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Author Topic: You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]  (Read 2176 times)


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You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]
« on: December 06, 2015, 04:27:48 AM »

Okay, but this relates to the rules you put up. You posted 7 days and I'm asking if can be extended, given certain circumstances. >.>

Do I really have to make a thread for something like that?

Just to make sure for future reference, if I disagree with parts of your ruling, I have to make a thread about it?

Yes please.
Call me OCD, but clearly if you have this many questions then the rule is not ready to be voted upon.


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Re: You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2015, 04:30:45 AM »

Thanks for taking the lead and creating this thread Kay!
I assume others will have questions too.

There are after-all 15 of us, hence why we must be organized.

I understand "change" is tough, but no one is forcing anyone to be here.
But I will ensure we make progress. ^_^


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Re: You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2015, 04:32:42 AM »

This was the rule I propsed

Please make one reply with a yes or no vote. If no, please state which section, or all of them, that is objectionable to you and include a short explanation of your vote if you wish. If other items need to be included here concerning 'accepting all challengers' and its purpose, please include those with your vote.

I feel that IC hunt options are still under discussion and not ready for voting at this time.

  • Hosts much accept all challenges.
  • New hosts have a 14 day grace period in which to commune with their beast and do not have to accept challengers during that time. The date upon which you will begin accepting challenges must be posted in your forum thread.
  • You must notify the next challenger when it is their turn through pm on SL. Make a reply to your preference thread on the forum that you have notified the next challenger.
  • If the challenger does not begin setting up the match with the host within 7 days of notification he is skipped and bumped to the bottom of the challenge list. Make edits to challenger list to reflect this bump.
  • Proposed edit to above rule: Once the host notifies the challenger that it is their turn, the challenger then has 7 days to respond and begin setting up terms for the match. If he is unable to do a match at this time, he is bumped to the end of the challenge list or removed per his request. If he fails to respond to the notification that it is his turn within 7 days, then he will be bumped to the end of the challenge list. The host must edit the forum challenge list in his host thread to reflect these changes.
  • You may not challenge yourself on an alt.
  • Defeated challengers cannot challenge the same host for the same bijuu for 3 months.
  • Violating any of these rules will result in a warning by the council for the first offense. Continued violations will result in stripping of the beast [applies to hosts] and banning from making any challenges [applies to hosts and challengers] for 3 months.
comments and concerns to follow which need next post.


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Re: You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2015, 04:36:44 AM »

Bocchiere, Kamui, Riku, Rusaku, and Ace initially agreed with all points.

Eric posted these concerns:
No, I find this somewhat objectionable:

You must notify the next challenger when it is their turn through pm on SL. Make a reply to your preference thread on the forum that you have notified the next challenger.

The challenger should also post somewhere on the forum as confirmation. A sort of handshake thing that make it clear that both have come together at least once for the occasion, in case issues arise later.

You may not challenge yourself on an alt.

Prove it. I would really like to know how you are going to enforce a rule like that. You can have suspicions all day, but without some verification process how is one to prove that another is an alt?

If the challenger does not begin setting up the match with the host within 7 days of notification he is skipped and bumped to the bottom of the challenge list. Make edits to challenger list to reflect this bump.
Proposed edit to above rule: Once the host notifies the challenger that it is their turn, the challenger then has 7 days to respond and begin setting up terms for the match. If he is unable to do a match at this time, he is bumped to the end of the challenge list or removed per his request. If he fails to respond to the notification that it is his turn within 7 days, then he will be bumped to the end of the challenge list. The host must edit the forum challenge list in his host thread to reflect these changes.

Just drop the challenger from the list period if they can't make the obligation. And besides, the host should also have an explicit limit for doing their part as well.

Other than that I don't see anything else that jumps out to me a objectionable.

Mei posted these:
In addition, I would assume the host and the challenger would have already picked a date to start their match. Say, the terms of the match was accepted, but both parties decided to do it a week or 2 later. Is that not okay?

For example, the previous match happened to end before Christmas and usually the time between Christmas and New Year's can be busy. So both parties decided to do after New Year's.

You may not challenge yourself on an alt.
For some reason, I read that as 'You may not judge yourself on an alt.' o.o
But yeah, how can you prove such? And would be wrong in doing such as well? Technically speaking, there's no need for this rule since can't the host just simply 'give' their bijuu to their alt anyway? o.o

and these:

Okay, but this relates to the rules you put up. You posted 7 days and I'm asking if can be extended, given certain circumstances. >.>

Do I really have to make a thread for something like that?

Just to make sure for future reference, if I disagree with parts of your ruling, I have to make a thread about it?

Now if we may address these concerns here I will be one happy fat cow.


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Re: You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2015, 04:48:41 AM »

Please keep in mind that each and every rule we make comes with a warning and a potential ban/stripping of rights to participate. many things do we need people to do that they may inadvertently miss doing...forget to do...that are not necessary...that can wind up getting them stripped/banned?

Is our intention to make a book keeping nightmare? Or to instead guard against real issues that are a problem. response to Eric's first point in response to "You must notify the next challenger when it is their turn through pm on SL. Make a reply to your preference thread on the forum that you have notified the next challenger."

He says: "The challenger should also post somewhere on the forum as confirmation. A sort of handshake thing that make it clear that both have come together at least once for the occasion, in case issues arise later."

--> Is this needful? The host has posted, notified the community that the process has started. If it is not true the challenger is going to refute that without it being a rule with potential punishments. But if we need to police even this aspect...the point can be amended as follows?

The Host must notify the next challenger when it is their turn through pm on SL and make a reply to their preference thread on the forum to notify the community. The challenger must respond to the pm and also to the thread to notify both host and community.



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Re: You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2015, 04:56:38 AM »

Concerning proving fraud over anything concerning alts, be that challenging yourself or proposing an alt as a judge, We could have a paragraph outside a specific rule, to state what will be accepted as valid proof of anything.

outside the issue of proof, to state that it is not permitted will be enough to deter honest folks from doing this simply by saying it is not something we allow. People may not think there is anything wrong, from an RP viewpoint, in having characters pit against each other just to advance their story lines. not all characters a player runs may be aligned and often will have agendas that do not coincide.

However, I am proposing we do not allow for that contingency and just make it against the rules in order to permit a wider variety of people RPing with the bijuu.


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Re: You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2015, 05:19:24 AM »

This depends big on what are the challenges and what not actually to be though. If its all just OOC without speck of IC at any point, then there isn't really anything except the person being a repeat metagamer/godmodder or something that you simply can not get along with no matter what, because there has been those cases.

If its IC and stuff though, what's there to even acknowledge before you're actually found.


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Re: You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2015, 05:51:14 AM »

I was thinking we could talk about IC hunts in that discussion thread and these would be for OOC challenges. Because the issue of an IC hunt is so large...I really don't have anything that is good enough to include in a list of rules just yet. But boy if you did, that would be great.


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Re: You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2015, 06:20:31 AM »

This depends big on what are the challenges and what not actually to be though. If its all just OOC without speck of IC at any point, then there isn't really anything except the person being a repeat metagamer/godmodder or something that you simply can not get along with no matter what, because there has been those cases.

If its IC and stuff though, what's there to even acknowledge before you're actually found.

I'm curious as to this as well. Who is to say the host doesn't travel with an army in his/her village? Although, I assume the thing to acknowledge is the walls of the village, or the fact you forced the player to cloak and reveal the bijuu.


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Re: You Must Accept All Challengers [Discussion]
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2015, 06:38:55 AM »

Weekends are busy nights so I'm not gonna be able to read all tonight. I do wanna suggest it be made to where challengers also make their challenges public at the forum. Where the host can accept it there as well as in pm. This prevents the whole I didn't get a pm issue or the altering of pm issue.

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