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Author Topic: Running from a bijuu fight.  (Read 9149 times)


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Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« Reply #45 on: July 17, 2015, 03:25:55 AM »

I remember this talk now :D and the reason it wasn't implemented. Redundancy was the issue. When I first wrote the rules, I didn't consider running from a challenge would be a legitimate thing. It wasn't until it happened between HalfDragonLuka vs. someone that we enforced it. We ended up with just writing how a match could end instead of making it its own rule.

Coming from someone who has nothing at all to do with any of this, I have to agree with the judge's ruling. But I DO NOT agree that fleeing = losing. I do disagree with the methods of fleeing taken in this example though, because it's basically like teleporting away from the fight with no way someone could stop you.

This was it, essentially. This is what we were going to implement. Give the opponent a chance to stop you. If you cannot be stopped, sucks for them. But instant =/= "they could have put me down much before I got to this point". That's why we said how the match ends, because running is allowed so long it is plausible or, at least in some way, legitimate/agreeable on.

ºHow to declare a winnerº
The battle commences with the initial post & terminates once either combatant is unable to continue. Such a feat can result in several ways, including knock-outs (concussions, etc.), full paralysis, almost-fatal wounds & so forth. So long both parties declare it plausible & understand the longevity/risk of the claim, it's considered eligible for use. However, things can, of course, become debatable in attempt to reach such a goal & in doing so arguments are bound to commence. If need be, either party can have onlookers & such /dis/agree with the action until a verdict is reached. If desired, either party can have other hosts or officials of sorts represent them for a more "legitimized" (as some have called it) reasoning or "Back-up".

This was the kicker clause of it all: "So long both parties declare it plausible & understand the longevity/risk of the claim, it's considered eligible for use." As Shadow did not agree, you turn to your judge who is supposed to rule on it.
Then why not instead put a clause clearly stating stuff about insta-escaping? Either it was never that big of an issue, or it was never talked about further enough to actually amend it.

This seems more like something used to determine things such as whether or not an action in a post is actually plausible. Like if Amaterasu would only make a Boil Release attack even hotter and deadlier, or would evaporate the water that it's composed of. Or if a Kaguya could claim to still be alive and willing to fight, even though they were reduced to just a large blood stain by a giant ethereal fist twice their size and multiple times stronger than their physical strength and bones could resist or handle.

But really, finding a judge now to try and rule this is almost impossible now, since sides have clearly been taken by many already. If anything, shouldn't a ruling like this that determines the entire outcome of a match be something that should have lots of reference to the current rules, and general rules of RP as well? Well actually, the much latter is still a lot of up-in-the-air stuff. Especially with Hiraishin and Kamui. Especially when they're more guidelines for those techniques and not real "rules". Though we do have some actual rules regarding the use of Edo Tensei.


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Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« Reply #46 on: July 17, 2015, 03:32:46 AM »

This was the kicker clause of it all: "So long both parties declare it plausible & understand the longevity/risk of the claim, it's considered eligible for use." As Shadow did not agree, you turn to your judge who is supposed to rule on it.

^de above.

@Kage Nobody is debating his use of hiraishin, there if he used it say in the field of battle, would have been ok. But he's
1. Using it to escape and end the battle
2. Using a mark Shadow would be unaware of and according to hiraishin rules
"Creation of the Hiraishin seals must be emoted, and take one turn. It is possible to create a large amount of Hiraishin seals during a time of peace to use later on, but it must be emoted regardless. The process isn't an exceptionally difficult one, and counts as one (1) action during a post. It is possible to create more than one seal at a time." 

If we take fleeing out of playing out of play here, he is breaking hiraishin rules, nevermind biju.

Also, I don't think this thread should decide it, that is the point of a judge. If the rules are the constitution, consider the judge a supreme court justice if you, in that that can interpret it as they see fit. I made a ruling, and Ichi as stated in his rules booted me. They've allegedly already found another judge, so someone is unspoken for.
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So just use the word mmmkay!


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Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« Reply #47 on: July 17, 2015, 03:35:33 AM »

... So Ichirou did not break that rule seeing as he can still fight. The reason for leaving was because he was getting tired of the long drawn out process, NOT because he could not continue.
It was never stated that tactical retreat was against any rule...EVER...

It was not a tactical retreat, it was an outright departure from the fight itself. Ichirou had no intentions on returning to the battlefield from what has been posted. He had full intents on having Shadow chase after him back into Amegakure, nor did he have intents on beating Shadow in any manner to be agreed upon. Ichirou's tailed beast fights tend to be kind of long; just look at the 2 fights I've had with him for Neji's sake!

You cannot tactically retreat in a way that compromises the conditions of the fight, which require a 1v1 match.

ºHow to declare a winnerº
The battle commences with the initial post & terminates once either combatant is unable to continue...

The battle goes on until the battle is over. Simple enough.

ºHow to declare a winnerº
...Such a feat can result in several ways, including knock-outs (concussions, etc.), full paralysis, almost-fatal wounds & so forth. So long both parties declare it plausible & understand the longevity/risk of the claim, it's considered eligible for use...

How the conclusion is brought about. Nowhere is "the challenged leaves the battle" on that list, and for reasons Raifudo has already pointed out.

ºHow to declare a winnerº
... However, things can, of course, become debatable in attempt to reach such a goal & in doing so arguments are bound to commence. If need be, either party can have onlookers & such /dis/agree with the action until a verdict is reached. If desired, either party can have other hosts or officials of sorts represent them for a more "legitimized" (as some have called it) reasoning or "Back-up".

We are currently at this stage, where Judge #1 has already made a ruling on the matter. Sub-rules of Ichirou's allows a booting of a judge, but that is besides the point. Most of this portion was supposed to have expedited by having a judge make a ruling.

It is clear that this is not as black-and-white as it at first seems, so if a small chain of judge boots leads to one deciion or the other, it may solve the match, but it hardly helps with the bigger picture. The fact that he escaped using hiraishin is not against the rules; the fact that he escaped and expects Shadow to chase after him into Amegakure to complete the 1v1 IC when that is infeasible (again, I doubt Kage will simply sit back and watch as a biju battle goes on in the heart of his village).
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« Reply #48 on: July 17, 2015, 03:36:02 AM »

We do have another Judge. However on this Hiraishin thing,

Shadow was present within the village during the time that Keito initiated an attack on the village, during that time myself, Masane, and Kage ( Ican't remember if there were more) took chase, I utilized Hiraishin during that rp to transport  and explained how It was performed, which is in fact the same mark that i'm moving to right now.


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Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« Reply #49 on: July 17, 2015, 03:43:01 AM »

We do have another Judge. However on this Hiraishin thing,

Shadow was present within the village during the time that Keito initiated an attack on the village, during that time myself, Masane, and Kage ( Ican't remember if there were more) took chase, I utilized Hiraishin during that rp to transport  and explained how It was performed, which is in fact the same mark that i'm moving to right now.

You can't use an old mark for a new fight. If you were to continue fighting in the village, then yes, you could. But that rule is there to prevent people from simply going "I'm about to be killed, but I have so and so seal in another village, so bye." You can see this is especially problematic when used on a biju fight on the forum, disconnected from the main site. So this is not viable in my opinion.

Anyway, if you got another judge, that solves the individual fight, as I said early this topic should just be about general fleeing now and not Shadow and Ichi now.
Don't say f*ck any more because f*ck is the worst word that you can say

So just use the word mmmkay!

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« Reply #50 on: July 17, 2015, 03:48:03 AM »

Yeah you're right, it's off topic.

Either way I think a rule should be implemented or it should be a void list thing, because this was not something that I thought would become this big of an issue.


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Re: Running from a bijuu fight.
« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2015, 03:56:38 AM »

This was the kicker clause of it all: "So long both parties declare it plausible & understand the longevity/risk of the claim, it's considered eligible for use." As Shadow did not agree, you turn to your judge who is supposed to rule on it.

^de above.

@Kage Nobody is debating his use of hiraishin, there if he used it say in the field of battle, would have been ok. But he's
1. Using it to escape and end the battle
2. Using a mark Shadow would be unaware of and according to hiraishin rules
"Creation of the Hiraishin seals must be emoted, and take one turn. It is possible to create a large amount of Hiraishin seals during a time of peace to use later on, but it must be emoted regardless. The process isn't an exceptionally difficult one, and counts as one (1) action during a post. It is possible to create more than one seal at a time." 

If we take fleeing out of playing out of play here, he is breaking hiraishin rules, nevermind biju.

Also, I don't think this thread should decide it, that is the point of a judge. If the rules are the constitution, consider the judge a supreme court justice if you, in that that can interpret it as they see fit. I made a ruling, and Ichi as stated in his rules booted me. They've allegedly already found another judge, so someone is unspoken for.
Oh wow, there really are Hiraishin rules. Welp, you've got me on that one Trev. And here I was this close to water-boarding you upside down nailed onto a burning crucifix if this wasn't true, as per new Salem Anti-Witch Laws of 2013.

I'm still a bit iffy on these Hiraishin rules, on the fact that it has this within it.
Note: These rules were orginially composed for Shinobi Legends Society--a more regulated website than SL itself generally is. For this reason, these rules may require editing in time; but for the moment, these are the rulings.
There was probably a topic with this somewhere on the forums, which I'll have to look for and over too so it can be determined that these rules were something discussed with being generally acceptable and in play. Because this part below in the rules, is what I find extremely confusing.

Creation of the Hiraishin seals must be emoted, and take one turn. It is possible to create a large amount of Hiraishin seals during a time of peace to use later on, but it must be emoted regardless.
Like, nearly all Hiraishin users have weapons and tools pre-marked with Hiraishin. The rule says that seals made before a battle can be used, but also have to be created in the battle at the same time. What?

But if it means what I think it means, then Ichirou's marked pool ball is something that should be very possible to Hiraishin himself to, according to these rules/guidelines.
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