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Author Topic: Current Favorite Characters  (Read 15327 times)


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2011, 11:46:04 PM »

Amen, but at least Tomi got people fired up and involved...

I think he was more hated then Bocc even. lol


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2011, 11:51:09 PM »

And look what happened right after he left for the second time. A bunch of Hokage elects!

And Tomi was a better bad guy than Boc ever managed, whether that was Tomi's goal or not.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2011, 02:39:53 AM »

Dat roleplay.

NEVER could take it seriously.
11/7/10 (EST), The Day It Rained Spam (Miha's 21st Birthday). NEVAR FORGET
Click me, because the actual quote doesn't fit in here.


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2011, 01:32:32 PM » favorites? have you ever seen me try to order from a menu? I have tons of favorite characters. In no particular order of importance.

I really liked TripleBlitz the best. he stayed in character all the blessed time and never lost his cool. And believe me I tried! Excuse me, his 'sangfroid'...well he did one time only, and thank the gods I wasn't the one to cause it. I think I had never been so scared in all my life. Anyway, he was not OP and was active.

Raifudo was fun to zone with and hopefully will be again sometime soon.

Musie/Court and all her incarnations. The woman is scary sometimes! brrrrr. I Think she is just very descriptive and does a great job bringing to life even the simplest actions.

The Zeniliscious one! Zenaku I still remember when he was a little green demon! I think his creativity has kept many a clan going long after it would have died had he not been around. Though I tell you I am not gonna fight him as long as he keeps putting those paper notes all over his body! :P

I have to agree about CJofTheDesert. Mr. of The Desert, before he became such a SLACKER!!!! and you know you are...was really something to watch and stand up against in the zones. Zyeta ought to just give it up and seal the Shukaku back into the man where it belongs cause in my mind all are shadows after CJ.

Nashley yeah well deal with it. Despite his frustrating bent toward being occluded and never giving me a straight answer, is a pretty villainous man to be captured by.  You gotta love the bad guy!

Speaking of the bad guy Madara/Shinro/Mangetsu Seems to have the most biting tongue on him I have ever witnessed. he manages an air of stiff indifference that hardly ever wavers and is quite wiley about his wheeling and dealing behind the scenes.

Sugoi evil monster, relentlessly driven by his own darkness. Yeah, he has been creatively rotten! Great to go questing on, just watch your back!

Xaos is quite interesting to watch in the zones. Although I have not had the pleasure of RPing with him, I do scan the fights and he sticks out as a man of distinction in his willingness to take hits and still be a legitimate powerhouse.

Icey is just plain old fun and full of energy. I look forward to disfiguring him again with one stroke of my katana! So bring it bubby!

DarkShinobi has to be one of the real treats of the realm. He is creative and really exudes the Will of Fire unlike any other. I hope he can make it back someday for he is greatly missed.

Ronin Chusaki is another warrior of the sands who maintains great in-character control. Additionally he can craft weapons with great skill and for reasonable prices.

I really enjoyed RPing with InuHanyou. Back when I first showed up in the desert he was running around there as the priest of the Shukaku. He really stays in character and is not so easily swayed from his chosen path, whatever that may be.

TheWhiteFangofKahona/Kyōuki is a hoot. Yes he can be very slapstick in the gardens, and has been quite the mediator over the years when things got dicey between folks now and then, but he is quite the serious zoner and pushes me to have to really think when I face him. I appreciate his dedication to training and crafting a legit character and just wish he would decide on an avatar already! Fun Fact: only person to actually kill Kayenta. Sneaky Dog! A true villain when he sets his mind to it.

KalinkaWindalf is quite the skilled medic. And you might not think it, but she is exceedingly covert. None better to have on a mission.

I like Bocchiere and love to get into arguments with him too! He is creative and usually game for an adventure. I still say Umi killed him though when she splattered his body all over Kiri into Jashinist puree! :P I warn you though, do NOT go with him to his lair unless you have a strong stomach. The man is very descriptive and the place is full of nightmares.

Xiarawst's vigilance in guarding his village is something that I enjoy seeing put into action.  When able, he is quite active, and that is a trait that I highly value.

Daichi is also someone I enjoy RPing with. He is especially good at going out on quests and missions. Over the years I have watched his character grow and develop while still maintaining overall integrity to remain the same. Never try to out drink he and CJ at the bar though; can't be done!

Unless you are maybe....Nighstalker/Senna/ Nagisa. Now there is trouble in a hand basket if I ever saw it! Quite the character and always a pleasure.

Dart! Where would I be without his wonderful character in the land? Dead! His characters are also quite intriguing. And no push over either. The first time I met him I was quite certain I would have to kill him thinking he was in my home to bring harm and create havoc in the village. But that is a shinobi for you; dangerous and secretive.

Maruki is a skilled warrior who is also another who maintains his character in everything that he does.

Which describes Koji to a T. try as I may I can never wheedle out of him what nefarious plot he is hatching up now. But you can bet he is up to something!

BryantheExiled scared me to death the first time I met him. Yet there I was wandering off from the gardens to the zones with him to try and not get killed. Boy did he ever put me through the paces! I have as yet to beat him and to this day when we spar there always comes a point where I just have to slip out and never finish, and he always lets me get away with it too. His back story is interesting as well and full of horror.

DarkSasuke, Haruto and Shuzetsu Uchiha. What a trio of siblings if there ever were and the life's blood of the village. I can't tell you how many wars these children of the desert weathered and yet there they are to this day unchanged by the devastation. seemingly so, and still coming back for more! This is the stuff that Suna is made from. You just can't kill it. I won't let you! :P

Pyro Prinny. Well anyone who knew him either loved or hated him. But he too saved my life...lots of people enjoy trying to kill me it seems long before Icey got a hankering for it. He could be the staunchest defender and woe to the soul who dared to attract his scorn. Merciless to the point of banning. But still a favorite even if he was not canon Naruto, what with his devil fruit transformation and all. He made the desert bloom out side my door, as it does to this day. But what a hoot!

is that 20 yet? Bah...she doesn't care.

Fifty is not one to be kept down. ever. It was always great fun to be in clan wars with his Leaf clan. PVPing his people to death and getting into scuffles in the streets. That certainly hasn't changed a bit. I never can tell if he is joking or not until he is at my door/gates/village walls trying to blow the place up!

I miss Orochimaru not that we ever Rp'd or anything. But I certainly did love reading his zone fights.

Shinomaru was another favorite of mine. Could never manage to beat him in the zones either. And he was gracious enough not to kill me for it too.  I missed out on seeing him be Hokage though. And it ticks me off that that lineage has been totally voided as though it never existed.

DarkRasengan/Tetsujin is another I enjoyed seeing active. Back in the Kazangakure days. Ah but boys grow up and go get lives, do they not?

I have really strayed from the topic...Current Favorite Characters...meh. Everyone knows I run off at the mouth. It's what I do best.

I like Luka too. He is fun for going on quests and is one who refuses to fight me cause I would be no contest for him. His writing is quite skilled and he maintains his character very nicely. I think that he is the longest running jinchuuriki we have too.

HobbyGobby  is Suna's no-necked Goblin King and you can't have him. Yes he can't spell for dog squat and his grammar is non-existent, but I say hey? He is a genius among goblins, it is amazing he is literate at all! His dance magic leaves me baffled but then I love the strange and unique. This he certainly is. And if you ever take the time to go on an adventure with him you just might experience how truly creative a soul he is.  I have a really nice bow he crafted that shoots ice arrows.

Kamui's recent come back was a hopeful event. I had the chance to rp with him a bit and was pleased with the intensity he put into his character. He has a way of making things interesting, hinting at things in a secretive manner and yet not quite revealing his hand. But do not be so stupid as to ask for his aid. I have done so twice. The man is evil and delights in death and mayhem. As just a young genin when there were bandits trying to steal an artifact from the vaults in Suna. he came to the aid alright and just starting killing everyone and anything in sight. my first experience with Amateratsu. >.< Then during the Zombie Apocalypse, yeah you all missed it already so stop preparing, he and Tetsujin come to the aid of the village. Strictly Swordy swordy stuff mind you and after buring the village in Lava and drowning it in water...well Lake Suna sits off a bit to the east of the  new Village. >.> Bless the builders one and all.

Kite is another warrior I would like to see out and about again. I don't think we have enough Hyuugas running around and the place could greatly benefit from his teachings. I lead a sheltered existence, it is true, so my apologies to all you hyuugas I am not acquainted with.

Ah yes...Hyuugan. he is quite enjoyable as well as creative. But katie bar the door if you ever tick him off! The resources of the man and his ability to bring them to bear in order to exact his revenge is insurmountable. he will hate me forever, but I don't care. I think he is still a great character. :P

I have to agree with Zenaku concerning Mei. He is wonderful to go out on missions with as he brings to bear a strong compliment of power in facing the enemy, performing recon and overcoming terrain.  His ability to analyze jutsu and execute them in battle is quite enjoyable.

Sevilon is another who I have hardly ever seen break character. And his vampire/ninja is one of the most believable around. Facing him in battle was not in the least predictable and he needs to get off WoW-crack and back in the game.

I think that Dizzy made a pretty villainous warrior too. IT didn't matter who you were, he'd kill you just as soon as look at you. I am particularly fond of the work he has done on his lizard summons.

Yomi is a character that I have recently seen in action and I am looking forward to seeing more of her RP.

Nightwind is quite the powerhouse. She is descriptive, intelligent, fun and brings to bear depth in her characters that makes every encounter with her a delight.

Reimu is someone I have recently become acquainted with find that this Shinto Priestess is quite spectacular.

RenjiNakara is quite the tenacious warrior to encounter. His ability to lay traps and set up an opponent for failure during battle is wonderful to behold. And you are never quite sure if he is evil or just mischievous.

Moonfire "Silver" is another person who is able to maintain his character throughout. There have been many times when he was all that stood between life and death when an enemy had come to yet again...wha hoo...destroy Suna. His is an often over looked talent and it has been cool to watch him grow over the years.

HoshuaHoo has lately returned home to Suna and it is quite a relief. His character is quite versatile in being a warrior one moment and the master of ceremonies and an impromptu scareoke party the next. A noted Architect, he rebuilt Osa's Underground Sake House and made it what it is today after Yondaimethethhokage destroyed it.

Teostra is yet again another of those outside of Naruto warriors who is an amazing person to quest with. I fought him once when he was not quite so powerful as he is today and the match was a draw. No way could I keep up now. For the longest time he badgered me to fight, terrorizing me with this special weapon he had devised until such point I was unable to save face any longer and was drug out into the zones to face my certain death. At the pinnacle of our battle when he had me good and cornered, he pulled out the round device he had created...gave it a massive squeeze...and sprayed me good with grapefruit juice! The pig! he knew I hate grapefruits and all that time he had me wetting myself thinking he was going to kill me.  A rare whit and a patient man to wait literally almost  a year to enact his prank.

Raijin is also another great person to go questing with. He brought stability to Suna during a time when it was broken and wracked by over a constant RL time year long war filled with daily attacks. His wisdom shows forth in how he manages the village and deserves a medal of valor for being the only one who is able to put Kayenta in her place! True, she doesn't stay there for very long, BUT on top of keeping the desert united he manages quite well to not back down from her volatile personality.

And finally Asadi yeah yeah, he is prone to drink and frivolity but  take him to the zones sometime and be prepared to have to think out every single move you make and be mindful not to let your guard down for an instant. He has led the Shinobi Kingdom as its King to top marks all across the board in every aspect, seen it fall and then turn around to do it all over again.  He is also another warrior that it is quite enjoyable to go questing with. His character had maintained a continuous story through out and has quite the history.

TheCrazyAnbu what can be said about this delightful little cannibal that has not already been said? Mole sage...if it can be blown to pieces, he is there!

Mariko my little sister. Wild and untamed, wise enough to turn down the Kage robes when they were offered and fierce in the zones. She maintains her particular heritage throughout all of her days. Just don't touch her! You are liable to draw back a bloody stump.

And many many many others...
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 03:49:00 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #34 on: November 18, 2011, 02:16:22 PM »

All I care about is my name was up there!


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #35 on: November 18, 2011, 07:55:40 PM »

Glory hound lol  :D
All I care about is my name was up there!
Zenaku is a Godaime Raikage
Title: Grand Raikage
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Born as Warlord of the Kaguya Ichizoku
Born as Child of Prophecy to the Toads of Myōbokuzan.
Born as Senji of the Forest
Born as Grand Master of the Uchiha Ichizoku
Orochimaru Kills: 234

Raifudo Oppa

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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #36 on: November 18, 2011, 10:13:55 PM »

Raifudo - I wasn't the original holder of this account, no sir. For the first 9 months of his existence, he was in the hands of my brother. Yeah, he's a favorite character of mine because I made him what he is now. His existence has been around well about 5 years or so and, in that time, I got his reputation (somehow) high enough to a critical acclaim where people I don't know already know me very well. Yeah, call me conceded or whatnot, but it's the honest truth. I can like my own character because of all my time in him, no?

Zenaku - Ah, my hand-me-down-holder, haha. Without a doubt one of my most fiercest students and closest of friends. A very bright mind and a warm heart. This son of a gun thinks of everything before everything can think of him; a true threat and an amazing shinobi. I remember when I first met him, and have the message archived, of course, and already felt a strong potential from the fella. To keep it blunt in just how much I trust and respect him: He's the only person I ever contemplated on being eligible for being my replacement as Raikage and Kyuubi Jinchuuriki with the capable mindset of holding both titles with respect.

Jinzo - An old dog from the SL-early days. Very potent in what he does and very savvy in his advice and wordplay. Even though he's 15, this kid keeps me on my toes when it comes to intellectual conversations and arguments. I know he can, and will, surpass me in every way once he hits my age. Currently the Hachibi Jinchuuriki, this kid trains hard to be in-tune both RP and OOC. Recently having had two sever accidents, it strongly back-lashed his role-play, but he's back and better than ever. What most surprises me of this guy is that every account he's ever used/role-played with: was my design. I made their template and such, and he went out of his way to, without trying, make them much better than I ever anticipated.  [Congrats on Rank 2 in PvP, by the way].

Tetsujin - My brother from the Red-Haired Pirate Crew back in the days when Taumaster was around. A very strong and capable shinobi with a very relaxed state-of-mind. Out of character, this guy is truly one of my best friends and I will forever see him as a brother. He's been there for me through thick and thin and has had my back in more than one occasion. Also, he does his best to improve what he can, when he can regardless of the limits.

JinEchizen - Ah, my "Big Brother". A very sweet man and the original kage of Kumogakure on SL. Albeit in school at this point, he makes whatever effort he can to put his studies on hold to say hi every now and then - and it's one hell of a treat to see such a familiar face. Like Tetsujin, he's been there for me and has done whatever he can to help me.

Mangetsu/Madara/"Pete" - My third brother on SL; the wordy-foul-mouth miscreant with a devilish charm. This fella and his silver-tongue have a way about him that lets chaos and havoc hide in his shadow and follow wherever he goes. I truly admire his on-about of improving his literature and role-play on SL.

Dizzy - My fourth and final brother; although we've had our differences in the past, we have grown beyond them to improve our bond. He has been there for me for years now and has always been a hell of a zone-fighter during them, too. Truly a creative guy in the way he goes about his slaughters, and one hell of a deadly foe.

Kayenta - Oh, sweet ol' Liz. A wonderful woman with such a great heart and lush personality. She has always kept role-play fun and kept a great character progression. Her ability to assume multiple personalities, varying on which account she is on, astounds me to no end. She's truly one to have my respect and love.

Louie - Although I never really met the fella, or lady (I don't know anymore judging by her/is/ accounts [just call it a "him"]), I have a strong respect in the ideal that he knows the game well and, even though no role-play was ever, really, seen, I admire their patience and knowledge of leveling and account-sitting.

Ranketsu - Another lovely lady who I am so very fond of. Although she can come off as cold, uncaring and down-right hating: she's actually quite the softy. Kind of an old student of mine, too. Either way, this Mizukage has always found ways to astound me and kept me entertain, OOC and RP-wise and has been there for me in my time of need.

Bocchiere - Bocci-whatever, a fellow troll cooler than the other side of the pillow. He's Bocc. What more can I say?

Nathan - A smart kid and one to ask questions a lot to learn. I always enjoy his company and the many questions he asks. His imagination is one to prove how creative he is and he can get. Even though a road has been blocked for him, he'll find a way to get around or just ram right through it.

Rare - 50-kid, always a fun guy to be around. He's caring and downright blunt in what he says. He's always good for a laugh whenever I need one and I gladly call him a brother for life. Although he never accepts my zone challenges (Maybe because he's just too strong for me), he's always up for a battle of wits.

Reimu - A veteran back and again on SL. Previously known as Narutofourth, I remember her company in places such as the gardens and whatnots. Unfortunately, she doesn't remember me, but, hey, it's fine. I remember her and she's back again to get to know. Aside from her very fun personality, she's a very wise and powerful kunoichi on SL with amazing potential.

Court/Musei - My ol' homie-G. So many good memories with her and many great laughs. I truly love this one, she's had my respect for quite the time now due to her fun personality OOC and cold, nonchalant RP-ways. Also, her skill in role-play is something to truly see. Magnificent in her fighting and all-around a very cool person.

I'm missing quite the amount of people, but I already made myself late for work in typing all of this. I might post some more names later. :]


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #37 on: November 18, 2011, 11:08:28 PM »

And Tomi was a better bad guy than Boc ever managed, whether that was Tomi's goal or not.

You make it sound like I'm finished Eric. ^^ Though I am not at Tomi's level of trolololing yet. I had no idea everyone loved me so much though, and Rai thinks I'm cool! Lol xD I guess I will do it then too. Here they are, in no particular order, and if your not on the list it means I hate you and hope you die.  :twisted:

Inuma: My sister! Who I said I would mention here because she said no one would mention her here. She's pretty cool even.

Zenaku: Zenny is just a beast what can I say? He makes me look like the noob I am in the zones every time we fight and he is a pretty fun dude to talk to as well. He even keeps me around even though people are spreading terrible horrible 100% false rumors that I want to assassinate him one day in the future. Those people must just be jealous that we are bestest friends. >>;

Rare: Well he is a vampire so if I don't mention him here he will find me. >>

Nashley: I haven't really talked to this man type person much but he actually seems like a cool dude. Or as I put it, "The only person in Genesis who isn't a douche"

Kayenta: ONE EXPLODING KUNAI WOULD NOT DESTROY A KAGUYA'S SKELETON! That aside Kay is pretty damn cool. Although 95% of the accounts on this site seem to be her.

Ice: Another guy who is pretty fun to talk to, when he isn't muting me for attacking someone in the fighting zone that is. >>;

Taumaster: My ultimate creation. I miss the old days when me and Tau used to just mess around with CrimsonNeji and his Death Dealers. We were trolls long before I started to rp.

Raifudo: I feel obligated to put Rai here because he is Raifudo dammit! But honestly I have only talked to him like twice, he seemed nice enough though.

Reimu: Even though she won't level my damn alt it is fun having someone around who is crazy like me.  Her and Bocchiere are going to wind up married, she just doesn't know it yet.

I don't care to put on anyone else because this is taking to long and I have a damn life!



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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #38 on: November 18, 2011, 11:25:13 PM »

My list suddenly seems so... Small.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #39 on: November 19, 2011, 12:18:23 AM »

Oh this is getting fun!


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #40 on: November 20, 2011, 04:04:46 PM »

Bocchiere darling... Anything can be blown up, and it was not 'just an exploding kunai'. I liken it to a firecracker exploding in your fist and blowing your fingers off rather than it just going off in your open palm and burning you some.

Eric is someone that I enjoy reading very much. His work with a variety of npcs gets high marks from me!

Cmage/ Rakudo has been one of my favorite characters to go around and create havok with. And you just have to wonder about a man who runs around with a gourd full of his own urine strapped to his back.

Kotetsu is a warrior who is fun to face in the zones. I appreciate that he can take as well as dish out a pummeling.

and still there are many many more I have failed in mentioning.


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #41 on: November 20, 2011, 06:57:09 PM »

Ah favorite Characters...can i mention that i hate my own character once in a while..Why?
It is simple..who else was killed three times by some weird,god or cult? Yes it was Silver..First time Blackdoubt,then Hito ,then Kin...And all of them belonged to some crazy god/goddess or cult..but this aside...

*has a self esteem boost*

I have no order..i will simply mention people..that i like alot and who helped me to improve. So i will attempt to start with the first person i met ,to the last person..No i will not mention anyone,only those who i think,they deserve. All i mention are my personal favorites and stand on the same liking-level XD

DarkShinobi - The first person i met here and who encouraged me to zone..It is partially his fault that i got in dangers...Ah i miss his can still remember the time when he tried to teach me chakra control, it ended up with the destrution of my own arm.sweet pain! But other than that,he is a great guy,always ready to help other and sacrafice himself.Sadly he is kinda inactive but i heard from him that he tries to get back.I hope he does,he still ows me Ramen.

Kayenta - GRANNY KAY! She is the second Person..why..simple..My arm bluw to pieces and she had to fix it..Yes i was half dead when i first met her and she had to fix me up over and over again.She is an active Rper and knows how to stat festivals in Suna. Once in a while it is her ,who starts some action so the village doesn't fall in an eternal slumber. While Raijin stay in the shadow and keeps Suna together in all silence,she is the one who brings life into the village. Both her and Raijin can be a great team...if they are not too stubborn. However Kayenta is also a great sensei..she doesn't only teach Jutsu in a very creative way,but also attempts to teach people grammar. DarkSasuke and I greatly improved....And i know i am missing '.' again...Kayenta is also always around and cares about anyone ,thus  she is the granny of suna xD

Daichi -  Ah Daichi. I messed with him at the beginning,annoying him with countless questions without even taking a breather. I think i was the only one who angerd him...there was a moment where he wanted to kill me? But despite that,he always attempted to keep a cool head. He is like the wind mostly calm,but violent and cruel if need be and a great roleplayer. He thaught me Fuuton and the importance of using details in my posts..i still fail,though. However ,no matter how often i messed up..he did not stop to be my friend..once you befriend him he will be one of the the best allies,ever. Make him your enemy and you most likely perish...

RenjiNakara - Icy,cold,calculating = Renji. The mysterious Ex-Kiri nin that lives in Suna.He is somewhat of a slaker but has a brilliant mind and an exelent Zoner.He knows how to lure one into traps.Sometimes his way of thinking is sinister. He would be the perfect villian,yet he is not...well so i hope,i am not sure! At one moment he can plot to kill you ,at the other he will just joke. His way of thinking is cold ,he is a Shinobi who uses the village of the sand as test area for icy and deadly jutsu and he is also the one who will use a genjutsu on his best friends,just to teach them a lesson. It could have been done with words,instead he uses genjutsu and fear..Yes this is the friendly Renji. Yet a very good ally.

Raijin - I met him ..around half a year after i joined...or so. He first thought i am a so many others before him.. Daihi ,Kay,Dark i think everyone thought of me as fool. First he disliked me..and i thought of Raijin as cold. I grew to like him however . He sadly is  busy man and manages to stick to the shadows,however he is never to far away. I know he will come to aid,if i call him and he is keeping suna together. Sometimes it is fun to see how Raijin and Kayenta work together,they are a good team.I still do not know much about him...i am sure this will change soon.

Darksasuke -  When i met him,he used chat language...Now his grammar is far better and this all changed within 1-2 years? I think it is incredible,he is incredible.He started as small brat,blowing stuff up with his brother,getting in countless troubels,but then it snapped and he changed. He did not change too much,but he matured . I llike how he grew and i see some sort of friendly rival in him,some sort of brother you could say. Thus is even made sure that he would get a chane to grow even more in RP  :D
Sure he sometimes has a wicked side,but this makes him more intresting!

Saki -  SAKI!I nearly forgot her! I have nearly nothing to say,but..she is dnagerous and creative. I instantly knew that she is most likly better then me,but she knows her limits and she deserves to be council member of Suna. She can be calm and collected and is better with words then me and she  has a wicked way of using Jutsu. Acid and toxins,i love this mix! She is incredible,sadly a bit busy. I feel saver when she is around during an attack,knowing that she will have my back if do something stupid..but this goes for anyone i mentioned.

Bocchiere - My lovely favorite villian,tell me why is Nathan still alive,i told you i need a puppet body? Bocchhhiere is godmodding when  being in teamfights and uses his alts to get in an advantage.He is the offical godmodder i would say.However ,he is one of the'newer' ones who got a Bijuu,i think this is good.It changed the SL world a wee bit. However it doesn't change my mind that i still wanna kill him..but then i do like him cause he brought some action...ah and i love to give him Ichibi action figures and plushies....Bocc..eatin an action figure is not good,though!

Nathan - I do not hate him...i simply love to mess with him.At the beginnign i thought of him as hypocrit,as Godmodder and hell,he was! He changed and sadly i had no chance to zone with him again..However ,he will attempt his best to roleplay properly and it is kinda fun when he is around..

And i sadly  run out of words..i am not good with words >>'

Maybe some more i accidently forgot >>' *keeps forgetting stuff*


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #42 on: November 20, 2011, 07:36:12 PM »

This is marvelous and hilarious at the same time. :D I'd have to make a top 100 to have everyone that needs to be on my list within it. x.x


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #43 on: November 20, 2011, 08:43:50 PM »

Saki is another one I agree about. I am glad that Silver thought to mention her for she is quite skilled.

Haru Maya is another character that needs to have some attention. She is quite skilled and a good person to go on quests with. I look forward to seeing what she will get up to next.


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Re: Current Favorite Characters
« Reply #44 on: November 20, 2011, 08:55:49 PM »

Saki is one of few who beat Renji up! Thus it was easy to keep her in mind. She made a quick progress.

Haru Maya is skilled...sometimes...too...loyal though i remember the time when she nearly killed Yamamoto...even after she knew..that he was a spy working for suna >>'
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