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Which type of taijutsu do you think is most advantageous in a zone fight?

Byakugan/Gentle Fist
- 0 (0%)
Strong Fist/Gates
- 4 (80%)
Shikotsumyaku (Bones)
- 1 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Author Topic: Taijutsu KG  (Read 1412 times)


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Taijutsu KG
« on: July 06, 2009, 08:39:58 PM »

There are many purposes for this thread but the main one is to help other people fully understand their KGs and their limits as well as to prevent misuses of their KGs in the zones.

Standing (against a normal shinobi)

Byakugan/Hyuuga Clan: Its abilities are mainly focused on sight, allowing you to see through solid objects, have almost 360° field of vision and telescopic vision that can extend your view to an enormous range. Not only does it see chakra but it can also see the internal chakra circulation system in other beings. That ability allows them use their fighting style called Gentle Fist. The user will concentrate chakra into their attacks in form of forefingers strikes and palm thrusts towards the opponent’s chakra circulation system and in turn, their internal organs.
Standing: Fighting hand to hand with a Byakugan user is not wise as any weakness in your attack will lead you to your greatest downfall. They can kill you in one hit (one strike to the tenketsu linked to the heart).
Misassumptions: Yes, they can expel chakra from all 361 tenketsu simultaneously but don’t think doing that ALONE will help you to survive from attacks. If that was the case, they would be no point in the creation of Kaiten. Also, if someone delivered an attack from close range (within a few feet), you will NOT have enough time to do Kaiten due to the fact that you would have to spin around a few times to get it started.
1. After getting hit with the 64 palm move, would the activation of CS or SST will grant you the use of chakra again or is your chakra still sealed overall?
2. If you’re surrounded by incoming weapon projectiles attached with explosive tags in all directions (about 20 overall), would Kaiten help you to survive the explosion?
3. If you have no time for Kaiten but you instantly expel chakra from all 361 tenketsu simultaneously, would that help you survive an explosion caused by a few explosive tags that were ignited no more than a foot away from you?
4. Suppose you were going to attack the opponent with a forefinger poke or a palm thrust but then opponent attempts to strike your finger or palm with a sharp weapon in hand, could you instantly release a chakra wave from the finger/palm to deflect the weapon? This is all happening in close range.

Strong Fist/Gates: Martial arts where the purpose is to cause external damage and break bones.
The speed that Lee shown us is indeed the REAL DEAL as we seen him did one of his signature moves a few times which I nickname the “Now you see me, Now you don’t” move. He disappears in the blink of an eye in front of you and then reappears behind you already initiating an attack towards you.
When you add Gates into the mix, it’s pretty lethal. I have done research on Omote Renge and the preps that are needed to perform it.
We all know that Lee starts the move with a powerful upward kick that sends you flying high in the air, followed by Kage Buyo, then binding the opponent with bandages and then finally pile-drives them to the ground.
The powerful upward kick is ALWAYS aimed toward the chin, which is a vital point. If struck hard enough, it WILL induce temporary paralysis. I had trouble finding at which point Lee activates the 1st Gate and later concluded that it’s definitely before he attempts the kick. I still don’t know if he activates the 1st Gate before running circles around the opponent. The point I am getting at is that once you get hit with that powerful upward kick, there’s nothing you can do as you will be temporarily paralyzes and the only thing you can do is wait until you get pile-drive to the ground aka your death. If anyone doubts that info, I will gladly show you all my sources.
Standing: Bad enough a single attack can break your bones but once the Gates are activated, your demise is just around the corner.
Misassumptions: The gates (at least up to 6th Gate) do not allow you the ability to punch THROUGH steel. You are not superman. However, I do believe it would cause a nice dent in it.
1. Do you think it is possible for the Sharingan to track down the fast movements of 1st Gate? 3rd Gate? 4th Gate?
2. Based on what I saw and know, I would say that 4th Gate grants the ability to move at or near the speed of sound. Do you agree?
3. There’s a Naruto video game that shows that going 7th Gate grants you the ability to move at or near the speed of light. Do you think that would be possible?
4. We know that Gai is able to skip gates, should this be allowed in the zone? Assuming this would be allowed, you would have to be the Gai of the Lotus to use the ability and possibly add other restrictions (like you can only skip to 3rd or 4th Gate).
5. We usually see the powerful upward kick delivered to the front of the opponent, however would you think it’s possible to perform this behind the opponent and still combo into Omote Renge as well?

Shikotsumyaku/Kaguya Clan: It’s the ability to manipulate their bone structure and growth. They can remove their bones at will to create weapons as strong as steel (not stronger) and also use their ability to spurn the creation of new bones.
Standing: They are perhaps more dangerous than a Hyuuga when it comes to close-combat and hard to kill due to the bone mask that they will form underneath their skin.
Misassumptions: You cannot shoot out your rib bones like arrows towards an opponent, at least not by standing still. Technically, you can’t shoot out any of your bones through will. He opens up the skin, revealing the fingertip bones and then he flings his arm outward, releasing the fingertip bones at the opponent.
1. Would that bone mask prevent a Hyuuga from attacking the chakra points and internal organs?
2. I would assume by increasing your bone density, it will help you survive Omote Renge. However what about Ura Renge, would the ability of bone mask and bone density help you to survive it or does it depends on how many gates were opened prior to the move?
3. Would you think the bone mask will help them survive Asa Kujaku?
4. How fast is it to unleash a bone, create a bone mask and change one’s density?
    a. A Kaguya attacks a Lotus user. Lotus does the signature “Disappear and Strike” move. It is a quick duck (although there was a scene where he really did disappear – Lee vs Dosu) that makes the opponent think you disappear, immediately followed by the upward powerful kick. Do you think a Kaguya would have enough time to use their bone abilities in that brief moment?
    b. In a middle of a taijutsu fight, a Hyuuga manages to attack a Kaguya from behind with 2 forefingers. The Kaguya doesn’t know the exact location of the strike will be due to this blind spot and instantly releases bone spikes out of his body. It SOMEHOW did not stop the forefinger attack; does the Kaguya still have time to perform a bone mask in the area of that is being attacked? This is all happening in close range.
    c. Is it fast enough to do when a fighter at 4th gate rushes to attack the Kaguya?
5. When a Hyuuga SOMEHOW manages to successfully hit one of the Kaguya’s chakra point. Is it best to assume that the Kaguya cannot form a bone spike or bone mask over that small area?
6. Weird question but can a Kaguya release a bone out of their abdomen since it’s the only area that doesn’t have a bone in it?

I know I am asking questions that no one but the creator Kishimoto can answer. However I just want to hear every1’s answers to these questions. You don’t even have to answer all of them but I do ask that you will explain your reasoning behind your answer(s). Hopefully in the end, this will help to set up a “stable guideline” that everyone can agree and look up to. Also you are free to tell me if any of my info or statements is untrue. Lastly, you can just simply state your opinions relating to the poll question.

I wasnt 100% sure if I could put this thread in the Game-Related Discussion so I decided to play it safe and put in the Spam section. xD


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Re: Taijutsu KG
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2009, 05:58:38 AM »

Bone Forest GG

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