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Author Topic: Scary...stories that will make you fright  (Read 1911 times)


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Scary...stories that will make you fright
« on: October 26, 2006, 05:17:55 PM »

October 31, 2006-5:00 pm

For it was cold for young jack who came home from school after beating 5 kids up and stealing

there bike.. he rhode until he got to the free way and saw that he wont be home for halloween

because of the long traffic.. he looked around and found a second rode that said DO NOT

and as you no he went through it... night fall was pressing towards the sky and he was r

unning out of time for then a blistic fog started to appear out of the thick air.

jack coudn't see athing so he got off his bike and just walked with it so he wouldnt get injured in

this fog... but then he started to hear strange carcophony sounds in the air... and he saw a small

kneeling figure on theground 5 feet away from him, the figure was a little girl crying for some odd

reason. Jack walked to her and tapped on her shoulder" Hey little girl, why are you crying.."

*sniff,sniff* *she touches his hand and jack felt a cold and unusual prescence..and he looked at

her hand, pale white with forceful blood all over it, Jack stood "what the..." *her head began to

twist and turn facing her back with her body not moving a inch**with her mouth full of guts

slushing and dripping right off her mouth*the little girl*sniff**i-im... dinner wasnt

good...*jack looks behind the little girl and sees a dead body with dead shot eyes and a scared and

terrorified expression with a motionless body but a hole in the ribs from the little girls thrusting nails

and pale like skin...*jack couldnt move at all..* *the little girl grabed on to his hand*"you look

tastey...* "No!..Getaway from me! AHRHG!!....

after that incident the police filed that it was only wolfs that killed the boy, that only his head and

arms were left of him, nobody knows what happened to the little girl after that but then again it

mightve been wolves...


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2006, 07:00:11 AM »

aw comeone i no you guys have good scary stories^^


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2006, 07:54:51 AM »

Roger's parents had to go to work that night. Roger thought nothing of it as his parents always went to work at 8 PM. When his parents left, he went on the internet and chatted with his friends. While talking to one of his friends on instant messenger, he got a link to a website. Bewildered, Roger clicked the link, and the first image he saw was of a man, his face twisted in a foul manner. Under the picture was a description that said "He laughed". Roger then began to laugh at the picture, he began laughing hysterically. It was now 10PM; he had stayed on the internet too long. He decided to get ready for bed. He took a shower, in the middle of the shower, he began to hear strange noises, almost as if the water coming from the shower was speaking and chanting something to him. He quickly got out and got dressed. He reached for the toothbrush, but felt a presence behind him and quickly stopped brushing his teeth. He turned on all the lights and got his dog to sleep beside his bed. Roger felt soundly asleep, but woke up abruptly to a banging on his front door, he went to answer it, but saw nothing but the snow that fell to the ground. Once he closed the door, he felt a very cold draft 5 minutes after the door was closed, Roger knew that just wasn't a draft that had come into his house. Roger decided to make hot chocolate to take his mind off his fear. Once the hot chocolate was finished, he sipped it, and slowly relaxed, suddenly the lights went out. He jumped up and spilled hot chocolate all over himself running up to his room. He saw his dog still laying there, sound asleep, the events hadn't woke him up. He jumped in the bed and thought hiding under his covers would help, but soon was overpowered with courage and raced to the basement to turn on the light, the stairs creaked with each step. He hit the switch with shaky hands and all the lights turned on again. He walked up the stairs with a sigh of relief, wondering how he would survive the rest of the night in this fear. Once he opened up the basement door to go back to his room, he jumped at the sight of the man with the twisted face he had laughed at and fell down the stairs, the man slowly walked down the stairs. Three years later a girl was on instant messenger, her friend gave her a link. Bewildered, she clicked the link and an imaged was shown, it was the image of Roger, with the same face the man had and under the picture read "He laughed.” The girl laughed, and the cycle continues...


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2006, 07:58:25 AM »

Roger's parents had to go to work that night. Roger thought nothing of it as his parents always went to work at 8 PM. When his parents left, he went on the internet and chatted with his friends. While talking to one of his friends on instant messenger, he got a link to a website. Bewildered, Roger clicked the link, and the first image he saw was of a man, his face twisted in a foul manner. Under the picture was a description that said "He laughed". Roger then began to laugh at the picture, he began laughing hysterically. It was now 10PM; he had stayed on the internet too long. He decided to get ready for bed. He took a shower, in the middle of the shower, he began to hear strange noises, almost as if the water coming from the shower was speaking and chanting something to him. He quickly got out and got dressed. He reached for the toothbrush, but felt a presence behind him and quickly stopped brushing his teeth. He turned on all the lights and got his dog to sleep beside his bed. Roger felt soundly asleep, but woke up abruptly to a banging on his front door, he went to answer it, but saw nothing but the snow that fell to the ground. Once he closed the door, he felt a very cold draft 5 minutes after the door was closed, Roger knew that just wasn't a draft that had come into his house. Roger decided to make hot chocolate to take his mind off his fear. Once the hot chocolate was finished, he sipped it, and slowly relaxed, suddenly the lights went out. He jumped up and spilled hot chocolate all over himself running up to his room. He saw his dog still laying there, sound asleep, the events hadn't woke him up. He jumped in the bed and thought hiding under his covers would help, but soon was overpowered with courage and raced to the basement to turn on the light, the stairs creaked with each step. He hit the switch with shaky hands and all the lights turned on again. He walked up the stairs with a sigh of relief, wondering how he would survive the rest of the night in this fear. Once he opened up the basement door to go back to his room, he jumped at the sight of the man with the twisted face he had laughed at and fell down the stairs, the man slowly walked down the stairs. Three years later a girl was on instant messenger, her friend gave her a link. Bewildered, she clicked the link and an imaged was shown, it was the image of Roger, with the same face the man had and under the picture read "He laughed.” The girl laughed, and the cycle continues...

gives me shivers


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2006, 01:27:51 PM »

wow big but good stories.  ;)
I'm back to SL !


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2006, 03:23:54 PM »

Nice, i liked you're story LeafToad, seeming i hadn't heard it before.
Hmm, scary stories, i have one, that probably isn't very scary to some people, and probably is overused, but nevertheless i'll tell it anyway, for those people who care or haven't heard it.

It was a cold, late night, all was dark, and a lady was preparing to go home after a long night at a friends party. A few friends of hers said goodnight as she left, alone. As she left the house to walk to her car, she couldn't help but notice the figure of a man standing at a distance across the street, he seemed to be watching her. The lady shrugged her shoulders and got into her car, starting up the engine and pulling out, checking her wing mirror. Again she couldn't help but notice that the man was also getting into a car, further down the street. She tried to ignore this and made her way back to her house, which was quite a long drive away. A few minutes later the lady checked her wing mirror once again, and saw the same car that the man had got into, driving quite closely behind her. After a few more minutes she picked her speed up, realising that this man was following her. Getting quite agitated, the lady began to drive faster, taking all the possible shortcuts and turnings she could, too see if the man would stop following her, but yet the same car was on her track. She tried contacting someone, but her cell phone was out of battery, so she had no other choice but to try and loose the other car. She drove for miles, feeling frightened and watched by the man in the car behind her, she decided she would go to her closest relatives house, her parents, get out of the car as fast as she could, get into the house and hopefully loose the man. She arrived at the house, immediately breaking and throwing the door open, sprinting towards her parents door. She knocked, and shouted as loud as she could, but nobody would answer. She shrieked as the car stopped and a man opened the door, stepping out and walking towards her. The man suddenly raised his hands, shouting at the lady. "Calm down! Its okay. I'm not trying to hurt you." The women, still in shock stopped in her tracks as she faced the man following her. "I'm sorry if i frightened you, I couldn't help but notice...their was a man in the back seat of your car.."

Hope that wasn't too long, or boring. The first time i heard it i found it scary, even if it isn't scary to anyone here, i just thought i'd share it. :cool:


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2006, 05:06:47 AM »

Good story and a great twist at the end.


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2006, 09:16:11 AM »

Yo people! I'm a bad story teller, and so here's something from my real life instead to share with you.  ;)

Late one night while i was chatting with my mum at home (the other occupant being my grandma who is already asleep), my mum told me a strange tale:

While i was just nine-months old, my father's side of the family had a huge gathering to celebrate chinese new year in the countryside, and the three of us (my pa, mum, and baby-me) naturaly participated. It was well late into the night when the party ended, which prompted my dad deciding against taking a two hour drive back to the city and take up a night's lodging in the area instead. Well, the place is in Malacca and we called to make a booking in a 3 star hotel called the Straits Inn. Reception initially replied that rooms are fully booked, but upon our arrival we were told that there was one room left. We got our keys and were escorted to our room by the bellboy. Bellboys usually take your luggage into your room and waited for a tip, but this one instead dropped our luggage outside, and left without a word.
Mum stressed at this point that when she entered the room after pa did, she suddenly shivered but couldnt understand why. The room itself looked cosy to her, and after putting me to sleep, my mum went to the bathroom to take a shower. That was when all the lights went out. She quickly rushed out of the bathroom, heard me crying loudly and shouted for my father. Luckily pa was beside her (Duh! he was in the room of course, I told my mum) and when pa opened the outside door, the lights in the corridor were curiously on, and when he checked neighbouring rooms he could see light emiting from under the doors. Ours were the only room without currant. Pa then went to the room balcony, and my mum heard him shouting rudely "Woi! No Lights?" at a passing guard below but got no response.
Mum then told me that was when my pa felt 'something' for he quickly told me mum 'pack our things and go' We left without paying and took that two hour drive back (afterall). The hotel manager did called up afterwards about the non-payment, but pa gave him an earful =/

That's my mum's version of the tale and would be laid to rest if my father did not suddenly brought it up with me on a particulary long drive in the night just last week. Here's his version:
I found the front part to be consistant with my mum's tale, right up until the part where the bellboy left our luggage outside the room where he had something new to add. Like my mum said, pa was the first to into the room. Well, what she didnt know is that when pa first entered, the room was pitch dark, but in this pitch blackness he was able to make out the form of a woman sitting (he's not sure now whether it was 'sitting') on our bed... But pa decided against telling my mum for fear of causing her nervous. He then switched on all the lights, and watched mum put me to sleep on the bed. Then mum went to take a bath. My pa sat on the bed near me, and he had this very strange chilling feel. He tried to counter it by putting his gun on the bedside desk (my pa was a Copper) for that 'safety feeling'. He told me that many things happened at once then which was too big to be a coincidance. 1- the lights suddenly went out. 2- Baby-me started crying. 3- Lights in the corridor were functioning well. 4- When pa went to the balcony and 'talked' to the guard, this was what happened. Although our room was only on the first floor, the guard who was directly below looked up but couldnt see my pa although he did hear someone calling at him. Pa said the guard's look when he gazed up was one of puzzlement and maybe fear, he just looked right through my pa without seeing him! Pa then immediately told my mum to pack up and we left that night.

Now that i'm 22 years old, my father stressed this point to me- Babies below the age of two can 'see' things that others cant, and when they reached 2-years-old they'll loose all their memories of the years before. That was God's gift, my pa said.

Boring.. to tell you the truth, I don't believe in haunted places. I will one day go to this Straits Inn with a friend or two and check out that last room on the first floor, if the hotel is still standing. And lastly, please forgive this 50-paragraph tiresome crap that may bore more than half of you to sleep.


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2006, 12:49:45 PM »

The lights going out are sort of creepy because it didn't happen to the other rooms, or maybe you guys were using too much power? or something like that... >.>


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2006, 08:57:30 PM »

I would have stayed there no problems but thats just me
I'm like the Doctor. I'm always bouncing around time and space.


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2006, 03:13:37 PM »

He reached for the box.. he put is hand inside... and ran away laughing so evily--that even fear itself would stand rigid.. Bobby came home.. and looked in the box.. only to find that all the donuts had been eaten.. he shrieked, he cried, he bleeded.. and so the dark silohette stood outside laughing maniaclly--eating the donuts as Bobby had to suffer a night without donuts...



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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2007, 09:15:22 AM »

lets see if u guys can scare ppl in this thread :)

let your abstract mind fulfill your desires of emplacement fury upon social working women
raping them in their corner as u get arrested by the anonymous cops that fly across upon u taking u to jail
 their u will be charged with felony,rape,and attempted murder as u were going to bash one of the police man in the head with the raped victim as u tried scurring away in the blist darkness
  their u await judgement upon your soul in the brink of your 3 cornered jailcell
 and the only thing that came from your frontal lobe was to take a jagged mirror and plunge it in your very throat amissing u gone from this world....
and their you lay here known .........
everybody knew you.. but not your alter ego....
  a ego so foul so corrupt of lust for social working women left them trembling upon his feet
 until u was finally put down into the depths of the cell
 july 25 2007 R.I.P


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Re: Scary...stories that will make you fright
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2007, 07:28:57 PM »

He reached for the box.. he put is hand inside... and ran away laughing so evily--that even fear itself would stand rigid.. Bobby came home.. and looked in the box.. only to find that all the donuts had been eaten.. he shrieked, he cried, he bleeded.. and so the dark silohette stood outside laughing maniaclly--eating the donuts as Bobby had to suffer a night without donuts...



why the donuts  :cry:

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