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Author Topic: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!  (Read 2898 times)


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Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« on: September 30, 2016, 01:19:09 PM »


Zera, Tobias Tait

Match type:
OOC Bijuu Battle Death match


14 day fight limit


Swift Release
Body Revival Technique
Hijutsu: Kirisame
Vector Manipulation
Six Paths Power
Absolute Zero tech
« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 01:22:30 PM by Vail »


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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2016, 01:53:49 PM »

There was little activity within the rolling plains save for the dealings of insects far beneath the grassy surface. Other than that, the zone was silent. However, this supposed tranquility was disturbed by Tobias's arrival.

The roar of four rockets firing en masse overtook the land as Tobias made his descent, relying upon numerous subconscious calculations to stabilize his flight and control the thrust intensity of the large rockets protruding from his back and the two in the soles of his feet. The strength of the rockets gradually tapered off as he neared the ground until they ceases completely, allowing his armored feet to hit the ground with a muffled pat.

The larger rockets disassembled and disappeared into two openings within his armor. With a pair of Rinnegan did Tobias survey his surroundings as he awaited the arrival of his opponent.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 02:09:05 PM by Vail »

Zera Yuki

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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2016, 11:51:07 AM »

Zera Yuki would not arrive by any special means or gimmicks. Instead, the teen would nonchalantly walk through the plains towards the designated fighting arena. She sipped from her water bottle loosely despite not actually needing to do such. The air was humid enough to maintain her form. Even though it would appear that she wasn't worried about the upcoming match, she definitely was dreading having to fight once more. A stupid fight for pride and glory at that. She didn't even know why she volunteered in the first place for this! The blonde would sigh lightly as she continued on her way.

She was dressed in her normal attire which consisted of a short teal kimono over a gray flak vest. Underneath that, she wore an all black unitard and black pinstripe arm warmers and shin guards. It wasn't much for protection though she didn't need to rely on them for such. Her red scarf bore her Kirigakure headband to signify her allegiance to the village and an equally red rope was tied about her waist to break up the monotony of her outfit. Strapped to her back was a large trident that resembled a mixture between a trident, bishamon-yari, and a Ji. Strapped to her lower back was a western dagger with an odd gem set into the hilt. The air around her being, 10 ft circular with her as epicenter, would be much colder than the surrounding temperature. Her blue eyes would finally land on the man she was to face for the honor of hosting the Rokubi and her nerves doubled.


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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2016, 03:17:14 PM »

Tobias’s eyes befell the Kirigakure ninja as she approached and stopped a mere 50 feet away from him. A small smile spread across the Uzumaki’s features as he examined her, one of his eyes reverting to its EMS state as he did this. She appeared to be very young, which impressed Tobias because he was surprised that an adolescent was willing to take on the burden of bearing a Tailed Beast. Perhaps she didn’t know what she was getting herself into? Or perhaps she was pressured into it? Tobias abandoned his speculations in favor of beginning their battle. He led by generating a second head next to his original whose face was covered by an Oni mask, leaving a pair of Byakugan in its eye sockets as the only identifiable feature.

He pointed a closed hand in Zera’s direction and opened five chambers on his forearm to make room for the missiles lying just beneath the surface. They were quite large, sporting streamlined, cylindrical bodies that tapered into a flattened nose. The projectiles produced a deafening screech as they were propelled forward, liberated from the confines of the cold metal so they could share that which occupied them with his opponent. Having detected the region of depressed atmospheric temperature surrounding her, Tobias calibrated his targeting system to account for this subtle difference, meaning that the missiles would home in on her so long as they temperature difference persisted. Of course, Tobias could simply direct the missiles to any object within his line of sight should she somehow catch onto this, but that was improbable.

The paltry 50 feet was traversed by the missiles with unsettling celerity. They had spread into an “X” formation (with one missile in the center) and approximately seven feet between each of them. This provided a sufficient spread should the woman try to evade the attack, which she likely would. If she were expecting an explosion however, she would be wrong. Instead, the canisters burst just outside her sphere of influence (distance = 11 feet), their metallic casings fracturing into numerous shards that flew toward her in the hopes of lacerating her—such was the function of shrapnel. This wasn’t the only thing she had to deal with, however, for the canisters released a gas into the air that also traveled at the same speed as the canisters that carried them. The gas was an opaque yellowish-brown that possessed no odor or, covering a 150 foot perimeter immediately upon release. To make matters worse for the girl, the opaque gas assured that the shrapnel that flew toward her would be that much more difficult to detect. If the shrapnel didn’t get her, the gas likely would. A fast-acting agent, the gas would begin to take effect mere seconds after exposure, producing symptoms such as salivation, constriction of the pupils and tightness of chest. This would quickly lead to intense muscle spasms that would either lead to death by asphyxiation (if the diaphragm muscle is the primary target), heart failure, or exhaustion. The gas possessed two primary means of inhalation: skin contact (lethality at 10 mg absorbed) and inhalation (rate of 30-50 mg min/m^3, meaning that inhalation of just 7 mg in the span of a minute would prove fatal.)

Actions Taken:
-- Activated EMS
-- Activated Byakugan
-- Fired Missiles

« Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 03:19:50 PM by Vail »

Zera Yuki

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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2016, 08:41:28 PM »

The teen certainly didn't have time to sulk about the match as her opponent started his first movements. Her adrenaline began pumping into her system and she could hear her own heartbeat in her ears as he raised his fist. Her hand would slip to the dagger at her back and grip its hilt with the odd gem. Now, she did not possess any specialized dōjutsu that everyone crutches themselves on so her reaction time was forced to be able to respond to such threats just as quickly as they. Unfortunately, that also meant she couldn't read chakra or handseals. But what she could rely on where her senses and female intuition. The next move would occur at the same time that his forearm opened up to fire the missiles. There's no retro-posting as she is still gonna fill acknowledge the missiles and the immediate threat they possess...

When his forearm opened up, she would, in one fluid movement, remove the dagger from its sheath and flick it at her opponent. Granted, the missiles would traverse much quicker than her dagger but she threw it with such uncanny accuracy that it would slice right through the space between each missile. But what's one little dagger in comparison to five rockets?! In defense of her life, her left hand would rise up and manifest a large ice wall (10 ft by 10 ft by 3ft) made up of hexagonal plates at the edge of her area of influence. This action was instaneous and would be able react to the dazzling celerity of the missiles and as such would prevent her any harm from the shrapnel or explosion that might occur from impact.

But, as her opponent said, the missiles would explode at 11ft and thus effectively run straight into her ice wall. Being a Yuki member's ice, it would suffer very little damage, only reducing the thickness by 1 and half. The gas, on the other hand, would have to flow around the wall to get to her being and she certainly wasn't going to allow that. She sprinted towards her ice wall, removing her trident from its strap, and just as the gas would begin to cascade down the wall, she would disappear into the ice. Her reflection would momentarily reflect over the entire surface before disappearing entirely. Now, back to the dagger! Remember how it's been noted that it carries an odd gem? Well, at this time, her opponent would surely be more focused on his actions being foiled as well not being able to perceive her actions with the Sharingan because of the reflective nature of her ice wall. The Byakugan might be able to see her movements but not be able to predict what would occur next.

Her reflection would momentarily appear in the small odd gem before her body would spawn forth at a lightning fast speed, her trident point first. With the range of the trident (6 ft) in length, she should find its point home in her opponent's chest, just to the right of his sternum. Coupled with the speed of her assault and the momentum of the thrown dagger, the impact would be strong enough to crush his ribcage and tear right through his heart and left lung.

Throw dagger
Hyōshīrudo no Jutsu (Ice Shield Technique)
Makyō Hyōshō (Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals) variant


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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2016, 10:31:31 PM »

Tobias wasn’t one to dwell on his failures for very long, especially not in the midst of battle. Given the speed of his cybernetically enhanced brain, though, what little time he did spend on his attack being thwarted would have registered as an unintelligibly brief span of time if she was privy to his thoughts.
He was a strategist at heart, and as such transitioned seamlessly to a new course of action. He used his Byakugan’s ability to see within the infrared spectrum to track Zera’s movement into the wall of ice after she had cast her dagger toward him. It was correct that the Byakugan alone couldn’t predict what she was up to. However, this coupled with his pre-existing knowledge of Hyoton techniques, particularly the Yuki variant, rendered her intentions painfully obvious.

Zera emerged from the dagger as Tobias expected and was met with the bone-shattering repulsive force generated by his right eye, which had transitioned to its Rinnegan state during her locomotion from one object to another. “Shinra Tensei.” The concussive wave propagated outward in all directions, likely bending her trident backward or shattering it entirely. It would carry her (and her dagger) backward to a more comfortable distance of 20 feet. It was during this time that Tobias transitioned his one Rinnegan eye back to its EMS state and initiated a high-speed Kamui while she was in mid-air. This variant was faster than a Truth-Seeking Ball used as a projectile and would culminate in Zera and her dagger (which was presumably behind her since she emerged from it) being transported to his personal kamui dimension.

Shinra Tensei
Eye Transition
High-Speed Kamui
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 08:37:50 PM by Vail »

Zera Yuki

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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2016, 06:55:57 AM »

In the brief glance she was able to get, she'd immediately knew that attacking this opponent head-on was going to be futile. The purple and red eyes of legend... Dread set in momentarily and then it was washed away by the repulsive blast. First, many a different thing would happen so I'll try to address in ascending importance! First! Zera's trident would not bend or shatter as the trajectory was a straight line. The repulse wave would create the energy to propel it straight backwards on its previous path instead of bending it, thus it would fly back like a bullet and embed itself into her own ice wall. Second! Her dagger would also be forced back by the pulse but it's speed was slower, so the man would be able to focus on it for his Kamui to activate! Third! The teen would not be flown back as the man predicted, not even in the slightest. For upon impact of the repulse, her body would shatter into millions of water droplets and vapor because the blast disrupted her form too greatly. As such, she would be like one in the moisture of the atmosphere, free of being sensed or seen....until she reformed.

Which, the teen totally would, of course. Only this time, her form would coagulate up and definitely away from him. Let's say, about 100 ft up in the air, with the sun directly to her back. Thus, even with special eyes (which you'd think would make the eyes even more sensitive to the sun's deadly rays and radiation), her form would be invisible. Glancing up would surely blind him, maybe not permantely, but definitely momentarily enough for her to bide time. Her body would reform atop an ice mirror platform which contained it's specialized reflective surface, this nullifying the Sharingan's ability to perceive true actions and movement. Even if his eyes could perceive her form in the sun's rays. She didn't waste any more time though as she prepared to take field advantage during what should be his momentary lapse sight.

The blonde teen would form the Seal of Confrontation at her torso but then split her arms. The left would shoot to the sky and her right would remain at her torso. A very thick fog would begin to accumulate in this battlefield that contained her chakra and thus her chakra coloration. Which, as everyone knows, all the special dōjutsu see jutsus by their color. Another smokescreen to blind the man as well as make her more sensitive to his whereabouts because the mist would be tied directly to her sensory abilities due to her Hōzuki makeup. She would not descend from her platform in the sky despite the cover of the fog until her opponent makes his next move.

Suika no Jutsu (Hydrification Technique)
Hyōatsuzoko no Jutsu (Ice Platform Technique)
Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hiding in Mist Technique)


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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2016, 01:58:16 PM »

Although the sudden transformation of the woman’s body into water droplets would have been advantageous had Tobias used any other technique, it offered no such assistance in saving her from his Kamui. The technique, which he activated immediately after activating his Shinra Tensei, worked by surrounding the target in a barrier before the center began to distort and pull everything into the Kamui dimension. Since his eyes were trained on Zera at the time of the technique’s activation (my stating that it would teleport the dagger as well was because the kamui barrier’s size can be altered at will), the expansion into millions of water droplets didn’t save her. Instead, the barrier that formed around her body would simply expand to accommodate the sudden increase in volume. Even if some water droplets say, had escaped his barrier (which they wouldn’t), he could still expand the barrier with the same speed as the technique itself to capture them—especially since they fell within his line of sight (the chakra within the water droplets and the physical droplets themselves).

No matter how small the particles, each of the water droplets would be subjected to the Kamui, seeing as she hadn't used any form of speed enhancement, space-time ninjutsu or evasive maneuvers to avoid the Space-Time vortex. With the gravitation pull from the center of the void, all of her millions of water droplets would be sucked into it given the speed at which it traveled in conjunction with the immediate time it was used after the Shinra Tensei. Although her escape attempt was rather impressive, it would ultimately be futile given the time frame with which she dealt.

Zera Yuki

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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2016, 05:33:34 AM »

I am asking for a pause on this fight and asking for a judge.

Since we have not set one up yet and I don't really know a whole lot of people yet, I would like to suggest either Yūjō or Manji.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 06:17:18 AM by Zera Yuki »


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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2016, 01:05:59 PM »

Yujo is fine with me.


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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2016, 01:20:06 PM »

Actually, I'm going with someone else. I'll let you know after I think on it for a bit.

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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2016, 11:10:56 PM »

Actually, I'm going with someone else. I'll let you know after I think on it for a bit.

Still waiting for your choice in judge or accepting one of the two I named..

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Re: Zera vs Tobias - Battle for the Six Tails ( 六尾, Rokubi)!
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2016, 07:12:08 AM »

I'm bowing out of the match. I have real world issues to contend with right now.

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