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Author Topic: coding  (Read 1255 times)


  • Guest
« on: November 10, 2006, 09:00:13 PM »

i logged in and got out of my dwelling and then this text appeared and took up hte whole page.. then i refreshe and it was gone.. im not sure if this is a technical problem adn if it isnt, i apoligize in advance.  :oops: i deleted some of it because this exceeds 20000charc. i still have teh rest if it is important, ill post it again. delete this if its already made please.

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_hook-villagenav) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("hook-villagenav", Array()) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT module_hooks....", "hook-villagenav") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 459
5: modulehook("villagenav") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/villagenav.php on line 10
6: villagenav() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 130
7: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_hook-footer-runmodule) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("hook-footer-runmodule", Array()) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT module_hooks....", "hook-footer-runmodule") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 459
5: modulehook("footer-runmodule", Array()) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 89
6: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
7: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_hook-footer-dwellings) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("hook-footer-dwellings", Array()) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT module_hooks....", "hook-footer-dwellings") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 459
5: modulehook("footer-dwellings", Array()) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 94
6: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
7: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_hook-everyfooter) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("hook-everyfooter", Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "location"=>"everyfooter", "function"=>"donation_dohook", "whenactive"=>""
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT module_hooks....", "hook-everyfooter") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 459
5: modulehook("everyfooter", Array(
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 101
6: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
7: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_inject-donation) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("inject-donation", Array(
"active"=>"1", "filemoddate"=>"2006-05-27 13:30:04", "infokeys"=>"|name|version|author|cate...", "version"=>"1.82"
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT active,filemoddate...", "inject-donation", 3600) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 27
5: injectmodule("donation", false) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 491
6: modulehook("everyfooter", Array(
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 101
7: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
8: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_modulesettings-donation) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("modulesettings-donation", Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"bg_bar", "value"=>"blue"
), 1=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"buffcolor", "value"=>"`$Gift of the Gods"
), 2=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"buffdef", "value"=>"1.0"
), 3=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"buffmessage", "value"=>"The Gods shield you from ..."
), 4=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"buffname", "value"=>"Gift of the Gods"
), 5=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"buffturns", "value"=>"50"
), 6=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"buffwearoff", "value"=>"Your boon from the Gods w..."
), 7=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"color_bar", "value"=>"red"
), 8=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"donatetext", "value"=>"Donations are meant to ke..."
), 9=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"globalheal", "value"=>"1"
), 10=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"globalturns", "value"=>"1"
), 11=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"global_buff", "value"=>"1"
), 12=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"maxhealdiscount", "value"=>"10"
), 13=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"maxturns", "value"=>"2"
), 14=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"need", "value"=>"285"
), 15=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"showFormTabIndex", "value"=>"1"
), 16=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"show_current", "value"=>"1"
), 17=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"show_goal", "value"=>"1"
), 18=>Array(
"modulename"=>"donation", "setting"=>"use_precent", "value"=>"1"
))9: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_inject-marriage) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("inject-marriage", Array(
"active"=>"1", "filemoddate"=>"2006-11-08 11:25:34", "infokeys"=>"|name|version|author|over...", "version"=>"1.01"
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT active,filemoddate...", "inject-marriage", 3600) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 27
5: injectmodule("marriage", false) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 491
6: modulehook("charstats") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 661
7: charstats() called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 118
8: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
9: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_inject-mountname) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("inject-mountname", Array(
"active"=>"1", "filemoddate"=>"2006-09-12 20:57:53", "infokeys"=>"|name|author|version|cate...", "version"=>"1.0"
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT active,filemoddate...", "inject-mountname", 3600) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 27
5: injectmodule("mountname", false) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 491
6: modulehook("charstats") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 661
7: charstats() called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 118
8: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
9: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_inject-newdaybar) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("inject-newdaybar", Array(
"active"=>"1", "filemoddate"=>"2006-02-16 12:43:56", "infokeys"=>"|name|version|author|down...", "version"=>"1.2"
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT active,filemoddate...", "inject-newdaybar", 3600) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 27
5: injectmodule("newdaybar", false) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 491
6: modulehook("charstats") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 661
7: charstats() called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 118
8: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
9: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_inject-raceleaf) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("inject-raceleaf", Array(
"active"=>"1", "filemoddate"=>"2006-03-20 20:20:40", "infokeys"=>"|name|version|author|cate...", "version"=>"1.0"
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT active,filemoddate...", "inject-raceleaf", 3600) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 27
5: injectmodule("raceleaf", false) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 491
6: modulehook("charstats") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 661
7: charstats() called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 118
8: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
9: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_inject-racemist) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("inject-racemist", Array(
"active"=>"1", "filemoddate"=>"2006-04-29 11:56:38", "infokeys"=>"|name|version|author|cate...", "version"=>"1.0"
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT active,filemoddate...", "inject-racemist", 3600) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 27
5: injectmodule("racemist", false) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 491
6: modulehook("charstats") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 661
7: charstats() called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 118
8: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
9: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_inject-racesand) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("inject-racesand", Array(
"active"=>"1", "filemoddate"=>"2006-08-05 13:37:24", "infokeys"=>"|name|version|author|cate...", "version"=>"1.0"
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT active,filemoddate...", "inject-racesand", 3600) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 27
5: injectmodule("racesand", false) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 491
6: modulehook("charstats") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 661
7: charstats() called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 118
8: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
9: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_inject-racesound) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("inject-racesound", Array(
"active"=>"1", "filemoddate"=>"2006-06-12 10:43:54", "infokeys"=>"|name|version|author|cate...", "version"=>"1.0"
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT active,filemoddate...", "inject-racesound", 3600) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 27
5: injectmodule("racesound", false) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 491
6: modulehook("charstats") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 661
7: charstats() called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 118
8: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
9: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_inject-slayerguild) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53.

Call Stack:
2: fopen("/var/www/datacache/naruto...", "w") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php on line 53
3: updatedatacache("inject-slayerguild", Array(
"active"=>"1", "filemoddate"=>"2006-11-05 13:15:29", "infokeys"=>"|name|author|version|cate...", "version"=>"1.43"
)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/dbwrapper.php on line 70
4: db_query_cached("SELECT active,filemoddate...", "inject-slayerguild", 3600) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 27
5: injectmodule("slayerguild", false) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 491
6: modulehook("charstats") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 661
7: charstats() called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 118
8: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/dwellings.php on line 132
9: dwellings_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

PHP Warning: "fopen(/var/www/datacache/naruto2/datacache_mail-11064) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
in /var/www/html/naruto/lib/datacache.php at 53
« Last Edit: November 10, 2006, 09:03:30 PM by RAIKIRI »


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Re: coding
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2006, 10:42:49 PM »


I switched something which took 3 seconds about... and this is the second message about it =) nice.

no big deal, it was nothing, I just switched 2 directories and the commands took a few seconds on the console.

It will work alright, even faster now as I installed a new php accelerator.
Never judge a cow by its udder.

Page created in 0.054 seconds with 21 queries.