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Author Topic: Dāto Terumī vs. Hazama  (Read 2473 times)

Dart Terumī

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Dāto Terumī vs. Hazama
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:46:45 AM »

Jinchūriki: Dāto Terumī

Affiliation: Kirigakure

Preferred Method: OOC 1v1; exceptions apply

Preferred Zone: Wetlands

Preferred Judges: Eric, Warren, Kamui, Kage; exceptions apply

Preferred Outlet: SL Forum

Special rules

-The match is to be 1v1.

-Victory for the challenger is the defeat of the host through any means necessary, and vice versa. Death in the fight does NOT equate to death IC.

-Skills acquired during an OOC match are not carried over IC. Similarly, knowledge of participants' abilities do NOT carry over to IC RP.

-If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 30 days then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (I.E. Both fighters MUST send a PM for this option.] If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a  winner based on these criteria:

     •Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?

     •What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?

     •Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. His(her) decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.

If neither side can be conclusively declared the winner, then the fight either proceeds or a draw is declared. In the case of a draw, the challenger may rejoin the queue of challengers after the latest challenger without having to wait for cooldown (this circumvention for the benefit of the challenger for not technically being declared the loser, though by not succeeding the host can be considered a winner in this situation). Note, this is a technical victory for the host, so unless the challenger truly believes that a restart is necessary to increase victory chances, then it is not recommended to settle for a draw without reviewing this process a second time.

-Prefers SL forum, as it is most useful for fights where long periods of time may pass between postings, serves as a record of the fight's progress for other challengers, and for that damned time-out option.

-Must post at least once (1) a week. Though if a pattern of postings persists (I.E. If either player stretches their posting to the full week, each and every post without prior notification to the other), then the challenge will be voided. The cooldown will be initiated to challenger (if challenger is problem) and the host will be stripped (if host's activity is problem).

-Decided judge will remain judge throughout. No boots.

-Reposts are allowed, within reason. (I.E. If either participant has to repeatedly repost, the match will be concluded. See inactivity clause.) Reposts are only to fix the issue brought up by the judge. Modifying the entire post to save yourself or completely change up strategy is an automatic disqualification from the match. (See inactive clause for consequences.) Edits are NOT allowed. An edited post is an automatic disqualifaction. A brand new "Reply" must be made so there is a full history of the entire fight for judge and other readers.

-Can only use skills that are known IC at the official start of the match. No borrowing from others. No immediate power ups within the match.

-Discussion of non-allowed techniques will vary by challenger and discussed via PM, only.

-Inflammatory, racial, harassing, or abusive language aimed at each other either in the match or in PM will result in an immediate void of the challenge. If challenger, (s)he loses all rights to ever challenge the current jinchūriki. If host, he loses the match and bijū given to the challenger.

-In the event that a host is defeated, the new host has the cooldown challenge period timeframe to either accept the special regulations for the tailed beast or completely re-write or alter the special rules. If they do not post their own variant by the beginning of the next challenge, then it is to be assumed that they comply with the previous special regulations.

-If host defeated, allow host to finish up any roleplay that may involve having the beast. Then a reasonable RP will be concluded as to how the beast transferred hands.

-All measurement units to be used in U.S. Customary Units. (I.E. No meters, grams, etc. Use feet, pounds, Fahrenheit, etc.)

Any questions, PM me please.

Method: OOC 1v1

Zone: Wetlands

Judge: Kage

Outlet: Forums

-No Edo Tensei
-No Nikutai Kassei no Jutsu (Body Revival Technique) to tank opening all of Hachimon (Eight Gates).

With Hazama stating approval of the above preferences and rules, I will make the first post.

*Remember, no attacking on entry post.


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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Hazama
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2015, 01:37:43 AM »

Accepted all the rules and above stated good stuff.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Dart Terumī

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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Hazama
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2015, 03:14:25 PM »

Dāto Terumī shifted his weight from his left foot to right, causing his form to take a sagging stance. He looked out across the raging ocean as it tumulted in chaos, seemingly oblivious to the torrential  downpour that buffeted him from all angles. He was roughly 10 yards from the edge of the coast's cliff on both sides of him. The ocean's and weather's wrath had long ago eroded this earthen terrain to create an almost triangular piece of land. Its tip exceeded the drowned base below by about 50 yards. And it was nearly a 100 yard drop to the jagged rocks and irate waves below. If the fall didn't kill the person on impact, the severe thrashing water on rocks would. (Picture Pride Rock from Lion King as a reference) But, this threat and nearness to such death reminded Dāto that a shinobi's life was a constant battle. And it was here that this denizen of Kirigakure sought sanctuary and peace of mind from the roughness of the shinobi life and the massive mound of paperwork Xia always seemed to leave him.

Although he was relatively young, 24, the Terumī had accomplished much in his years. He stood strong, healthy, and rather built at six feet even and weighed just a little below 200 pounds. But it was definitely all muscle as one could tell from his arms alone. Such strength and stature could only be the result of strict training and a little luck in the gene pool of his bloodline. For the training, he had been given the privilege to train under each and every Mizukage to date, save Cmage(Rakudo), and he had quickly scaled the ranks within the village. He had managed to find and reclaim his bloodline (clan's) techniques and master them and to honor their memory, he had erected a coliseum. After nine years of hidden adoration, he was finally able to marry the love of his life. And after 13 years of serving his village, Kirigakure had entrusted a most precious gift and companion to him, the Hachibi. And it was because of this latest accomplishment that this now unwarranted attention had been garnered unto his existence. At least, that is what he presumed.

The message had made quite a stir upon learning of its contents. It was a challenge for one of Kirigakure's bijū, and as luck had it, Dāto was the specified jinchūriki. The message's origin is the real trump, though. It came from Otogakure, Kirigakure's ally. And the supposed challenger would be one of their Otokage. A man named Hazama. Now, seeing as Dāto had never met the male, he didn't quite know what to expect. The other officials had told him only whispers and rumors of his abilities. It would be quite asinine of himself to not assume the shinobi was a master of Ototon. A thought that aided in choosing this specific locale for this battle. And it was stated the man knew his way around a poison or two, so Dāto came prepared with various antidotes just in case. Another whisper was he was born to shadow. Whether this meant the Otokage Shādow or to the shadows of the Nara Clan, Dāto would take no chance and thus choose this locale. And the most vile rumor of all, was that the man was an immortal. How does one kill that which cannot be killed? That was the question that solidified his choice in this area.

Ever since learning of Dāto's lineage, the Mizukage have been strict in ensuring his bloodline abilities were dampened and avoided from being used near the village. This "ban" was implemented during Mizukage Purple's reign as she was one of the few who helped him in mastering his kekkei genkai. The "ban" was created to protect the village and its people as well as keep his abilities unknown to the majority of the world. That is why this location was ideal. It was well away from the village so he could fight unrestricted and take full advantage of his bloodline abilities. And because he was fully confident that his abilities were relatively unknown, he felt that this surprise aspect would be his trump card should it be need to be played.

He turned and walked towards the main inland portion of the terrain, leaving the pointed end of the cliff behind him. His opponent was to arrive soon. His eyes scanned the wooded region that his opponent would most likely have to walk in from unless he used a jikūkan. Either way, Dāto would end up being 100 yards away from the woods and 50 yards from the point of the cliff. This location and the rainstorm provided him with confidence that he would hold a very tactical advantage against this immortal Otokage. The sound of the torrential downpour would easily overpower an Ototon ability as well as maintain a level of semi-poor visibility to prevent any long range concentration ninjutsu attempts on his person. Though it needn't be said, the ground in the area would have a half inch of mud atop the more solid earth and numerous puddles were strewn about the entire battlefield. This location would serve to partially blind, partially disorient, and partially deafen any opposition not trained in such conditions. Of course, Dāto would be slightly affected by such an environment but not as much as one would think. He was a shinobi of Kirigakure, after all. And he had many a friend within the ranks of the Seven Swordsmen. He even thought to inquire for membership, soon. This knowledge is important as Dāto was very well trained in the art of Sairento Kiringu
(Silent Killing). Thus, this sensory deprivation hardly affected him. If anything, it would only prevent him from seeing details of his opponent from long-range. Plus, he held an additional sensory technique trump card.

When his opponent would eventually show, Hazama would be met with the sight of Dāto, of course. He was adorned in a specially made gray flak jacket. The collar was popped to add a bit of neck protection against glancing blows without impeding head movement. And it was specially tailored to fit his exact form and chakra signature. Any chakura mōdo
(Chakra Mode) that Dāto might undergo would affect and alter his jacket. It is quite durable and able to stop most standard projectiles and weapon types. It contains five pouches on its being, three on his left breast and one on each side of his obliques. His arms were bare save for two sleeves on his elbows and his Kiri headband on his left bicep. He wore fingerless combat gloves to aid in gripping his weaponry in most conditions, especially moist ones. The braid that wrapped around his neck and attached in the back to his jacket was purely ceremonial as it marked him as head of his clan. Moving onto the lower half of his body, he wore a simple yet specially tailored blue pants. It contained the same chakra adaption as his jacket. On his right hip and wrapping around his left thigh, he wore a red leather guard that carried all the same principles as the jacket. On the strip that wrapped on his left thigh, five see-through, water-tight, sealed containers held five scrolls each marked with a different kanji. Resting on his right hip, his katana was stored within an iridescent black sheathe that had a gold wire spiraling from its base to opening. Just above his right knee and at the end of the guard, two more pouches could be found. And one could correctly assume they held additional ninja weaponry. Covering his entire shins were a set of specially crafted leather greaves that held all the same abilities as his jacket. Finally, he wore simple shinobi sandals with a gel cushion to soften the impact of landings.

His wet, auburn hair was pulled back into a small, tight ponytail to prevent it falling into his eyes. Thus it would reveal the teal diamond that was directly centered on his forehead. If one had the knowledge of the technique, (s)he would be able to identify it as the Infūin
(Yin Seal). His eyes were mismatched in color. His left eye was a vibrant emerald whilst his right eye carried the distinct red tinge of the Sharingan. For now, it rested in its three tomoe state.

Dāto continued to wait patiently for his opponent's arrival, his right hand coming to rest on the hilt of his blade, and his left hand resting on the scrolls.

P.S. Let me know if the color is too difficult to read.


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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Hazama
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2015, 07:21:55 PM »

Most that usually met Hazama for the first time always feel as though his eyes are almost drinking in everything about them, as if by just looking at you he'll see what your greatest fears are, and what the deepest, darkest secret that a person can hold. But such a thing would have to be nonsense, right? Such a detailed mattered not, not when it came to a battle, at least not on the surface. Hazama was the Godaime Otokage, not only the child of Sandaime Otokage but also the twin of the Yondaime. Those in Oto that knew the relation of the three people tended to refer to them as the Otokage Family Lineage, a triple threat, whatever one feels the need to call them.

Hazama was, surprising to most, only nineteen years old. His appearance, thought process, personality, and the goals he accomplished often tended to deter people from thinking he was such a young age. When he had found out his origins all those years ago, he never thought that he'd have so much raw power at his fingertips. Perhaps the shinobi that got his challenge was confused as to why an ally would fight for a beast and, his answer would be, that this same manner of challenge is how Kirigakure got the beast in the first place. Hazama had not only lost his life to one of their Mizukage in a fight before, but his beast at the same time. Hazama came to accept that things such a Bijuu should not interfere with allies and their standings. They are things of power, tools of destruction, and it just happened that Dart had the beast that was once Hazama's. He had been planning on how to get it back for some time, trying to gather what information on the lad that he could get. In the end, he got a name, a face, and little on his skills.

As Hazama stepped through the wooded area that led to the battlefield, his right hand held open a file that was, in a nutshell, a copy of which Kirigakure would have on the youth. Basic history, weight, height, and even a small picture to match. One could only wonder how the man got his hands onto it but, in honesty, anyone in the world could be bought, you just needed to offer the right amounts. His right thumb pushed back a page as his golden topaz hues, a color that glowed barely even in the heavy down-pour, scanned each word that was on the paper. His left hand held in it the end of the umbrella that was open over his head and stopping the rain from ruining the papers too badly and stopping him from being completely drenched. His feet splashed in puddles of both water and mud, is walking not hindered by anything, his senses completely around him. After reaching the end of it, for another time, he would finally discard it to the side, causing it to land in the mud with a splat. The paper would eventually be broken and destroyed from the heavy rain and water, but that'd take some time.

Hazama was clad within his usual attire, mostly. He wore a black dress jacket over top his vest and the white silk button up shirt that rested against his skin. His pants matched and the only thing that was missing fully from him form was his trademark Fedora. Instead it was replaced with a clear hood, one that showed his green hair beneath, the hood being attached to a raincoat that covered his form fully. He spent time in Amegakure, seeing their long-standing ally-ship with Otogakure, and he had also spent time within Kirigakure. That didn't change the fact that there was a lot of rain falling from the sky today and that his suit was very expensive. Not that he usually cared about that, but sometimes he decided to care about things that made no sense. He wore a few pouches on the back of his waist beneath the cloak, which made it bulge out slightly in the back but something he expected.

The rain didn't knock of Hazama's hearing as much as Dart may have originally liked. Hazama's hearing was the most proficient in basic hearing out of all the Otokage, so even as he heard the rain crash around him, he could also hear the little signs of wildlife as animals tried to stay safe in their flooding homes and others tried to find a place to hide in. Hazama would slowly step from the cover of forest, stepping directly into the view of Dart. Perhaps the sight of the man wasn't what he was hoping for but Hazama wasn't worried about it, his right hand coming to adjust the hood upon his head. Once he finished with that, his hair was positioned over his right eye. Once it was covered, this same eye slowly took the form of the three tomoe Sharingan, which easily saw through his own hair as though it wasn't there.
"So, you're Dart, eh? My name is Hazama, I do hope this is fun for both of us.. Come at me, Kiri Shinobi!" The words would make it to Dart easily, seeing as Hazama could use Ototon to cancel out the rain and this allowed his own voice to carry perfectly on the air. It was barely noticeable, overall, the usage of Ototon had he used for his voice to carry to Dart. And, if Dart spoke back, Hazama would easily be able to hear the lad. His left hand would discard the umbrella to the side, so that the wind could rip it through the air until it'd be gone from sight, Hazama's arms coming to rest against his side. He was ready, the barely formed smirk on his lips screaming this.

Ironically, my posting color for Hazama is the same. So, hahh...
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Dart Terumī

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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Hazama
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2015, 10:04:01 AM »

Dāto would have to be completely blind to miss the unnatural shade of green emerge from the wooden area despite there being a span of a football field between his position and the now exposed figure. However, because of this distance and the rain, he wouldn't be able to decipher anything much more beyond the newcomer's color. Even if he hadn't spotted the odd coloring, he would have detected the unknown chakra signature as the figure entered into his always active hiden ability, this particular one being used for sensing rather than combat at the moment.

As Dāto began to become familiar with the unknown chakra, Gyūki's voice would rumble within Dāto's mind, ‘It is him.’ Dāto's inner self would look up at the slumbering oxtopus with slight confusion and ask simply, ‘You know this Hazama?’ The Hachibi would open one eye lazily and gaze at the adolescent with feigned interest. ‘I do,’ he said apathetically. ‘Why did you not speak of this sooner?’ Dāto asked impertinently. Gyūki did not take kindly to his host's tone and closed his eye. With a condescending retort, he rumbled out, ‘You did not ask.’ Upon hearing the tone, Dāto immediately felt bad for snapping at his companion. ‘I am sorry, Gyūki, I did not mean to snap,’ Dāto said sheepishly, ‘Please, will you tell me what you know of him?’ Gyūki grunted to Dāto's apology but did end up responding, albeit apathetically, ‘He was once my jinchūriki.’ Before Dāto had the chance to find out anything further, his full attention was brought back to the outside world as Hazama's words rang clearly in his ear.

Which Dāto found immediately threatening as the rain and distance should have made communication between the two impossible. The only way that such an effect could be had was if Hazama used an Ototon manipulation technique. Dāto had presumed erroneously about the weather holding an advantage against Hazama's senses then if he still could use that ability. Mentally obliging to Hazama's request, Dāto would steel himself for combat. Because of the football field distance between the two men, the poor visibility due to the torrential downpour, and the Sharingan not possessing telescopic powers, Dāto was 100% confident that his move would succeed without being interrupted. He formed two handseals, briefly pausing after the first. He linked his jutsu in such a way that they would react concurrently with each other. It would be nigh impossible to tell that the two jutsu had been layered together. Due to the already pre-existing rain and overcast clouds, neither technique required much work on the Terumī's half.

The first handseal would activate a ninjutsu that had gained much notoriety in the past and perhaps some still remember it today. It had been a main staple ninjutsu of the Nidaime Mizukage, Lord Shigeo, and Dāto had been privileged to learn it directly from the man himself. The jutsu caused all rain within a 100 yard circular area, his body being the epicenter of the circle, to turn into water senbon. The rain droplets extended in length to two inches and the ends carried an innate ability to pierce and skewer flesh. By the sheer amount of numbers, the rain senbon would be able to ravage through flesh, tissue, muscle, and even bone within 12 seconds. But, there was a twist, literally. To facilitate the natural piercing capability of a senbon, one usually would add a spin in the throw. Well, these rain senbon spun like a drill as they fell, giving them enough strength to overcome even their elemental weakness. Kaguya enchanced bones would also be torn asunder via erosion due to the large quantity falling from the sky. Hazama would find himself in quite a predicament as it would easily tear through his clothes and flesh, aiming to completely eviscerate him on his following turn. The only safe zones would be outside of the circular area and a small one foot circle around Dāto that was aptly named the Mushōken
(Woundless Zone) Each turn, his ninjutsu would expand in all directions at a pace of 10 yards.

(Suiton: Mizu no Hari Doriru Ame; Water Release: Water Needle Drill Rain)

But, Dāto had predicted a counter with a ninjutsu type, thus why the second handseal was made. The second handseal would activate the most notorious ninjutsu that came from Kirigakure. The Terumī's chakra would completely saturate the clouds within the same 100 yard circular area. The water droplets would carry his signature and allow for no foreign chakra to intervene. But not only would his chakra be in the clouds, but also in the raining senbon. Should Hazama attempt to counter with a ninjutsu or coat himself in a chakura mōdo, he would find that the ninjutsu would fail miserably. For each water droplet senbon that fell, would drain any chakra source completely that didn't carry Dāto's signature. This ability was being used to supplement his main attack, not as an actual combat technique, not yet at least. Like the other jutsu, this would expand beyond the initial circular area at a pace of 10 yards, increasing the cover and spread of the hiden ninjutsu.

(Hijutsu: Kirisame; Secret Technique: Mist Rain)

Keep in mind, these two techniques were activated simultaneously in order to mask the presence of Kirisame. So until a ninjutsu was attempted and failed, it would be pretty much meta-gaming to know that Kirisame was cast right away. And because the Sharingan sees chakra color, Hazama's eyesight would be flooded with the Terumī's seafoam green color. It cannot just ignore the presence as his chakra literally fell from the sky and began to pool on the ground in the pre-existing puddles and fabrications of new ones. If the visibility was poor before with the naked eye, then Hazama would be grossly blind in his Sharingan eye. Of course, Dāto never knew that Hazama activated or even possessed a dōjutsu. It was just an unknown added bonus to his assault.

And finally, Dāto would move onto the last bit of his first move. He figured Hazama might eventually suspect the rain of becoming Kirisame at some point in their battle, just not at this time, and thus force Hazama to face him in a taijutsu battle. Dāto would place his palms together and activate one of his bloodline abilities. His body would instantly be coated in molten lava, significantly increasing his defensive capabilities as well as augmenting his offensive albeit taking a hit to speed. The intense heat that his body was radiating would cause second degree burns to any person daring to enter his Mushōken and third degree burns to the ones who touched him. Consequently, any water moisture surrounding his Mushōken up to two feet away would begin to evaporate and the superheated steam would aim to deter such close proximity for fear of first degree burns. Dāto settled into a defensive stance, left leg forward, right leg slightly back and angled, so he could react more easily should Hazama approach him. Chances are, the Otokage would be skewered and ravaged before he even crossed the 100 yards between the two of them.

(Yōton Chakura Mōdo; Lava Release Chakra Mode)


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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Hazama
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2015, 09:13:38 PM »

Sadly for Dart, if the Eight Tails decided to help him out and fill him on his skill set, Dart would be filled with false information. When Hazama was originally the host of the Eight Tails, Hazama was in his original body and was a Byakugan User who was skilled in Bakuton and The Gates but now he was in his new body, his current host's body being much more of a shining example of what the Uchiha can accomplish fully. But it also seems that Dart assumed Hazama was going to take his time or that he was the type to truly tackle situations without knowing each little piece of information about the situation beforehand. Just as Dart stated, Hazama would be more than capable of seeing how the chakra that was about to come slamming down onto his form was filled with Dart's chakra. Such a fact alone is a great reason to stop the water from directly touching him, so that's what he'd do.

Around the form of Hazama would form the celestial being known as Susanoo, which would take it's full form even though his single eye was that of the Sharingan, seeing as he didn't truly need his Sharingan active but that was a trivial fact. This Susanoo wasn't thrown up because he knew that the rain would suddenly be taking in his chakra, but because not only did he see chakra in the rain and clouds but also that the shape of the rain had changed as well. It wasn't until his guardian had made it's stance that, as the rain hit it, Hazama found he needed to use chakra to mend what little damage the rain was doing to it by taking the chakra from it. Of course, this was annoying, seeing as he found himself in the oddest of situations. Of course, Hazama was quick to come up with a counter, moving to hover in the chest of his Susanoo so that any attacks that'd come from below he would have time to react to.

The distance between them would probably make it so that, surprisingly enough, even his giant Susanoo would be hidden from sight from Dart, though perhaps he'd be able to faintly make it out if he squinted. Hazama already noted that the rain was also trying to stab him, which was double annoying, seeing as his opponent had so quickly tried to use the battlefield against him. Hazama crossed his arms and let a soft sigh leave his lips as his other eye, the golden topaz one, took the form of the Rinnegan. This would be hidden from Dart and now the man had both his Doujutsu out, just in case. Now it was time to make Dart regret his decision. Even when rain normal falls in downpours, the sound alone is enough to hurt someone's ears and deafening to most, and that was when rain was in it's normal form. Now it cut through the air thanks to Dart's jutsu, ripping through puddles, what little pieces of mud around that wasn't covered in water, and even the water of the ocean.

The colossal hands of Susanoo moved to clap together and that'd be all Hazama would do to preform his jutsu. He'd release chakra that would cover the area between Dart, around Dart, not only capturing all the distance between them but also, roughly, 10 yards all around them. For an Otokage to use Ototon is like breathing to the normal person and it takes a relative small amount of chakra. Of course, such a large area required chakra to be spread out and more to be pushed out but, with two layers of Dart's own chakra taking over the area, the layer of Hazama's would probably be hidden. Now, one may then ask how Dart's jutsu didn't eat up Hazama's and that raises the question of 'Just how do you make rain absorb sound?' and there was no question. So an attack that could not have possibly been seen or predicted by Dart would come into play. The sound of the roaring rain, the sound of the millions drops of rain ripping through the air, rain slamming violently and nonstop into puddles, the sound of the rain crashing into the mud... All these noises would suddenly be increased within that large radius, nearly ten times louder than normal. The sounds of rain against the puddles would suddenly become overwhelming bass-heavy, like drums, this sound alone enough to cause the ears to bleed within only a second or so. The violent sound of the sharpened rain drops ripping through the air enough to cause the head to whirl and for a sickening feeling to overwhelm him. With all these sounds suddenly amplified, Dart would most likely find his ears exploding within only a few seconds, robbing his suddenly of one of his senses. This would heavily throw off his equilibrium and perhaps even send him instantly into shock. But, the large amounts of sound and the waves traveled, even with his ear drums exploded, they'd still travel into his head and would cause blood to start coming from behind his eyes, from his nose, and even from his mouth after roughly thirty or forty seconds. It'd take only a minute and a half for Hazama to have completely turned the boy into a blubbering pile of mush on the verge of death, having almost instantly turned this fight against him. And, to note, no type of sound resistant material could help prevent this, despite people loving to believe that sound resistant ear plugs stops all levels of Ototon.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Dart Terumī

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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Hazama
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2015, 06:40:53 AM »

The challenger has conceded the match. Dāto Terumī retains the Hachibi.

Dart Terumī

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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Hazama
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2015, 12:36:43 AM »

Can we get a lock on this topic please and unstuck from the top?


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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Hazama
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2015, 12:40:36 AM »

Can we get a lock on this topic please and unstuck from the top?

You can lock it Dart. xD
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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