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Author Topic: The Biju Rules (Pre-Presentation Poke)  (Read 5920 times)


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Re: The Biju Rules (Pre-Presentation Poke)
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2016, 04:17:03 AM »

I was not, no one was using the rules properly, the OOC fights but with IC hunts are just the most egregious examples of the rules being taken advantage of to me. The rules were fine under the assumption that no one was looking to take advantage of them, but they were, so that's why we've tried to write out every loophole we could think of, since no one can be trusted to not use them.


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Re: The Biju Rules (Pre-Presentation Poke)
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2016, 04:28:14 AM »

As was already agreed upon, Mandatory RPing a match on the forum is NOT going to be a rule.

And We also agreed to work on IC hunt rules.

There is really no need to deviate from the mindset of how do we make this work by falling back into the old habit of complaining, rehashing past issues of strife, and not working toward a solution.

Things work much better when you set out with positive intentions to create possibilities that are acceptable to our different approaches to hosting, rather than summarily dismissing an opposing view because a workable method has not yet been achieved.

We need a workable method for IC hunts. So do please stop wasting energy in an I CAN"T attitude and put some energy into an I CAN one instead.

I have yet to see ANY situation that cannot be successfully RP'd. You just have to be willing to do so and stay active and behave.

It's called playing nice.


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Re: The Biju Rules (Pre-Presentation Poke)
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2016, 04:39:26 AM »

And you are trying to pin this all on hosts again why exactly, when its been time and again mutually agreed by multiple parties that the rules sucked and nobody followed any of them properly so it was everyone's fault?

Leave it be already for god's sake, we've been through this enough both in and out of the bijuu section.

I was not, no one was using the rules properly, the OOC fights but with IC hunts are just the most egregious examples of the rules being taken advantage of to me. The rules were fine under the assumption that no one was looking to take advantage of them, but they were, so that's why we've tried to write out every loophole we could think of, since no one can be trusted to not use them.

Really? nobody at all?  That that is not true in the least out of everyone who has ever been a host.

Not to be rude eric, but all a host should have worry about is rping his time as a jinchuuriki...

Not to be rude Kayenta, but only in an idealized community/world would that alone be sufficient. That doesn't work in this community for a variety of reasons we both should already be aware of. Not everyone wants to play fair, not everyone wants to stop at the 4-way traffic stop, so stop signs, stop lights, and rules have to be made to account for that.

When people are allowed to get around that and loophole the whole system to death without consequences, that's when the enforcement Community AS A WHOLE needs to be held responsible. And even now before the grand unveiling of the biju rules, the enforcement community has largely been other hosts and those who cared enough to make their opinion known on it.

We should only have to worry about our own pleasures and enjoyments, but the reality of living in a society is that you have to also worry about the pleasures and enjoyments of those around you. The ones that harm the society as a whole need to be curbed, and when they aren't, everyone suffers.

However due to extreme stupidity and a refusal for compromise we have had to step in and make an extremely lengthy set of rules in order to stop this stupidity.

In my, anything but humble, opinion...all a host should have to worry about is their own behavior and role play while everyone else monitors their own.

In no way does creating a set of rules to moderate the behavior of others fit into the obligations of a roleplayer and I am not going to force this task upon anyone.

Biju hosts are more than just average roleplayers with tailed beast trophies (by the logic we're going by so far). They SHOULD be held to a higher standard and thus a higher set of responsibilities than the average RPer. If the people benefiting AND suffering under the system have, as a whole, neither a responsibility to fix it when it's broke nor the will to do so, then the stupidity and refusal to compromise that you spoke of will once again reign supreme. If no one had taken Ace up on his proposal to take this discussion to a private, controlled medium, we would all literally be back to square 1 from the "amend the rules or get rid of them" thread.

There needs to be accountability and responsibility beyond "everyone derped". In my anything but humble opinion, anyone willing to trade peace for individual liberties has no business trying to keep a fragile Union together, and is more useful at the fringes tearing the Union apart. And by golly between the IC vs OOC and the void vs not void, forum goers vs non-forum goers, not to mention various subdivisions. Keeping all of these sorts, more or less, RPing on the same page so that they can all RP in a single world is a task requiring some give and take, impossible if even one side refuses to step up to the compromise plate.

And you are trying to pin this all on hosts again why exactly...

Because they benefit the most from the biju not being a voided article, that is why Warren. I also included the Biju Council as well in my earlier figure. If the hosts aren't interested in abiding by the new rules (nor being invested in their evolution) then I don't feel they have a right to ever complain about the discussions nor the outcomes that can and will affect them at some point or another.

As was already agreed upon, Mandatory RPing a match on the forum is NOT going to be a rule...

Give it a few months, 6/9 hosts not caring and a total vote population of 5, and you might be surprised what kind of amendments pop up.  ;)
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: The Biju Rules (Pre-Presentation Poke)
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2016, 04:47:01 AM »

It'll be fine.

Let's lock this topic.


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Re: The Biju Rules (Pre-Presentation Poke)
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2016, 04:49:39 AM »

After the rules are established, during that time or after we can discuss about amendments and such. =)

Simply my basic advise, a time limit should exist for everything. Those choosing not to vote, lose out.
A vote or progress should not be held back to due the inactivity of a select few. That I will not support, nor will most.

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