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Messages - KayentaMoenkopi

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Council / Re: Candidate # = Council Member # [vote]
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:05:33 AM »
hold an election.

what if joe smoe is running and I don't want him to be on the council, no one does...but he is appointed anyway? just cause no one else volunteered?

if we can't find seven people that this community trusts to fill the seats, then leave it vacant.

thank you 2016...

Council / Re: Ratio of Jinchs to Non-Jinchs on the Council [vote]
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:03:22 AM »
why use percentages at all when you are talking about a ratio? can't have half a member?
then don't make half a member. Ratios...fractions are your friends.



option 1

and we are talking maximums with respect to jinks to keep them in the minority? If a council would be elected that has no jinks, is that fine? or do we have to go appoint a couple to meet these number and ensure their representation upon the council?

Bijuu Arena / Re: Gedo Mazo FFA logistics (for participating members only)
« on: December 15, 2016, 08:50:33 AM »
great idea. links to hard? just list what you are gonna use. check yourself out, decide what you can live without. then post something.

Village Square / Re: The Third Ever Cherry Blossom Festival.
« on: December 15, 2016, 08:47:14 AM »
Kay likes to party.

Spam / Re: Venting
« on: December 09, 2016, 05:06:11 AM »
Work is work. If you can talk to the boss and explain the overload and such, go for it. Always keep your eyes open for other work that might suit your situation better.

As for relationships, only you know what conversations you can have with someone and which ones you can't. It's real easy to sit back and look at some one else and totally miss the picture though.

It really sucks when your rhythms don't match up either. Being on odd shifts is hard to take cause one of you is always going to be tired at the wrong time.

Just make the time to talk.

Spam / Re: Official challenge: Nine-Tails
« on: December 07, 2016, 02:36:02 AM »
Arrives with just a few family members to watch and eat popcorn.

Spam / Re: A Little TMI, but what the heck, right?
« on: December 07, 2016, 01:59:28 AM »

Spam / Re: A Little TMI, but what the heck, right?
« on: December 06, 2016, 12:15:31 AM »
I keep telling people that WV is America's version of a third world country when it comes to the medical profession, but no one really believes me.

So I go to the home today, to check and see if the Dr. ordered the Ensure. And no. With chocking the way that she is, they have almost lost her twice having to suction her to save her life. And this can cause bleeding and increase the risk of aspiration into the lung from that, as well as increase her risk for pneumonia. And ensure is milk based, which will increase mucus production and increase the risk of chocking.

So the plan is to let her starve to death.

And I am like, "Surely there are liquid supplements that are not milk based. You are still putting things into her mouth...the water and juice with, how will dissolved vitamins and minerals and fiber and protein increase the risk of chocking any more than just plain water with thicket? If they are putting things into her mouth, then those things should have some nutritional value. Otherwise, what is the point of risking the chocking in the first place?

they literally wheel her down to the dinning hall 3 times a day so she can sit there and watch everyone else eat, and she does gesture to them and become distressed while they have real food and she gets thick water...

They say the medical power of attorney made the decision. Brother [#5] in Wisconsin.

SO I write the family mailing list updating them all along. and send this info along. Letting them know I am always asked if I am on the list before they will even speak to me. And they verify that I am so they share info.

So the brother write to inform me that there is no list of power of attorney and he will be sharing my email with the doctor and the hospice nurse and the director of the nursing home.

So I educate him a bit on how I have not given him permission to show my private family correspondences to stranger but that he can use the names and the information I have provided himw hen he speaks to these people and that i await his next letter so I can hear what he finds out.

I also educate him on how I am aware there is no list of power of attorney and that there is only one and that is him. That the list is the names of people the facility is allowed to share medical information about mom with as per the privacy act. That without me being on the list they cannot even confirm that she lives there let alone share her private medical history.

and yes...he is a dick. and yes this is my life...

Spam / Re: A Little TMI, but what the heck, right?
« on: December 04, 2016, 02:05:21 AM »
Thanks Guys. It's nice to hear from you.

I am ok. I really am used to it despite throwing up everywhere like this. Today's visit to the nursing home was oh so enlightening.

Mom is not even sick. The nursing home didn't contact either of my brothers, [#4 and #6] It was the hospice nurse who recently began visiting her.

Once you get to the point that you are not swallowing well, they call hospice. And she fed my brother a horror story. They have mom on a liquid diet, using thicket...which is basically powdered pectin like you use to make its thick enough for her not to choke. But they are just giving her juice and water and I am like, "Uhm, how about Enure with thicket in it, so she can have some nutrients?"

and they were like, OMG!!! [insert hill-billy valley girl accent] what a great idea!!

gotta have the doctor order it though, and he will. but JFC...that trick is older than me! Why do I have to tell them she needs to get nutrients so use a liquid diet supplement drink?

And then I went back this evening and fed her supper....juice. and she was very responsive. Even spoke. "let me do it!" lol

she can't hold a spoon anymore but she could hold my wrist so that is what we did.

but you do know that life is worth living, even though it can be a bit more fun than I can take, from time to time.

Spam / Re: A Little TMI, but what the heck, right?
« on: December 03, 2016, 09:52:33 AM »
update? yeah, why not, right?

So the doctor calls me this week, her office does.

"Have you gotten the blood work done and have you picked a primary physician yet?"
--> they mean nurse practitioner, cause you don't get to see a doctor anymore unless its a specialist, and then only half the time. I wonder if they bill the same price for the nurse practitioner though? Anyway...

and I am like, "Yes, I did the blood work yesterday. but I am still waiting on my paperwork to see if I am approved for the medical card. So no, I have not found a primary care physician." Initial visit over $325 buck? who can afford that shit?

And she was like, "Well alright then. And how are you doing with those weekly shots?"

Blink blink..."Uhm, what weekly shots? I was told to wait until after the blood work came back to see what my B12 levels were and then we would plan a course of action?" [have witness, didn't go to the doctor alone]

And she is like, "Oh no. You were supposed to be taking them once a week."

So, no wonder I am not getting better. And missing just as much work as ever because of all the blah blah blah that goes with this....but I am nice. I did not say any of that. "Oh! I totally misunderstood. Can you call me in a prescription?"...sure...she can. oddly enough she hadn't already done that weeks ago...

SO now I shoot up once a week. Hopefully this works. The blood work showed I was still way low even after the shot they gave me at that first visit. My mother never had to take them every week. I would hate to think how low it initially was. Or how many years I have been suffering with this, cause I count at least 9, the last 2 being the absolute worst. 

Over $325 bucks for that visit to the doctor...for this? I could have put tires on my car for winter and had the same result. No treatment!

So that was...Monday. No, Tuesday. Thank God I wrote it on the wall calendar.

Tonight I get a forwarded email from my brother who moved to Peru[# 6 of us kids by mom], the day after Thanksgiving. And yes it is 'cute' that his wife thinks I will be able to go visit them some day. And felt the need to explain to me why it was important that I go to the nursing home to visit my own mother for Christmas cause she will not get a present if I do not go...And I smile and thank her for thinking of that. And yes, this really is my life.

Sorry, the email, right? My eyesight is going to hell. I use these dollar store reading glasses, 1.25 magnification now. $1 a piece. Already on my third pair cause I wander around with them on my head, literally on my head wondering where the hell I put them...well, that only happened tonight. The other times the house ate them and they are still MIA.

So the email, right? I see this...
"The funeral will be at...[the funeral home in my town]...and she will be buried beside dad. And yes, everything is paid for."

Now, several things go through my head. He[#6] is in Peru...I[#7] am 15 minutes from the nursing home. And I am like, "So my mother is dead?" Where the fuck are my glasses...I wander around and am in shock. I can't find them.

See, I can see great. Only not within arms length to read by. So when I walk I take them off or I can't see great and feel dizzy. And eventually I realize I have perched them on top of my head so I won't lose them when I got up to go check the email.

So I fit them on my nose and continue reading...I scroll down, and my brother[#4] who lives in Wisconsin actually sent the thing. The original message said, "Mom is not eating. She can't swallow. She is sick and they stopped giving her meds by mouth. And its all down to if she gets pneumonia or not. What arrangements do we have?" And the other brother[#6] replied to that. and forwards it cause he sees that myself and my sister[#5] who lives in the UK are not on the mailing list.

And I am just...shaking at this point at how FUCKING STUPID MY TWO BROTHERS ARE!!!!!!!

I call the nursing home and mom is not dying...tonight. I call off work I will go see her tomorrow. She is on antibiotics and whatever. I will find out tomorrow cause they just put her to bed and she is resting. And the nurse laughs when I tell her the tone of the email made me think she was dying. "Oh no hon. she is just ill." Then she proceeds to tell me how she can't swallow and they have to use suction on her. And that she is all congested and can't cough anything up.

And I know that she is getting dehydrated. We been here before. And I know they are letting her lie flat on her back, which is like the worst thing in the world for elderly people to get pneumonia with. And I know they can't give her an IV in the nursing home cause that is considered critical care at this place, so she would have to go to the hospital and be admitted to get it done. And I am thinking, well how long until you send her to the hospital. Until she is dead just like you did with grandma and my dad? But I am nice. I do not ask any of these things from the night nurse. She can't do anything about it. I will go in tomorrow and jerk the doctor's chain and make shit happen.

So then later my brother[#6] calls from Peru. And I tell him what I had learned. And he is sure she is dying. "She had been taking antibiotics since Monday and still is not better."

Blink...blink..."Well duh, you ever had pneumonia and been cured after only 5 days of drugs? Call the AMA~ its a miracle!" But I do not say this either. Instead, I promise to update him after I go to the nursing home in the morning.

Then my oldest sister[#2] calls from across the other side of the state. And I set her mind to rest and promise to update her.  And I tell her I was not on the mailing list nor was the other sister[#5] in the UK. And she says, "Oh be glad Em. Do you know what the title of the originial email was?

Mom's Funeral.

SO all of them on the list are freaking before they even open the dog damned thing. And my brother[#3] in Michigan, whose wife is getting her heart surgery on Monday is freaking, once he reads it even still, cause he thinks mom is dying and that he is going to miss his mother's funeral. No way he can leave his wife right after heart surgery...

My oldest brother{#1] prolly had a heart attack when he got the stupid thing. I am just like...what the hell is wrong with you[#4]?. You have a frikken Master's degree from Notre Dame University in English and a Masters in Business. DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH OTHERS AFTER ALL OF THAT????? And was raised by the same parents as the rest of us.

Wisconsin. And he is a liberal. WTF????

Maybe he is the one who needs B12 shots.

But do you see the trend here? Everyone who lives too damned far away to do a blessed thing about it finds out...since Monday mind you...before me, who could walk to town in an hour!!!

But I will not say this. No, I will just blog this vomit here so I can be sane when I go deal with these fucks who dare to call themselves medical professionals. I swear my dad is rolling over in his grave!

SO yeah. There is denial. There is hope. But there is realism as well. More than likely we will all get a funeral for Christmas this year.

So I recall what she told me when I was a little girl. Her favorite hymn to sing at her funeral. Yeah, that's my mom.

In The Garden...
I don't know that I could get through the first verse.

Council / Re: Council Inactivity
« on: December 02, 2016, 07:26:30 AM »
I think 3 is the magic number for me. Is this topic on here twice?

Council / Re: Council Vaccancy
« on: December 02, 2016, 07:25:43 AM »
The definition of an active player is pretty sketchy and hard to  prove.

Anyway, I feel that if a member misses three votes he should get the boot. No need to vote on that if it is just how it works.

I spoke just now in the vote thread. Should have put this here but didn't see it until now.

If we have 7 members, and five people must show up to least, then we have a bit of room for activity issues not to completely lead to a break down in the efficiency of the council.

I of course would not hold it against someone if they need to take a short leave...not just drop off the face of the earth and never be in communication with the other council members. Communication goes a long way to making this not such a hateful thing.

But eventually, if you are not voting then what use are you?

Village Square / Re: Biju Council Elections #2
« on: December 02, 2016, 07:21:09 AM »
also am i missing something? We have seven seats to fill and only five votes to give?

How does that work?

Village Square / Re: Biju Council Elections #2
« on: December 02, 2016, 07:17:12 AM »
Ace, Athos, Dato, Hades, Kamui, Kayenta, Shadow, Trev

Yes, I voted for everyone. Why? Cause we/they are all good for the council. All will show up when they can. All will have good insight to the issues that occur. All will be unbiased. And if they are all voted in, then we are very likely to have enough people to take care of any issue at any given time and not be hit with inactivity in the face.

With at least 5 members voting, and a majority vote decides, left over members would take a lot of the stress away.

But if I have to choose...

here it comes. Though I strongly advise for just naming them all to the council.


Athos, Dato, Hades:  Sorry guys but the inactivity is the only reason I can't vote you in. If your lives permitted the level of activity this council has to have, then I would not even run.

Village Square / Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« on: December 02, 2016, 06:59:10 AM »

this was the prize

DP Donations=27,200

RP Item Donations
  • Sakuragakure - Summons Contract Ownership for Kongamato
  • Oogakari, Steel - Koton Steel Black Armour Jacket
  • Skye Ramius - Scroll of Borrowed Knowledge
  • Skye Ramius - Scroll of Sacrificed Knowledge

]*]Skye Ramius - Lesser Scroll of Sacrificed Knowledge[/list]

I already paid Dandy 6800GP.

27,200 - 6800 = 20,400

god knows where I got the figure of 187,000 in DP to be divided among the winners. Prolly cause of the 500 per player who actually would finish, and none did but Kuroi Kokoro ♥ TezukaNatsuki.

I have 21, 400 in the bank on NPC. SO I will pay her the 20, 400 and award her all the RP items.

Well done and congratulations!

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