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Author Topic: Ryoji Uzumaki vs Madara Uchiha! Preliminary matches for the Kyuubi begin!  (Read 3660 times)


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Ryoji, Madara

Match type:
OOC Bijuu Battle Death match

Zone type (Insert CellDBZ.jpg):

Exactly midday

-[14 day fight time]-
3 actions per person including any clones. Summons get 1 action per post.

-[Judge is yet to be decided]-

Swift Release
Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
Uchiha Return
Hijutsu: Kirisame
Anything that we talked about in Pms that I or you are not allowed to use in the fight.

Madara may have first post if he so desires.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Uchiha Madara

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A violent eruption of purple flames erupt from the arena floor, though it seems not to cause any actual damage to the surrounding area. From the field of flames emerges a large pair of Rinnegan eyes, belonging to a massive statue head, Naraka Path's King of Hell. It would open its' mouth wide, revealing a pair of tongue like tendrils, the appearance of the entity almost looking like it was screaming.

From the shadows of the back of its mouth emerges the sinister Uchiha Madara, eyes yearning for battle. One them would be in its Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan form while the other was ascended even further into the Rinnegan, signifying his mastery of his Doujutsu, being able to shift them to any form at will. He steps out of the mouth as  it descends into the ground, disappearing from this plane. Minor cracks cover his body in various places, even his red shinobi battle garb, the evidence he now walks the boundary between life and death, an Edo Tensei.

As the flames die down eventually into nothing, Madara scans the area, very eager to begin yet another dance. Grabbing his Gunabi, his hair stands on end from the sheer excitement of a potential battle, causing the man to impatiently thrash about his chakra, the force generating a breeze as well as a few cracks upon the stadium floor.

His companion, Zetsu, waits patiently within the confines of Madara's armor, completely blending in with his chakra signature, vigilant for an opportunity to strike if necessary.



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“Like a child, you throw about your power for the sake of parlor tricks and bravado. Shame on you Madara, I expected more.” Ryoji’s domineering voice called from the skies as he descended from the clouds, garbed in the vestments of the Uzumaki. The cloak which brandished their seal thrashed in the wind to reveal what was underneath. The only important details were the sword upon his hip, and the ink formulas tattooed upon his forearms.

Landing gracefully upon the tiled arena, Ryoji casually folded both arms over his chest and watched Madara with the Sharingan active in his eyes. If Madara was sensitive to Senjutsu, he would notice that the Mad king had a steady flow of natural energy amassing in his body at all times. With a smirk Ryoji continued his banter, “Died again, have we? How many times is this now, Madara? I truly believe that I’ve lost count.” His tone was intentionally condescending, “You lost the Kyuubi last time, so how about you take a seat while the big boys play?”

The current distance between the two is 200 feet.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Uchiha Madara

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"Parlor tricks and bravado? Oh I see.."  The Uchiha shakes his head chuckling, "Some men do often express envy when they lack where it counts." The Uchiha smirks at Ryoji's last statement, "If thats the case, you not only lack where it matters most, but have the mathematical prowess of an infant, you poor child. But don't fret, i'll end your suffering and send you to the Pure Land soon enough."   

As he talks, he forms forms a handseal and lifts up his Gunbai to the air, causing the sky to become darkened by fierce storm clouds. Immediately afterwards, Madara's chest would suddenly open like a compartment with the whirling sound of machinery, his segmented chest revealing multiple metal barrels. These barrels release upon his opponent a barrage of 15 missiles, each with the explosive power capable of reducing a building of reinforced concrete to ashes. Each missile has an explosion radius of 5 feet, resulting in a massive 75 foot blast of heat, fire, and pressure threatening his opponent if they all hit him at once. Controlled by his chakra, Madara guides these ballistic weapons towards Ryoji incredibly fast, spanning the distance between the two in a matter of seconds. As the missiles launch, Madara's body would further transform as a result of the Demon Realm, growing four additional mechanical arms and producing a serrated folding blade from his waist, almost like tail. He'd take no notice of the natural energy around Ryoji as hes had no prior training in the method of Sages, nor would he be able to see it via his Doujutsu. Though he would be able to sense any Senjutsu Chakra permeating as hes had the misfortune of "tasting" said chakra in the past via Hungry Ghost Realm, a mistake he won't make again.

Storm Clouds
Asura Path Missiles
Asura Path Augmentation


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Ryoji listened to Madara with a content smile on his face; it wasn’t often he got to enjoy the ramblings of a fool before battle. This certainly lifted his spirits. While Ryoji wanted to continue the banter with his old friend, the battle was beginning and thus could wait. 

Coating his hand in a current of Raiton, the Uzumaki swung his arm in order to fire a volley of lighting senbon at the incoming missiles, numbering 30 in total [2 for each missile]. With this Ryoji aimed to intercept the attack at the midpoint between the two combatants, causing them to detonate prematurely with no damage done to either party, but create a massive smokescreen of dust and debris to hide both from view. Following this, Ryoji formed the Tiger hand seal and attempted to take control of the clouds Madara was manipulating above by forcing his chakra into them. He wasn’t about to get Kirined.

If successful, the thunderous clouds above would shift to a purple hue, signifying their submission to the Mad King’s vile influence. Within seconds these clouds would begin to produce a precipitation most foul; purple in color, the technique’s origin was obviously from the heartland of Otogakure. Should the clouds reach maturity they would progress from a light drizzle to a grand monsoon, aiming to deluge the land with it’s insidious plague. Unique was this storm in that contrary to soaking the land upon contact, it would mutate rapidly, shifting from a liquid state into a gaseous one with intentions of permeating the breathable air with a horrid smog.

Should any of the techniques states of matter come into contact with Madara or his techniques on an internal or external level, they would be subject to deterioration upon their very structure. Appearing to the naked eye as “Eating” chakra, those with eyes able to comprehend such things would notice the difference immediately. This rain causes chakra to rot away in a much more unpleasant and barbaric fashion. This technique represented Ryoji fundamentally, showcasing the blight that he is upon the 5 great nations.

Unfortunately for Madara, this techniques would not go unenhanced. As Ryoji attempted whatever modicum of a power struggle that would occur while trying to take over the clouds above, his body utilized the senjutsu it had been gathering. Ryoji’s body suddenly mutated drastically, his skin turning dark grey and his hair starch white. His nails elongated, and his eyes shifted to a burnt orange. The final alteration would be a crown of horns that sprouted around his forehead, symbolizing the advancement into a perfected sage mode.

Upon completion, Ryoji allowed his Senjutsu to alter the technique he was attempting to use and hopefully strong arm it into dominance, and enhance it’s overall capabilities by 3. 
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Uchiha Madara

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Gives a cocky smirk, taking Ryoji's silence as evidence he was figuratively burned by the Uchiha's good natured teasing, and with the verbal victory won, Madara goes in for the kill. 

Due to distance at which the two attacks should collide, Madara used this to his advantage in order to alter the course of trajectory for some of his missiles, causing 6 to veer to the right and another 6 to veer to the left, leaving 3 to collide into the volley of senbon. Since the blasts had such big explosion radius, the 15 foot eruption of force, fire and heat should easily result in the destruction of the entire volley. Having moved some of the missiles before contact, the rest would be safe from the damage, this time attacking Ryoji from both sides. Madara would fight with Ryoji' control over the storm, but only momentarily before giving up the fight. This was to give his attack the time it needed in order to blossom. Most of the clouds would infected by his opponent's chakra, though due to Madara's planned jutsu not being Kirin, may shatter the Mad King's intentions. A section of black would remain from Madara's fighting off Ryoji, almost submitting right before he quit. Venting forth from it would be a massive tornado. The powerful, semi truck throwing winds attempt to clear the sky before Ryoji's jutsu is allowed to reach maturity. The tornado drops down from the sky, attempting to collide into the Uzumaki, holding him immobile within the center as the intense winds thrash him from every direction. This would have been an immensely strong, Wind Release: Great Task of the Dragon.

 As the attack tries to collide with Ryoji, electricity wraps around Madara, enhancing his speed, strength, durability, and reaction time in response to his opponent's usage of Perfect Sage Mode. This Raiton electrically stimulating his nervous system is Lightning Release Chakra Mode, used at full strength, evident by the Uchiha's hair spiking. If the weapons hadn't already collided with their opponent or have been destroyed, they would strike the tornado, forming into a fiery spinning inferno, capable of melting steel to molten slag in seconds.

Wind Release: Great Task of the Dragon
Lightning Release Chakra Mode


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Ryoji wasn’t overly concerned with the tornado, nor the missiles which could apparently be manipulated after launch. From his back, a number of golden chains burst forth and weaved about to create a sizable perimeter around, and under, Ryoji’s person before erecting a barrier that would protect everything within from the various nuisances should they come from above, or below. Considering this barrier stopped anyone or anything from entering forcibly, not the wind, missiles, or inferno tornado could touch him. Even without Sage mode, this defense would have been applicable, but with it there was no chance of it breaking under such menial conditions.

Once protected inside, Ryoji maintained his hold of the tiger seal to combat the winds from blowing away his storm. Luckily for him, the clouds that create the tornado technique disappear immediately after activation leaving Ryoji’s Dokuton clouds unhindered, allowing them to spread like a virus back over the area of sky they didn’t have control over, and thus creating the conditions stated previously. Once the hole in the sky was filled, they released their unbridled blight upon the land below in the form of a torrential monsoon. As an obligatory note, the rain is already falling everywhere else that Madara had not sectioned off with his tornado attack. 

Still sitting inside of his barrier, presumably watching the fire rage ineffectively, Ryoji manipulated more chakra chains by having them sprout from the ones defining the barrier’s perimeter. The chains [15] serpentined through the flames in order to burst out and chase Madara. Unbeknownst to him, these chains would be marked with a seal upon their bladed edges with the explosive seal for later use. Normally these chains had the ability to break through Mokuton constructs with ease, so enhanced by Sage mode their offensive ability would be bolstered to new and considerable heights.   

Despite Ryoji’s visual on Madara being broken, he still had his Sage sensory abilities, and his Negative emotion sensing to track his quarry wherever he may go, or be.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Uchiha Madara

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Thankfully Madara would have his Lightning Release Chakra Armor surrounding him, giving him some defense before the virus like attack eats away to his skin. As the chains race towards him and his armor fades the Uchiha utilizes a handseal with the simultaneous use of the Rinnegan's God Realm. The rain, gas, as well as Ryoji's Chakra Chains would find themselves being push away by some powerful invisible force extending from the Uchiha.

Capable of shattering two city blocks of steel and concrete to paste (extending about a mile out in every  direction), the Shinra Tensei attempts to crush his opponent. Madara's handseal would have applied about over 40% of his chakra to the tornado, attempting to covert the attack into a dark red, cylindrical barrier around Ryoji. The barrier would be similar Infinite Embrace, pushing down his opponent, but instead of absorbing chakra, it would bind it similar to Ryoji's own Chakra Chains, preventing his opponent from moulding chakra into jutsu. Just like Infinite Embrace, its possible to break the barrier by expelling a large amount of chakra (in this case, the equivalent amount of chakra to produce 6 Rasenshurikens). Due to the tornado previously saving a section of the area around Ryoji untouched by the rain, the barrier would be safe from the decomposing properties of the jutsu long enough to trap the Uzumaki (if allowed to form that is).

If successful, Ryoji would be defenseless against the incoming Shinra Tensei, leaving him to be crushed beyond recognition. His chain barrier and storm stopped from his inability to keep them active. Even if he somehow isn't, the Uchiha hopes to cause his opponent to expend a large amount of his chakra to combat his barrier to hopefully exhaust him if he chooses another chakra taxing method of defense against the Almighty Push. Even though his attack wasn't so vast as to encompass the sky in order to disperse the chakra rotting jutsu, it would produce the next best thing. The fierce power behind the Heavenly Subjugation pushes a powerful amount of air outward, so much so it would have the strength to uproot trees without direct contact with the gravity sphere itself, most likely clearing the sky of the dreadful weather conditions, unless his opponent tries to sustain this as well, while fighting the barrier, while resisting the attack.

If somehow all this is resisted, his opponent would have one last thing to worry about. Though its possible he may be able to keep his Chakra Chains Barrier active, the Almighty Push would uproot the ground beneath him, making any anchoring tactics almost completely null. This would probably send him and his barrier flying across the landscape like hes Zorbing. The intense centrifugal force however would force his body to experience from 1 to over 80 Gs in a second, slamming him into his own barrier. If Sage Mode is still present, he may survive the crushing force upon his organs and bones, but when experiencing this, the blood in the human body tends to move from the head to the feet, resulting in G-LOC (G-Force induced loss of consciousness) and shattering bone. Hopefully, Madara's barrier would have forced him to use up his Senjutsu Chakra, leaving his body more vulnerable.

Shinra Tensei
Infinite Embrace (variant)



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It was truly unfortunate that Ryoji’s Dokuton had come into contact with the Raiton armor of all things; Madara’s ignorance leading him to believe that pushing the blight away was enough to ail the damage that was already done upon contact.

Much like viruses do, the Dokuton began to creep through the chakra that was circulating throughout the Uchiha’s nervous system, gaining accelerated access to his chakra network because of this. With no mention of just how much rain or mist came into contact with Madara before his costly defence, it can be assumed he was exposed to the unbridled monsoon in it’s entirety, even if for only a moment. Being exposed to such a high degree of sage enhanced Dokuton, even momentarily, meant that the poison would quickly make it’s way into Madara’s body from the numerous points of contact as the Lightning coursed through his body to enhance his abilities. This blunder would result in the the excruciating deterioration of Madara’s chakra network, followed by the complete and utter failure of all major organs. Lucky for Madara, he couldn’t feel pain.

Had this fatal blow gone accordingly, Madara would be incapacitated for the next 4 rounds as his body recovered.

Considering he just spent 40% of his chakra on converting his tornado into a barrier, produced a mile wide Shinra tensei, and performed various other taxing feats within a short amount of time, Madara would more than likely be feeling a degree of exhaustion as even Edo Tensei do when expending mass quantities of chakra. In addition, the production of such an impressive barrier that was, in actuality, a collaboration technique (Meaning it requires multiple users to sustain), suggested that Madara needed to maintain a high degree of focus to use it effectively.

Now for Ryoji’s turn.

As previously stated, the Uzumaki’s sensory prowess was on high alert while Madara was not in direct line of sight, thus the absolutely massive amount of chakra that was poured into the raging tornado was impossible to miss. While Ryoji was confident in his Barrier’s ability to defend against nearly all attacks, nothing good could come of something like this when it came to Madara. In a moment’s notice, Ryoji allowed his eyes to transcend into their Mangekyo state which allowed him to utilize the Kamui technique, sinking into the ground below to become intangible. From this, the Infinite embrace technique would be null, for Ryoji was no longer inside it’s confines to be suppressed, and the Shinra tensei was bypassed entirely, as even as the ground was torn away his intangibility remained as he sunk lower, the amount of earth being dug up from this never being stated, but we can assume it’s a lot. Traveling at the speed of...Kamui, Ryoji emerged from the ground just behind Madara (Regardless of if he is immobilized) and attempted to poke him directly in the butt :orcass: with a fuinjutsu covered hand. In doing this, Ryoji moved to seal away Madara with the Uzumaki sealing technique and end the fight.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Uchiha Madara

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It seems the young Uzumaki was going to need some clear education on the situation. From his own words and the exact function of the plague jutsu, unless it was, "..allowed entry into a foreign body, whether it be through skin, or any orifice, the corrosive chakra infiltrates the chakra network.." etc,  it wouldn't do as described. Considering the Uchiha had in fact expelled the Dokuton before, "the virus attacks eats away to his skin" and "as his armor fades"

Therefore, its clear to even a neophyte that the virus was ineffective in penetrating Madara in time, leaving the weather to clear and whatever remnants pushed beyond a mile if not destroyed. Though he didn't say exactly how much rain was in contact with him, he made it obvious it wasn't enough to overwhelm him considering also the lack of clarification on how fast this poison works, things weren't looking good for Ryoji as far as ending the battle, far from. In regards to the mention of  how Madara's jutsu works, his opponent would do well to look up the definition of "variant". Perhaps actually utilize that extensive Uzumaki Library hes heard about? ;P Maybe it'll also help him know how the Uzumaki Sealing Technique actually works,

As the wiki says,  'After forming the necessary hand seals, the user slams their hand on the ground after which a sealing formula, that originates from the user's hand, forming underneath the target'. When the seal activates, anything above the inscription is sealed within the formula itself. "

Maybe this was forgivable if his opponent had used a different fuinjutsu, maybe perhaps..a variant? Even if it were possible, what would it do but seal a portion of his booticus? But lesson time is over, too bad Ryoji will soon be shaking hands with the Reaper to apply it.  His opponent was right about one thing though, such taxation, even with infinite chakra, would bring about exhaustion even to Edo Tensei, however this would be circumvented. As his opponent sunk into the ground, Madara would take notice of his foe's sudden flux in chakra and then a disappearance of that signature entirely.

Activating the 7th Gate, Madara instantly becomes revitalized as well as gaining an extreme amount of speed and strength once Ryoji completely submerges into the ground, grabbing a marked kunai with one of his hands. The moment a part of him emerges, his chakra signature would return ("By overlapping their entire body, the user can completely conceal their presence and erase all traces of their chakra. This also allows the user to freely travel through the ground, enabling them to ambush opponents from below") as well as any negative intentions he had.

As the hand had poked him, Ryoji would find his (if it worked hypothetically..but it shouldn't since its "the" Uzumaki Sealing Technique) jutsu applied, but not in the place or person he intended. As he lunged, Madara used his incredible speed to shift to the right, most likely causing Ryoji to hit his side plate, where Zetsu resided, sealing him instead eventually. Regardless, immediately after Ryoji touches the Uchiha, he would utilize the Hiraishin Technique in order to re-position him (since he was in contact with him) face first into the fist that held the kunai.

Such a punch held behind it incredible power, capable of destroying an entire skeletal Susanoo. Such strength is further augmented by Demon Realm, which by itself holds behind it the physical raw might to crush the throat and rip the limbs off a user of Sage Mode. If somehow his head doesn't pop like a teenage zit, his strike should damage Ryoji's eyes and skull severely, most likely crushing his orbitals and fracturing the bones in his skull to puzzle pieces. The punch wouldn't stop there though, they would go off into a barrage of 20. The punches are so fast, they are set ablaze by sheer speed and friction which in turn creates a peacock-like fan of flames around the Ryoji if successful, obliterating the body.

Flying Thunder God
Asura's Wrath (Morning Peacock Variant)

Uchiha Madara

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Seeing as the time for the fight is up, we had both decided on a judge. The ruling was in Ryoji's favor. Good luck in your next challenge against Athos (thread can be locked)


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