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Author Topic: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)  (Read 3629 times)


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After being reborn 2 times as a Kaguya and trying out the techniques.....I have to admit that I wasn't satisfied. Not only because most of the techniques are practically useless (minimal bonuses for far too much chakra), but because they haven't captured the feel of the show. Neither the nature.

Everything that was just said, as well as everything that will be written down from now on, are my own humble opinion. This is merely a suggestion in order to improve the bloodline itself.

First of all, about the first 3 dances:

Tsubaki no Mai, Karamatsu no Mai, Yanagi no Mai

Out of them, the only useful one is Karamatsu no Mai. Why?

Tsubaki no Mai: about 33% attack boost for 10 turns for 5 chakra points. Useful? I think not.

Karamatsu no Mai: About 50% defense boost for 12 turns for 5 chakra. Decent, good for bosses, but I think my view of it will be better.

Yanagi no Mai: The most useless dance of all. Just one strike of mediocre damage for.....what, 10 turns? And it costs 15 chakra! Why would I spend 15 chakra on this one?! A Hosenka, which is always available for Uchiha Reborn would probably do more damage for only 1/5 of chakra cost at any level!

And now the others:

Hessendan: Good damage for a few turns. But I think it's not like the actual Hessendan.

Tessenka no Mai, Tsuru: Immobilizes the opponent for 6 turns. Would be pretty nice if it didn't cost 18 chakra points! Far too expensive.

Tessenka no Mai, Hanna: A downright mediocre strike, only one, for 6 turns. And it costs 21 chakra. No need to say just what I'm gonna do with that.

Sharingan no Mai: This one is pretty good. No further comment.

Sawarabi no Mai: ......The only technique that's WORTH IT!!!! IT'S PURE AWESOMENESS!!! Massive damage, can hit up to four targets at once! But, 25 chakra is a bit much I think. No worries though, one small change can even it out. are my suggestions:

About the first three dances. Unlike the other ones, these dances aren't attacks, or combos that could end. They were stances, battle styles. So, here is my suggestion:

Make them cost 5 chakra each. And make them provide a permanent boost to attack and/or defense!

So here we have:

Tsubaki no Mai: From what we have seen at the show, this dance is all about offense. Attack fast, attack hard. So, make it provide a permanent attack boost! 33% (or 25%) for the first reborn and 50% (or 33%) for the second would be ok I think. (pick whichever choice you think would be more fair)

Karamatsu no Mai: Defense, defense, defense. It practically makes the user impervious to most taijutsu attacks. So, no surprise there: defense boost! 33% (25%) for the first reborn and 50% (33%) for the second.

Yanagi no Mai: This is the most acrobatic dance. You jump, you twist, you flip, and attack at every angle around you. So here you have it! A dance between Tsubaki and Karamatsu. It will provide both attack and defense boosts! 25% (20%) of attack and defense for the first and 33% (25%) for the second.

After looking at that, you would think that "Hey, that's too strong!", but no! Just like the show, you can have only one dance active at a time, and switching dances will always cost chakra! So here is the dilemma:

When to go for defense?
When for attack?
When for balance?
Should I switch now, or conserve my chakra?

The players will have to think ahead, so they won't waste all of their chakra at once. Also, it will put it at odds with the other taijutsu bloodline, the Hachimon. Explosive buffs for a short amount of time? Or mediocre buffs for a long time?

And, as for the other dances:

Sharingan no Mai: It will turn off the current dance. And the dance will not come back after this dance has ended. (and it should be the same for any other, if there is a Jyuuken/Byakugan Dance, I dunno)

Hessendan: As nice as this is, I don't think that it is what the Hessendan of the show was. This, this is like turning yourself into the Terminator and firing your machine-gun for a long amount of time. That's not what Hessendan is.
Hessendan is one single volley of finger bullets. Like throwing shuriken. So this is what I think:

It will cost only one chakra point....but it will last only one turn! It will do 10 strikes like now (one for each finger), for one turn. Also, it will be the only technique that will NOT cut off the other dances. You people work out the damage. Nothing extraordinary, nothing too weak. It will be an add-up on the damage.

Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru and Hanna: I believe that the techniques themselves are far too expensive. And why is that? Because they were meant to be used together!

So here is what I suggest:

First, boost the attack power of Hanna. A lot. 75 damage at 79 Oro kills at lvl 15 isn't good enough for anything, even if it was without Tsuru. Hanna is a HUGE drill! I'm pretty sure it would hurt more than that (even Hosenka does more damage at that point!)

Then, dum down the chakra costs: Tsuru will be 10 chakra points, and will have the same effects. And Hanna should do more damage when Tsuru is active (for example, if Hanna would do....100 point of damage alone, with Tsuru it should do 200 damage or something).

Quite naturally, Tsuru will end all dances before it....but Hanna will not end Tsuru (and only Tsuru. Is that possible?).
And Hanna's chakra cost should be...I don't know, 10-15 chakra points. Anyways, together they should not go beyond 25 chakra points.

And finally......Sawarabi no Mai. This.....this one is worth everything. Seriously. Buuut, after seeing the anime.....I think that it would do more than hit 4 opponents, like a Kamaitachi. How about make it hit 8 opponents at the same time? Other than that, it's more than fine just as it is.

Anyways, that is all. Anyone is free to reply and post his/her own suggestions.
But, even if I've described the effects of every technique, I believe it would be better if other Kaguya reborns who have used the dances and have formed an opinion were the ones who posted.

That is all. Thank you for bearing this until the end.


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 01:55:53 AM »

Yeah... I'm in two minds about this.

One side of me just thinks your power hungry, but the other thinks you have a point, although basically all the KGs now could be revised, such as Uchiha with Susanno etc.

I myself personally haven't used Shikotsumyaku a lot, but I had similar experiences to you when I did.

Now, let me share my thoughts as well, cause I quite like some of your ideas.

I quite like your idea for the dances, however I don't know if it should be permanent, maybe just last a long time, 100-200, could increase with resets.
But I like the idea of switching dances, it's pretty cool.

Your idea for Hessendan is good, however I think one chakra is a bit cheep, and for that price it wouldn't be able to do much.
What about a cost of 3-ish, does like 10 hits as you say, of okay damage for one round. Possibly make it hit multiple people to.

Tsuru, drop it in price like you said, don't have it effect the dance. Last a few around of badguy not moving.

Hanna, like it like 15, and only able to work when you have Tsuru active, and ramp up the power!

Just on a side note about Sawarabi no Mai, I don't think you can make it hit more people. In the code you can choose to hit just one, or multiple, and I think four is the limit of people it can handle hitting or something.

Anyway, I hope I could add some ideas, not like it will get picked up anyway! lol


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 04:35:02 AM »

Well; if you guys get dances that last so long, can we Hachimon users get longer buffs too?

Only way we can keep our hachimon is by pouring chakra every so often turns and we can't use it for the same gate also.

For the dances, that's damn outrageous. 100-200 round buff for only 5 chakra?

Hell, Mokuton has one for over 10 chakra that lasts only 60 turns. Halving the chakra for about double to triple the rounds.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 04:35:57 AM by RaifudoMakashi »


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2011, 04:36:41 AM »

I further cosign this post and all thoughts in it. I've been warlord kaguya for a long time and i completely sympathize with everything mentioned. The only two things i use are sharingan no mai and sawarabi no mai, and i only use sawarabi because i have SST, other than that i wouldn't be able to do much. So if at all possible i'd like some type of change to take place so that i can feel like i didn't waste 160 dk's on something i can't use fully.. Still i appreciate all the hard work you guys are putting in for us all...
Zenaku is a Godaime Raikage
Title: Grand Raikage
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Born as Warlord of the Kaguya Ichizoku
Born as Child of Prophecy to the Toads of Myōbokuzan.
Born as Senji of the Forest
Born as Grand Master of the Uchiha Ichizoku
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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 04:38:37 AM »

For the dances, that's damn outrageous. 100-200 round buff for only 5 chakra?

Hell, Mokuton has one for over 10 chakra that lasts only 60 turns. Halving the chakra for about double to triple the rounds.
And 1 + 3 chakra for a infinite buff is outrageous either?

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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2011, 04:56:44 AM »

Infinite buffs?

Did you really think before posting that?

First thing wrong with that: Chakra; we don't have infinite chakra.

Second thing wrong: We get 9 rounds of a 1/4th mount buff [if you can even call it that] for 2 chakra, then 1 to have a healing buff that grants no def/atk. That's 3 chakra used before we can access another buff.

The 3rd gate is 2 chakra, so that's 5 chakra for a slightly greater buff; 9 rounds also. 4th gate is 3 chakra. 8 Chakra to get a stronger healing buff for 19 turns that grants no atk/def.

I forget the 5th+ but they do not exceed 19 turns and each the following costs 4 chakra+.

Looking at it, we pay 8 chakra for 18 rounds of buffs and 27 turns of weak healing.

You want 5 chakra to increase your atk or def for 100-200 turns by 50%.


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2011, 04:59:12 AM »

Was there any need to turn Nasty Rai?

I was simply referring to the Sharingan, not the Eight gates.

However I agree the buff strength request to be a little extreme.

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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2011, 05:07:16 AM »

Was there any need to turn Nasty Rai?

I was simply referring to the Sharingan, not the Eight gates.

However I agree the buff strength request to be a little extreme.

Not really flaming at all; completely serious in that question because that seemed rather unorthodox for you to say on the topic of Hachimon.

As for 4 chakra for an infinite buff:

Doesn't mean we can tackle on any enemy; what we have as an "infinite buff", which is actually a debuff for one's opponents, byakugan makes up in brutal attacks.

Rin'negan, come to think of it, has the doujutsu activated at all times, no?


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2011, 05:09:56 AM »

Was there any need to turn Nasty Rai?

I was simply referring to the Sharingan, not the Eight gates.

However I agree the buff strength request to be a little extreme.

Not really flaming at all; completely serious in that question because that seemed rather unorthodox for you to say on the topic of Hachimon.

As for 4 chakra for an infinite buff:

Doesn't mean we can tackle on any enemy; what we have as an "infinite buff", which is actually a debuff for one's opponents, byakugan makes up in brutal attacks.

Rin'negan, come to think of it, has the doujutsu activated at all times, no?
Yeah, I should have said Sharingan, but I didn't wanna, cause I figured people might understand.

But yeah, Sharingan buff works differently, however it is a powerful debuff on them, especially at full resets, but it still doesn't match the Byakugan buff.

And yes, Rinnegan is always active.


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2011, 10:28:37 AM »

Hmm, to be truthful, I am quite happy that this has attracted so much attention~

So here is what I say to everyone:


I like your suggestions. And, I have to admit that I myself felt a bit power-hungry at first.
But, I believe that having to switch dances for 5 chakra points, as well as having them deactivated if an "attack" dance is performed makes it up for that. Like Rai said, we do not have infinite chakra!
And, as for Sawarabi no Mai hitting 8 enemies.....from what I can remember, Fuuton - Tatsu no Oshigoto (18) could hit 8 enemies at once.

That was long ago though, and I don't know if that's changed.

Maybe we could ask someone to test that for us? Or ask a moderator? I dunno.

And, as for the Hessendan: I dunno, 3 chakra for only 1 turn sounds expensive. Maybe 3 chakra for 2-3 turns?


I do not believe that Hachimon buffs should last more than....10-20 turns. But yes, they need to be extraordinary. Does anyone need to be reminded of the kind of massive destruction the users of the Hachimon have caused? So, I believe that the Hachimon should turn you into a god of awe and destruction for a small amount of time.
But, I would have to ask you to limit yourself to the Shikotsumyaku here. If you want changes to be done to the Hachimon, then by all means, go ahead and start your own thread! With your experience, I'm sure that you can help improve the game much more than I can.

And lastly:

I myself believe that a few tweaks must be done to the Sharingan. But I didn't post them here because this is a thread about Shikotsumyaku. I may start a thread on the Uchiha Bloodline after this is over (though one of you can do it, I can post my own ideas there), but for now, we are talking about the Kaguya bloodline people. Please, stay in subject.

P.S. - The Rinnegan is a bloodline that's not passed down by blood. It' proof that you're, somewhat, a reincarnation of the Sage of the Six Paths. That alone makes it far too powerful to be put here. I believe that the Rinnegan should NEVER be put here. But that's just me.


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2011, 11:42:48 AM »

I like your suggestions. And, I have to admit that I myself felt a bit power-hungry at first.
Don't worry we all are, hence why I've made my share of power hungry requests, you'll still find them if you go back a couple of pages on here. ^^

And, as for Sawarabi no Mai hitting 8 enemies.....from what I can remember, Fuuton - Tatsu no Oshigoto (18) could hit 8 enemies at once.

That was long ago though, and I don't know if that's changed.

Maybe we could ask someone to test that for us? Or ask a moderator? I dunno.
A Moderator like me? Plus the fact that I have copies of the the code, and I can tell you the setting is exactly the same for both those jutsu. So far as I know, there is no way to set the number badguys hit by a jutsu, it's just one or multiple like I said.

And, as for the Hessendan: I dunno, 3 chakra for only 1 turn sounds expensive. Maybe 3 chakra for 2-3 turns?
It sounds fair to me, I mean for 1 chakra your talking the Basic Jutsu level, and they do almost nothing...
3 Chakra for a one round attack that hits 10 times is pretty good, especially if it hit multiple badguys. Just saying from my exp with coding the other KGs I've done.

Oh and I agree with your statements on Hachimon and Sharingan, I actually did post a little about the Sharingan a while ago, but have recently reworked my ideas in my head, If you where to create a topic I'd gladlt share my views also.

P.S. - The Rinnegan is a bloodline that's not passed down by blood. It' proof that you're, somewhat, a reincarnation of the Sage of the Six Paths. That alone makes it far too powerful to be put here. I believe that the Rinnegan should NEVER be put here. But that's just me.
A. Off topic
B. Too late, Neji already is putting it in.


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2011, 01:29:49 PM »

Ok, I like how this is going.

A Moderator like me? Plus the fact that I have copies of the the code, and I can tell you the setting is exactly the same for both those jutsu. So far as I know, there is no way to set the number badguys hit by a jutsu, it's just one or multiple like I said.

Really? I am sure it could hit 8 are 100% sure it can't hit more than 4?

It sounds fair to me, I mean for 1 chakra your talking the Basic Jutsu level, and they do almost nothing...
3 Chakra for a one round attack that hits 10 times is pretty good, especially if it hit multiple badguys. Just saying from my exp with coding the other KGs I've done.

Oh and I agree with your statements on Hachimon and Sharingan, I actually did post a little about the Sharingan a while ago, but have recently reworked my ideas in my head, If you where to create a topic I'd gladlt share my views also.

Now, I didn't say that Hessendan should be kept at 1 chakra point. But, I think it would be better if, at a cost of 3, it would last for 2 turns or something. Otherwise, they'll have to increase the damage a bit (an average of 5 damage points per hit, in total 50 damage). That one is good, yeah.

Anyways, if it costs 3 chakra points, then at level 15, each strike should do an average of 15 damage points (in total 150 average).
And, as for hitting multiple opponents....I don't know.....maybe, but the technique didn't seem to be something that was supposed to spread out.....

And, as for a Sharingan thread.....I just might do that! Though the changes won't be grand. It's a very balanced bloodline after all. A bit too powerful, but balanced.

Anyways, I think this thread is going very well. It's been up for...not even a day! Plenty of time ahead of us!

So, if anyone has something -anything- to add, please do so!

P.S. - Though your idea of the dances lasting 100-200 turns is good, if the weaker buffs are selected, I still support my first idea. After all, a 33% attack/defense boost at the 2nd reborn isn't really that huge of a buff....but then again, that may be just me.


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2011, 01:42:43 PM »

Really? I am sure it could hit 8 are 100% sure it can't hit more than 4?
Well I'm not sure on the numbers, I just vaguely remember only seeing it hit four at max, but that's just from rusty memories.
Anyway, like I said, what stands is the code for both hit multiple badguys is the same, both read:
Code: [Select]
Anyways, if it costs 3 chakra points, then at level 15, each strike should do an average of 15 damage points (in total 150 average).
And, as for hitting multiple opponents....I don't know.....maybe, but the technique didn't seem to be something that was supposed to spread out.....
Basically that's what I was thinking it would do, just a reasonably powerful attack like that, and yeah, hitting multiple people doesn't quite make sense.

P.S. - Though your idea of the dances lasting 100-200 turns is good, if the weaker buffs are selected, I still support my first idea. After all, a 33% attack/defense boost at the 2nd reborn isn't really that huge of a buff....but then again, that may be just me.
It is a bit of a powerful buff still, but not huge.

And, as for a Sharingan thread.....I just might do that! Though the changes won't be grand. It's a very balanced bloodline after all. A bit too powerful, but balanced.
My ideas give it a disadvantage. ^^ Most people wouldn't be effected too much, but it includes Susanno!


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2011, 02:35:02 PM »


P.S. - Though your idea of the dances lasting 100-200 turns is good, if the weaker buffs are selected, I still support my first idea. After all, a 33% attack/defense boost at the 2nd reborn isn't really that huge of a buff....but then again, that may be just me.
It is a bit of a powerful buff still, but not huge.

Hmm, true. But I believe that 5 chakra points, and the ability to have only 1 of the buffs active will balance it out. We'll see what others say on this too.
And, as for a Sharingan thread.....I just might do that! Though the changes won't be grand. It's a very balanced bloodline after all. A bit too powerful, but balanced.
My ideas give it a disadvantage. ^^ Most people wouldn't be effected too much, but it includes Susanno!

I already started it. I myself don't know about Susanoo.....buuuut, who knows? Anyways, you might want to check it out.

Oh, and we might just want to check the possibility of hitting 8 opponents. Just to be sure.


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Re: Revised Shikotsumyaku (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2011, 05:17:28 PM »

So...was this idea just scrapped?  :o
Zenaku is a Godaime Raikage
Title: Grand Raikage
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Born as Warlord of the Kaguya Ichizoku
Born as Child of Prophecy to the Toads of Myōbokuzan.
Born as Senji of the Forest
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Orochimaru Kills: 234
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