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Author Topic: Kamui vs Athos  (Read 2983 times)


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Kamui vs Athos
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:05:52 AM »

[Format stolen from Dart/Dāto]

Jinchūriki: Kamui

Affiliation: Konohagakure no Sato

Preferred Method: OOC 1v1/2v2 or IC 1v1

Preferred Zone: Plains

Preferred Judges: PM for details regarding the selection of a judge (I have no preferred judge and want to come to a choice on equal terms with the challenger)

Preferred Outlet: SL Forum

Special rules

-The match is to be 1v1, if the preferred method was agreed to be IC. Otherwise a partner can be used in place of an OOC match.

-Victory for the challenger is the defeat of the host through any means necessary, and vice versa. Death in the fight does NOT equate to death IC, unless such a term was agreed upon.

-Skills acquired during an OOC match are not carried over IC. Similarly, knowledge of participants' abilities do NOT carry over to IC RP.

-If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 30 days then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (I.E. Both fighters MUST send a PM for this option.] If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a  winner based on these criteria:

     •Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?

     •What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?

     •Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. His(her) decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.

If neither side can be conclusively declared the winner, then the fight either proceeds or a draw is declared. In the case of a draw, the challenger may rejoin the queue of challengers after the latest challenger without having to wait for cool-down (this circumvention for the benefit of the challenger for not technically being declared the loser, though by not succeeding the host can be considered a winner in this situation). Note, this is a technical victory for the host, so unless the challenger truly believes that a restart is necessary to increase victory chances, then it is not recommended to settle for a draw without reviewing this process a second time.

-Prefers SL forum, as it is most useful for fights where long periods of time may pass between postings, serves as a record of the fight's progress for other challengers, and for that damned time-out option.

-Must post at least once (1) a week. Though if a pattern of postings persists (I.E. If either player stretches their posting to the full week, each and every post without prior notification to the other), then the challenge will be voided. The cool-down will be initiated to challenger (if challenger is problem) and the host will be stripped (if host's activity is problem).

-Decided judge will remain judge throughout. No boots.

-Re-posts are allowed, within reason. (I.E. If either participant has to repeatedly re-post, the match will be concluded. See inactivity clause.) Re-posts are only to fix the issue brought up by the judge. Modifying the entire post to save yourself or completely change up strategy is an automatic disqualification from the match. (See inactive clause for consequences.) Edits are NOT allowed. An edited post is an automatic disqualification. A brand new "Reply" must be made so there is a full history of the entire fight for judge and other readers.

-Can only use skills that are known IC at the official start of the match. No borrowing from others. No immediate power ups within the match.

-Discussion of non-allowed techniques will vary by challenger and discussed via PM, only.

-Inflammatory, racial, harassing, or abusive language aimed at each other either in the match or in PM will result in an immediate void of the challenge. If challenger, (s)he loses all rights to ever challenge the current jinchūriki. If host, he loses the match and bijū given to the challenger.

-In the event that a host is defeated, the new host has the cool-down challenge period time-frame to either accept the special regulations for the tailed beast or completely re-write or alter the special rules. If they do not post their own variant by the beginning of the next challenge, then it is to be assumed that they comply with the previous special regulations.

-If host defeated, allow host to finish up any roleplay that may involve having the beast. Then a reasonable RP will be concluded as to how the beast transferred hands.

-All measurement units to be used in U.S. Customary Units. (I.E. No meters, grams, etc. Use feet, pounds, Fahrenheit, etc.)

Any questions, PM me please.

(Mostly) Non-Negotiable Voids

* Swift Release
* Claims of immunity to Ototon
* Liquefying Super Senjutsu Ototon
* Demon empowerment, vampirism, etc. Pretty much anything that doesn't make sense in the Naruto lore
* Borrowing resets when you already have resets
* Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
* Claiming to use an "undodgable/unavoidable/unblockable" attack
* Just happening to have "a seal" that eliminates one or more of your weaknesses
* Non Zetsu Mayfly

**All of this is subject to any change at a later date**

The rules for this fight:

Fight is OOC
Field of Battle is Zone Six (Plains)
The decided judge for this battle is Rusaku/Alek

As the current defender, I am obliged to the first post on this thread.


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2015, 05:35:37 AM »

Kamui entered the grassy plains with his demeanor riddle with anticipation of a fight; a lone eye patched covered his only eye which he could only see from. The man made his way around the plains by feeling the ground with a shortened bamboo staff, it closely resembled more like a shikomizue then anything; the concealed sword was disguised as the man's walking cane.
Kamui was very prepared should his wish become granted, but for now the violent movement of the winds, threw his hair about the air; his bangs were actually becoming troublesome and tickling his face, "Gah, bothersome winds!" Kamui exclaimed and brushed the hairs out of his face back into a simple, tied ponytail.


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2015, 06:45:19 PM »

Athos would have been stepping into the battlefield about the time that Kamui was playing and messing with his hair, which seemed to be giving the man some problems. He'd release a soft, melodious laugh at the sight before he'd comment, in a friendly tone,"Having issues with your hair there, eh? It takes time getting use to long hair." Of course, Athos' own hair stretched down to the back of his knees, the color an almost elegant red. The length of his hair was great considering Athos stood at a towering six feet and seven inches tall. Upon his back was the large sword known as Rebellion that he wielded like a pro. Upon his right hip rested the blade known as Oken and on his left was the infamous Kusanagi but neither weapon could be seen by Kamui, seeing as those two were hidden by his cloak.

Within his golden hues appeared three black tomoe around the iris, though the golden color never changed, though this signified his Sharingan being activated. He'd stop ten yards or so from his opponent, eyes scanning the form of the male that was before him. Athos knew that Kamui was the Nine Tails host even more clearly now, the voice inside of him confirming it before wishing him luck on this fight.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2015, 03:17:27 AM »

Kamui had initially felt the presence of another stranger's chakra signature but decided to intentionally ignore it at first until he found himself suddenly addressed by that same stranger, "Oh're telling me! Look at you, pretty big for a Uzumaki, aren't ya??" Kamui made use of his other senses to draw that conclusion; their exchanges of banter between the two was abruptly cut short by the sudden appearance of Kurama within his mind.
Kurama beckoned the man to be wary and careful of this man,"Watch yourself. He is Jinchūriki as well." Kamui nodded and knelt to the ground, quickly reached into the sleeves of his hakama to pull out a marked Kunai; which the man imbedded into the earth in front of him.

"You reek of blood and death, now I assume you came for him?" The man quickly stood up and pointed to his stomach; the eye-patch covering his only good eye, was also an de-activated Sharingan as well. However he wouldn't make use of it, unless he really needed to; all that matters is whether or not, his opponent would catch on that he really wasn't blind. So far everything was going smoothly and he chuckled to himself, "You Uzumakis really are something else..." Kamui turned his head towards his opponent, gripped the shikomizue and awaited for his aggressor to come on the offensive.


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2015, 12:04:47 AM »

The large Uzumaki that would watch Kamui closely gave a laugh as the man was moving, his golden hues watching each movement closely,"Aye, I ate all my veggies growing up." He laughed out lout at this before he'd bring his hands over his head to stretch as Kamui went about talking. As he made his comment of blood and such, Athos wasn't surprised at this, so he didn't find a need to comment on it. At the last comment, he'd give a small nod of his head,"Aye, my people are something else, I'm more than happy to agree."

Athos would take a deep breath and offer a grin to the man,
"It's a pleasure." The Uzumaki Clan Leader would move swiftly, his hands coming to clap together in front of his chest. As he did so, his chakra flared and two things would occur at this. Without Kamui being able to tell, the Mind's Eye would soon be active and he could easily see within ten kilometers with perfect clarity, this allowing him to also see the seal upon the marked kunai that Kamui would have put within the ground. At the same time as that, the clouds above would suddenly darken. The temperature within the zone would drop as white would soon begin to fall from the skies. It would only take moments before snow would soon be coming down in blankets onto the zone, the start of a blizzard. Each flake of snow contained his chakra, this being a a Hyouton version of Ukojizai no Jutsu. Soon, with the blankets of white that would be falling onto the zone and Kamui's eyes would not be able to see Athos and Doujutsu would be stopped from seeing him due to the snow matching his chakra.

Athos would have, ironically, not moved from his spot. He had begun to gather Sage Mode whilst all this would happen, his mind's eyes clearly letting him see all in the battlefield. He would only need a few more moments of gather Senjutsu chakra before he would be ready, due to his mastery over the Sage Arts. As for any attempts to sense negative emotions or anything of the sort, Athos would not be able to be felt, due to his benign and leader-like personality.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2015, 05:52:54 AM »

The snow that suddenly started to befall upon the area was becoming a minor hindrance to his senses; the colour of the Uzumaki's chakra made his mind cluttered and static.  Kamui grinned and relaxed his grip upon his shikomizue, "Perception Ninjutsu, eh? Smart use of it, if I do say so myself..." Kamui said and used the hilt of his cane to remove the eye-patch, revealing a glossy obsidian eye; a plume of smoke erupted around his visage and dispersed within moments to reveal two doppelgangers of the man.

Kamui successfully divided his chakra evenly amongst his clones and one of the clones clapped its hands in preparation having of the original receipt of the technique's entrance into his version of Sage Mode; the clone was already under the process of gathering natural energy around it and blending it with its chakra.
The condensation at this point could be seen and felt, Kamui decided along with his remaining doppelganger to erupt into action, in attempt to disperse the Uzumaki's own attempt at gathering natural energy; by utilizing the shunshin technique to appear six feet above the man with both of their swords primed and ready to be drawn in an Iadō fashion.
If he was successful, both of them would simultaneously draw their swords and attempt to bifurcate the Uzumaki right where he was standing.

Edit; fixed a grammatical error and the color code :oops:
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 05:58:48 AM by Camel »


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2015, 08:48:48 PM »

With his Mind's Eye, Athos would have perfectly been able to see everything that Kamui was doing, each detail. This also let him keep track of which Kamui was the real one. Seeing the clone beginning to take in Natural Energy was a bit discomforting but that was something that he could worry about later. For now, it seemed that the real Kamui and the other clone would begin an assault, one that they would both come to quickly regret.

Athos was a master of Sage Mode, and didn't need much Sage Energy to enter Sage Mode, even if it would be a quick burst into it. On a normal day, Athos' speed was more than Kamui's, and Athos was a master of the Iado style. Assuming that Kamui was also a master of the art, Athos would still have the upper hand, even if by a little. While Kamui was in the middle of his attack, Athos would suddenly enter a burst of Sage Mode, increasing his strength and speed three times over. His Mind's Eye would see for a total of 30 Kilometers instead of the the original 10. Suddenly, Kamui would find himself int a horrible position. With Athos' movements far more superior that the man's he would move to attack. Athos would not even try to stop the doppleganger's attack, the blade that was used to strike his skin would shatter upon contact with his skin. Why? Because Athos, to date, had THE Strongest Shield amongst all of the Shinobi in the realm. But Kamui would not even know about this if Athos' attack struck.

As soon as he entered Sage Mode, he would use his energy to release a devastating attack, Chidori Nagashi. A normal Chidori Nagashi causes the body to instantly go stiff and suffer slight nerve damage but increased by Sage mode chakra, the damage and distance would increase drastically. The distance would just be out of the range of hitting the clone of Kamui that was gathering chakra, covering this distance instantly. The damage that would be done to Kamui and the attacking doppleganger would be immense, causing severe nerve damage, frying a large portion of both Kamui's systems. With the last bit of Sage Energy that the man had gathered, whether Kamui had found a way to somehow counter his Chidori Nagashi, he would have already been releasing his other attack as Kamui would fall towards him. Athos' right hand would have been thrust towards the incoming foe, instantly forming from his hand a large blue ball, infamously known as the Rasengan. But this wasn't just any Rasengan, this was Senpō: Chō Ōdama Rasengan, a move that would instantly be larger than both Kamui's, striking them before even reaching it's full size, and grinding them against the large ball. Only a second or so after it would've made contact with Kamui, it would explode outwards with enough force to easily carve out a large portion of a mountain, which would obliterate both the clone Kamui and the real Kamui. Both attacks would only happen within a matter of a few seconds, if that, hoping to quickly end the fight. And for the sake of saying it, because of using the Sage Energy to boost his two attacks, he'd already be out of Sage Mode when he finished using the giant Rasengan.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2015, 06:36:04 AM »

It would appear that Athos had anticipated upon his attack with a sudden burst of Sage Mode; both of their blades had indeed broke upon contact.
However just before the Uzumaki unleashed his devastating raiton attack, a flickering cloak of his biju's chakras enveloped upon the original Kamui; the clone wasn't so lucky and was hit.
Dispersing into a plume of smoke and transferring back the chakras that were made into that clone, the bright flickering chakra coat was actually quite durable to an extent; the ration attack merely momentarily paralyzed his movements, rather then doing any major nerve damage.
Kamui was more the willing to make up for this by ultizing his chakra coat to form additional chakra arms, the clone that was gathering natural energy had suddenly entered Sage Mode then dispersed after this was done and transferred its state of Sage Mode upon Kamui himself.

The man quickly decided to counter the Uzumaki's Rasengan with his own Sage-enhanced version of the Rasengan but with a twist...
He made a total of four of the Senjutsu Rasengans thanks to the chakra arms produced by his biju's chakra cloak, his first Rasengan was enough to counter the brunt of the force produced by Athos' own; his second, third and forth Rasengans would produced the same devastating effect as Athos's own as well.
Kamui made use of his chakra arms to extend his range and very likely the volley of Senpo Rasengans would probably come as a surprise to his opponent, whom was quickly looking to end the fight and would now be looking at total annihilation.



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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2015, 01:20:47 AM »

It would appear that Athos had anticipated upon his attack with a sudden burst of Sage Mode; both of their blades had indeed broke upon contact.
However just before the Uzumaki unleashed his devastating raiton attack, a flickering cloak of his biju's chakras enveloped upon the original Kamui; the clone wasn't so lucky and was hit.
Dispersing into a plume of smoke and transferring back the chakras that were made into that clone, the bright flickering chakra coat was actually quite durable to an extent; the ration attack merely momentarily paralyzed his movements, rather then doing any major nerve damage.
Kamui was more the willing to make up for this by ultizing his chakra coat to form additional chakra arms, the clone that was gathering natural energy had suddenly entered Sage Mode then dispersed after this was done and transferred its state of Sage Mode upon Kamui himself.

The man quickly decided to counter the Uzumaki's Rasengan with his own Sage-enhanced version of the Rasengan but with a twist...
He made a total of four of the Senjutsu Rasengans thanks to the chakra arms produced by his biju's chakra cloak, his first Rasengan was enough to counter the brunt of the force produced by Athos' own; his second, third and forth Rasengans would produced the same devastating effect as Athos's own as well.
Kamui made use of his chakra arms to extend his range and very likely the volley of Senpo Rasengans would probably come as a surprise to his opponent, whom was quickly looking to end the fight and would now be looking at total annihilation.

It would appear that his opponent was no fool and had anticipated his attacks quite fluidly due to sudden outburst of his Sage Mode; their blades broke upon striking the Uzumaki, leaving them weaponless.
What came next was the outburst of Athos's enhanced Chidori Nagashi, Kamui decided to use his bijuu chakras to form a bubbling cloak around his visage in it's one-tailed form, safely ultizing the bijuu chakras to safely channel the brunt of the Raiton attack away from his body and land back safely upon the plains; these actions did not come without repercussions, as Kamui was a "sitting duck" while he diverted Athos's devastating chakras flow attack away from him.

However the clone decided upon a different approach and made use of the Hiraishin seal to seemly teleport itself safely out of harms way and right near the other clone that was barely entering Sage Mode; the clone decided to use some trickery and dropped a small smoke bomb, giving off the allusion as if the clone dispersed upon its own.
Strongest Shield. The feelings of nostalgia were within the air when he witnessed the ability once again for years, "It's been awhile since I had a fight of this caliber...but, now...I will!" Kamui mentally intoned, clapping his hands to quickly enter his version of Sage Mode; this was thankfully done due to the clone that had already been gathering natural energy to enter Sage Mode had dispersed, leaving then other to take it's place as it too started gathering and blending natural energy with its chakras for the original to use at a later future.

Another familiar marking appeared upon original Kamui's face, the outburst of his Sage Mode along in conjunction with his bijuu chakras were more then enough to take on Athos's next attack; two spiraling orbs of chakras appeared within his palms that were eerily familiar to his opponent's attack.
Kamui made use of one Senpō: Chō Ōdama Rasengan to counter Athos's own and made use of the other Senjutsu-enhanced Rasengan to push the devastation of the explosive counter- attack towards his opponent; likely leaving him in a bind as Athos's duration of Sage Mode was over after boosting his attacks against him.

Repost as requested per the judge associated with this match. Excessive details were added into a previously contested post, leaving me a change of word-format but the attack flow is going as per the last uncontested post before this one. 


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2015, 10:45:48 PM »

One had to wonder how a Bijuu cloak stopped something like Athos' Chidori Nagashi from doing any type of damage at all, or how Kamui's blade struck his skin and somehow Kamui managed to get back into the air(?), and cast two giant Rasengans all before Athos' would hit him..? Well, whatever type of witchcraft seemed to be at work here, it didn't really matter in the slightest. Despite Kamui's claims of enhanced sense, following Athos by now would be a monumental task. The waves of snow already started to cover the ground in inches of thick and heavy snow, and being made of Athos' chakra, it stopped any type of sensing from being able to tell where Athos would actually be. If Kamui were standing right now, instead of attacking Athos, even in their proximity the man would not be able to see the hulking red head, just to give an example of the intensity of the blizzard. Athos, of course, could see what was happening perfectly because of his Mind's Eye, which really made the clone's dropping of the smoke bomb pointless but that wasn't something Kamui would've been able to tell. They also wouldn't be able to see the snow and how it'd swallow the marked kunai that Kamui stuck into the ground.

Even though Kamui used Hiraishin, Athos could tell that the man was, to put it simply, still understanding how this art was used. The battlefield was Athos' and Kamui hadn't noticed or made a single attempt to stop it from happening. For starters, the snow that was made of his chakra now coated, not only, Kamui but Kamui's clone, which meant that Athos' chakra was just as stuck to them as the snow was currently. Athos could've stood still and taken the blow of Kamui's dual-giant-Rasengan and have walked away with nothing but, well, nothing. But he didn't plan on letting that happen. With Kamui's dual attack coming towards him, even if Kamui was able to see in front of him normally, with two large attacks such as this one, it would've made it impossible for Kamui to see Athos around the large forming balls of blue. But now, even as Kamui had called himself, Athos knew the man was a sitting duck and he used that to his advantage.

Athos would be gone within a single second from where he stood, and if the snow wasn't blinding and Kamui's vision wasn't blocked by his own attack, there would've been a flash to see but sadly for the man, this would go unnoticed and Kamui would have no way of knowing that Athos was even gone from in front of him. When Athos reappeared, he would behind the Nine Tails Jinchuuriki, having used the chakra that was all over Kamui to use him as a place to teleport. Athos was fast, this was stated before and with Kamui in the middle of his attack and believing Athos was still there, the man had the upper hand. His right hand moved, in a blur that would move from where Athos was and to it's point of connection within the span of less than a half second, actually, perhaps it was even faster than that. Given Athos' long standing mastery over the Lightning Element, it was easy as breathing to place a Jutsu upon the hand that moved to strike Kamui but the move that came forth was just as instant as the rest of Athos' movements had been. With only his index finger pointed outwards, a One Finger Nukite Hellstab aimed to tear through the chest of Kamui, Athos' arm big enough not to pierce the heart but to completely erase it from existence as it'd be pierced.

From the sudden Hiraishin, to an attack that would only take fractions of a second, and the blinding circumstances of the fight, Athos aimed to have ended Kamui's life before Kamui would even be finished his Rasengan attack, or before he'd even be able to tell that Athos was no longer behind Kamui. Perhaps this wasn't a type of fair tactic, or something of the sort, but threats are to be put down as fast as possible... And that is what Athos was aiming to do.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2015, 04:37:48 AM »

The version one state of the bijuu cloak had durability unlike any other, barely withstanding against the sage-enhanced chakra flow technique due to his keen thinking and cunning ability with the chakras of the bijuu to use his body's protective chakra cloak as a 'lightning rod'; if his chakras at his version-one state could repel an Amaterasu then someone of his long-standing and prestige mastery of the Lightning Element would be able to do so with ease.
The condensation became thicker with each exhale from Kamui and his clones as the heavy snow started to cover the area in a winter-wonderland, had he not trained in the times of winter, then he would actually be overwhelmed with snow blindness; the overzealous Uzumaki thought he was relying on his 'senses', when in actuality he was just using the only eye that he could see out of to make sense of everything.
Kamui used this along with his Slug Sage Mode abilities at play to amplify his sight, speed, strength and reflexes to three times of what they were currently were at his base state, once the snow had covered his marked kunai; the match was already clearly in his favor.

Kamui would implement the turnover in his favor within due time, the overzealous Uzumaki avoided his attack by making use of the same technique that his clone blatantly used to avoid the range of the previous sage-enhanced technique.
The man's chakras were already linked into the marked kunai and onto the seemly aggressive buffoon of an Uzumaki chakras, it  was obvious that the redhead was grasping at straws and was oddly enough not feeling any negative repercussions from his Sage Mode ending. (Magic? Witchcraft? Voodoo?)

A quick scene of change would occur at this moment when the Uzumaki lunged forth with the Raiton technique, Kamui using his Slug Sage Mode, along with his abilities as a jinchuuriki able to avoid any life-treating strike towards his heart at the last possible second by instantaneously sprouting a chakra arm in his one-tailed version one state to re-direct the attack away from him and push himself behind his opponent; contact from these arms would likely burn his skin and make him lose his focus.
Kamui wished a much worse punishment now, the Uzumaki would suffer death within the coming seconds for such misdeeds against him.
The moment that he went for the killing strike and seemly missed was when he decided to make use of one last sage-enhanced technique, the man quickly brought his hands together to form the handsigns and mold the specific chakras into the attack itself, "Senpo...Fuuton! Reppūshō!" He mentally intoned and trusted his right palm towards the back of the Uzumaki, a chakra imprint of the palm grew into titanic proportions; the former hokage was able to control the size of the attack as long as the duration of his Sage Mode kept going. (Wind > Lightning)
Which was at this rate was going to end after this attack enveloped his opponent within their close ranged battlefield, killing his foe for his overzealous use of the Lightning Element. This was very highly unlikely that his Sage Mode assault would end anytime soon as the snow-covered clone shook itself of the snow upon itself and revealed that it had entered into Sage Mode as well.
Should his opponent use the Flying Thunder God technique again to avoid his fate then he would make use of his chakra link to him to end it once and for all. 


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2015, 08:16:24 PM »

Athos had to say that he found himself impressed with how Kamui was able to come up with a counter so quickly, given the circumstances but he had no choice but to stay quiet and continue to keep his attention on the fight. The Bijuu arm that came out to redirect Athos' touch and allow Kamui to move through the air, would be successful but with Athos' arm being covered within the amount of Raiton it was and his Strongest Shield(The latter defense being enough), he wouldn't suffer any damages from the contact. But he knew that there was an attack that was coming, so Athos used the abilities that he could to move as swiftly as possible.

As Kamui moved his body through the air to face his back, any good fighter would know that wasn't something you should let happen, so instead he'd twist himself so that when Kamui came to face his back, he'd get the a new type of sight. Assuming that Kamui's back was towards the sky, even if at an angle, Athos would twisted to sort of he facing the sky more than Kamui. There would be a flash of blue around the form of Athos and within a millisecond, he would have synchronized himself fully with Saiken. His whole body changed suddenly, thick black lines over his body and a full length haori covered his body, exposing a blue shirt of sorts. His golden eyes were now blue and his chakra, and scent, were both different than they were before. And the topper was the two antenna that sprouted from his forehead; This was Saiken Mode. As Kamui launched his attack, Athos had solidified a thick plate of chakra beneath his feet.

Using his new-found speed, strength, durability, and chakra abilities, Athos would actually use the chakra platform beneath his feet to send himself tearing upwards at, what would seem, to be directly at Kamui. Even with Kamui using his constant Sage Attack, Athos now possessed a strength and speed that greatly surpassed that of Sage Mode. Using chakra platforms that he'd make beneath his feet, in the span of naught but half a second, Athos would have actually ripped through the air past Kamui and would now be several yards(twenty) within the air behind Kamui, now facing his back. In this mode, his Mind's Eye was even more enhanced than it would be within Sage Mode, letting him perfectly see the whole battlefield. But as he pivoted to turn and face Kamui and the clone, he extended a palm towards each of them.

From his palms, in the matter of only another second or so, would appear two volleyball sized Bijuu Bombs, one in each. These balls would tear towards the battlefield quickly and unbeknownst to that of either version of Kamui. The ball that would be aimed towards the real Kamui aimed to collide into his back before it'd erupt into a giant explosion and would carve out a large portion of the fields, easily reaching where the clone was. The other one aimed to crash into the clone's chest, and exploding far enough to engulf the real Kamui as well. Meaning that when each explosion would go off, they would come to collide with each other and create an even more massive explosion, one that Athos would be sure to try and avoid by retreating further, and easily covering nearly the once green fields. The man's kunai would be caught in the explosion, as well as both Kamui(s?), erasing all possible chances of escape.

It should also be stated that with activating his Bijuu cloak and changing his chakra temporarily, the snow that covered the field and the two versions of Kamui would no longer allow Athos to Hiraishin to them for the time being, seeing as his chakra didn't match it any longer. This also, unknowing to Athos on his blunder, would cut the connection between the marked Kunai, the snow, and Athos, leaving Kamui no means of escape.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2015, 04:58:25 AM »

It would seem that a new problem had arose for the Shinobi of the Leaf; a quick but sudden change in chakras signatures erupted from his opponent.
This is what Kurama was trying to warn him about, this jinchuuriki had managed to synchronize his heart with his bijou's to create a perfected form of Bijuu Chakra Mode.
Kamui would need to act fast as of the moment, since he was in the middle of his Rasengan Barrage and his opponent decided to counter with two uncompressed(?) Bijuudamas in their direction; his clone however decided to synchronize his actions with the original.
The clone still within its state of Sage Mode decided to quickly form the snake hand seal and after forming the necessary handseals, a colossus statue-like creature made of wood sprouted from the earth; this humanoid-creature came completed with a full-body, a wooden dragon wrapped around its torso and had an Oni-like face. [Wood Release: Wood Human Technique]

The wooden titan did its job by swiftly catching both bijuudamas within the palm of it's hands, pushing back the counter-attack and keeping it at bay; this action also kept it from prematurely setting off a chain event of explosions by keeping the wooden golem stationary as possible. Once this was successfully done, the clone would disperse and transfer any remaining Sage Mode chakras to the original, since the markings for his Sage Mode had already disappeared; his earlier sneak attack had failed as it would seem but before everything could be loss,  he received another quick boost of Sage Mode power from his clone.
Kamui eventually found himself situated besides the colossus wooden creature and was already forming the ox hand seal upon landing, thoroughly channeling his life-force throughout his body and into the ground below it; this caused one of the many things to occur.  Since the extent of Kamui's technique goes beyond that of normal manipulation of chakras, drastic alterations to immediate environment can occur both suddenly and unexpectedly, making attacks difficult to maneuver through sensing alone. [Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation]

Kamui through his will alone, managed to change the drastically changed environment into his favor by creating a very small plateau and in the process, uncovering his marked kunai that was once covered in snow. Most of the once grassy plains rose by fifteen feet, leaving nothing but dirt and clay in it's wake; all of the snow situated upon the ground within the surrounding area of the active technique have all but diminished into simple muddy clay.
It was time to end this game of cat and mouse between them as Kamui clapped his hands and decided to even the score between them by powering up his version one state from one tail to three tails; the bubbling red chakras appeared within a matter of moments and combined with his Sage Mode, made him a deadly force to be reckoned with.
The former Homage had covered all his bases in this fierce battle and was not planning on dying anytime soon, most certainly not to an overzealous Uzumaki whom simply thinks by playing 'tricks' on an old man like him, he would have the upper-hand in battle...oh no, this old man had fought shinobi of a much higher-caliber and that were much stronger then Athos. Memories of his old adversary, Ryuji came flooding into his mind upon reminiscing upon his 'glory days', however those days were from a time long lost...     



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Re: Kamui vs Athos
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2015, 04:57:13 AM »

I forfeit, Kamui is the winner and gets to keep the Nine Tails Demon Fox.

That is all.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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