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Author Topic: SL Character  (Read 1380 times)


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SL Character
« on: September 02, 2012, 10:11:41 AM »

Name: Khezu Dei
Age: 20
Height: 6ft
Weight: 155lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown with Tan pupils
Hair Color: Dark Red with lighter Red strewn throughout
Sage of the Wolf

Bio: At a very young age of about 6 Khezu found out that he was very proficient in Doton Jutsu, his family has always had the chakra element of Earth and never anything else. Growing up in the Kirigakure it was common to have families of different chakra elements but for some reason he was made fun of as a kid for being of the Earth element. Few years later at the age of around 8; something happened where a Jounin had taken him to Konohoa with no reason other than he was ordered to. Thus began his new life in Konohoa, one that will shape his life for the better good. Growing up in Konohoa he gained new friends and bonds with those he will cherish forever. Khezu

Signature Jutsu: Doton- Tsuchi Shuuren (Earth Style- Earth Drill)
   Khezu will do one of two different things; the first being just a small piece of earth coming about 2inches infront of his fists and form drills to increase his reach and his melee damage or he will slam one or both of his hands onto the ground letting a good chunk of rock envelop his arms all the way to the elbow, when he raises his arms the rock forms a drill and begins to spin at very high speeds dealing a great deal of damage or the final kill shot.

Weapon: Triple bladed expandable Scythe
   Khezu’s weapon is a triple bladed scythe that only gains its other two blades as it extends, it starts out at 3.5ft long and gets to about 8ft long when it’s fully extended. The Scythe is very special in that it has the seal symbols for each handsign required to use Earth Style techniques. With his exceptional chakra control he can activate those seal symbols to use jutsu on the fly when he is using his scythe. He is also able to make it so the scythe becomes the epicenter for a jutsu if he needs it as well. The scythe is also connected to a 20ft long chord that is attached to his person and able to be reeled back in with a flick if his wrist. The third blade also has the ability to be able to collect the necessary energy needed to activate and keep Sage mode going.

Sage: Ookami Seijin
   During battle with an Akatsuki member his best friend/Brother Nara Zaku came to his rescue by throwing a scroll he had apparently obtained from its previous owner and told me to use it. After that he became the Sage of the Wolf or The White Fanged Sage by his friends. As the white fanged sage his speed is nearly quadrupled and he is able to camouflage himself in his surroundings, combined with his earth style, made him very dangerous. Being the wolf sage also allows his melee damage to increase at a great amount.


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Re: SL Character
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2012, 03:54:33 AM »

Better for you to sign create a character on the server. I'm sure you're using to many characters to fit in your biography, so try finding a website to create a character bio on.

Now if you were doing this to be funny, you sure amused me.

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