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Messages - Hitler-Chan

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Village Square / Re: Appeal of wiki admin rights against Bocchiere
« on: March 06, 2016, 03:52:35 AM »
I just imagine Xia as the "This is bs you can't ground Spider-Man" meme.  Because now that people are coming out and saying yeah this is what's been going on just forever now he's got nothing to say but this is bs.

It isn't. But even if it was, good, it's not my fault you can't take bs as well as you dish it out. So other then the fact that you could get me banned for talking to you around a block I didn't talk to you because I don't trust you. Id have to be an idiot to trust a Kiri nin to do anything but lie through their teeth to pacify me while some facade of lawfulness is erected only to be torn down and back to business as usual as soon as the investigation is over.

Why do you think people think this about your village man? Do you think I just went around telling people lies about how bad Kiri is and they just bought it? No! You've messed with every one of them over the years, your village that is. I trust maybe Mioku, a little, that's it.

 You build your own reputation man. For every time someone has lied about something I did I actually did do some asshole thing to make up for it. So maybe you should think about that and maybe consider just why all these people seem to have stories about how Kiri can't be trusted and was giving them the run around.

Village Square / Re: A Numbers Game
« on: February 14, 2016, 12:25:12 AM »
While I love being creative and not being pinned down to a joy killing strict sense of fighting. While I certainly don't want to walk into the zones, see a list of someones buffs, and just feel likesaying, "Oh I walked into the zones and died. Why? well cause you can't look upon the face of God and live."

The most baffling thing about this statement is that you all continue to look.

I haven't really read every post in this thread, but I've spoken to the OP about it in the past. While I would love for us to quantify how insignificant a majority of this community is, I'd much prefer relying on the ignorance of my opponents to these techniques and continue...

(In case you think I'm actually being serious about most of this, refer to the picture above)

In all seriousness, I think this system has it's potential benefits. A lot of people don't understand just quickly some of these techniques speed up the user. Your name could be J.K Rowling and still you couldn't write a post well enough to explain that it simply isn't possible to keep up with what your less informed opponent designated to be a suitable defense to whatever buff you've activated.

In the most basic form, this is a way to end all stupid arguments that arise when people think their C-Rank custom will indefinitely keep up with my "Legendary Technique".

(again refer to picture above)

Village Square / Re: To those I am rping with
« on: February 11, 2016, 12:33:33 AM »

Two battles raged on, one obviously more intense than the other. The poor Uzumaki’s nails continued their defiant assault of grimy glory. The right thumb was the first target of battle, with each advance of the Uzumaki, the grime fell further back into its calcium thick borders, and it had seemed that the grime was drawing the monk into a trap. Further did the man dig, the battle against the gritty machine growing painful to the underside of his nail, though it seemed time to make a final charge on his eternal foe. With a swift motion he jabbed forth, finally snatching away the last of this enemy, casting it forth from his body. Blood pooled underneath his nail…The grime’s last hurrah, drawing Yujo into a victory with heavy losses.

The man dropped to his knees, clutching his tremulous digit into the rain filled sky; it was around this time a rather unfamiliar ping rang out in his head, and with a furrowed brow the man cast away whatever poor soul had been marked by his Chain, sending it to the previously described Kamui dimension of no return (Cue lightning flash and ‘DUN DUN DUUUUUN’). This target happened to be his good buddy Isobu, and his connected summoner Rakudo. If somehow managing to evade the seals, Rakudo would find himself within a tundra biome sporting a temperature of a toasty -100 F. One could elaborate further on just how painful a death to freezing was, but the Uzumaki doubted heavily that his savvy combatant would choose to gnaw off his yummy frostbitten fingers, to eventually become a frozen treat in the eternal freezer of Yujo, over being sealed to death instantly.

Assuming both Rakudo and Isobu had been sent away (Let’s be honest here), the Uzumaki stood, wiped the tear of victory from his left eye, only then remembering there was a bijuu bomb, or whatever was left of it anyway. Having been out in the rain for such a long time, the Uzumaki's backwards system began to contract a fever (instead of a cold), and with that came a great big sneeze. Taking a breath in, his eyes clenching like an an--...his eyes clenching nearly to a close, "ACHOOOO!" At the moment the man let out the sneeze, his body phased out of physical reality, becoming intangible due to the Kamui technique, this allowed for the Bijuu Bomb to safely pass through him to eventually be fully consumed by the rain/mist.

After the sneeze subsided, the Gyuki snapped the man out of his daze, which reminded him he was fighting someone..."Oh darn, what was his name again? Sharuto...No...Naruto.." The man scratched his chin in thought, and then it came to him, "Bockudo!" Feeling triumphant as ever he began looking around for his opponent, after a moment or so of not finding him, he shrugged and began walking out of the zone, figuring he must've had had his soul ripped out, and just died. The Gyuki merely shook his head in disappointment.

[Hygiene Control: Right Thumb]
[Kamui: Intangibility]

Village Square / Re: Ichirou names himself Godaime Amegake
« on: January 16, 2016, 09:44:19 PM »
This seriously has to be the dumbest thread I have ever read.

The guy saw an issue, and made an attempt to solve it. Now he get's bashed on by people who as Shadow said, "Don't give a Shit about Ame..." for doing it.


While several details soon to be pointed out made the set of actions he became an idle bystander of moot, the BROWN haired man internally applauded Rakudo’s continuation of breath for another turn. Speaking of breath, the moment the Sanbi had unfurled he’d again expose himself to the noxious weather effects that still threatened him, and his summoner. The moment the first breath was taken upon release from the Roly-Poly state, from either of the two, the battle quickly headed towards a conclusion.

Not only would Rakudo expose the Sanbi to the rain/mist once more, he so generously left the Turtle’s maw agape, further allowing access into the squishy non-defensible innards of the beast. Furthermore, the chakra the tailed beast bomb required had little chance of survival considering the aforementioned Weather based effects, it being constantly eaten away as it had been gathered. So unless Rakudo intended to have the Sanbi gather it’s chakra at a rate faster than the Dokuton could eat away at it, then no bomb could be produced. In the case that he had, the jutsu’s charge up time would have greatly increased, giving ample time to solve the issue if it ever became one, and that'd be if the bomb could be sustained while it's structure constantly was being destabilized.

Simply put the same effects took hold of the Bakuton technique well before it had a chance to disperse; rather, it had been eaten away soon after its release from Rakudo’s hands.

It was strange; Rakudo’s actions were dealt with without the Uzumaki needing to take action, or even turning to face him. This left him in a state of dismay, “Maybe I should check if he put himself in a Genjutsu unwittingly, the poor fella…” He empathetically thought on behalf of his opponent.

With a shrug, he removed the trepidation he felt for his opponent’s self-inflicted state of deleteriousness. Within his defiant mind, forsaken was the idea of moving to deal with this opponent, so he stood with his back turned to the Bijuu, and summoner. Finally taking action upon becoming dangerously bored with fighting his old friend, the Sanbi, the monk took a seal in hand controlling the mist that Rakudo had taken little mind to, and converged it towards every orifice possible of both summoner and Beast, in Rakudo’s case, his creepy mouth hands being a simple way of transmission into his body, any other hole it could penetrate had been taken advantage of as well. Being as Rakudo had done literally nothing to give a defense to this mist that as explained several posts ago, left zero 'Safe' oxygen within the bounds of this zone, one has to assume that he’s just sitting in a cloud of the toxins, which made most counters to this nigh impossible.

While this occurred, Yujo cleaned the grime from his fingernails that had been procured during this battle, figuring there was no excuse for such a grotesque display of a lacking of hygienic awareness, even in the face of an opponent like this. Even with his mind majorly elsewhere, the single chakra chain not dedicated to the barrier shot forth towards the beast, with little specificity, its only goal was to give the Sanbi a little tickle, any grazing amount of contact made would mark the beast, and as mentioned thusly, would send the beast into Yujo’s Kamui dimension. This attempt was done mostly to give it something to do, no expectations were had.

[Dokuton Convergence]
[Chakra Chain assault]
[Hygiene control. 8 Nails cleaned. Next turn, Thumbs]

(By ruling of the Judge, the incoming coral has been destroyed, leaving the only threat to be the Sonic the Hedgehog-esque turtle)

It was astounding that not only had the former Mizukage continued to mount successful defenses to Yujo's attempts at his life, but even with those defenses being a monstrous beast, he had failed to move the Uzumaki from the spot he designated to begin the fight. As the turtle raged forward a short lived chuckle belted through his maw as he desperately tried to suss out how this particular attack could benefit Rakudo.

By some means unbeknownst to Yujo, Rakudo braved/survived the G-forces of the amphibian centrifuge, a feat likely achieved due to some Hyūgan Kaiten training, if this was the case, then Rakudo surely has placed himself in a dire position. While the body of the Hyuga can inexplicably survived spinning at near the speed of sound while utilizing the Kaiten (in extreme cases), no training could prepare his brain to comprehend objects in his environment spinning at several hundred RPM's, leaving not only the Hyuga blind to the world, but the beast he needed to control.

Assuming this had to be the case, the Uzumaki tapped into his Hyouton KG once more, and with a light tap with his foot against the ground, the area between Isobu and himself became coated with a dense layer of slick ice (Dimensions: 120 feet long, 400 feet wide). This was done to remove the ability from the Sanbi to change his trajectory mid-way through his charge as there simply wouldn't be enough traction to make this possible, but unfortunately for Rakudo it was not yet over. In the same motion, more ice rose to create a set of bumpers of sorts, similar to the one's used for those who aren't exactly pro-bowlers (Bowling that is), this was done to aid the beast on his less than controlled path to the singular pin it intended to knock over, Yujo (Dimensions: 180 Feet long, 20 Feet High, 5 Feet thick).

If all went according to plan, the Sanbi would charge right for Yujo with little possibility for error, so in a way, Rakudo should be thanking Yujo. That'd surely be the case unless Rakudo someone managed to see the formation Yujo's chakra chains took on, stabbing into the ground, one in front, and two in the back at each flank, like a triangle, leaving a single chain ready for an attempted counter. With a set of seals taken within his hands, at the moment before Isobu was set to knock down this proverbial pin, another barrier was erected around Yujo with the intent to whisk away the turtle, and it's summoner at the moment of contact to some marked location of the Uzumaki's desire, this time it would be his frozen tundra of a Kamui Dimension, and of course being an Uzumaki this place was littered with seals and barriers to prevent any and all that entered a sweet escape, thus ending the battle.

Now, he surely was not so arrogant to believe that his moves were a surefire success, and in the case a more immediate defense was needed to be mounted, two beige colored hands extended from his torso, to about elbow length in the case where articulation was needed. These hands clapped together as is preparing for a prayer, a short one considering they parted a moment after coming together, between these parted hands formed an opaque cylinder with a bright white orb resting at it's center. This of course was Iwagakure's prized Kekkei Tota, Dust Release. In most cases this jutsu would, and should have been shot off to decimate both turtle and summoner, but Yujo still held the Sanbi quite dear to him, and wished to prevent harming him any further, especially with such a ruthless jutsu. So, the Jutsu remained idle between these fleshy hands, awaiting their time to strike.

[Senpō: Hyōton Bouringujou (Translation: Sage Art: Ice Release: Bowling Alley) :D]
[Hiraishin: Dōrai]
[Jinton: Genkai Hakuri: Hashira (Currently Idle)]

With a malicious smirk, the Uzumaki would spy the ongoings through his infamous Mind’s eye technique, which granted him clarity unmatched. The buildup of chakra would be impressive to say the least, but this would be no issue. As the chakra was reaching it’s peak, the monk would suddenly drop into the stance of a shaolin monk whilst clapping his hands together in the direction of the beast and the incoming shock wave. In an instant two things would happen; the first being the creation of a barrier composed of black ice thick enough to withstand of the raw power expelled. Unfortunately for the beast, It would take far less than one would expect, especially when you consider who would wield it; The man who redefined the epitome of Ice ninjutsu.

Though what’s next is what is truly dangerous.

In performing the downward clap, he would release an Ototon technique most foul. From his fingertips, a barrier of sorts would erect suddenly; seeming to engulf the area before him at the speed of sound. Within this area, all vibration would be reflected back to it’s originator 3 fold with the intention of bombarding those within with the endless echoes of their own rowdiness. Obviously a tailed beast fueled roar would be vociferous to say the least, thus one can assume the decibel level produced would be damaging to say the least, thus once refracted back the sound would create an asinine decibel level reaching upwards of 500. Thus creating a field of energy that would produce high enough energy to rupture the brain, and other vital organs in the Mizukage whist he unlatched his gloves.

[Kagura Shingan]
[Senpō: Hyōton: Hyōgan Dōmu {Variant}]

For some Shinigami forsaken reason his opponent decided to completely null the main purpose of a mist Jutsu, and yell out his intentions. Now upon hearing the Bijuu named called out, the Uzumaki was appalled at his opponent’s audacity. Not only summoning the very beast this man had striven for, not only summoned a beast against an Uzumaki, but summoning an entity entirely composed of chakra, in a chakra eating rain; the resulting turmoil caused the Uzumaki to cringe. The moment the turtle touched down, was when the man began preparing himself for the very few threats this beasts posed to him, having been well versed in its abilities. Being afforded a bit more time to react due to his opponent so clearly telegraphing his actions, only beginning action as the two attempted to make eye contact.

With a single seal, the copious amount of rain within the air around the Sanbi, and the Sandaime converged onto their positions at a high speed in the form of incredibly sharp needles, each with the capability of piercing through flesh, and imbedding themselves into the afflicted. These senbon were manifest from the closest raindrops of course, whether they were currently falling within two centimeters from Rakudo's face, or 10 meters from the Sanbi's maw, this was an unfortunate consequence of Rakudo's lacking of action towards Yujo's rain. Being as Rakudo had allowed such a high magnitude of Dokuton rain to fall, the killing efficiency of his attack would equal that.

Having studied the Sanbi for a large period of time when he hosted it, he knew of the weak spots this turtle did best to keep under wraps, unfortunately for him, the majority of them were his bright red exposed flesh, and his single functional eye. 500 Dokuton raindrops Senbon converged onto the giant Eyeball of the Turtle, if allowed to pierce through the soft tissue, the Dokuton chakra did as it was programmed. Another 500 being sent to pin cushion the fleshy underside of the beast. Rakudo on the other hand required little finesse, as he was a squishy human whose chakra was split every which way, the same amount of rain being sent at this man as well, his clones likely getting caught in the crossfire.

The surrounding clouds had converged onto the zone, doing as they were commanded, and making this place into a Dokuton wonderland. The rain continuing to fall, and continuously being converted into a thick mist that soon (Next turn) would cloud the area of roughly 10 Kilometers oxygen supply with its noxious fumes. Being as the Jutsu initially was formed above the two combatants, the immediate area (100 meters) already would began running short on safe oxygen, leaving both the lumbering beast, and Rakudo with little time, and few options.
With a seal held in his right, the jutsu was given the necessary attention, which was little, considering Yujo regularly manipulated jutsu at a microscopic level.

From his back, sprouted forth 4 chakra chains, only extending a few feet from his body so they could curve over his back (Think Doc Ock), these black chains if looked at closely were marked at their points with seals, these being Hiraishin Seals. Yujo now awaited for his opponent to inevitably bijuu bomb him, which surely would end the battle, for sure.

[Senpo: Dokuton: Sensatsu Suishō]
[Continuation of Dokuton Rain]
[Chakra Chains marked for Hiraishin]

Having stated thusly that a light breeze was at his back, the natural winds would impede, or slow the progress of Rakudo's mist, of course this depended on the amount of chakra the man was willing to expend to further it's advance, but Yujo was afforded a bit more time than a few minutes before it would blanket the area, and completely obscure his vision. His opponents relative inactivity allowed the Uzumaki to complete several actions without needing worry of immediate threat, as such he utilized the natural energy his body had always been gathering, and entered his sage mode, a full body transformation that would resemble no other. His skin blackened, his hair spiked like a prideful Saiyan prince's, and veins of gold energy ran up and down his figure; strangely the upper portion of his attire seemed to vanish upon completing the short transformation, leaving him shirtless.

Now empowered by Sage mode, he formed two one handed seals, upon completion a Black Mandala would hover above his head, like a halo. The ice halo above his head would sit idle, siphoning natural energy from it's creator. The other seal he had formed acted upon the sky however, dark clouds rolling in from the surrounding areas to eventually spread his influence, while the existing ones gathering directly above the two combatants. The existing clouds began raining down a light drizzle at first, of course with the intent of becoming a torrential downpour in the proceeding moments. Purple droplets fell from the sky, their color being slightly obscured by the overall lack of light the clouds had created, though this was mostly irrelevant considering his opponent's use of the Byakugan.

If his opponent had remained inactive, and allowed the rain to shower the ground, each droplet, instead of being absorbed into the ground would rise into a thick mist, continuing to threaten the Mist shinobi on several fronts.  As the first droplets touched down, the jutsu would likely remain unknown to Rakudo considering it's origin was of Otogakure, moreover having been a new age variant of an archaic style, though it's effects became more apparent almost immediately due to Yujo's Senjutsu empowerment; as the droplets came in contact with foreign chakra, whether it be external, or internal, corrosion at a foundational level would occur, this poisonous rain apparently being capable of 'eating' chakra. Yujo stood idle, his mind and body focused on Rakudo's chakra, whether it be with his Sage mode sensory, or his sharingan in the case that Rakudo had not sufficiently taken care of his Dokuton rain.

[Enjaku Kokka: Yin Version. 'Sage mode']
[Ice release Halo siphoning natural energy]
[Dokuton Rain variant]

Belief; A false sense of security in the notions of old. Proof being tossed aside in wake of an archaic arrogance, an ignorance so deep seated within the minds of those believers that even in the face of the truth, they are shrouded under a blanket of ineptitude.

A man stepped onto the zone, each of his righteous steps casting eager into a daze, beliefs being shattered. What this man exemplified was the new truth, a light that would lift the shroud, break through the ways of old, a being of such divinity that it challenge the old gods. Two options were left for those under the old beliefs; Be enlightened by his seraphic stride, or choose to cast away the truth before them, and remain ignorant, on this day, a man with such gall to bold the truth before him and attempt to see this man bleed, or so ignorant that he would believe that he could.

Nevertheless, the Uzumaki stepped forth (See Sl avi pic for reference on appearance), cast from his spatial chariot, ambulating to the first quarter of the southern side of the cloudy plains with a light breeze at his back, his eyes noting the presence of a man not unfamiliar to him, gauging the current distance between them to be 164.042 feet, and stopped his movements.

To those familiar with Sage mode and it's inner workings would notice the passive gathering of natural energy into the man's body, while those with even the slightest chakra sensory technique would notice the expulsion of chakra from his body in the form of an aura that would stretch outwards to roughly 15 feet, lowering the immediate temperature of the air around him by 30° to further accommodate the man's affinity for the cold.

With his eyes locked onto the man, he allowed his body to relax, this moment was one ingrained within his psyche for quite sometime, and by no means would he allow the opportunity to slip on by.

Village Square / Re: Should Speed Buffs Stack?
« on: December 10, 2015, 06:31:10 PM »
The point is to keep speed at a reasonable level. Raiton no yoroi is already faster than almost anything. A could dodge point blank attacks that strike almost instantly. But you can still fight that, you don't need to be so fast no one can fight you that's just God modding.

Okay. If RNY is going to be used as the basis as the fastest we can go, EXCLUDING things like KCM, and other allowed cloaks. How are people without KCM or other not being named cloaks, counter those people who are explicitly faster? Sage mode users ain't got the, "Oh Shit!" button that Rinny users have in Shinra Tensei. We'll just get run down by people who are faster, and beat up. I don't feel like getting beat up >>

Of course I am playing Devil's advocate here, but I hope my point is clear-ish.

Village Square / Re: Should Speed Buffs Stack?
« on: December 10, 2015, 06:23:03 PM »
Saying you can't stack speed buffs to move at a speed you arguably could not respond to is a nerf to sage mode? Sage mode is already much better than rinnegan. Topping out at raiton no yoroi speeds isn't a nerf its just asking to stop making this dc comics.

That was exactly my point. Regardless of how fast any of us claim to move, a reaction will be made. I could throw a baseball at you at speed of 10000 m/s (you can do the conversions), from 10 feet away, and still it wouldn't matter.

Would it be preferable that all zone fights are decided by who goes first and throws a 10,000 mph punch?

First off, you can't attack on the first post ;)

Second, Zone fights are already just that. Rusaku and I had a conversation about it a while ago and summed it up to this,

Entrance Post of Joe Billy.

Entrance of Billy Joe.

Joe Billy throws 'his' strongest thing in the world at Billy Joe.

Billy Joe Counters by throwing 'his' strongest thing in the world at Joe Billy.

Maybe some setup here and there, but it always equates to some variation of that.

Like I said before, unless you endeavor to teach physics to the community, and we are all okay with a standard that uses actual numbers to equate how fast things are moving, not expressions like, "Moving at a blurring speed!" Or a personal fav, "Faster than a blink of the eye." Then I am not exactly sure how anything will be accomplished other than just removing buffs from the game altogether.

Village Square / Re: Should Speed Buffs Stack?
« on: December 10, 2015, 06:03:31 PM »
Saying you can't stack speed buffs to move at a speed you arguably could not respond to is a nerf to sage mode? Sage mode is already much better than rinnegan. Topping out at raiton no yoroi speeds isn't a nerf its just asking to stop making this dc comics.

That was exactly my point. Regardless of how fast any of us claim to move, a reaction will be made. I could throw a baseball at you at speed of 10000 m/s (you can do the conversions), from 10 feet away, and still it wouldn't matter.

Village Square / Re: Should Speed Buffs Stack?
« on: December 10, 2015, 05:50:35 PM »
While I think this is a great topic, and it's real awesome that we are agreeing on something here, but there happens to a glaring issue that has yet to be touched on.

While people can be like, "I'm going Sixth gate, Sage mode, and RNY, then I'm gonna run at you from 10 feet away with Shunshin!" I can guarantee every single one of you will react. >> The problem isn't with people stacking it's that there is an overall disconnect on how fast things/people actually move, and what is actually possible to react to. No matter how fast ANY of us move, it does not matter at all, a reaction will ALWAYS be made. This topic cannot accomplish anything unless Mr. Bocchiere teaches the populous Physics, and the science of EVERY relevant body part that is involved with reactions, and reflexes.

But that aside, yes, even logic alone makes it pretty clear there's only so much the body will take before muscles are absolutely shredded and bones smashed to powder >_>; Gai's a good example, even lifting his arm after 1-speed Evening Elephant fractured his arm, and he wasn't even stacking...

If 'logic' is being used as the basis of this argument, and oh boy that's a path we want to go down. Sage mode gives passive durability, one that has never been elaborated (To my knowledge) other than the ONE instance where he falls on those spikes. If durability of muscles, and bones is the basis of the argument here, then we must not just omit the fact that Sage mode users are afforded a certain amount of resistance or some durability.

Gai for instance in the 6th gate can ignite air with a punch. To do this, his fist would have to travel at roughly twice the speed of sound (I've done the calculations >> Ask Rusaku), and yet there were no sonic booms, no HUGE walls of air surrounding his fist as they should have. This was ONLY 6th gate, and already the bounds of reality have been broken.

If this comes to pass, Sage mode users get nerfed extra hard. We ain't got shite worth talking about over Rinny users if our speed is taken, oh our jutsu is supposedly 3x 'stronger', Oh we are supposed to be able to move real fast, and be real strong/durable?  The majority of Rinny users 'match' any of that through training anyway? (You know you do it >>)

And apparently all men are created equal here, and we all based our characters off of Gai, because he is being used as the baseline which makes for a disingenuous argument. There are people running around claiming all kinds of immunity, and passive nigh-impenetrable durability. The fact of the matter is, the standard here is higher than the Naru-verse. People claim all kinds of shite that breaks the supposed bounds that we all 'MUST' abide by, some people even claim 'variants' of banned Rikudo/Sage techniques anyway, so all I am reading here is. YEAH NERF SAGE MODE! 

TL;DR: Nah dawg. Unless fair compensation is given to retain the relative balance between Sage Mode V. Rinny.

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