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Author Topic: Baby Steps or a Community Project?  (Read 4648 times)


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Re: Baby Steps or a Community Project?
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2015, 03:41:44 AM »

If the server truly catered to RPing there would be a way to revive other players from the shades (if possible to code). Of course for people who do the forest as a side task and get killed by RNG don't have to wait until the new day. Though that kinda defeats the achievement of gaining 16 reborns though it is easy mode once you have a certain combination at the minimum of I say 5 reborns.

That is possible to code. :P

There's always the option to revive with enough souls if you truly didn't want to stop rp'ing you'd wait until after all your rps were done to die.

Let me rephrase, an item of sort to program in to revive others


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Re: Baby Steps or a Community Project?
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2015, 04:10:24 AM »

If the server truly catered to RPing there would be a way to revive other players from the shades (if possible to code). Of course for people who do the forest as a side task and get killed by RNG don't have to wait until the new day. Though that kinda defeats the achievement of gaining 16 reborns though it is easy mode once you have a certain combination at the minimum of I say 5 reborns.

That is possible to code. :P

There's always the option to revive with enough souls if you truly didn't want to stop rp'ing you'd wait until after all your rps were done to die.

Let me rephrase, an item of sort to program in to revive others

Same answer. <<
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Baby Steps or a Community Project?
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2015, 06:39:44 AM »

the revive other's option, if i recall correctly, is a standard option that comes with the LoTGD games and is just disabled. So are mods like:
deposit gems in dwellings
forge weapon
forge armor
learn a musical instrument and other artsy crafty things

I wonder, that learn musical instrument thing. Could it be modded to be used for something else?

Like special jutsu for use in the foresting?


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Re: Baby Steps or a Community Project?
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2015, 06:58:53 PM »

the revive other's option, if i recall correctly, is a standard option that comes with the LoTGD games and is just disabled. So are mods like:
deposit gems in dwellings
forge weapon
forge armor
learn a musical instrument and other artsy crafty things

I wonder, that learn musical instrument thing. Could it be modded to be used for something else?

Like special jutsu for use in the foresting?

From what I know none of those are in the LoTGD core game modules minus the dwelling gems.

As with a lot of things it can be codded. >.>
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Baby Steps or a Community Project?
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2015, 08:39:55 PM »

Lucky for you two! (Kayenta and Keito) You don't need to have master coding skills in Java for PhP, but that's not to say a basic understanding of it wouldn't help. :P

Example of PhP:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'/>
    <img src="Paste link in here"/>
    <div class="header"><h1>
      $welcome = "Let's get started with PHP!";
      echo $welcome;

Where the difficulty for most (I believe or most just for me) is with the if, else if, etc statements. Which Java uses a lot.

      for ($dog = 1; $dog <= 10; $dog++) {
        if ($number <= 9) {
            echo $dog . ", ";
        } else {
            echo $dog . "!";
      }; ?>

However before you do any of that you need to learn HTML and CSS. These two languages are the basics and VERY easy to learn. A child could learn HTML.

Repetition is KEY. Now while I say these things and flash a few lines of code you may be like 'Well shit Ben looks like you know your shit" and that's not true. I can pull a couple hundred out of my bank account, but that doesn't make me rich. Same for here.

Here's a good site to learn stuff on:

Take about 24 hours to learn CSS and PhP over the course of a week or two and you'll have a much better understanding of how SL runs. Shit, I have a LoTGD test site up. PM on SL and I'll give you a link and give you admin powers and show you files and shit. (Note: mention of another LoTGD is not advertising as it's a test site to learn PhP. Nothing more. >.>)

If you don't want to learn code then look for Naruto pictures or make new enemies for the forest or write out new events or come up with a new shop idea and so on. :P

All in all though if you learn some code it will help immensely.
A child could learn HTML, yet many websites push for javascript, instead of using HTML5. It's one thing for the opportunity to learn to code to be out there, but it's another when actually getting down to it. And even then, there's the credibility and understandability of the learning material out there. Programming requires a lot of logical thinking and planning. The first thing you should do is learn to psuedo-code, before you start diving into the actual coding. I'll break down the example provided below.

Quote from: Code
      for ($dog = 1; $dog <= 10; $dog++) {
        if ($number <= 9) {
            echo $dog . ", ";
        } else {
            echo $dog . "!";
      }; ?>
In psuedo-code format, it would be like this.

Quote from: Psuedo-code
For the beginning of this looping-instance, $dog is equal to 1. If dog is less-than or equal to 10, then continue to run this loop. Otherwise, end this loop. Each time after performing this loop, increase $dog's value by 1.

If $dog is less-than or equal to 9, perform this function. Return to the user "$dog, "

For anything else where in the above $dog does not fit the above statement of $dog being less-than or equal to 9, perform this function. Return to the user "$dog!"
Code is the entire background process of what's going on backstage, so that the output which is the front stage that the audience is watching, will be like this.

Quote from: Output
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!
It helps to have taken a programming course in the past and to currently be taking one now. But a simple google search of "php else if" brought me this, with a running function tool to show you what the output is.

That's just the alpha testing part of it though. Beta testing is running it and seeing if it runs well and is devoid of any logical errors that it might run into. When the computer runs into a certain problem that the code doesn't address or reference to, then it panics and crashes.

It's not that hard to understand guys. It's just adding 2+2.
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