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Messages - Raijinthelightning

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Discussions / Re: Sign-up for Council.
« on: May 07, 2012, 08:44:12 PM »
I might as well put my name in. I am always around, but rarely thought of.

Feature Requests / Re: Graphics in SL
« on: April 18, 2012, 11:08:21 PM »
Might as well replace Sunagakure's current image with a better one.


Note: I also have photoshop, so I could be of help now and then.

I very much like this.

Discussions / Re: SL: A History
« on: April 18, 2012, 02:53:48 AM »
Shinobi of SL used to only know 3 specialties, Genjustu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. Then came the evolution, a whole bunch of elemental ninjutsu was born. Enemies evolved from light-saber-wielding-hamster and horrible pictures of cosplayers to screenshot of various animals and characters (major and minor) from the anime/OVA/movie. Shinobi with REAL KG also begin appearing as more and more players build up TONS of Oro Kills. Then mobs in the forest suddenly learn how to use Jutsu themselves, as well as begin ganging up on us D=

Yeah, I don't know much about world outside the forest T_T

I remember the hamster and I have only been here since 06’ish!

 I took a break for about a year and a half in that time though. If only I could remember a date for the great epidemic of clan killers. I remember that well. I was a member of Heroshima back then, introducing my silly little, fantastical ideas to the population.

 I used to be really into all that non-naruto, fantasy stuff. That being said, I do not consider vampires as being that kind of ‘fantasy’ stuff. For the longest time, they have been incorporated into SL roleplay. Look back at Baluski, still a major player in giving acads nightmares in the forest. He was one of the best vampires the site has ever seen. Then we look to old roleplayers such as Lady Nightwind who brought being a vampire to life, preying on the innocent who wandered alone in the streets at night.

These kinds of people were important into making the site active and keeping things interesting for the new players. Being an acad back then was not boring as it is today. I feel sorry for the acads of today and how hard they have to work to even try to be interested. Nothing is done for them and, as a Kage, I feel mildly responsible for that. There is little we can do for them, however, when they refuse to stay active.

I will try to pry out some old memories from back when I was much different than I am now. Perhaps I can even talk to my sister.. She was close with many important people back in the “(g)olden days” of SL.

Discussions / Re: Top 10 Drunken Shinobi of SL
« on: April 18, 2012, 02:48:45 AM »
Asadi is the only person who had gotten me to drink anything of a considerable amount, so he definitely makes the list. Daichi is an impressive drinker and CJ is known for his large drinking ability. Shima certainly would have been on the list, though I have not seen much of her antics recently. I have never seen Shadow drunk, however.

Game Related Discussions / Re: My SL Art Project
« on: April 18, 2012, 02:29:44 AM »
I am impressed by both the quality of your work and your desire to contribute to the site. Let me thank you, from all of us in Sunagakure, for putting time into bettering the gameplay experience of Shinobilegends.

Feature Requests / Re: Kekkei Genkai Cosmetic Change
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:33:37 PM »
I would like to make the suggestion that they simply offer a feature for people to remove the reborns that they do not want. They will then have to get 80 more oro-kills before they can replace it, perhaps choosing to reborn into Mokuton instead of Hyouton this time around. That way it does not take the effort out of gaining them, but still allows picky roleplayers the chance to edit their backgrounds.

( Much like a similar topic introduced by UettoSenju here:,6917.0.html )

Feature Requests / Re: Actual GMs, please.
« on: January 28, 2012, 08:18:22 PM »
   Game masters are not around to control how people roleplay. They are given the ability to create roleplay and keep the boards active. Shinobilegends may be a gaming site, but given the fact that roleplay has been so largely integrated, it is now important as well. Take a look at all of the editing that is being done in the test servers (i.e. New Villages). This for RP. You may hear the mods say that SL is not a RP site, but they are not telling you that they do not care. They are telling you that they are not responsible for what happens in RP. The role players are the ones who manage RP and the mods, aside from actual gaming needs, are only meant to keep it clean and safe for an audience of all ages. This is where game masters come in. They are role players. Even with only the ability to post without their name tag, they are able to take roleplay to a new level.
   There is a lot of talk here about who can be a game master and who cannot. I do not think that we should look at this ‘who’ the way we are now. The way it has been presented, you seem to think that you can use labels such as ‘kage and veterans. Though many of you may know each other rather well, do you expect to judge others who might want this position? People can roleplay a certain way and be completely different in person. Kayenta makes a good game master because she is not biased. She may have been a ‘kage, but she also has a general love for roleplay. There are a number of people who are very “one way”, choosing to remain painfully loyal to a single person, clan, or nation. We cannot let these people make us distrustful of everybody we roleplay with. Even these people might be completely different in reality.
   Characters such as demons and other more fantastical creatures may not meld with everybody’s idea of roleplay, but they are committing no wrong. Those of you who complain about them are missing one very large point. It is you who chooses to roleplay with them. It is not their “powers” which are wrong. Many of these characters would not be familiar to the majority of you. They do not care about being destructive or overbearing with their chosen method of roleplay. Those that are a nuisance are at just as much fault as a canon character who is the same way. We cannot prohibit them from roleplaying simply because we do not agree with their fantasy. This is all fantasy.
   As any of you who are involved with the bijuu will know, there is only one deciding factor in what you can and can not do during a battle. Does your opponent agree with you doing it? If they do, they have to handle it. If, at the beginning of a battle, I agree to let my opponent to use a kekkei genkai they do not posses, I cannot complain about it later on and petition that they cannot use it because they have not reset with it. There is a certain level of organization that must be upheld during a fight. If you have a problem with what you opponent did you must state it at that time, not after you lose. Zenaku and Raifudo  have been very honorable in mediating over the years. They proved this not too long ago when Bocchiere lost the Rokubi. Game masters are given their abilities because of traits like these. You cannot label some enigmatic stranger a game master and expect their word to be respected. You label people who are known as game masters because they are respected. This is why some of you think the ‘kage would make good game masters. Has Kayenta not proven that even a ‘kage can be trusted?
   Do we need people to be better role players and “fix themselves”? Certainly. The true question lies in how we expect them to do this.. The only way that game masters could help with this is by providing something to keep people busy with.  It is refreshing to have to work against something that is not another character with a set attitude and a set collection of abilities. We often forget about the trials of man vs. nature. Suna tries to keep them alive, but they are usually overlooked.
   As I end my response to this topic, I would like to make note of something. Though they have now made themselves hated by almost everybody, Kumogakure is to be respected. I have never seen a group of people roleplay together better in all of my years as a member of this community. They maintain a strict RP setting and are still some of the friendliest, most interesting people OOC.

Feature Requests / Re: Hoshigakure
« on: December 25, 2010, 03:38:17 AM »
Well... Maybe this will catch Neji's eye.

Feature Requests / Hoshigakure
« on: December 24, 2010, 04:00:52 AM »
I am unaware of the ability to complete this task, but I believe that a Reborn, even under the necessary rank, should be able to visit Hoshigakure. If one has rebirthed themselves, and gone through the stated rank, they should have the history to travel to the Hero's village.

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