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Author Topic: A chance encounter!? (牛鬼, Gyūki) | Hachibi/Gyūki vs Yujo (Gamemaster: Kamui)  (Read 2479 times)


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Rules for this gamemaster-controlled event are as followed:
 ●  This event will have a time-limit of fourteen days and will not go any further than ten rounds of posting between the participants.
 ●  This battle will be strictly OOC unless it was agreed by both parties that this encounter is to be made IC.
 ●  There is no level caps, ability restrictions or anything of that sort. Do what you must to secure this bijuu in your hands and make no mistakes doing so, otherwise the gamemaster of this event will use this chance to expose any weakness that your may or may not have in their postings.

Setting: Valley of Clouds and Lightning (雲雷峡, Unraikyō)

"At last! I am free!" Gyūki suddenly spawn in the middle of a vast water-filled valley that was located in the mountain ranges of the Land of Lightning; a cloud-like fog could be seen lingering at higher elevations. Avian wildlife that was lingering around the area already scattered due to the sudden flash reemergence of Gyūki, although no one appeared to be within the immediate vicinity the colossal stature of the beast wasn't something that could easily be hidden.

"Here of all places? I better scram out of here before someone comes to investigate!" Gyūki was already getting so excited for his newfound freedom that it slipped his mind that he was exposed out there in the open. Gyūki nervously scanned the area and ventured further into the water-filled valley, hoping that he could come out of this unscathed and back out onto the wild, the thought of becoming someone's pet of even trapped in a human vessel really played on his emotions; the danger was real and freedom was something that he had rarely had a chance to experience in his lifetime.


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A singular being remained between the freedom this beast so desired, and a life of eternal confinement. Alerted by the massive upsurge in chakra, one familiar to him, the Sub-Zero of shinobi mounted his spatial chariot (Kamui) and made his way to the Gyuki's location. Appearing from a portal, some 100 meters from the beast, Yujo spent the first few moments after he had materialized laughing at the Ox creature teasingly, "Oh boy, that was quite the rousing field trip, don't you think, Gyūki?" His crimson gaze fell upon the massive entity, having only seen it within the construct of his own subconscious where he ruled as king, now outside the beast's power drew a devilish grin upon the Uzumaki's face as he spoke once more, "Dear friend, Isobu must have told you of the troubles this generation of shinobi bring about. You will be mercilessly hunted by all until you are brought down and placed within an insulting seal. Return to me without struggle, and I will provide you once more with the freedoms you so desire, without ever fearing capture."

The Uzumaki's plea was genuine and hadn't intended on fighting, even so, he had to remain on guard in the case the usually level-headed Hachibi decided to turn towards Yujo with a murderous intent. 
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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"Watch your tongue! You speak like you know me, human! Isobu also told me to be careful of who I trust and to always be wary of *all* humans. Why should I return to you when I don't even know who the hell you are?! I'll make you pay for that cocky attitude!" Gyūki already became enraged when this Uchiha/Uzumaki half-breed of man came pleading for him to be willingly sealed into his body. Fat chance. Luck wouldn't be on Yujo's side this time and pleading would do more harm than good considering that this beast had lost his memory of being sealed within the man; these memories would hopefully be recovered after the sealing is done.

Gyūki turned to face the direction of where the voice was coming from, staring down at the man whom seemly came out of some portal. Gyūki showed his murderous intent by spitting out a barrage of globs of specially chakras-enhanced ink towards the position of Yujo. If these globs of ink just happened to miss, the ushi-oni always had a back-up plan and that once these ink globs splattered; the ink would reform itself into a multitude of miniature ink clones of the original.

Yujo had better hope that he had something up his sleeve, otherwise the ushi-oni would do what he could to catch him off-guard through sheer numbers and if worse came to worse; sealing the man with the ink wouldn't be out of the question.


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The Uzumaki was appalled by such indignant behavior from his once beloved companion, it saddened him really. Almost in slow-mo, as the ink blobs traveled towards him memories flooded his mind of the times he had spent with the Hachibi. *Queue Flashback sequence*

Once out of his own subconscious and time at it's normal rate, he flew into the sky by the same means achieved by the Iwagakure shinobi quickly evading the orbs of Ink, a technique he was quite familiar with, explaining his reasoning for distancing himself.

As he flew upwards, a dozen Adamantine Sealing Chains burst forth from his person, each marked for Hiraishin, the intent if not obvious was for these chains to ensnare the beast within their powerful grasp and restrain him so Yujo could do as he wished. If touched by the chains, the Hachibi would be marked, and the battle would effectively end, but that'd be no fun. Anticipating the Tailed Beast Eight Twists technique, the Uzumaki flew towards his old companion, realizing it's weaknesses sometime during their travels together.

They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Unbeknownst to Yujo, this wasn't the same beloved companion that he once knew. Gyūki had spent a significant amount of time away from Yujo was subsequently captured by the Akatsuki, this eventually lead up to the mysterious death of the leader and this ushi-oni was set free into the wild; it didn't help that the genjutsu used to control it wasn't broken. Although the beast was free from his previous owner, it was basically given a mind wipe of any previous interactions with Yujo and   Gyūki didn't exactly trust humans.

"Quit being so cocky!" Gyūki bellowed out as he began gathering an 8:2 ratio of positive black chakras and negative white chakras. Gyūki formed these chakras into an orb and once the sphere had formed perfectly, the colossal beast swallowed it and fired it out towards Yuji in the form of a large wave of destruction.

It didn't also help that after these globs of ink had missed, they quickly reformed into miniatures versions of Gyūki and started to simultaneously attack the man from every direction possible. These chains really had no effect on the ink since if they even made contact with these chakras chains, these ink clones would splatter all over his network of sealing chains; allowing the Gyūki to temporarily seal away his chakras and prematurely end this encounter.


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Unfortunately for the beast, he miscalculated the trajectory of the incoming chains, and would lead to the abrupt end of the battle. Once the Hachibi managed to gather the necessary energies to complete his Chakra sphere, and eventually swallowed it down, the chains would latch onto his form. This is where the fight would become particularly volatile.

Three of these chains wrapped around Gyuki's neck, like a collar, the chains squeezing with enough intensity to restrict air, or say a bijuu bomb sitting in the Gyuki's throat, the other nine restricting other limbs to prevent the beast from interfering with what Yujo had planned next. It was around this time Yujo finally reached the Gyuki, who was likely struggling for oxygen, or with the impending explosion within his gullet, nevertheless the Uzumaki took a seat straddling the bridge of the Hachibi's snout, just inches from the raging beasts eyes. "Let me put this in a way you'll understand...I'm about to blow my load all over your insides." Placing his lips between the eyes of the Beast, having timed the actions as perfectly as one could, Yujo extended his affection towards his beloved Ushi-oni just as the intended eruption of chakra was set off within the Hachibi. "No Homo."

Yujo utilized the intangibility of his Kamui to survive whatever energy burst forth from within the Hachibi, sitting atop the beast for however long it struggled with a small nuclear warhead being set off in his tum tum. If for whatever reason the Gyuki could stop a bomb from exploding from within his chest, he'd still be restricted by the chains he decided to do nothing about. 
« Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 10:58:17 PM by Hitler-Chan »
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Gyūki would be cut off during the mid-wave of energy bursting forth from his gullet, the chakras chains slowly restricted his airflow and had also kept most of the energy from escaping; giving this ushi-oni a really bad heart burn.

"You-ack-fo-ack-ol!" Gyūki was actually referring to the ink that Yujo must've forgot about, since these clones managed to splatter all over the chakras chains that were binding the colossal beast. These ink globs  would began rendering the chakra chains pretty much useless, even the marks of the Flying Thunder God would succumb to the deadly sealing effects of the ink.

Now since Yujo was using the intangibility of Kamui prior to these ink clones splattering all over his chains, this meant that the effects of the ink would follow him into his personal dimension; leading to slight change in events unless something was done to stop the ink from touching him. Yujo by now would begin to notice that his chains were getting covered in a black muck, quickly working it's way up the ladder until the ink had reached the body of the overzealous man.

However if the sealing didn't work out as planned,
Gyūki would quickly free himself from his binds and bring his hands together to gather enough chakras for what he was about to do, "Take this!" Ink would begin seeping out of the pores of the Gyūki 's skin and envelope itself around the visage of the colossal beast; this ink had the same effects as the clones.

Yujo would have to face a literal double-whammy, this man needed to avoid the sealing effects of the ink from before and also avoid the ink that was on the
Gyūki before his time run out on his intangibility of his doujutsu. Maybe luck would be on his side this time around, since after all Uzumakis had an uncanny ability to survive dangerous situation than any other races that he encountered.


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Despite the Ushi-Oni's attempts, the moment the chains had reached his being the fight had essentially concluded. Besides being able to constrict movement of beings as physically capable as Tailed beasts, it carried a little known ability to bind chakra, completely. Once enveloped, the aforementioned ink ceased it's advances, and all resistance from the Hachibi. "That's quite enough fun dearest Gyūki, back in you go, like a good boy." Having already been in contact with the beast, a seal was taken in the Uzumaki's hands. In a similar fashion as the Six Paths Ten-Tails Coffin Seal, the beast's form begun drawing into Yujo at their point of contact, this unfortunately being the rear-end of the eccentric monk. The enormity of the Hachibi was taken into Yujo, groans of absolute delight echoed out from the soon to be Jinchuriki as the two were reunited, power surging through him as the process went on, filled to the brim with the euphoric embrace that no man could replicate. "Gyūki-Kun-San-Sama-SENPAI~!!!" The scenery brightened, random flashes of sparkling lights filled the air, Yujo's eyes widening until he bursted with the rear-ended revelation of spine tingling enjoyment.

"SUGOI!!!" Once the entirety of the beast had disappeared within the body of Yujo, the mass enveloped itself around his form in a Grey (hachibi) colored sphere. The sphere began to crack, the rifts growing larger until they shattered outwards revealing the Jinchūriki in his cloaked form, a showing of their regained bond. The Uzumaki mounted his spatial chariot and took his leave from this place, "Eight to go."

« Last Edit: October 03, 2016, 05:08:42 AM by Hitler-Chan »
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Gyūki was besides itself in rage when it observed the ink that he anticipated would incapacitate the man and allow him a quick escape into the wild. However this wasn't the case, instead the beast would be rendered unconscious from the sapping ability of the chakra chains and be sucked into man in the most satire way that was possible.

"You mind turning up the heat? No? Always the same with you." Gyūki shivered slightly within the dimension that it resided; which was only accessible to Yuji, those with the Sharingan and other Jinchūriki. The ushi-oni shared some of its chakras to Yujo, allowing him to access his Gyūki Chakra Mode.

With that done, the duo would head out into the great unknown, since Yujo's job wasn't just finished just yet, but that's a tale for another time...The End.

[Event closed and thread locked. Bijuu List will be updated accordingly.]

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