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Messages - Warren

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Feature Requests / Re: Powers for level Sitters!
« on: September 22, 2016, 01:49:58 PM »
Sitting in its self is a massive buff though, you get stats considerably beyond what about any KG person besides a few maxed out ones will ever get.

Plus well, stuff like the already existing swords, kyuubi, not even to speak of rasengan already take a lengthy 'sitting' as is. Don't even get me started on SST enhanced.

Naruto / Re: Bleach 686
« on: August 19, 2016, 02:18:58 AM »
Things like Yachiru one can still kind of explain away as having just been Kenpachis zanpaku-to spirit all along, even if it'd be still BS and go against all known logic so far. Stuff like how apocalypse didn't happen with killing of Ywach due to no soul king however, what happened to now-fully-dog-komamura, et cetera? Hell if I know.

Naruto / Re: Bleach 686
« on: August 18, 2016, 02:15:50 PM »

Unless that's a beyond blatant attempt at a spin-off series, it leaves so many ends open and completely unanswered that it rouses the question was Bleach either axed/given ultimatum, or Kubo just lost interest.

Spam / Re: IC Super Duper Outrageous Claimed Powers
« on: August 05, 2016, 07:49:17 PM »
Not only is that not you camel, but its not IC either.

Besides, I won a chess match in 3 moves once.

Spam / Re: IC Super Duper Outrageous Claimed Powers
« on: August 02, 2016, 09:30:25 AM »
Nothing 'claimed' about it, but Hiro can talk to and understand a variety of animals, and he's borderline impossible to get mad at.

I have no particular formula or anything for how much time I consider to have passed at SL during RL time, I do it case by case mainly.

Aging thing I got around with genetics though, which amusingly ended up kinda becoming the main shtick of my boys. Outside of one who's both not related and all normal...well unless you count recent massive surgery and gene therapy to save his life, all of em are a family tree and look older than they are.

Longass story, nutshelled their DNA is such an unstable/incomplete mess that it makes the body burn out trying to compensate, which in turn causes significantly hastened aging. I have since then IC-developed a kind of "cure" for this that stabilizes the genetics, slowing aging relatively to normal if not even slower, amusingly wasn't even my idea originally, Ryouchiha and his wife whose name I keep forgetting brainstormed it and I later perfected when they disappeared.

Only downside is that such significant remodeling is obviously tremendously stressful on the body, so try give that to a kid and they're just gonna die from the fever alone, let alone other possible temporary sicknesses.

Live through it though and you end up with cases like a 18-20 year old looker, yet has only been around 5-7. Creates some amusing RP having the mind/brain trying to catch up and have the person not looking like a severely out of place least when things don't go horribly wrong that is.

Spam / Re: Neji's birthday
« on: July 14, 2016, 12:09:08 AM »
It is, but no garden event? He musta been busy.

Hope not too much so to enjoy many happy returns though.

Village Square / Re: Goosh needs a KG
« on: July 02, 2016, 02:29:23 PM »
At least you were mentioned =P most don't remember or even know Harue exists.

Village Square / Re: Goosh needs a KG
« on: July 01, 2016, 07:58:37 PM »
I've my minor unintentional pun moments.

While true the movie with the chimera dude has a more versatile storm, on the same its also rather broken. Infinitely growing, all chakra consuming storm clouds you can't really destroy with almost anything? Yeaaah not too fun.

Village Square / Re: Goosh needs a KG
« on: July 01, 2016, 07:43:37 PM »
Scorch is way too abusable to be any fun to use I suspect, because you can just say oh you came too close to my orb thingumajics, you're dead from instant dehydration now.

Storm is...okay I suppose, you get lasers but that's about it. Nothing too spectacular.

Lava and ice are the more versatile options imo, overall fairly equal. With Yujo's departure there's no other real ice users left besides one of my chars, so if you want to be a special snowflake you could do that.

Council / Re: [Biju Council] Agenda #2: Gedo Mazo
« on: June 26, 2016, 11:32:41 PM »
Oh I've no doubt whatsoever you or whoever else could quite easily think up some other reason to run another "vote" and declare aaaanything challenge obligated.

No point running RPs or whatever for it either, the whole reason you put up the vote was to wait it down to the second it ended to post your topic if it was a "yes" anyway, just so you'd have priority demand others can't question.

Plus well its not like I could have just mysteriously lost it on my own for any conceivable IC reason since I'm voiding his existence and nobody ever actually came after me, nor am I going to stop playing with it anyway because with this I'm no longer bound by any "rules" whatsoever so whatever I do is no concern of the council, so frankly its the least brain cells wasted for everyone if you just swap the claim name to him and leave it at that.

Council / Re: [Biju Council] Agenda #2: Gedo Mazo
« on: June 26, 2016, 05:16:23 PM »
You people do realize you're just wasting your time, cause even if you tell him no he's going to claim it anyway? Not that I could have been forced to deal with him anyway, nor is this going to affect my doings either cause I could honestly care less of being "official" at this point after all I've been put through, all because "rules".

If anything your time would be better spent taking your things off the claimed list and recording them somewhere else, because this kind of "voting" only proves "ownership" of an item is meaningless now.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Shukaku fight
« on: June 11, 2016, 09:45:38 AM »
No need, gloat all you wish I don't care, I forfeit. There is no value nor point to even trying to be a part of this corrupt mess anymore.

Lock this and the challenge thread, and never message me again about anything, ever. I'm blocking you after I post this.

Village Square / Re: Should the Gedo Mazo be a challenge-able beast?
« on: June 03, 2016, 01:41:19 AM »
Nah, I thought I made it pretty clear earlier already I don't care about the end result of this vote cause its essentially pointless. I can both be found and be attempted to steal the statue from as is already, so in short it already is challengeable...only difference to this is that for some reason people are demanding they be allowed to do the same thing I always get chewed out for despite proving the claims wrong everytime; jump through loops.

I should make an SL cheat book, 'I challenge you' would be equivalent of godmode since it seems to allow complete disregard of IC no matter the occasion. Perhaps 'Not like this' for some toilet paper when some psycho has claimed it all and you ate a bit too much mexican. Wouldn't that be just a hoot.

Plus well lets be real for a sec, even if this went 100 to 0 against your favor, you'd just make up some BS reason to auto-strip it from me anyway >> If the claim list wasn't locked you'd have already done it.

Come to think of it I'm gonna be voiding your ass to kingdom come outside of the Shukaku thing anyway so I guess you'll be doing that regardless. I wonder how many'd be still lusting after the thing if you had it...probably nobody except a bored Kirk.

Why I offered doesn't really matter because you enjoy trying to cram words down my throat so much you'd claim it was wrong anyway, but if someone else still reading this nonsense would like to know its basically what Koji said. I grow weary of all this and thought for once in your life you'd have been a decent human being and taken a deal that benefits everyone. But nah. Guess I was delirious.

Village Square / Re: Should the Gedo Mazo be a challenge-able beast?
« on: June 02, 2016, 10:21:07 PM »
Of course I wasn't gonna loan it to you when it was still IC, you're you, I had zero reason to trust you. Since you had to bring that up that point though then I suppose I can make a point too, even tho I already said I was done with this.

You say you'd be ok with just getting the statue, every beast, getting your OOC fight event and then you pass em all out cept Kurama and nothing changes IC.

We also despise each other and last I checked you don't get along with Athos either. Three-way hatred.

So if you'd still be okay with that, which you're implying to be, then what's there to prevent you from running that OOC event now by just saying me and Athos gave you permission to use the statue and beasts for it? Not that you'd need it since its all OOC but still, you'd get your event and we'd be left alone to continue our stuff like normal.

For one its OOC and they'd go back to us anyway, so there wouldn't be a need to even touch the claim list
Secondly you and us wouldn't need to waste time with these threads and fighting, you could just jump in right away
Third we'd get to start sooner on figuring how assumably the council-to-be would divide out the 0 and 2-8 tails

And last but undoubtedly the most, we'd never have to deal with each other again in this manner. I can't imagine anybody who wouldn't be relieved over that.

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