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Author Topic: Dice?  (Read 2330 times)


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« on: May 22, 2013, 05:54:57 AM »

Perhaps this has been answered somewhere before but I can't seem to find it.

I was just wondering what the dice roll thing in the private zones was for? In all my years here I have never figured it out... honestly I had forgotten about it.


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Re: Dice?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 07:33:26 PM »

To see who goes first, usually. >>
Look at that smite number. Boy was I disliked a lot more back in the day.


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Re: Dice?
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 07:35:48 PM »

I thought it would be more complex then that.... got to admit I am rather let down....


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Re: Dice?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2013, 07:39:00 PM »

I'm pretty sure that is all it's there for unless the players have an argument and agrees whoever gets the highest number wins. (If only it were that easy) xD Really though, my first answer is probably the only legit reason for it.
Look at that smite number. Boy was I disliked a lot more back in the day.


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Re: Dice?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2013, 07:43:21 PM »

... unless the players have an argument and agrees whoever gets the highest number wins. (If only it were that easy) xD ...

This should be made a rule.....


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Re: Dice?
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2013, 02:52:55 AM »

smiles brightly...

The dice are for DnD style encounters. They are used in conjunction with a bio that has stats, a weapons and armor list with given values, and an arsenal of moves that are also given values.

When you come to an encounter in RP, you roll for initiative using a D20, to see who goes first.

Then you have die you roll to attack with, there are different sized die for different sized weapons. The D20 is used for accuracy on your attack roll.

say my katana would be a d10. and I would make my post...

"Drawing forth her katana she swings it at Shadow's head."

And I roll the see if I hit or maybe not hit. [Different game systems have different values you add to your roll or subtract depending on your character's powers but let's not complicate this time.]

So I rolled a 13. So what does that mean? I compare my roll to the armor class/defence rating/value/whatever that system calls it...of Shadow. So I see that he has been rated with an AC of 15. So right off the arguing no fuss no muss...I miss...its his turn.

now he rp's the dodge cause I don't control his character, the die just determined that I missed. He posted, "Her katana bounced off his specially forged breast plate leaving him unharmed. he was sure glad he thought to wear it this morning when he left the house."

But then he gets his turn, right? So he pulls his katana out to teach me a lesson and RPs that all fancy like and he rolls the D20 and get a 17. Well my armor is only 12 so he hits. much damage is done?

Remember that D10 I said was for the katana? He now rolls that [plus what ever bonus or nerf the game system determined based off his special bio] and he gets a 7. So...7 points of damage have now been done to my health.

Now how you calculate health again is based on which game system you use but generally once you get down to zero...its curtains. [Oh but wait....look at your character stats...we have health values!!! So that is already done for you.]

So I get hit in the arm and bleed and I pull out a kunai to throw at him next. And it is smaller so maybe I roll the D6 for damage if I hit. So combat would continue different weapons or jutsu would have different value damage die to roll.

And that is basic DnD. Some video games that do all that for you in the background are Baldur's Gate, Ice Wind Dale, Never Winter Nights, and Knights of the Old Republic[KotOR], to name a few.

A different system like World of Darkness is all D10. Shadowrun is an all D6 system, and Naruto...had a D20 version out there somewhere that is similar to DnD. Look it up!

But then it like OOC fight there. The die do not lie. So the dice are there to settle these issue based upon whatever value system you decide to use.

Take a look at our bios...each stat is base 10 and with each DK we add more points to the differing areas to grow in strength or intelligence or defense...most of these values are found in DnD and it just so happens that in that game system a 10 is average. your starting point here.

So its much much more than just initiative.


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Re: Dice?
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2013, 06:39:19 AM »

Thanks for clearing that up Kay.

I have heard of such games before but I have never played any or anything of the sort.  Plus never seen this been done on SL so I wasn't sure.

Pretty cool though in my thoughts.


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Re: Dice?
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2013, 12:14:10 AM »

I have been desiring a way to quantify powers this way on SL for years and have made a certain amount of progress in that direction.
If you would like to work on something like that for...outside the Accepted RP/zoning know? just for fun? Then I would very much like to have your assistance in this matter. Pm me on SL sometime!


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Re: Dice?
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2013, 05:08:46 AM »

The only time you get the dice in SL, I believe,  are in private zones. That is part of the reason why you don't see it all that often.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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