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Author Topic: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!  (Read 4254 times)


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2016, 04:24:44 AM »

Well this was not what he had expected. It was all very panoramic and such but he would be remiss to not even try breaking it. Kurama would disrupt the flow of his chakra, enough that it would break any Genjutsu he was under. If that did not do anything Bocchiere would continue forward and call back out to the voice, "Thanks but I'm going to have to pass, if you'd kindly hurry it up and step out for your turn at dying I'd appreciate it." With one leap he'd carry himself onto the top of one of the stone pillars, eyeing the figures huddled around the center of it.


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2016, 10:41:43 PM »

Indeed it did nothing so one must presume he moved into the chamber as planned. The disruption of his chakra would provide no dispelling release of a genjutsu, for no such power was in activation. Moenkopi had used a variety of jutsu to lay out the cavern to her precise specifications. There had been Doton: Supi-do no Hashira [Earth Release: Speed Pillars], but rather than retracting back into the ground, she had fixed the tree high constructs in place as permanent fixtures. As an additional touch to the decor, numerous Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu [Earth Clone Technique] populated the top of each of the spires, though certainly aged into aspects of the Nidaime as haggardly crones cackling round their cook fires. Real in as much as anything a ninja could bring to bare, the only illusion was that of the light bending to the will of her activated Hizashigan. It was not such a thing that effected the mind, but rather bent light in the real world to her will so that the eye of the beholder discerned the placement of matter in dislocated fashion. The effect was very much similar to how a pencil would appear bent when stuck into a glass of water. Her ability to skew light had developed to a point beyond mere bending of light for dislocation, but rather encompassed the prevention of certain aspects of the world being reflected at all, thus removing entirely her own form as she caused the light to leave her untouched completely. In short, no light touched her to bounce back and carry her image to his receptive eyes; she was invisible. No doubt easily countered by other means for locating her that did not include sight...

However, the crowning jewel of her trap lay beyond her hidden location amid the stone spires: at the exit to these caverns, all along the walls,
the ceiling, and upon the chamber floor; this is what prevented him from sensing those beyond. Her isolation jutsu. With just enough of a gap for him to step into the chamber, she waited and baited him with her taunts knowing he would seek to by-pass her and reach those who would provide more challenge between he and his sought after prize. In the instant that he stepped forth into the cavern, seeking a foothold upon his chosen rock pillar, that very moment after Kurama had disrupted his chakra flow...unspecified if normal flow had been resumed but it is assumed to be so... the noted sensor had closed the barrier behind him to trap them both within the chamber.

Perhaps the nine-tails would roar out his warning to the man within the confines of the form they both shared, for the bijuu knew her well. It was she who had used this very jutsu to make safe the zone where he was sealed into the Raikage Zenaku. It was a vile chamber her encircling jutsu provided for the safety of all involved should a bijuu sealing go awry. It had been the hatred of bijuu that prompted the woman to take her sensei's meditation technique and morph it into the horrifically OP barrier Bocchiere and Kurama were now in contained. Nothing could pass her seal. Light, sound, chakra or even air. And so it was a deadly timed thing which only she could release.

Futher characteristics of the barrier were that once erected it took very little chakra to maintain. It fed upon Moenkopi with a will of its own constantly replenishing itself from her essence. It was true that she was its primary target, the purpose being to leave her free to act while a bijuu sealing occurred and keep all trapped within for the safety of the world outside, as well as to keep the world outside from bringing harm to those enclosed within during a very vulnerable time. As an added safety measure, should a sealing go balls up in flames, her death would then prompt the barrier to begin leaching chakra from whoever else was inside the bubble chamber, bijuu included. However, with her dead, there would be none to turn it off again. Chakra drain would continue until there was no more to be leached from anywhere, even to that latent aura of natural chakra within the 'world' of its interior. Only when a total 'black out' extinction event had occurred, would it hold and slowly dissipate to leave a dead and barren mark upon the world.

Would he panic once the nine tails shared his lore of the woman and his historic experience? Would he be bound to failure? Or would a certain perversity of the woman whom the Zetsu emulated be exerting its will to provide him a fighting chance from the inescapable? More than likely the latter would be the case; her perversity of mind would have been absorbed along with all her other characteristics and abilities through the markers left behind in her very DNA... or at least that is what we are led to believe is an innate ability of the Gedo Mazo goop. Lucky man...trapped and yet not without hope. Would he figure it out? For certain it was a puzzle that his might could not subvert.

One of the crones lifted a skewer with sizzling sand worm upon its tip toward the man and cackled,
"Oh don't be so rude, Bocchiere. Sit eat. Talk awhile for I have questions for you this night that you absolutely must not refuse to answer."

Trivia: The isolation jutsu made previous appearances during the following events...
  • CjoftheDesert's sealing event with the Shukaku
  • Darkshinobi's initial sealing event with Son Gokū
  • Zenaku's sealing event with Kurama
  • Numerous Sunagakure no Sato War Council meetings
  • Undisclosed event with Zojin
  • Incorporation into the Kekkei surrounding Illac Rennin, the Desert Temple Oasis
  • And of course the immortalized one time in Vegas when that one thing happened with those who were there at the time
Minor Edits----> the barrier jutsu also covers the ceiling to form a completely enclosed bubble about the chamber. Also corrected some spelling in the trivia section.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 02:39:11 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2016, 02:30:12 AM »

It should be noted, as per the image of the cavern, 4 elemental earth clones populate each of the stone spires. I was vague in saying numerous in my prior post and wish to clarify this in a way that attention is given so you do not miss it, rather than just to employ a regular edit.


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2016, 04:24:28 AM »

Claims the Gedo Mazo...under my custody until the time is right to discuss such things.

Not in the mood right now. Maybe by October.


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2016, 03:45:49 AM »

Moenkopi would rise from her hidden position, placed upon one of the pillars in the center of the chamber, to dispel her isolation jutsu. Her purpose had ceased to exist and so it was with some certain sense of bewilderment that she left the underground chamber to look out over the disjointed terrain that spread out before her that was known as the Mountain Graveyard.

Imbued with a curious melange of abilities, certainly those that had been imprinted upon her as well as those inherent in her Zetsu existence, the pseudo-woman appeared for all intents and purposes much like the last survivor of some apocalyptic event.  And so the woman came to a very curious decision as she viewed the world through her dual existence. It was time to leave all this behind and go out and seek her own life, for one thing was adamantly affirmed within her breast. She would never go back into the statue now that she was free. Without even a backward glance, she sank down into the earth using mayfly and exited from these lands entirely.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 04:20:34 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »
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