keep your panties dry while the council talks. Don't be posting multiple responses every five seconds working yourself up into a feverish pitch of bile and hate. Go have a nap, take a bath, read a book, kiss your lover - they might just need your attentions more, donate to the American Red Cross.  Clean your room!!!

Hosts: Keep your personal challenge/preference thread active. When someone posts a challenge to your thread....not your pm, not your text, not your scype account, not by carrier pigeon or by invading your dreams, not even by making their own challenge add them to the official challenge list!

If anyone needs to be stripped of a host... make a thread to the council as an alert and then shut up! The council will ask question...they will go look at the host's personal challenge list to see if anyone is there in the event a stripping should be required. DO not jump stiff legged to get your name in and call dibs and make the ruling for the council. And just maybe if the host is keeping this active, when the council goes to check, they may even see an inactivity notice!!!! Don't just disappear. Communicate properly.

Respect. It will get you everything. And it just might help to make things fun again.

Did I say I was a Lady?

Well stop making me act like I am not!

Council / Re: Requesting Council Action: Strip for Inactivity: Ryoji
« on: December 15, 2016, 10:08:43 AM »

I am making a thread. So read it...

Council / Re: Requesting Council Action: Strip for Inactivity: Ryoji
« on: December 15, 2016, 10:00:50 AM »
So, I am literally in the middle of setting up a fight for the beast to defend it. Half of you are participating in the thread that proves it. How am I possibly going to be stripped when I am IN THE PROCESS OF PERFORMING MY DUTY?

And I am just now seeing the one tails thread.

good point...

Council / Re: Requesting Council Action: Strip for Inactivity: Ryoji
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:59:25 AM »
Hi all! I'm getting a weird sense of Deja Vu here.

While I'm flattered that I literally have the nine tails (well, might) because of some rule, just know that I won't accept the nine tails like this...

Well if you don't want it... I'm about to not be a Council Member soon...

Just kidding. You can still take the beast and, if you lose the biju match, give it back I guess? I dunno, if he is to be stripped and you refuse to accept it, I guess you would just have to fight whoever does get awarded it.

If he refuses to be awarded the beast, I believe new hosts are supposed to inherit the challenge list?

Still reading the topic...

Council / Re: Ratio of Jinchs to Non-Jinchs on the Council [vote]
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:51:30 AM »
good to know. cause that was a concern that was raised at one point. As though former hosts were not going to be fair or knowledgeable enough about the concerns of the host or something.

Council / Re: Bijuu Council Decision: Nine Tails Challengers
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:49:52 AM »
1] Forum Account and Challenging the Host
  • A host must have/create an SL forum account.

  • Challengers will also have/create an SL forum account.

  • Challengers and hosts may have more than one OOC match going on at the same time.

  • A host must create a thread with the name of his or her bijuu in the title to the Bijuu Arena board, and use this thread to: state his or her preference for battle, keep a list of challengers, indicate if he or she is a new host and when his or her grace period will be over, and post any notices of absence.

  • A host cannot be challenged for his or her biju until after his or her 14 day grace period is over. After a host's 14 day grace period has ended, a challenger posts/issues a challenge to the host of preference as a reply to the thread of that particular beast for which they are interested in competing. The challenger must post to the host's preference thread to make a valid challenge. The host should also be notified by the challenger via SL PM (Shinobilegends Personal Message) that the challenger has issued a valid challenge.

  • After losing a challenge, the defeated challenger may not challenge the same host for the same beast for 3 months. However, he or she may challenge this same host for a different beast in his or her possession without waiting.

  • Challengers must check forum host preference threads to stay informed of the current status of the host.

  • After arrangements have been made between the host and challenger, a post to indicate what terms have been accepted will be made to the host's thread.

  • Challengers must also post a notice of absence in the thread of the host they are currently combating and/or challenging.

The challenger's thread calling you out is not enough. You might have someone ahead of him already. Keep your lists posted for official challenges. Note the preference thread is not a separate thread a challenger creates. Note: for an official challenge. The actual challenge thread is not created until it is that person's turn to face the host.

Council / Re: Bijuu Council Decision: Nine Tails Challengers
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:32:08 AM »
So Genesis and I have an issue we need the council to decide on.

He made his "official challenge" for the 9 Tails and it was so silly that everyone, including the challengee and a moderator thought it was a joke and it was moved to spam.

Meanwhile I made a deal with Ryoji that I would get to fight him sooner than the challenge cooldown allowed for if I won another bijuu in a fight. I won the 7 Tails today and this evening Ryoji and I started our pre-fight discussions as per our agreement.

Then Genesis comes back insisting his challenge was legitimate and that he should get to fight Ryoji before me.

So we need a call on who gets to go first.

My logic of course is that I should go first because if your challenge is so ridiculous that everyone thinks it's a joke and the host starts another fight, that's the challengers fault, and he should be held responsible for it, not get to cut ahead of me.

again...pleaase. Everyone. These back door deals need to be documented in your challenge threads to avoid future clusters. Hosts need to be book keeping or maybe they should be stripped if they can't manage that sort of task? I just don't know...

just a heads up to you all...the first one of these that crosses my desk as a council member and there is no challenge on the forum thread will get laughed at. If it's not written in your challenge didn't happen.
do your job and i will do mine.

Council / Re: Requesting Council Action: Strip for Inactivity: Yujo
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:20:04 AM »
Didn't actually believe anyone was around that still cared about this stuff to create a strip Post, life's busy and I went over my time limit. I was sorta just waiting around with Gedo stuff, while also (like Trev said) waiting for that big showdown.

If Addy wants the beasts so badly, then let him, not like any decent fighter is going to have trouble retrieving em.

Good luck everyone, I'll drop this one as gracefully as possible considering the circumstances. Though, if allowed, I would like to suggest that I have taken Trev's 'challenge' as official, since we had begun setting up details of the fight and speaking on who should judge it. So if anyone should receive the beast, it should be him.

The only argument against that would be, "No, I want the beast and deserve it more cause i made these posts..."

He's the only one with the testicular fortitude to step up to the plate and lay down a challenge to me personally, so I believe if I am allowed any options as a host anymore, the beast shall be relinquished to Trev, immediately. 

The challenge a list shall transfer to him, and he can fight Addy, unless of course Addy doesn't want to fight Trev for some 'unknown reason'. XD I'm just having fun now.


I am only half way through this dying and all of that jazz...

but i would like to comment for all hosts.

To avoid a situation like this in the future, please keep your personal Forum thread updated so that there is an irrefutable record of these deals you make. If the deal goes sour you can just line strike through it and move on. It is your responsibility as a host to be using your challenge thread.

Council / Re: Council Inactivity
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:10:36 AM »
As said in the other topic I don't think it should be based on votes, but instead on days.

If we have to vote on 2 things in the span of... a month then effectively they can still be on the council.

Yeah but using that same example, if they are only needed twice in a month then why should they be penalized for not getting on for a week in-between the votes? If they don't stop doing their job, then they should be fine.

But even though I said this, I actually agree with Shadow about it being based on days. Because with my point and what shadow had said, anyone can sit down and stay on the council if all they need to do is show up for a few hearings here and there but what happens when there is only a hearing a month? A person can be inactive for a whole month, save for the week a discussion/happens,  and be fine. Hell, someone can miss almost two months of SL and log back on when there is a vote, completely unaware of the ongoings on SL.

Going by votes is something that could easily be loopholed.

I can't read the testimony of people who talk in the discussion thread over the issue, go around and read the RP...and decide with intelligence if I am not lurking around SL nearly everyday of the week being ignored by everyone?

Come on, this place is like a soap opera. You miss a week and come back and its the same old same old. Not that hard to stay informed.

But you miss the discussions and the votes? Well then you are not going your council job.

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