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Messages - Trev

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Council / Re: Requesting Council Action: Strip for Inactivity: Yujo
« on: December 08, 2016, 04:48:41 AM »
Yujo and I planned on fighting for it around my winter break. But I hadn't spoken to him about it for quite some time. I also don't know that an event of "we'll fight at this time, months ahead", supersedes a challenge declared today. But that ain't for me to figure out. I won't contest it further unless I see Yujo actually get his biju taken away.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Gedo Mazo FFA logistics (for participating members only)
« on: December 08, 2016, 03:27:06 AM »
If I end up being the judge, I can tell you what you'll be graded on >> I've imposed a boxing Esque scorecard system that I've used for about 3 fights now.

I'd still prefer to have it just be to the death at this point, but if we must do it this way then yeah I'd love to know your grading system.

I'll post it should I ever get confirmed as the judge, and should you guys choose to go down this route. So far, the straight up death match isn't out of place yet. My grading system is for fights that have an end date/ the contestants choose to not continue.

Just replying to others, that I can make it known what I'll grade you on, so it won't be a mystery.

Council / Re: Bijuu Council Decision: Nine Tails Challengers
« on: December 08, 2016, 03:23:43 AM »
To be fair to Genesis, Kamui asked if the thread was spam and Yujo said yes, for it to be moved there.

If Kamui had waited to Genny to respond, it would have been made clear there. I don't blame Kamui for moving it though, so don't interpret this as an attack on him.

I personally thought the challenge was serious, even with the spam as it was just two friends having fun.

So I'd say Genny gets first crack. Of course, you could request that it be a triple threat match, but that's up to the other two. Just my opinion on the matter.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Gedo Mazo FFA logistics (for participating members only)
« on: December 08, 2016, 01:58:44 AM »
If I end up being the judge, I can tell you what you'll be graded on >> I've imposed a boxing Esque scorecard system that I've used for about 3 fights now.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Gedo Mazo FFA logistics (for participating members only)
« on: December 05, 2016, 09:15:47 AM »
If I'm going to judge this event (which it seems like I might be) I HIGHLY recommend axing the 20-day limit. Keep it to 7 posts max per person and a 48-hour time limit.

With this many people, unless everyone posts every day, or someone kills everyone in one post, I will not be able to decide a winner off 2-3 post, which is how many we will get if lucky with that many people.

Village Square / Re: Biju Council Elections #2
« on: December 04, 2016, 11:15:02 PM »
So like, if I understand this correctly, there can only be two jinchs in the council? Well, if the vote ended today, Shadow, Athos, and I  would be in. So, how would you solve that? Lowest one gets voted out, and the last person in votes replaces said jinch?

If that's the case, mine as well just has a vote between us three and let everyone else in >>

This also assumes Kamui doesn't win the mazo. Meaning if he and us are elected, four members have an active stake in the biju/mazo

Council / Re: Chambered or Unchambered Council Structure [vote]
« on: November 22, 2016, 08:11:11 AM »
Option 2

Council / Re: Ratio of Jinchs to Non-Jinchs on the Council [vote]
« on: November 22, 2016, 08:10:35 AM »
Option 1

Council / Re: Number of Council Members [Vote]
« on: November 22, 2016, 08:09:48 AM »
Supreme Court it, seven.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Gedo Mazo FFA logistics (for participating members only)
« on: November 20, 2016, 12:21:17 AM »
I don't really care who wins this fight, and I've never been particularly biased in a fight before. Heck, one of the guys advocating for me (Athos) was told by me that he lost a fight a few weeks ago, and he still wants me >.>

I've always been fair, and if you guys want me to be there, just make it unanimous and ask.

I also wouldn't be opposed to sharing judging duties as Athos suggested. I can see how it would cause problems, but having multiple judges on to settle this fight might make it easier. Heck, you guys could utilize Eric, Dato, and myself. I judge fights like a boxing match anyway, mine as well have three scorecards.

So yeah, if you want, I'm around.

Village Square / Re: Gedo Mazo Sterilization
« on: November 18, 2016, 08:21:02 AM »
Not that this is particularly on topic, but when did my DNA get in the mazo?

I don't really care if it is, I just don't recall when it happened >>

Kyu told me it was o.o it was partly how he ended up with mine, seeing as I used you to track him down via RP >> it was long and strenuous but yeah, that's what he had told me.

And I relayed that info to Kay awhile ago when she was doing the Mazo event for Bocchiere o.o

Ahh, I recall giving Kyu my dna once so he could study my Senninka DNA. Never knew he stuck it in the mazo though. Fun little piece of trivia.

Village Square / Re: Gedo Mazo Sterilization
« on: November 18, 2016, 12:45:44 AM »
Not that this is particularly on topic, but when did my DNA get in the mazo?

I don't really care if it is, I just don't recall when it happened >>

Village Square / Re: Dice Rolls Topic 2: Electric Boogaloo
« on: November 14, 2016, 10:10:46 PM »
The only problem I personally see is that it doesn't lower the level cap of players and the dice would result in instant death.

Your example is a fine one, except in a biju fight or IC death match it would look like this potentially.

Nin 1: Drops a meteor on their opponent.
Gets good roll

Nin 2: Tries to avoid in some way
Bad roll

Result: crushed by a meteor.

Basically, I'm saying there are a lot of technique were any sort of favorable roll would result in death (Human path, Kamui, etc.)

Also, how would your system account for things such as hiraishin? roll to see if you teleport? Or maybe if you reacted quick enough to teleport I suppose?

Just somethings to think about. But this system would work very well, provided the opponents place a cap before the fight (Say pre-shippuden, or Pain arc, etc.)

Council / Re: Agenda #5: Gedo Mazo
« on: November 12, 2016, 07:04:34 AM »
My chart assumes a post order, and not someone randomly starts it, and the other 3 have two days to jump in.

Oh really? I could've sworn that taking your time for an entrance post, really should count towards a disqualification. That and attacking in the same entrance post, which I've seen on here.

I could be wrong, but I still believe you got whatever the post limit is to post your entrance post (in this situation, 2 days.) Unless the contestants agree to a start date and say they need to post that day. Else someone could just start the fight thread on a day that doesn't exactly work for the opponents. I've seen many a fight where the two foes didn't exactly post an entry post on the same day, and were several days apart, but under a week.

Council / Re: Agenda #5: Gedo Mazo
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:58:47 PM »
You have 20 days to complete the match.
It would be nice if you posted something everyday.
But if you do not post something in 3 days time, your turn will be skipped.
If we have to skip you a second time, you will forfeit the match.

How about this concept?

- You have twenty days to complete the match.
- Participants must post every forty-eight hours.
- Failure to post within the allotted time-slot is an automatic disqualification. (No skips, if you fail to post. You should've made the time to post and that is that.)
- In a rare event that the match doesn't complete itself within twenty-days and it will fall upon the judge to decide the winner based on kept the flow of battle consistently in their favor, dealt the most damage and was the most counter-productive competitor.

As for character limits like Yujo suggested, that is entirely up to you. The way I see it, if you go over the character limit on the forum and have to make two parts for your posts. You're either a very good roleplayer and can basically be descriptive up to the point that even the minute detail that was missed by your opponent will be turned against them. Or like Yujo said, you have a very twisted strategy of winning by doing a wall of text and basically wasting the judge's time by describing how your clothes are in sync or how the winds of change are blowing in your favor and vice-versa.

I am not particularly fond of making the FFA last a whole month, just because we had to skip someone; thus increasing the duration that this FFA will go on for.

Idk Camel. Unless someone clearly wins, it will be hard on a judge. Deciding between two people is hard enough. In both Kurama matches, I judged, the fighters went through about five rounds. 5 Rounds in about 14 days, give or take. For this situation, you get six more days but are doubling the fighters. It'll be hard for a judge to pick a winner.

Under your suggestions, the fight may look like this

Day 1:
Contestant 1 entry post

Day 3:
Contest 2 entry

Day 5:

Day 7:

Day 9:
Contestant one, round one.

Day 11-15
Round one

Not even enough time for two rounds. Though this is a somewhat worst case scenario.

If anything, I think the fourth combatants should get together and decide their own post limits and day limits. It will, after all, affect them the most. Or rather than giving it a day limit; set a post limit of 5-10 rounds. As a  somewhat used judge, 5 rounds is about the min you can get away with for being able to somewhat declare a winner.

Actually, if it takes more than two days to post an entrance then it stands for disqualification. By your chart if the first contestant made his entrance post before the other contestants and they don't post before the time slot allotted; well you basically just decided the match right then and there.

Twenty-four hour time slot would also be messy, but it would keep the time span slightly less than twenty days as it stated should last. This limited time slot will be privy to abuse, since anyone can either drop-out and give the other the win or they could have something come up that would take up most of their day; giving the win to the other.

My chart assumes a post order, and not someone randomly starts it, and the other 3 have two days to jump in.

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