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Author Topic: Athos vs Yujo  (Read 2706 times)


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Athos vs Yujo
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:57:38 PM »

Current Host: Athos

Affiliation: Uzushiogakure, Uzumaki Clan.

Preferred method: 1v1 OOC Deathmatch

Current Six Tails Challengers: None.

Special Conditions

-The match is OOC unless otherwise agreed upon.

-If the match is IC, it will be, what people refer to it as, "staggered IC". That meaning we can rp whilst the match happens, but the end result of the match will still occur IC. Once a victor is decided the Jinchuriki and Challenger then finish whatever rp they are in and immediately post going to begin the fight, so that is when it happens chronologically. If you manage to get yourself killed before the fight happens it will be voided, but I'm not forcing you to rp elsewhere during the fight.

-Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

-The Challenger and Jinchuriki each have a one time ability to boot a judge. If the agreed upon judge makes a decision just so despicable that you need to get a new one you can say that after this decision you are requesting a new judge. Each participant can do this ONCE, and NOT while a decision is being made. Once a new judge is picked they are the set judge for the rest of the fight, or until the remaining boot is used on them.

-Resets are to be used for Kekkei Genkai, though one "elemental" KG i.e Ice Release, Magnet Release, whatever Release can be used for "Free". Any of them except for Mokuton.

-You cannot borrow techniques from your friends like Dust Release or Hirashin. You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight, even if it's OOC.

-If you take 14 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost. I.e. You waited a week to post, but your post was all godmodding and autohitting, and then waited 8 days to repost, then you still lose.

-Everyone gets ONE repost only.

Non-Negotiable Voids

-Swift Release
- Izanami
- Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities 
- Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
- Uchiha Return
-Hijutsu: Kirisame

**Rules and Void list subject to change**

Rules for this fight are as follows:

Fight is IC

Zone is 6 (Plains)

Judge is agreed to be Eric

As defender I will take first post.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2015, 08:43:04 PM »

The crimson-haired Jinchuriki would enter the plains by rising out of the ground via Mayfly. It was a sunny day, simple white clouds drifting through the sky. It was late afternoon/early evening, around 4 PM, and the Uzumaki's shadow was quite long.  He was clad in his Uzumaki Leader robes with Rebellion across his back and Oken resting on his hip. He'd slowly walk through the shin-high grass as a gentle breeze rolled through, causing the sea of emerald blades to surge.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2015, 09:00:31 PM »

As if mirrored by image another offensively bright haired man entered, less theatrically by way of his feet and the northern end of the plains, exiting from the always present tree-line. Clad in an older variant of the very robes the other man wore, a mask resembling the very face of Shinigami, and belt to which hung a vial of black liquid, he presented himself very proudly of his lineage and his faith. With the always open Mind's eye, he quickly found his soon to be combatant, and locked in on his chakra signature. With that, a cold breath released itself through the front side of his mask, visible to those watching closely, and not so much to less perceptive. The Uzumaki man would simply stand seemingly focusing on nothing, and everything at the same time ready to react accordingly as needed.
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2015, 09:52:27 PM »

Athos stood twenty five meters from Yujo, a man he was very familiar with (Due in no small part to the Uzumaki Clan's Scroll of Leaders). After the False Prophet entered into the area and was standing within the grassy plains Athos would make a single kata, Rat, and should have this fight well on its way to being won. Using the simple Kagemane no Jutsu, Athos would link his shadow to that of one of hundreds of thousands of blades of grass in the plains. They may be relatively small but due to how clustered together they were it formed a lattice-work of shadows across the entire ground of the plains. If Yujo thought this was a battlefield not favoring either opponent he was sorely mistaken.

With his Mind's Eye open he'd be able to sense Athos's chakra instantly coating the ground beneath him, but it remains to be seen if he could do anything about it. He would essentially instantly be caught in the jutsu as their shadows were already touching, due to being linked via the grass. Athos had the chakra to make the entirety of the plains' shadows belong to him and would do so.

Assuming he successfully linked with Yujo's shadow, and he would be able to tell if he did or not. Athos would immediately enter a one tailed V1 bijuu cloak, to further strengthen his hold on Yujo, and simultaneously raise his hand to his face in a swiping motion, since he can release the Rat kata once the jutsu is succesful. Athos had nothing on his face of course, but Yujo did, and since he would be forced to mimic Athos' movements the fancy mask on his face would be pushed up his head to block his eyesight, as well as any nasty Doujutsu techniques.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2015, 10:17:10 PM »

REPOST: With his Mind's eye tracking Athos' chakra and muscle movements became trivial. As Athos' chakra moved towards his lower half Yujo had already devised and began work to end this fight via the activation of his MS and with his focus already on Athos he would have ample time to focus his Kamui on the Torso of Athos. Strangely enough though a force took his body over and halted any bodily type movements, unfortunately for Athos, it mattered not whether he could make hand seal or not, with an internal shrug he would notice Athos' movements were aimed to do something on his face, and before he knew it, his mask was just knocked right off by the overzealous swipe from his opponent, this being in part due to the mask being a relic of the Uzumaki and not made to fit Yujo's face, and secondly in part due to Yujo's casual way of wearing it, most would know he took off the mask quite frequently and fastening the mask would become quite tedious, this resulted in Yujo removing the fastens soon after he inherited it to make this process a lot easier on him. Moving on, on the same moment as his mask was thrown from him, he would shoot off his pre-aimed Kamui, eating away Athos' chest, leaving the man before him a mess of what used to be a person.‏

 Being as Athos had no prior sensory abilities active, comprehending, and reacting accordingly became a Herculean task, as there was no tell as to give away that this jutsu was being fired, ironically though one could argue Athos' false sense of security due to his failed attempt at preventing this very attack, would lure him further into the depths of his own ignorance to this jutsu, and its coming into fruition.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 02:43:15 AM by Riku »
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2015, 01:47:34 PM »

Tl;Wr [Too Long, Won't Read] (for 3rd parties mostly, I want the contestants to read the whole thing) Riku may clarify the nature of his mask as to allow his attempt at defense and counter-attack to be legitimate, but he may not contest the ability for Hazama to subsequently attempt to defend himself, nor may he gain any further reposts/edits for the remainder of the fight.

It has been difficult, to say the least, and as this is my first decision as a judge not just for this match, but for a biju match period, it has been troublesome finding the right call to make.

To start off with, the original conflict stemmed from the lack of details regarding the cause and source of some of Riku's moves. By now the original post is lost to the edits of the forum, but long story short, it involved using chakra from earlier to remove the grass in a katon-like fashion, when, upon investigation, the prepared technique was more of a ice release sort that lowered the temperature, not incinerated.

When the repost was made, the more or less current iteration had the same if not very similar issues. The main forms of debate was on whether or not the mask would come off of Riku and whether an edit to fill in said detail was permissible.

The first, and second-most important, was an issue because the mask was very poorly described in all iterations; the details were largely left to the imagination. As a result, the imagination of Hazama reasonably concluded that the mask would be attached well enough that he could move it up with a swiping gesture.

Riku disagreed with this interpretation, and reasoned instead that the mask would simply fall off. The problem with making a solid decision here is that the mask was never described very well from the get-go, and there was little to no other place where the mask was described in a permissible context (using a separate RP as evidence for the masks ease of falling off does not count, especially when the mask was intentionally removed from the face by the one acting on the mask in that example). The only conclusion then that can be brought is that Hazama worked with the details that he had in order to make his post.

Just to be clear, I do not judge/rule/believe that Riku's attempt at having his mask fall off as a sort of defense was character control. The short version is that like all things, Hazama's post was an attempt, and his attempt never specified just how much force would be applied in the swipe. There would have been little to no room for discussion had he grasped the mask and merely pushed it up instead of swiping at it (you can go back and read for yourself, Hazama specifically made a swiping motion, he did not make a motion to take ahold of the mask).

The second, and most important point, is the one that gave me the most trouble. A user is allowed only one repost in this fight, but both fighters have different interpretations of a repost. I needed to temporarily juggle these differing interpretations. As the host, Hazama's interpretation takes precedent, but looking back at the rules posted at the beginning of this fight, it is rather unclear from there what a repost constitutes. Clarification on that matter from the get-go would have likely made Riku far less willing to edit his post from what he originally had beyond clarification.

The new problem stemmed as a result of the mask not being described with sufficient detail, even in the repost. It was further complicated by Hazama's unnecessary swiping motion (instead of just grasping and pushing up) and the subsequent repost by Riku that did very little if anything to fix the problem.

In conclusion, I find that Riku should be permitted to clarify his post one last time to include details regarding his mask, and only details regarding his mask, because of the possible misinterpretation for what a repost constituted. He is to make that post after mine for clarification and comparison purposes. Additionally, he may continue attempting (recall your actions are attempts, not successes people) to kamui Hazama, but as logic would dictate, Hazama is not going to just stand idly by and watch the mask fall to the ground (or even to chest level) when, as stated even in your own post, he has been deadset on preventing you from successfully executing this attack since the beginning (well, this is the beginning still really). Him reacting accordingly then to your attempt is reasonable (nipping that before it even gets started) and should not be contested in plausibility.

Hazama's definition of repost trumps Riku's, so after this, Riku will receive no further edits and no further reposts for his benefit; what he omits is up to interpretation, which may or may not be in his favor. If he incorrectly dodges an attack hereafter, it will be considered auto-hit. Plan your posts carefully the first time or face the consequences. He gets by this time in part because what constituted a repost was not defined at the beginning of the match, and cannot be considered "common knowledge" in a setting where a repost and an edit are very similar in appearance, especially when posters fail to note at the bottom what was changed from the original.

For future reference, a repost in this fight is considered any edit made for the purpose of correcting a mistake, which includes omission of details, changing of actions, and even grammar. If there is an "editted by" at the bottom of your post, it immediately is counted as a repost, in order to avoid further confusion and contesting in that regard.

Tl;Dr (for 3rd parties mostly, I want the contestants to read the whole thing) Riku may clarify the nature of his mask as to allow his attempt at defense and counter-attack to be legitimate, but he may not contest the ability for Hazama to subsequently attempt to defend himself, nor may he gain any further reposts/edits for the remainder of the fight.

That is my ruling on the matter, with an attempt to be fair to both parties involved, since both parties made mistakes here as far as I'm concerned.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2015, 04:59:19 PM »

Yeah who would have thought that changing your post to a 100% different post (when having only been asked to clarify actions taken) would have counted as a repost? I could see how their could be confusion about that if you've never been in a zone fight before.

I accept this decision based on Yujo's ignorance of the rules granting him immunity to them. Yujo gets to ignore what has been a common rule for sometime now and repost, again. Hopefully someone told him that he has to explain his actions this time. This will be his fourth post in the fight, and he's still yet to make a legitimate one since he retroactively made himself use a jutsu during his entrance post for defense in his previous post. He also doesn't know what a repost is. Can we add a clause to the bijuu rules that we do not have to defend against people who literally do not know how to zone fight?

Now that he's made his decision I'm using my boot on Eric, he is no longer the judge for this fight.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2015, 04:39:47 PM »

Athos did not account for the mask being so precariously balanced on Yujo's face. One would question how an ill-fitting mask with no fasteners stayed on the man's face as he walked, but expecting logic from Yujo seems to be akin to expecting blood from a stone, at this point. Thankfully Athos had his Sharingan active and was able to respond to the mask's movement just as well as he could any other movement. Since Yujo’s hand was already in front of his eye from the movement of hitting the mask off of him Athos would merely press his hand over his eye, forcing Yujo to do the same, which would stop him from being able to use his Kamui on him. Unless he wanted to Kamui his own hand off first, of course. Athos knows everything about Yujo’s abilities from the Uzumaki Scroll of Leaders, so he knows which eye to cover to negate the more dangerous long-range Kamui, which was what he had been attempting to do in the first place.

Speaking of preventing Kamui, after covering Yujo’s one eye Athos would aim to gouge out the other. He would make a thumbs up with his free hand and jab it towards his eye, of course forcing Yujo to mimic the motion. Yujo could close his eye if he wanted, since Kagemane does not control the facial muscles, but it would be irrelevant since the force of the strike would stab through his eyelid and destroy the eye regardless. Athos of course is the Strongest Shield, and the force of this strike would not be enough to damage him, his vision would merely blur slightly for a moment, like what happens if you press your finger against your closed eye. This would also leave Yujo blind, as an added bonus, since one eye would be gouged out while the other was still covered.

If this was successful Athos would follow it up by moving closer to Yujo, which would make the man walk forward as well, making the Shadow Possession even stronger. Athos would then manipulate the mass of shadows he had under his control to wrap around Yujo’s body. The tendrils of shadow would envelop the entirety of the man’s body until it looked like he was wearing a skintight black bodysuit. From there they would begin to drain his chakra. Each one would siphon energy from the man and with his entire body covered it would only be a short time before he was completely out of chakra.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2015, 01:57:07 AM »


One would really have to wonder how, at any other given time, the mask on Yujo’s face would stay on as he ran around the streets of Konoha or when he fought any other person, but for some very convenient purpose, the mask would have begun to fall off the male’s face as Athos pushed to move it up. Of course, seeing as Yujo claimed to have started to build up his Kamui BEFORE the mask would have been knocked off (With his Mind's eye tracking Athos' chakra and muscle movements became trivial. As Athos' chakra moved towards his lower half Yujo had already devised and began work to end this fight via the activation of his MS and with his focus already on Athos he would have ample time to focus his Kamui on the Torso of Athos). Of course, Athos obviously had been looking in the direction of Yujo and would see the transformation of his eyes from their current state, whatever that was, to their Mangekyo Form and to say otherwise would be ludicrous. So, given that Athos also used the Sharingan, at the single second he saw Yujo change his eyes, his own pupil would take the form of the Mangekyo Sharingan but his eyes stayed their brilliant golden color, even though he was granted the wonderful eye prowess of the Sharingan. Now, seeing as Yujo had prepared his Kamui and his Sharingan BEFORE the mask was knocked off, Athos knew that he was most likely preparing to shoot a Kamui at him because, let’s be honest, his body was Athos’ to do as he pleased with now, especially with him now within his V1 cloak.

Now, let’s get to the actual knocking off of the mask. Seeing as, due to gravity, the mask would still have to fall past Yujo’s face, regardless of what which direction it was pushed up, it’d have to fall and for a second or two, Yujo’s sight would still be blocked. Now, given that his Sharingan was now active, Athos was more than aware of the chakra build up within Yujo’s eye and had more than enough time to figure out what he wanted to do about it. Seeing as Yujo would shoot off his Kamui the second his mask was done falling from view, seeing if he shot it before the mask was fully away from his eyes he’d only suck it away instead of Athos, Yujo would basically be blinding shooting at whatever was put in his way
(Moving on, on the same moment as his mask was thrown from him, he would shoot off his pre-aimed Kamui, eating away Athos' chest, leaving the man before him a mess of what used to be a person). Now there was no possible argument that could be stated, seeing as Athos merely worked with what was given to him, and what Yujo placed before him. With this being said, Athos would have perfectly positioned Yujo’s hand, the same that he used to push the mask off his face, to block Athos fully from view. Now, seeing as Yujo bragged over and over that this Kamui was prepared beforehand, there’d be no possible way for the boy to suddenly make it so it wasn’t launched, that’d just be, well, meta-gaming. So instead of hitting his expected target, Yujo would find his Kamui ripping off his own hand, and part of his forearm, fully countering his own attack with his own body.
Now, for the rest of Athos’ post, instead of a thumbs up, his free hand formed a peace sign, forcing Yujo to do the same. Athos would go for the two for one deal, aiming to bring his hand up quickly to his face with enough force to cause Yujo to gouge out, count with me, not one eye but two! Both his eyes would find themselves gouged and both forms of Kamui, and his Kamui realm, would forever be lost to the youth before him. Man, that’s gotta suck. Of course, the next stage would be for his shadows to completely wrap around the boy, as previously stated, and drain him of his chakra quickly. Just as stated before, the boy would look as though he was the full embodiment of darkness but not the cool kind, because the cool kind doesn’t lose. Now that he was blinded, beaten, and confused, Athos would walk forward and make the Fake Prophet before him do the same. Seeing as Yujo had only one hand at this point, he would have his hands come to form a unique seal that only he knew about.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2015, 02:07:53 AM »

Taking everything back to when Yujo was initially caught in the shadow possession jutsu, before his mask had been thrown off, Yujo had noticed Athos's focused gaze on the crimson eyes of this Uzumaki. This being strange due to the large stigma related to looking into an Uchiha's eyes, especially while their sharingan already being active. "Of course, Athos obviously had been looking in the direction of Yujo and would see the transformation of his eyes from their current state, whatever that was, to their Mangekyo Form and to say otherwise would be ludicrous." Being as the two combatants stood roughly 80 feet from each other, one could conclude that Athos had to have been focusing on Yujo's eyes rather closely, this being even possible to a rather convenient visual prowess of Athos's that allowed him some added perceptive abilities, specifically allowing him to see further than any average human apparently, but to notice such an incredibly small detail in the eye ball of someone standing at such a distance away, a detail that would only take a few milliseconds to happen, one could also conclude Athos was staring into Yujo's eyes for a rather long time before most things in this fight had happened.

Whatever the case was, Yujo used their almost awkward amount of Eye contact to cast a Genjutsu on the more than susceptible opponent. The effects of this genjutsu would be felt instantaneously, and unfortunately for his opponent the chosen effect of this Genjutsu would be an incapacitating unconsciousness, and as a precaution he also kept Athos' body in place.

Genjutsu: Sharingan~

Once his Genjutsu was cast, Yujo knew that he only had a few moments to deal with his opponent before he would be able to break out of it. Using this time, while his body was free from the shadow jutsu, being as it's user was well, knocked out. His MS activated, and a long range Kamui was shot, eating away Athos's upper body, specifically from his heart region, up.

They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2015, 06:39:29 PM »

Riku thinks his post is legit.

I don't think he is.

He refuses to drop his fight against me.

And, I think, we just agreed on Shadow being our judge. Hell if I know at this point.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs Yujo
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2015, 11:30:39 PM »

Both parties have agreed to end the fight. No rematch, no stripping, nothing. Have a good day everyone.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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