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Author Topic: DnD Style Zoning with Dice rollers in private zones  (Read 1711 times)


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DnD Style Zoning with Dice rollers in private zones
« on: May 13, 2015, 06:08:54 PM »


I have really wanted a way to utilize the dice rollers in the private zones since the first time I went to an invitational fight and saw the site had these. I am going to try and figure out how to rank things for my character so that it can work, which means a huge amount of tedium. anyone who is interested and wishing to lend a hand would be welcome.

Over in the Mission Headquarters forum I have started a thread called Kay's workshop . I would ask that no one post there as I intend for it to be the library/handbook area for this style of zoning. As you can see, for now, it is quite barren and contains basically nothing save a link to some minor tables concerning Naruto Shinobi as DnD Characters per the 3.5e rule set.

In the interest of learning the system and figuring it all out, I would ask that people start with a level one character. Once, of course if, the mechanics are figured out. Mostly I find the Naruto d20 system, which hopefully will have some major resources to draw upon. However our dice rollers are set up on the DnD style where you use a variety of different die to represent the power sets your character has.

Anyway. My new pet project. I hope this generates some interest for it really is a huge undertaking. But...I like to have things to keep me busy.

This thread can be used for discussion and the like.


Hono Uzumaki

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Re: DnD Style Zoning with Dice rollers in private zones
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2015, 07:55:27 PM »

Don't get me wrong, love this idea. This will actually give the effect of randomness in RP and it will actually set up a proper way to RP.

The main problems I see (which are easily worked around) are:

People not wanting to accept dice rolls.
Characters generally need to be rolled for on creation. (I doubt people have or will want to reroll for character strength)

I think a good in between to start with is list techs that involve dice rolls between two people. Like a genjustu, or maybe say... how much damage you get dealt in Gates. (roll a D20)
This would start to basics of Dice Rolling and let everyone see how It works.


Hono starts to gather senjustu, but I am using something to amplify my channeling.
Someone comes to interrupt me. I would roll a d20 to determine if I was able to gather a substantial amount; [Hono rolls a 16, opponent rolls d20] not only did I not gather enough,  would get hit HARD due to the d20 being a crit hit.

It's a system that know very well and have a few people who could help explain it all.


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Re: DnD Style Zoning with Dice rollers in private zones
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2015, 01:01:30 AM »

I also support this idea and wish to see this project grow and develop.

In response to Hono's very legitimate concerns all I can say is some people will want to play this way and others won't. I for one know that the way I have my character set up on SL as is would not translate well into a d20 format, but I would still like to use this even if I created a new character just for it.

I think that we need to get a general understanding of how a 3.5 DnD system runs before launching into how jutsu might work. Not everyone here is going to understand what it would mean if I said example jutsu is treated as a ranged touch attack that causes the target to be stunned for 1d4 rounds on a failed fort save. So somewhere, ether in this tread or another, we would have to post how to create a character (just an aside I prefer point buy styles), how to calculate modifiers for an attack rolls and so on.


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Re: DnD Style Zoning with Dice rollers in private zones
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2015, 01:26:39 AM »

I never really thought about putting it to use in RP. Just for use in formalized Zone fighting for the sake of fun. But who knows. It may one day translate or not.

Currently I am working to modify a spreadsheet for Shinobi purposes. I am not certain if it will be attachable here or not. But certainly a link to one drive would be workable once it was completed.

And bless you to death, Hiro. Any light you could shed on game mechanics or shared resources would be a blessing. I plan to pick your brain heavily!


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Re: DnD Style Zoning with Dice rollers in private zones
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2015, 02:08:18 AM »

I actually have home-brewed a Naruto paper and pen game IRL. I took a peek at the Naruto d20 and didn't like the lack of a jutsu creator so I mixed it with another. Anyway, I do like the idea of experimenting with this myself.


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Re: DnD Style Zoning with Dice rollers in private zones
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2015, 05:20:26 AM »

Marvelous Chu. I am not thrilled with the D20 for Naruto either but there may be jutsu a person can draw from to adapt.

What sort of set up are you using?

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