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Messages - Chiyo

Pages: [1]
Village Square / Re: KG Claims
« on: April 26, 2014, 07:50:38 AM »
I'm not here to argue or defend myself on that claim. I didn't spend much time on Rena at all, who died a few weeks a go, she was a temporary RP character for while I myself got back into zoning and RP.

She died in a way that could of been voided, but 'cause I'm nice..I let him have it so yup.
I don't have the time in my day to day life to sit there and write post after post 'training' my resets when most other people also claim a 'Mastery' after maxing out the resets that they have chosen. (There's a difference between the resets used for leveling and those used within RP.)

Buut, we digress..Roleplay is a story in my opinion and sometimes..some stories just shouldn't crossover.

Village Square / Re: Jashinism
« on: April 26, 2014, 07:42:34 AM »
While they can survive a nice and slow head choppin', they tend to lose control of their body once their head is gone don't they? So a Jashinist is pretty much boned once his/her's head has been removed.

Village Square / Re: KG Claims
« on: April 25, 2014, 10:13:54 PM »
As someone who has used her resets in-game as KG for Roleplay, I have to say..on SL, this seems like the only workable method in my own opinion.

I personally like the idea of using this forum as a mean's of dictating the bloodlines that accounts can have? Basically, instead of simply claiming, you have to apply on here with a valid history, etc of your created character and proved that you're capable of RPing with that chosen reset. I don't agree with the whole multiple stacks, Kaguya, Mokuton and Rinnegan xD

Buut, I do understand that on a site like this that's so big..the best option is to just go with the flow and split off, like Trev said..Don't like it? Ignore it.

Hopefully this makes sense x.x

Village Square / Re: Zone One
« on: April 25, 2014, 05:55:47 PM »
Since it was me who was leading the attack to get Warren, him and I decided to come to agree on terms.

We've come up with the best way to make both parties happy, or so we are hoping.

Here is what we came up with;
My whole RP and those who were on my side of the 'attack' are gone. Or, their entrance posts into zone one are voided. This way Kayenta should be satisfied, and the RP can carry on the way it was going to, even if that means moving it.

BUT, this is what I get in return;

Warren agreed to fight me like the times of old. We are going to have an old fashioned Bijuu fight. We pick a zone, we duke it out, and anything that happens in the fight doesn't affect our character. The only factor that can change IC from this fight is if I'm the winner and the Ichibi is now mine instead of Warrens.

IF we somehow finish our fight before that group RP finishes, then the changes won't go into affect until after that to because, lets be honest, it wouldn't make sense for Warren to suddenly not have the beast during any RP...

I want the opinions of those who have spoken on this thread and who are mainly involved in the RP to comment of they have any problems with this.

I agree with that, the old way of getting a Biju is much simpler in my opinion but that's irrelevant right now. I feel that it's a fair compromise.

Village Square / Re: Zone One
« on: April 25, 2014, 11:06:48 AM »
Well, I figured I might as well join here a little and get a few words in or something because if I didn't that's be considered rude.

Now, I'll admit I'm rather new to RP as a whole and have never really taken part in the whole Biju, I'll leave the decisions regarding that to the 'Top Dogs' here.

I'm willing to repost and change my post as needed because it was probably flawed on multiple levels, but hey..learn from your mistakes right? ^.^

But hey, y'all get to witness my first post on the forums! Much love<3

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