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Author Topic: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!  (Read 13350 times)


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #60 on: February 04, 2012, 04:59:38 PM »

Question: Should the number of KGs per person be limited? If so under what criteria?

I think they should be limited. My character is on the weaker end so that just may be that talking, but the last thing I want to do is actually enter and be sent to my doom against someone with kaguya, Sage of Six paths, and Uchiha resets. I would certainly be butthurt after that match sort of matchup.

Question: How many affinities do the Chuunin NPCs get? Are there any other restrictions that need to be placed upon them

They're NPC"s': things are going to get hectic enough. I know how to post with character aside from my own using different color schemes, but controllin four at a time will require me to know some different color codes. XP. So if anything, the chunin should, for simplicty, have just one affinity per individual. There ARE three of them, and I can think of a least a few combination techniques that could work with the main character having two affinities, then the chunin each having one of the other three elements.

"You may not post the successful completion of ANY action."

I'm not new to RPing, but when you say of any action, does that mean you can't post that you hurled a kunai over the wall and it lands successfully onto the ground outside the wall? Is it that down to earth "see plains zone to get the joke" or are you just trying to tell people not to claim a successful scorching the post they declare they are trying to scorch someone?

"Who may enter? come on guys...are we excluding anyone?"

Well, technically since we are giving out DP, we have to be fair and allow anyone to actually join don't we? Excluding a group (despite misgivings) would probably not be a good idea for a tournament of this sort.

Although, I would like to know who's participating or not. If I have no chance of winning against ANYONE, then I won't even bother signing up.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #61 on: February 04, 2012, 06:01:58 PM »

I am interested in this, and want to participate as a fighter, but why have us use NPC's?


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #62 on: February 04, 2012, 09:41:28 PM »

I will donate some more points for the Jounin Exams, also I can help judge if needed. Lots of interesting Chuunin this year going out!


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #63 on: February 05, 2012, 09:18:44 PM »

I will try to address things the best I can.

@ Arpax: Thank you. I will pencil you in and take all the DP you can throw at me.

@ Reimu: you should have plenty of time. I do hope so. Once I start the Jounin Exam Thread, registrations will be open for two weeks. I should like to restrict each round to one week to schedule the fight and get it completed. I do not think that is too short a time. Of course there will no doubt crop up special circumstances where rescheduling will have to occur. But if this is done through a notification, no disqualifications should be issued.

@Eric: I prefer a more realistic acquisition to gaining and actually using KGs. This issue has been hotly debated for years, I suspect ever since KGs first became available.  Genetically speaking a person should only have one KG. I do not believe if my mother is a Kaguya and my father an Uchiha that both would manifest themselves. I believe one would be a more dominant trait. I also realize that many feel this is unreasonable.  Since this is RP...I really don't care how many times you sat here over the years and pressed a button to earn the EMG. You still didn't kill your best friend and endure all the drama that came with it to activate it through RP. HOWEVER...the trouble with that is a person can just create his character and claim all of that through background information and not even actually RP it here. SO essentially with that rationale, a brand new player could claim any power and that is just not fair to those of us who have put in the time and done the work to earn these things. You can see the point is arguable for both points to be valid. And that is the huge trouble here. Any decision that is made is going to be viewed unfair by many people on either side of this issue. I suppose I could play the part of 'big bad meanie' here and just make a decision...for this event...and not for general RP outside the event.

So....I am not even gonna touch HOW you acquire a KG. That is someone else's nightmare and serves no purpose in this exam.  You may have one KG and three affinities for the exam in use. Chuunin NPCs may have one affinity and no KGs.  Jinchuuriki cannot use any benefits of the bijuu during the exam.  And God help anyone whose opponent has the Rinnegan.  It just seems like an auto win situation to me being, through canon means, an OP KG.  The reason I am saying One KG is because I feel genetically that is how it would be.  I also feel that even if you had more KG, to actually use them would not be possible at Jounin levels due to the amount of training you would have to put into each one.  Despite opening up the exam to everyone regardless of RP or DK rank, for the purposes of this are all Jounin wannabees.

Feel free to express your many KGs in the zones outside this exam. Some leveling of the playing field has to be made. Think of it as being a music major in college and being  in a music appreciation class. You are not being tested on the wealth of musical knowledge that you already possess but ONLY upon the material presented in that entry level course.

@ Isamu: Jounin are the upper crust of the village. They not only have to demonstrate power in battle but an ability to intelligently plan battle strategy as well as show leadership abilities. will have the three person NPC chuunin team to use so that you may demonstrate those other two Jounin abilities in battle. It would be really cool to have real players in those slots. To have combined the Chuunin Exams with a Jounin leader taking his Jounin exam sounds like a dream come true to me. is near impossible to coordinate everyone's schedules to meet and perform the event. get NPCs instead and then only have to coordinate your schedule to meet with one other person rather than 7 more.

@Eric once more...I think you are quite capable of employing three extra color codes to represent your chuunins. Rita....she is a summons? I know you have more of a partnership relationship going on with her than that of a mere summons. I hate to hurt her feelings...but you may want to sneak off and leave her home for this test. I will not push the issue though. You decide what you feel is fair regarding her and I will back you 100% on the issue.

I am scared to go look in the plains now and see what it is you are talking about. Technically...I could do something to stop that kunai from hitting the ground. I know that sounds ridiculous but it is a valid point. Just try to be reasonable. I don't want this turning into the following...

"I try to walk across the street.  Attempting to lift my right foot, presuming that no one does anything to stop me, the muscles in my legs contract, presuming I am not hit with a neurotoxin that prevents my muscles from responding to the synapses occurring in my brain that makes motion possible, and then extend my leg...assuming that no obstacles are suddenly placed in the way and room still exists for my leg to extend into, and then try to plant my foot down on the the likelihood that a sudden sinkhole does not appear and the street still can sustain the weight of my foot.

Upon the successful completion of this first step, I would then try to lift my other leg for the sole purpose of extending my leg and setting my foot back down upon the street that was there when I first thought to cross its width. Should I actually succeed in taking these first steps unimpeded I then would proceed to try to take the next pair of steps with the aim of changing my location toward my destination. Unless some unforeseen series of events occurs, I reach the other side of the street after repeating the required number of steps in order to do so. Feeling pleased by successfully crossing the street I proceed to plan my next course of action assuming this event did not induce a stroke and I am not rushed off to the infirmary instead."

You can see how fun that would be...just please shoot me now and I will go read a book instead.

I feel that for actions that occur against the terrain...the throwing of that could safely assume it hits the earth. Your opponent can always say something like..."Unfortunately despite the wishes of Eric, I intercepted the kunai with one of my own in an attempt to prevent his kunai from reaching the ground.

HOWEVER...that does not mean you can cause massive destruction to a village and just succeed either.  A give and take exists between RPers. Try stuff out, what do you get away with? What is foiled?

@ EVERYONE:   I plan to go ahead and set up the Jounin thread and try to get this balls rolling. Please post the link to the event...which I will post here as well...all over the place. Clan halls MoTD...Clan Mail...Spam your friends list in PM and all that good jazz.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 09:19:46 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #64 on: February 05, 2012, 09:50:07 PM »



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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #65 on: February 06, 2012, 12:54:28 AM »

It's funny that a non-great shinobi nation is hosting these exams. Just saying. >.>

In regards to the kg limitation, I personally think it should be non existent as long as it is validated by resets. Since it's something generally acknowledged. You don't see anyone calling Zenaku out on him having 3kgs and sage mode, specifically cause they were owned in-game. As for the genetic possibility of such, we've already seen a person can have 2kg. So it would be up to them to decide weather they want to look like idiots and claim all 4 to be from their families or look acceptable and have some of them implanted instead, like how Madara from the series has 3 of the in-game kg.

It would be somewhat a discrimination that favors those with little to no resets and does the opposite for those with many.

Well, just sharing my opinion here, it's really up for the "moderators" of these exams to decide.

I suppose I could act as a judge of sorts seeing as I have a decent level of prestige, if such is required/accepted of me. However, not for the following week or so due to college.


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #66 on: February 06, 2012, 03:48:01 AM »

My views on the KGs have been stated above. I do not go around calling anyone out because it is rude. Especially when that someone is a friend. I personally do not feel it is my place to put other's in theirs. Now...if I was asked...well then that is another matter and you get what you ask for.

As for favoring those without maxed enhancements over those that have them? So what? in a match skill should be the deciding factor, not how many toys you have to play with. I favor whatever gets the most people involved. There are plenty of people who will never zone here again because they feel that with the stacking of KGs there really is no point in even trying.

You and I have debated these issues before Rare. To some pretty heated ends. What is accepted is not always in the best interests of all or even necessarily right.

As for this event...

There are too many justifiable options on how to proceed. In order TO proceed, I have set out the criteria that will be in use for this event. Next time someone else should arrange things to provide variety.

There are two weeks of registrations to deal with Rare. You won't miss a thing. And of course I will put you to good use as a judge.

Angra Mainyu

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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #67 on: February 06, 2012, 10:27:37 AM »

Just a little side note: Madara Uchiha possesses 3 Kekkei Genkai (Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mokuton), surpassing the quantity that Mei Terumi possesses.


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #68 on: February 11, 2012, 08:34:41 PM »

Well I am working on a mission thread too.  There are several people asking for missions from me and my alts all the time.  And I have had requests for a place where such things could be collected.  That will be another way to unload some of this excess DP. so...this link will take you there.,6913.0.html
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 09:01:11 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #69 on: February 15, 2012, 06:35:12 PM »

And God help anyone whose opponent has the Rinnegan. 



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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #70 on: February 15, 2012, 06:42:41 PM »

Just a little side note: Madara Uchiha possesses 3 Kekkei Genkai (Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mokuton), surpassing the quantity that Mei Terumi possesses.

His mokuton is implanted though.


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #71 on: February 15, 2012, 11:24:43 PM »

Just a little side note: Madara Uchiha possesses 3 Kekkei Genkai (Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mokuton), surpassing the quantity that Mei Terumi possesses.

His mokuton is implanted though.
[This derp just herped]

One of the HAS to be implanted you realize? It's not like on here when we are miraculously born with the Sharingan, Mokuton, Byakugan, Reingan, all at once.


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #72 on: February 16, 2012, 02:36:47 AM »

Just a little side note: Madara Uchiha possesses 3 Kekkei Genkai (Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mokuton), surpassing the quantity that Mei Terumi possesses.

His mokuton is implanted though.
[This derp just herped]

One of the HAS to be implanted you realize? It's not like on here when we are miraculously born with the Sharingan, Mokuton, Byakugan, Reingan, all at once.
I've seen enough academy students claim to have a Sharingan-Byakugan mix that it really DOES need to be explicately stated that implants were involved.

(S): >.>; Duuuuuude.. do you have Yuri?

(K) -_____________-; Ask Miha.. hes da Master! xD


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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #73 on: February 16, 2012, 05:32:10 AM »

Implants irk if anyone uses implants and not their own abilities earned through RP (I'm speaking about trading eyes/kekkei genkai,etc) during the exams I am considering voiding it. :|
But I wanna hear what the other judges and Kayenta has to say about it...

Angra Mainyu

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Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« Reply #74 on: February 16, 2012, 05:34:29 AM »

Everybody's going for the one-man-army thing these days. Sadly not a lot can be done about remedying that without there being moar hating/haters.
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