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Author Topic: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!  (Read 3050 times)

Dart Terumī

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Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:51:14 AM »

Dāto Terumī

Match type:
OOC Bijū Battle Deathmatch

Zone (Main Arena):


14 Day Fight
Three (3) actions per post; Clone actions included in this.
Summons get one (1) action per post.



Dart Terumī

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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2016, 06:08:38 PM »

Dāto Terumī entered the agreed upon stage with a firm determination. He did not carry around the arrogance that he was going to be the decisive winner of this match. Rather, he was certain that this match would be one of the highest caliber.... He needed to let loose, anyways, and this match would allow him the space, time, and energy to unleash his pent-up fury.

The auburn haired male stood at 6 ft 2 in and his body rippled with a musculature that hinted at a weight of 210-215 lbs. His skin was a deep brown, almost black in nature, which signified that his constant defense was active*. His typical armor was worn for this battle, which consists of a sleeveless gray flak vest and gray leather greaves. His Kirigakure headband was secured to his left bicep. His navy blue cord braid, the indicator that he was Head of the Terumī clan, was draped over both shoulders and secured to the back of his vest. His pouches contained their usual suspects of items as does the scroll container on his hip. Once his opponent was near enough to see his face in detail, the teal diamond on his forehead would be seen. New additions to his combat look would be the two robin blue hilts that jutted over each shoulders. He had finally managed to create scabbards that could contain power of the legendary Fujaku Hishō Shōken (Weaknessless Soaring Shortswords). Strangely, his favored katanas were currently absent from his hips. Perhaps he was favoring maneuverability for power? Perhaps they would play later into the match? Either way, they would be but an action away to bring forth into the field.

The Kirigakure denizen gazed about the empty fighting arena, taking note of the four (4) pillars that stood at each corner. His emerald green eyes drank in the environment and the 200 ft by 200 ft platform. Not a large arena to fight in but not too small either. Should suffice for their needs. The sun was almost centered over the area, indicating that it was nearly noon. The match was to begin at high noon. It was a bright day with few clouds scattered about in the sky but it wasn't hot. It was a comfortable cool. The Terumī walked to the midline of the arena and waited for his opponent to arrive so they can exchange pleasantries and honors before beginning the match.

* Doton: Domu (Earth Release: Earth Spear)


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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2016, 08:05:51 PM »

Having traveled through the large region Shino had finally arrived at his destination. Noticing that his opponent was making his way to the middle of the arena, the young man himself stood about 100 ft ahead of Dart. His eyes were a deep scarlet indicating his three tomoe sharingan was active. Using his vision, Shino carefully scanned the man to every last detail. Of course if Dart also noticed him he would see the frosty white locks, which swayed with the breeze. Shino would then began to take in natural energy, something Dart would be familiar with if he had any prior knowledge of the training himself. Though as far as carrying weapons were concerned, the young Kaguya-Uchiha hybrid carried none. Though his normal attire was that of his usual attire. [Same as profile pic.] He did however bring a companion who stood 5 ft behind him, shrouded in a black cloak. This figure was Kira Shibata, one of the many ghouls that accompanied Shino. Turning his face to the right just over his shoulder Shino glanced back at his companion. The ghoul giving him a nod of sorts, the young man returned the nod. Turning his attention back to dart, he opted to remain silent. It was perhaps best to not get too close, and gauge his opponents tendencies of sorts.[/color]
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 09:20:04 PM by Shino »

Dart Terumī

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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2016, 09:49:03 PM »

Dāto spotted his opponent's arrival and took note that he did not arrive alone. A small smirk danced upon his lips at the thought that this shinobi couldn't fight alone and had to have a companion present. His opponent would stop at the opposite edge of the arena as that would be the 100 ft marker from Dāto's current position. Unfortunately, Dāto was not yet trained in the art of Sage Mode but he was familiar with shinobi standing still. That could only mean one thing in his mind.. His opponent was already making a move without formalities or honorifics. It was an insult to the Terumī hybrid to not be thought of as an equal and be met in pre-combat banter and pleasantries. An insult he did not take lightly and thus would act accordingly.

Being a Grandmaster of Doton, Dāto needed very few handseals to employ his arsenal of earth-based techniques. Some didn't require any and the one he would utilize next was of such variety. His body, already surging with chakra, the Terumī would channel this into his right fist and slam said fist into the ground before him, surging the chakra into the ground. A giant crack* would neigh instantly form from his strike and extending well past and in between Shino and his companion's feet. One second later, this crack would explode into a giant chasm that spanned 30 ft in diameter from side to side. The abyss below would be in-perceivably dark as it extends an easy 50 ft deep. Surely his opponent would have to move to avoid the debris of the initial explosion and the drop of the abyss, thus rendering his nature energy gathering invalid.

Shino and friend would find themselves facing blunt force damage from rock and debris exploding upwards at their feet as well as minor cuts and bruises from rock pelting them. A large enough piece would be able to render the man unconscious should it connect and thus fall into the waiting abyss.

Dāto's eyes would alight into a red gleam as he activated his own Sharingan but it sprung directly into its Eien no Mangekyō Sharingan state, completely bypassing the Three-Tomoe State. He would use his own dōjutsu in order to track his opponent's next move and whereabouts. He would rise, reach up to his right shoulder, and grasp the hilt of one of his shortswords.

Doton: Kiretsu (Earth Release: Fissure)
Sharingan activation


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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2016, 11:34:49 PM »

Shino kept his vision locked on to his foe ahead while allowing his sensory skill to try and decipher any fluctuation in his chakra network. As Dart created a fist, allowing charkra to channel into it the young boy pondered. "From way over there?" He asked himself as his eyes themselves ascended into the Mangekyo.* Regardless of what Dart's intentions were Shino only had one thing on his mind for the time being. To warp *himself away from the battlefield. And so he did just that with a minor cost. Leaving his companion behind wasn't intentional. It spoke volumes of the inexperience the young man showed in battle situations.

Even if his companion perished in the depths of the abyss he lived the normal life of any ordinary ghoul, which was constantly staring death in the face. If Dart was paying attention to Shino throughout his initial attack he may have perhaps seen the young man vanish into thin air. Or if not maybe he would have thought that he perished into the abyss as well, unless he was a sensor of sorts. Now that Shino was inside his own unique pocket dimension, he would focus on his initial task.  To collect Natural energy as he had attempted to do earlier.

Trying to avoid the stinging in his left arm, which even bled little from earlier  the young man sat down in the large well-lit room. Trying to ignore the constant loud, moaning sounds that seemed to come from every direction. Which was due to the fact that numerous "test" subjects were being kept against there will here. Nevertheless he would attempt once again to gather Natural Energy.*

Mangekyo Sharingan active
Gathering Natural Energy


Dart Terumī

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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2016, 08:42:33 AM »

Unfortunately for his opponent, Dāto was indeed a sensor so he was able to detect Shino's chakra signature instantly vanishing within the debris cloud of his assault. There would only two techniques in the world that could cause such instantaneous disappearance of one's chakra signature completely. One was the Hiraishin, with a quick teleport out of harm's way, but since Shino never made any markers in the arena and teleporting away would be fleeing the battle, the Terumī didn't suspect that to be the tech used. Judging by the kid's eyes at the start of the match, Dāto assumed that the technique he utilized to disappear was Kamui... A technique he was very familiar with. How does he know that Shino didn't perish into the abyss? Easily, when an individual dies, their chakra signature slowly fades away into nothing. Shino's disappeared completely. It didn't take a genius to assume what occurred, especially for a seasoned veteran.

“So the kid wants to play hide and seek? First he insults me by not offering honorifics and now he flees like a coward? Pathetic,” Dāto scoffed at this newest development. But now he gained some insight into his opponent's moveset. The Kirigakure brute would release his grip on his shortsword and instead formed the most recognized arm formation. A deep, thick, rolling fog* would saturate the air and thoroughly conceal the entire field within minutes. “Two can play hide-and-seek, kiddo,” the Terumī would murmur. His visage would blend in with the fog and disappear from any actual ocular viewing. Especially to one with dōjutsu as the fog would be the same color as his chakra and in deep enough concentration that he could move through it without being detected by visual. He would move back 30 ft from his staring position and 7 ft to the right. To double up the effects of the fog, he would form the Horse handseals and begin to spew forth another layer of fog* to intermingle with the first. Only this would present the horrendous ability to melt all things that didn't possess the Terumī's chakra signature due to its acidic makeup. Then, all Dāto would have to do is wait for his opponent to reemerge.

Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hiding in Mist Technique)
Futton: Kōmu no Jutsu (Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique)


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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2016, 10:01:26 AM »

Unknown to him that on the outside realm his opponent was attempting to shape the battlefield to his benefit, Shino was also looking to gain a very competitive advantage. It was only a matter of time before the young man's desire to enter sage mode would be complete. And so he sat as still as possible awaiting for the desirable result....Except the inexperience of being in the heat of battle had caught up to him once again. Not only was his energy intake not working, but his entire plan had completely backfired.

Forcibly slamming his head into his palms he stood up to his feet. Letting out a loud, obnoxious scream which only triggered the random moaning that fluctuated throughout the void. "Tranquilo, Shino. Assen na yo." The boy said out loud to himself trying to calm the situation. Though his own words would prove useless as the trembling in his bones began to intensify. His nerve rattled hands rose to the level of his petrified face. And that's when "It" called out to him. The voice was of a dark evil presence that swirled from the crevices of his young mind. "What a stupid child. Trying to pick a fight with the big boys....How laughable!"

The voice taunted Shino as he flinched, tugged, and grabbed at his head. "Luckily for you, boy, there are no...spectators.....Give me your mind, Boy." The voice continued as the vision's swirling around in his head showed death and dispair. Though no matter how loud the voice rang Shino fought it with every ounce of energy within him. "No...I ca...I can't......I ca.." Shino responded back with each word sounding weaker. The arms of the boy suddenly fell limp to his side, his body as if it had become possessed. For a span of three minutes his body stood motionless, limped over. And suddenly a crackle, a loud pop.

Slowly raising his palms to meet, they soon clinched. As if something had come over the boy now, his aura was a tad different. His body would now focus into it's primary* nature. It was almost time to re-enter the natural plain again. Though now he had to prepare for the possibility of the earth's crevices re-opening themselves.*

Kaguya Mode stage 1 [Shikotsu-Bōkō]
Magnetic Levitation

Dart Terumī

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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2016, 06:35:05 AM »

In order to gain even more supreme control of the battlefield, Dāto would form three hand seals within his fog. His chakra would spike into the sky and cause the skies to darkened with storm clouds. A torrential downpour would immediately fall after the clouds gathered and soaked the battlefield within minutes. The rain was the same temperature as the combined fog so it wouldn't cause it to evaporate. Instead, the fog would continue to linger within the area. The nature of this rain would serve one purpose only, to drain any chakra or jutsu that wasn't of the Terumī's own. “The pieces are set, kiddo. Come out and play...,” Dāto would murmur to himself. Beyond that, he didn't do much else this turn besides sit down to meditate within his fog, completely obscured to all sensory abilities, and await patiently for the kid to show back from his retreat.

Hijutsu: Kirisame (Secret Technique: Mist Rain)


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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2016, 08:56:08 PM »

Sooo...lest there's some message explaining things from Shino that you haven't shown me Dart, if I'm not mistaken the fact its been over a week since he posted and over two weeks since the fight started, would mean you just won.

Dart Terumī

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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2016, 10:29:33 PM »

Sooo...lest there's some message explaining things from Shino that you haven't shown me Dart, if I'm not mistaken the fact its been over a week since he posted and over two weeks since the fight started, would mean you just won.

He hasn't messaged me back yet at all. In fact, I do not believe that he has even logged on.

I hate to "win" on a technicality, that is why I have been patiently waiting for him to post or message me back. Neither of which he has done, of course..

And with you a judge, then your word is concrete in this matter.

I accept the win by technicality but reluctantly.


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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2016, 10:37:18 PM »

Your win then. Dudes been gone 12 days and the 14 day "must finish" limits up already anyway, no point waiting.


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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2016, 02:19:54 AM »

I don't want to throw him under the bus especially since he's a nice guy, but yeah. As far as I know he hasn't been on at all.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Battle for Isobu, the Three-Tails (三尾, Sanbi) Begins..!
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2016, 03:42:29 AM »

If no one has any quarrels about it, I am going to go ahead and lock this thread. Let me know if you need it unlocked. :D

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