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Messages - Trev

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Bijuu Arena / Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« on: January 03, 2017, 04:09:26 AM »
(As per discussion of the two combatants, the metal spheres are able to be sensed due to the Hikari mark upon them)

As the Yondaime traveled through the air like a majestic butterfly several items came into creation (the metal spheres) that pinged off his spidey sense... or Sage Sensing. From there said creations would be launched at an assumingly heavy speed, which the Yondaime deemed a no go. To counteract whatever was heading his direction, the Yondaime did what he did every fight....susanoo!

Contorting his body like he did earlier in the fight, the Yondaime would angle his body in a way to face directly the incoming salvo. While doing this, he simultaneously activated his susanoo and all the fixings that came with it. The Black Ethereal Warrior once again came to life, this time adorned in Curse Seal like markings, indicating senjutsu flowing through it and the increased power that came with it. The Susanoo would also be holding the famed Yata Mirror which would block the metallic spheres with no problem. Also spawning in the Susasnoo's other hand would be a sword constructed out of chakra (Think Itachi, but obviously no sealing power)

Due to the size of the Susanoo, all the metallic spheres would impact and promptly ricochet away from the Yondaime. Because of a high speed object moving so quickly bounced into a nigh impregnable defense that wouldn't even crack, the spheres would bounce at least a football field away upon impact, yet all still remain positioned in front of the Otokage.

Now what would happen next would entirely be up to his opponent. Considering his opponent would attempt to teleport after the metal spheres had utterly annihilated him, his next position would now be at least a football field away, thus negating an immediate hit. Even if he did teleport however, his attack would just meet the Yata Mirror and become invalid, immediately along with the mans arms likely breaking from using the first gate, super expansion jutsu, and sage mode to force his arms into an ubreakable object which would offer no cushion. Of course he could opt to not attack at all, but unless he had knowledge of the Yata Mirror and knew exactly Trev had it, would there be any reason to not attack?

No, due to Kaze's teleportion, Kaze had little choice other than to attack, from his perspective the metal spheres should be running through the man and he should be teleporting to finish him off. This would not be the case however, and he would teleport into the "face" of the yata mirror. It would take supreme skill to pull back last second. Kaze wouldn't be able to analyze the change in the air battle, due to creating his lion attack and teleporting as the bombs exploded. ANY delay in the original plan as Kaze stopped to analyze the situation would result in him being caught in the Dokuton explosion and chakra network be reduced to zero which = death.

Thus in the end Kaze would likely teleport or die, and teleport into a match of strengths even he couldn't win against. If the man somehow pulled up his attack, the trouble wouldn't be over. Regardless of what happened, once the Yondaime spotted the giant in the air, he would counter the incoming assault, or just simply attack the slightly confused Kaze if he struggled to not go in with his attack and look at the new situation.

The chakra based sword his Susasnoo was holding would become coated in Dark Release in about one second. The Yondaime would extend his shield forward slightly, and swing the sword horizontally behind the shield. Since jutsu can pass through Susanoo and it's manifestations at the user's will, this allowed the Yondaime to strike and remain protected. If Kaze lunged, he would get bisected in half at the waist and accordingly die. If the man resisted the urge and hung up in the air, he would have relatively no time to counter. As move to the left or right would result in being cut in half at the waist. A move up would cut off his legs, a move down he would risk his head being cut off, or his body separated at wherever he was struck.  The attack in it's base form could easily obliterate the standard susanoo, being sage enhanced, meant only a last second, quick, and ultra defense would save him damage.

In an effort to make this overkill, and ensure an end to the battle, as the susanoo waged war on the giant, the Yondaime breezed through five kata and surged his chakra into the battlefield. With a small amount of time passing to achieve his goal thanks to his Edo Tensei and Sage nature, the Yondaime would cause a constant gust of wind to flow about the area. The wind or rather hurricane force gust would flow through the area. More notably they flowed in a air that swooped under and traveled upwards. This gust would come in from all direction, and force the huge gust of wind to travel upwards towards the combatants. The wind itself would be of no harm to Kaze, but it would cause the huge Dokuton cloud from the bottom to travel into their current location in a matter of seconds, and it would obviously not doing anything to Trev himself.

Thus Kaze upon teleportation would find his metal spheres having not worked, crashing into the yata mirror full force, or somehow stopping his attack, be met with a Dark Release slash capable of ending him, and finally the Dokuton poison flowing up with the mind.

1. Susanoo
2. Dark Release: Slash
3. Wind Release: Great Breakthrough variant

All techs are sage enhanced.

Council / Re: Requesting Council Action: Nine Tails Again
« on: January 02, 2017, 12:49:04 AM »
I don't see a problem with him having it on Synthesis, provided he never "switched it". Numerous times on SL, people have won a biju with a different character and given it to an alt upon victory. Bocc did it with his various alts all the time upon winning a biju. Similar to if someone uses an Edo Tensei to win a biju fight, and then giving said biju to the summoner of said Edo Tensei. There is no rule that states the winner of the match = the one who must defend it.

You are correct, but, I do not believe it was ever done in a situation where there was a challenger list inherited. Just that the bijuu was won and with no pending challengers then switched to another character.

I guess the disagreement is that what Dart is saying implies that when you win a bijuu it goes into a nebulous state and can be then given to any of your characters and that character is the initial host.

In my opinion whichever character challenged/fought for the beast is the initial host when you get the bijuu, even if only for the 2 mins it takes for you to post that you're giving it to another character on the wiki. And since Genny had a pending challenger that he inherited at the same time as the bijuu I don't see him having had any free time in which to switch it.

I get what you're saying, I just disagree. I don't think it inherently means the beast suddenly gets sealed into Genesis, or he must use it as a summon. Now obviously he can't/ shouldn't get like a week and dilly dally with his decision. But if he only took a day or so and put it on synth, I really don't see the issue.

So my votes officially a no. Unless of course Genny on his profile page claimed the 9 tails was on Genesis, which I believe you said he did. If that is that case and he actively switched characters, then my vote is changed to support you. So if you, the fine people from the wiki, or anyone really can find that edit, then my vote is changed. That's all I have left to comment on this thread.

So if that evidence exist, the vote is
2-1 in favor of Genesis defending it.

If not
1-2 in favor of Synth.

Council / Re: Requesting Council Action: Nine Tails Again
« on: January 01, 2017, 11:22:58 PM »
I don't see a problem with him having it on Synthesis, provided he never "switched it". Numerous times on SL, people have won a biju with a different character and given it to an alt upon victory. Bocc did it with his various alts all the time upon winning a biju. Similar to if someone uses an Edo Tensei to win a biju fight, and then giving said biju to the summoner of said Edo Tensei. There is no rule that states the winner of the match = the one who must defend it.

However, I do fault Genesis for not saying anything on the forum or wiki. Which is why my decision comes down to this.

If the biju was ever attached to Genesis by Genny himself ( Ie as Athos claims, he did it on the profile wiki) then the character of Genesis must defend it / host it.

If not, then I see no problem with him using any other character.

I don't care either way, although I know a few members wanted individual threads, so all challenges could be posted there. That way no one could claim, well so  and so challenged me before hand via message.

As a compromise, can you put the individual thread within a sub thread? Do you have that ability? Like turn the biju challenge guidelines into a topic thread and when you click it, it showcases everyone's individual thread? This way, everyone has an individual thread that people can post in, and not make some many separate threads so messy

Bijuu Arena / Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« on: December 30, 2016, 03:04:02 AM »
Kaze may be big and strong enough to resist being bounced around like a rag doll, but being big doesn't protect you from cutting cut. Thus Kaze would become adorned in numerous micro cuts caused from the force of the wind. Small amounts of blood would then start to seep out. This wouldn't be any sort of deal breaker for the sage, but his little pet Kyojin whose only protection was being placed on a large back and was not a sage, would find himself deceased or seriously wounded.

As for the main problem faced the Yondaime or rather the Hachibi, well that would be a serious issue, one that couldn't be avoided quite frankly. While the beast was spinning his little dance, he would being to feel the hits of the Hyuuga trade mark technique, and instinctively stop spinning and place all eight tentacles in front of him to block the onslaught. While Kaze was undoubtedly super fast with the first gate, and Sage Mode, that didn't change the fact Eight Trigrams Sixty Four Palms is a technique that takes place in six, non simultaneous parts. It also pushed the enemy back with each blow, which was furthered by Kaze' own strength. This of course only avoid a brief few seconds for the Yondaime and his crew, but it was enough.

The Yondaime would command the Hachibi with one last task, and that was to simply throw him.  Using the tentacles as a small barrier, the Hachibi and his tremendous strength would launch the Yondaime into the air where he would excel at a fast pace and seemingly leave the world behind. With that the rest of Kaze's post would follow, with the eight tails being destroyed. Poor lad, always ending up like Manda when the Otokage used him.

Seeing as the beast was destroyed, the Yondaime was free to gain more actions. As he traveled through the air, a red glow enveloped him as he activated his sage transformation.  As he did that however, the Yondiame would reach into his clay pouch and begin to mold clay with his mouth hand. It would only take a few seconds before the clay was molded to his needs. As the Yondaime still traveled through the air, further creating distance, the clay mold would drop from his clay mouth.

The small statue figurine would rapidly being to drop, before being roughly 100 meters above Kaze's temple. With one kata from the Otokage, the figurine would increase and size and explode immediately. The prompt explosion would release an astronomical amount of purple gas. In it's base from, this technique could threaten to cover most of Sunagakure, it being senjutsu enhanced would cause it to dwarf that.

Thus the Dokuton cloud would expel out, giving relatively no time for Kaze to react. If the man breathed it in, allowed it to seep into his cuts or various offices, his chakra network would become infected entirely. Within seconds it would be rotted to the core, and Kaze would be out of chakra and soon his life. Even if he did find a way to avoid the technique in the short term, the battlefield was now covered in Dokuton.

1. Sage Transformation
2. C3 Dokuton variant.

Bijuu Arena / Hachibi|Sanbi|Kokuō
« on: December 29, 2016, 11:09:55 PM »
Current Host: Trev

Affiliation: Otogakure

Preferred method: IC

Biju Challengers
Sanbi: Athos
Gobi: Athos
Hachibi: Athos

Special Conditions

-Any judge may be used, but must be mutually agreed upon by both parties.

-Arguing is discouraged if it goes nowhere, and a judge should be used sooner or later to forward the progress of an rp. (Basically, I'm not going to argue with you for an hour over a post.)

-The setting will be zone six.

-You cannot borrow techniques or anything else from your friends or anyone else.

-You have one week to post a reply or forfeit.

-Even if you use clones or summons, you still only get 3 actions

Non-Negotiable Voids

-Swift Release
- Kamui (intangible version)
-Anything to survive 8 gates
-Any of the recent sage power-ups (Tomoe rinngegan, etc, etc)
-Custom Techs that replicate Hiraishin or other space-time jutsu

Making a thread for each biju seems rather odd? It would make more sense for a host that has multiple biju to just make a general challenge thread that list all the biju they own. It would also save space.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« on: December 29, 2016, 10:51:58 AM »
Was not entirely blind, which was a good thing in this circumstance. The relatively all seeing eye of the Sharingan, combined with other senses such sage's inherent ability to sense, his superb hearing, and negative emotions sensing made Trev quite adapt at understanding the world around him. Although in this case, the Sharingan alone suited just fine, with the others acting as buffers. Thus the change into sage mode and changing of powder into some other material were noted. Although for the latter, it would be more evident considering the Yondaime could feel his will over the technique vanish.

As the material made his way back towards him the Yondaime decided to neither outright avoid, dodge, deflect, or counter act the new substance. Instead, he did what he did best and greatly exasperated the situation with something largely unnecessary, yet effective. It also simultaneously did his favorite thing of all, create spacing. Utilizing the summoning technique, the whole vicinity would be engulfed in smoke. Not that mattered to Kaze since he had Sage Mode and the Byakugan.

The Susanoo as a result of the giant mass of what was to be summoned would promptly disperse. Kaze would see the large entity immediately coil up and begin to spin. Almost instantaneously from the spinning, the whole landscape would be covered in a large gust of wind. Said wind from the start would already have the power to disperse the powder coming his way and scatter it to the wind.

A second or two later, the gust would now be in full swing, destroying the landscape and all who inhabited it. The wind would strike repeatedly and violently around the area, capable of cutting any victim. More importantly however, the wind was so strong it would literally take Kaze off his feet and throw him for about a minute like a rag doll. This defensive counter measure would get rid of the powder, and damage his opponent seriously.

Since this counter was done before the Photon bubble was in place, there was no need to avoid it. Since the Yondaime was reacting to the potential powder mess and Kaze had done the technique after and not simultaneously, the bubble would never be spawned, at least as originally intended. Although in the event that this reader had misinterpreted the last post, the summoning of a biju was likely plenty of force to break even a small sage bubble, but that shouldn't be necessary.

After the smoke cleared, what would left in the area is landscape now completely devoid of all plant life and barren mess. Standing at it's epicenter would be the Hachibi with the Yondaime standing upon it's head. The Yondiame had survived the onslaught by being clutched in the Hachibi's fist for the duration of the spin. What was left to determine is if Kaze and his beetle would turn up injured or not.

1. Summoning Technique: Hahcibi (Controlled by EMS)
2. Tailed Beast Eight Twists

Village Square / Re: Hijacking an opponents jutsu. Y/N?
« on: December 29, 2016, 04:56:55 AM »
Not at all Trev, we're agreed on how it will work for our fight.

This topic isn't really about just Assimilate. I originally thought of this happening between something like my Steel Release and a Magnet Release user.

I mean we definitely could stand to make a rule for Assimilate if people are going to claim to be able to instantly transform into anything that touches them and then negate it.

Thought so, just wanted to ask!

Yeah, but in general you can't hijack someone's tech just because you control the same element. Like stopping ice from skewering you since both users have ice release.

But for special circumstances like my tech or the situation you propose. It gets a little iffy. The Assimilate tech could use some nerfs, so that's debatable. But as for a Magnet Release vs Steel Release, I'd allow it. Some fights in the series and in SL the fight is very uneven. Not from a skill position, but a matchup.

Like when Deidara fought Sasuke, one of the few things his techs were weak to was lightning, he didn't inherently lose because of skill. Same with a steel v. magnet. The Steel Release user just unfortunately picked his worst possible match up. Same thing with Kimi and Gaara, the one person Gaara couldn't crush.

So in my opinion, it shouldn't be allowed unless their is some specialized trait going on, like the Assimilation Tech, or the extremely rare occurrence of a Magnet Release user running into a Steel Release.

As for Assimilate, well that's a topic for another thread for nerfs.

Village Square / Re: Hijacking an opponents jutsu. Y/N?
« on: December 29, 2016, 12:17:19 AM »
Is this an attempt to make me repost or just a general discussion?

Anyway, you shouldn't be able to to control other people's jutsu at will. Like someone shooting a fireball at you and you suddenly reverse it.

However, the Assimilate All Creation Tech allows for that, which is why it is a specialized claimed jutsu, and yes I will admit op. I hijacked your tech in a way, but I technically destroyed it first. An outright hijack would have been me claiming to control the golem.

I suppose some rules could be put into place on it. Although it already has one inherent weakness especially with kg. I took the calculated risk of absorbing a substance I don't really know about IC and OOC. Athos has already said his steel release works more like a magnet/general metal release. Meaning you can potentially make my counter attack useless by controlling it in powder form thus negating it.

So basically, you know the strengths and weaknesses of your own techs, and I do not. So that's one inherent disadvantage of absorbing an unknown substance. So I guess a cooldown rule could be put into place to nerf it, but it's inherent ability to control other substances is what makes this jutsu a special one, and one on the claimed list. Like any claimed jutsu, it has op elements.

Council / Re: Council Member conflicts of interest (discussion)
« on: December 28, 2016, 09:04:50 AM »
I guess they abstain? Like if the Athos and Rus challenge thing had to be decided, I would have excused myself since it would have affected me.

Bijuu Arena / Re: FYI: ALL Host and Challengers MUST comply with the RULES
« on: December 28, 2016, 09:03:15 AM »
They all get moved here,8043.0.html

I had my own, but everyone's thread gets moved there. I'll take blame for not keeping it updated as I should. But there are multiple host with threads... they just all get moved to a thread that has old biju owners, which may confuse people

I can already tell that this topic will need to be created so I'm going to nip it in the bud.

Calling the 2nd Bijū Cohort into action!

Matters to be discussed:
1) Can an individual player challenge with multiple characters simultaneously?
1a) If so, does that player then inherit the entire challenge list that comprises of their alts?

2) Does a "loss" automatically initiate the cooldown of the other player's characters if allowed to simultaneously challenge?

3) Can a single character mass challenge for all the Bijū?
3a) If so, can that indidivual have more than one Bijū challenge happening at the same time?

If I think of other matters, then I'll edit this first post to add in the questions. Please be advised that this is discussion meant for the Council to discuss first and foremost before getting the popular opinion.

1. Yes, but I believe with one character each. Example is your main challenges for the 3 tails, an alt for the five, and another alt for the 8. Not I challenge you with 10 characters, making it so no one else can fight you, have fun running the gauntlet.
1a. Above solutions solves problems.

2. As Shadow said, it does per beast. But if you can challenge a beast with one character at a time, the cooldown will work as intended.

3. Sure, unless multiple fights are IC, than no.
3A: As Shadow said. Hence why my biju fights are IC. Prevents a lot of confusing things.

So basically my opinion is you get one challenge per biju, with whatever character you want. But you may not challenge a host with like 10 alts and prevent anyone else from making a challenge for like a year.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« on: December 27, 2016, 10:37:12 AM »
Watched carefully as the man dashed towards him, taking quick note of the hand kata and the sudden surge of chakra around him. Thanks to the Sharingan the Sage Sensing, the Yondaime was keen on sniffing out attempt on his life. The cold metallic arms would wrap around his waist, and the Yondaime quickly knew his foe was attempting to get the better of him. In the short amount of time he had to process what was going on, he came to two conclusions.

1. His foe had some sort of metal release kg, hiden, kt or whatever it may be
2. He should probably do something.

Lucky for him, the Yondaime had a whole arsenal of techniques that were only one kata, which he could perform with lighting speed. This would become an annoying theme for his foe. Not having much time upon being gripped, the Otokage would perform the tiger kata. Instantly the Yondaime's body would become fully coated in steel, the same steel that adorned the Golem. This be the Assimilate all Creation Technique.

While he could have likely called it quits there and tanked each and every suplex with the steel body, this wasn't the point of the technique. The secondary ability of the Assimilate Technique to the ability to control any substance similar to what was absorbed and mold it into different forms at will. As one can guess, this applied to the golem. At the apex height of the suplex (highest point before drop) the Yondaime would use his will to manipulate the form of the golem. All at once, the golem would turn into a giant mess of steel powder, with no force to hold him or slam him and no longer serving Kaze. Essentially the technique was hijacked.

Not wishing to fall backwards and allow Kaze and free shot at him, the Yondiame quickly contorted his body as the powder fell beneath him, with no golem to keep it supported. This contortion allowed the Yondaime to go upright and face Kaze as the man dashed towards him, and allow the Yondaime to fall to his feet. To buy himself some reprieve, the Yondaime manipulated said steel powder to flow and attempt to capture and completely encase Kaze.

As that happened and the Yondaime fell to his feet, he would use the extra time bought by Kaze having to deal with the entrapment to spawn susanoo. A Black Etheral Warrior soon manifested around himself with no accessories yet (Susanoo can spawn before a Kirin strike for timing purposes). The entity (think Itachi sized Susanoo) provided the Yondaime with another layer of protection to go with his new steel body, as the Otokage watched for Kaze's reaction. Hopefully Kaze would be familiar with the Assimilate technique and know that most of his steel release attacks were useless.

1. Assimilate All Creation Technique
2. Assimilation: Steel Binding Coffin
3. Susanoo

Bijuu Arena / Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« on: December 27, 2016, 08:51:14 AM »
The Yondaime Otokage could be found in the same plains that Kaze found himself stumbling upon. Funny how the two individuals with the most biju stumbled upon one another seemingly at random, funny how things worked out. The Yondaime was situated on a small rock some 75 meters away, his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan already active.

The Otokage was adorned in his typical kage attire, minus the hat. A melody gauntlet adorned one of his arms, signifying his usage in Ototon although that was a gimmie if the stranger knew who he was. In the palm of one of his hands was an air tube hole, and in the other a Iwagakure kinjutsu mouth, that was also found on his chest. Finally, the Yondaime also had a clay pouch strapped behind him, ten kunai that hung off his belt all marked for hiraishin, and a black lightning tattoo on his shoulder. One couldn't say he was unprepared

The Otokage with hand upon chin in a slouched position briefly glimpsed at the man and his oddity of a creature. If Kaze looked back and was of the Sage inclination, he would notice that the Yondaime constantly collected natural energy, without the help of any other creature. He may also notice the undead features of his foe, should he be familiar with Edo Tensei. This was a neat little parlor trick to say the least. The Yondaime finally let out a soft sigh, predicting what was to come next. His emotionless self was prepared to act through the motions of caring to struggle for his undead life. Perhaps this foe would put him in retirement?

Fight is also IC
The following things are also void:
-Even if you use clones or summons, you still only get 3 actions
-Swift Release
-Anything to survive 8 gates
-Any of the recent sage power-ups (Tomoe rinngegan, etc, etc)

If the purple sucks to read, let me know. Good luck mate ;)

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