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Author Topic: to clarify a little more  (Read 4612 times)


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2015, 03:20:47 AM »

I never lied. Uetto was dead. He was revived. In order to be revived one must be dead.

Anyways like I sad I didn't come here to debate anything with any of you. I put it very frank either void me r accept me either way I will rp. I know what I established rp wish. It is not my fair that rp from years ago is deleted.

That time someone tried to enter the tree by breaking through the bark it failed cause there was no room within. Why? The door is merely a portal to another place.

When the group was assembled to enter Konoha as a bypass of the barries set forth that disabled space-time. They summoned to the deminsions to exit the portal with in the village. How cause the dimension isn't even in the same one of this space time barrier.

Now you can either take my word for it or not.

It is simple as that. I'm not here to be judged or have Yujo judged or our rp. If e wants that he can make his own thread.

I merely am revealing it to you all so you can decide personaly what to accept or not.

And there will be a fenural still. Uetto will hide his presence in the world for awhile. A funnel is a good cover.


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2015, 08:48:20 AM »

I do not know about the validity of Kirk setting up the Senju Tree to be what it is. And I mean that part about it all having been that way before the fight and not just pulled out of thin air to save his butt.

However, you all know my thoughts on character death and CCing the remains to be your personal play thing without the creator of the character's consent. I am against that sort of thievery.

But...and this is just from reading the discussion, I am taking away a very different mechanism for accessing the dimension of the tree than what is being argued against working.

I see people saying, "You can't get into the tree because an anti-space time barrier is up and in effect about the tree."

Ok...but, the tree is not how Kirk is getting inside that dimension it leads to. If Uzu's barrier is in fact around the tree, it has only shut THAT door into the dimension, not ALL doors into the dimension. Clearly Kirk can access his dimension...the personal lab...from anywhere. The dimension is not inside the tree itself, the tree is only one available DOOR into the dimension. Kirk went through a different door to that dimension. So having the tree locked by the Uzu barrier is moot.

That is my understanding of Kirk's explanation of how the lab and tree function separately. to what Kirk said to the public, or to Yujo in pms, or to anyone...that could be
1] back peddling to save his butt cause he changed his mind once he thought about it.

2] play acting a lie in order to go along with the farce while permitting him to protect the secret of him still having a way to come back and just pretending for everyone he was gonna be dead for all time. In a very dramatic come to my funeral kind of way.

I don't know.

I don't really think it matters.

As for making rp to counter an Edo Tensei user in the event of some far off death in the future, I think it is a smart thing to do and likely something that a person....and more than one person...has planned for considering how eager people are to use that jutsu. having a counter in your back pocket to be Edo Tensei no different than training to have a counter for anything, like Raiton or sound jutsu or mind probes.

I however have no idea who has done what, created this or that. And I for one am tired of having it questioned all the time.

Perhaps it is best to feel good about the win by an inch instead of feeling bad about not gaining the win by a mile?

Yujo defeated Kirk. That is a win for Yujo. He didn't get to eat him too?
So what? I am sure he tastes bad anyway.

If ones objectives and goals in a game are going to be so very objectionable to most everyone who encounters them, then perhaps it is time to change the goals?

I look at it this way. Let's say I invite people over to do some DND. I feed them dinner, I craft the campaign, I run the NPCs, pit trials before the players who can use their creativity to succeed or fail and then the session ends and all is well. But then it is not enough to defeat all my monsters, but they have to then set fire to my house to exert some final defeating blow...well, But they really really want to do this is their goal.

It's seriously time to rethink their goals and examine why they even want to get together to play.


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2015, 09:16:57 AM »

Since this topic is to clarify a little more...I don't understand something as to Zenaku's ruling?

These two items jumped out at me.

---Original Message from 五代目雷影 Zenaku(2015-11-20 19:21:59)---
Well this was my initial ruling

 I've read and researched the fight in it's entirety. My ruling is as follows.
1] Kite, I need you to show where/when you exactly activated your byakugan unless you state that you had it active from the start. But let's assume it's active. For what you're attempting to state to occur you would of needed to take measures against taking in the foreign chakra either before you entered the engulfed area or the first post after you entered. Once it's inside you it's no different than if you were standing in a cloud of dark fog that you later found out to be deadly and poisonous. I don't believe your response post would work.

2] Kirk: You claim that you programmed antibodies to combat all foreign chakras? Let's consider this boiling down to simple internal chakra poisoning which is exactly what it is. There's no way you could take measures against every single invasion of chakra within your body. Now if you told me you'd sampled some of his chakra before and your body created antibodies on their own? That i'd buy. But as you're stating now, no i don't believe that would fly as that would mean any chakra outside of your own would be negated. That's not possible.

1] Kite stated his Byakugan was active like at the beginning of the RP. Reading the rp should have revealed that. This was even before he encountered Yujo. Anyway, why would he not be able to see the chakra infused ice soon as he entered that area? Yujo would have known he had his byakugan activated. So why did he not include the presence of his chakra in all the ice crystals polluting the zone? Kite should have been able to see that with an active Byakugan. I feel Yujo should have provided that detail. Had Kite's Byukugan not been active then I feel Yujo would not have been obligated to provide that detail. The omission of that detail is significant given the ability of the Byakugan to see a chakra infused field.

To me the omission is like saying Kite pierced his foot on spikes placed all over the ground, when you just described it as being a daisy covered field and did not mention the spikes at all.

Kaiten Master Kite made his way swiftly through the forest after leaving Konoha, his two escorts in tow. He wanted to make this trip as quick as possible and return to the village. He was traveling with his Byakugan active, especially in this heavily wooded area.

2] The body naturally will recognize foreign bodies and attack them, and I see no reason why chakra would be any different. The body does not have to have met this foreign intruder into its system before...and then wait until a second encounter before attacking merely knows it is not 'self' and goes on the offensive. Now let's say Estelle's body? Well no, she has not programmed antibodies specifically to target foreign chakra. She just comes with the normal immune system response of a regular person. But if she had? It should know it is not HER chakra and attack.

That is kind of why you sneeze or make infected snot. The body is working to kill and expel the intruder.


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2015, 05:47:50 PM »

So, uh, my name was brought up a lot even though I don't RP? Gonna clarify right now that I did not care and/or had no idea that Kirk died and was trying to get in the tree. I was taking the tree to Kiri for other reasons and did not feel like making an exit post, so I just acted like I was already en-route and took the tree with me as I stated.

I'm not going to sit here and argue for either side because, oh I don't know, I don't give a shit? I get a message on Skype from Yujo asking for Kirk's body. It essentially boiled to a no without disclosing personal matters. Afterwards I RPed moving the tree because I had finally decided on stuff with Gitsune who was the one in Kiri who needed the tree.

Neither one of you are going to agree with each other so, as I told Kirk, ignore each other. When you have people who take this game too seriously for whatever reason, then it ruins the fun. Most of you can never agree on anything even when a middle ground is proposed. So, Yujo is voided from Kirk's RP world and vice-versa. That is the only way this is getting solved without arguments and underhanded, petty insults that result in these types of topics getting locked. And, again, to clarify: I did not move the tree because of Kirk and I did move the tree to spite Yujo. I rarely RP anymore and I decided to go ahead and do so for fun. Neither one of you will ruin that and I won't hesitate to void you both. I typed this in a hurry because I have other things to attend to then this -- but I figured I'd give my 'side' -- so do indeed message me if you need clarification on anything I just wrote.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 05:49:26 PM by Nathan »


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2015, 07:16:48 AM »

So as to settle the issue a little better I am rping it Uetto was revived but couldn't pull through. Ill still not accept any claims of my DNA having been gathered.

I rped that his life force was low. And there for will see it as to low to overcome the damages done.

I really don't want to be on bad terms with Yujo after thinking it over all day long. Nor with anyone else.

It is apparent to me I should have made a public place to but all info I keep hidden that was long forgotten by others or erased in rp. However the thought of someone meta-gamijg always  haunted me.

I know it's a probably a bit irritating to you all I am so back and forth but please bare in mind I have rped this guy for ao long.

I could literally cry in RL when thinking about it. And it is so hard to let go.

With that said I don't want bad blood here at SL. And I am aware if Uetto becomes voided by many it will hinder rp in Konoha and I can't have that.

So I thought of another option. I'll fully grant Yujo that honor of having taken out one of Konoha's most loyal while still filling the hole in my heart by rping flashbacks with him.

I'll be sure that none of them ever change anything that would already be set in current or previous rp. I may also rp him as a ghost/spirit that haunts Konoha.
That being so long as no one ever destroys the item that bonds him to the world of the living (Hokage's Necklace).

I guess that's really all this needs to be locked. I'm sure the funeral will still be set forth.

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