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Messages - Hitler-Chan

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Should hunters and champions be forced to create a biography that basically outlines their character in full, and keep it up to date?

If people want people to start justifying their powers with some history or even RP, then a bio sounds like the most convenient way to go about that. This bio could be biju-rules specific or simply a link to a regular SL bio.

What do you all think?

While I don't think people should be forced to write Telanovela's to justify all of their powers, as some of us have things that date back further than our pubic hair, I do think a basic basic write up would certainly help.

@Warren: Because any Yahoo can do that. Like Nathan said I want to have an achievement that's uniquely me. Zen got all 9 bijuu (even though he fought for exactly one of them) so I need to do the next level up, Juubi time.

@Mei: Honestly don't know when we learned that.

@Nathan: Wow, thank you Nathan.

Yes. I do not want to summon a half dozen bijuu and blow things up, that was never the plan. If we could make it IC and get GM's involved with the event I think that would be great, but we will see what people think about that. I'm willing to go OOC if I need to, it'll still count to me.

-Slow claps- My vote is with this guy, though I will be throwing the kitchen sink at him when he comes after the three. :P

Speaking of which, Warren can we talk, privately? ;D (I am only joking. >>)

Rules/Foundation / Re: Discussion: Final Proof Read of Rules-amendments
« on: December 06, 2015, 07:00:42 AM »
If trouble arises, might as well be us all again, less need to explain the lines of thought behind things.

Swear to me. Swear to me that if it isn't dead, we'll all come back.

I do not approve of the use of Pennywise >> Judge me if you want, watched the first movie in 5th grade, traumatized since then.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Requesting a leave of absence.
« on: December 06, 2015, 03:45:47 AM »
Nah, I say we strip him now and get it over with. He's already admitted to eventually go inactive for longer than his given timeframe. I'll write up the topic now.

Looks like I'm going to have the unpopular vote.

Yes, I feel like the previous host should be put on probation of sorts, if allowed to register at all.

If you were stripped, you probably weren't very good with Biju related situations to begin with.

Yeah I'm not sure why everyone took the, "They will have learned from their errors." Argument, when there have been GIANT threads on hosts being repeat offenders.. >> Anyone remember Isa?

Sounds fair to me. Keep hosts from banning out all of the KG that they don't use. :O

While I agree that owning multiple beasts should be a thing, I do not think if you are challenged for both, you MUST take em both on at once. I can see the loopholes a comin'.

So, Billy Joe has the 9, and 8 tails cause he is a godamm boss. Robbie Rotten challenges him for the 9 cause he want's to be foxy. Joe Billy is good friends with Billy Joe and agrees to 'Challenge' Billy Joe for his eight tails, and now Billy Joe/Joe Billy proceed to to give Robbie the meanest fisting he has ever been apart of. >> And now that Robbie is dead, Joe Billy falls to the ground in 'exhaustion' and goes unconscious, thus losing the fight as well.

I think, if you are challenged by two people for two separate bijuu you can choose to fight them both, if they are willing, but I don't think it should be mandatory.

Rules/Foundation / Re: Challenging a Host [vote]
« on: December 06, 2015, 12:11:02 AM »

Though the posting activity clause should be spoken about. I think hosts should be allowed to chose their times, obviously a maximum and minimum should be placed upon those preferences. Like min = 5 days, Max = 10. Some hosts have busier lives than some, and others just don't have the urgency to complete fights quickly.

Just an idea, but otherwise my vote goes yes.

Rules/Foundation / Re: Methods of *IC* hunting a Jichuuriki (VOTE!)
« on: December 05, 2015, 09:00:19 PM »
Being as weren't aren't discussing what a host can/cannot do to void hunters, my vote goes to yes.

Rules/Foundation / Re: Methods of *IC* hunting a Jichuuriki (VOTE!)
« on: December 04, 2015, 04:34:06 PM »
Yee what he said ^

I agree that the techniques application has broken the bounds of 'Fun RP', but I do not think it is the technique at fault for doing this. If as Nathan said we sit down and talk about what can/can't be done to avoid hunters, then I'll happily agree to ban this technique out of IC hunts. If not, then the technique or other sensory moves that endeavor to make you a god level sensor are needed to find a glimmer of these HUGE masses of chakra.

Council / Re: Bijuu Council! (Rules)
« on: December 04, 2015, 01:55:41 AM »
The issue with having current hosts as part of the council is policing yourself. If that worked out without creating a huge hassel, then our talks here over bijuu would never have occurred. happens, let's not go there?
I also like the idea of judges and council members being separate for the same reason. This would also free participants to pick a judge from anywhere...other than a council member. I think it should just be someone they agree upon, and judges should stick to enforcing the rules, not taking a hand in deciding a match outcome.

names of prior hosts. most inactive:


so...maybe some people who were never hosts will have to be considered. But they should at least be RPers who are active with a sense of how things go.

Nobody is completely unbiased (Minus Ace, and people who honestly don't care). There wouldn't be a single person nominated that would receive a unanimous vote, it just wouldn't happen, and frankly if I don't push for hosts to have a place within the council, then you guys are gonna nominate yourselves, vote for yourselves, then we are gonna have a council of people who are completely jaded anyway. >>

Council / Re: Bijuu Council! (Rules)
« on: December 04, 2015, 01:06:57 AM »
  • I prefer the number 5 for a council. It permits a wider view to be represented so the council will not me prone to holding to one thought/bias on how the bijuu rules should be handled and interpreted.
  • I like the notion of prior hosts being council members.
  • Current hosts being ineligible.
  • If a current council member wants to go bijuu hunting they should step down and a replacement should be installed prior to going on the hunt/challenger for their beast.
  • I am ambivalent on how the members are chosen, either by community vote or appointment.
  • I don't feel staff members should be on the council, for this is an RP issue and I believe Neji doesn't want staff meddling there.

as to council rules;
  • If a council member is shown to be biased or no longer participating in council business, they should be replaced.
  • Length of service? 6 months?
  • I propose a warning for first offense of all infractions of breaking the bijuu rules except the inactivity clause. Stripping a host should not be the 'go to solution' for everything. Mistakes will be made.
Alright, so, if current hosts and staff members are ineligible (Which should be reviewed), and being a host previously is a prerequisite, then I'd honestly like to see if anyone can put down a list of 5 names that meet that criteria.

I sure as hell can't.

1: Eric?
2-5 ???

Also, not sure if this was already spoken about in the dwelling (Because that became a cluster-fu**), but why aren't current hosts eligible to be apart of this council? We are the ones who will be affected by at least 50% of the rules placed down, and if that is the case, I personally would like to have a few of us as representatives. Not all 5 obvs, but like two >> Like Senators. Elected by the Hosts, for the hosts.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Bijuu Rules Workshop
« on: December 01, 2015, 10:42:33 PM »
I did not know that. Interesting

Allow me to clarify myself on this subject. Seven Mist Swordsman tests generally employ the usage of Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Water Release techniques only. I don't want any confusion between us but remarkably the preferences by the accused are nearly identical; with the exception that chakra-based techniques cannot be used. I'm certain a proverbial line was crossed at some point but until these proposed rules are generally accepted by a majority of the community, we won't see any change anytime soon. We have ourselves to blame for not generally getting along with each other and compromising on a single subject.

Edit: I fixed an error in my post.

I also agree that you needed to fix an error in your post. So I suppose we can agree! ="D

Village Square / Re: Completely Split the Bijuu List.
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:18:57 PM »
Everyone should just become Edo zombies. It solves everything. No more tailed beast hosting. No more character deaths. Unlimited chakra for real.

Probably the best idea as to date.

-Gives his full applause- This is my favorite case of irony, ever. I really hope you had our debacle in mind when typing this.

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