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Author Topic: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers  (Read 8181 times)


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A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« on: August 16, 2014, 10:40:51 PM »

I suppose I should start by introducing myself. Hello. Some of you may know me by my handle of Lilienne (Or, even older, Zeromi). Some of you may know me as Mitsuki. Other yet, may not know me at all, which is fair enough.

So behind these characters is a real person, just as you, who is reading this now, is a real person. Maybe I can appeal to that, maybe I can't, but either way, allow me to explain why I'm writing this post today. You see, I've been an active roleplayer for ten years. I started on a different server, before Shinobi Legends even came to existence. Now, I was not very good starting out, of course. I never had an issue with my spelling or grammar, and I did learn to emote and use color before I began posing as a character. However, I had a lot of problems, myself. I originally had overpowered characters, an insane background that made no real sense and was more of a trophy shining than an actual story that revealed motives and drive, and I lacked any initiative to get involved in a larger story. I quickly got tired of being relatively alone and ignored, so I left. Also, back then, your title meant more than your writing and story-telling. That ended up changing, but more on that later.

So I spent some time drifting around different sites to varying degrees. Some of them had roleplay focus, others didn't. I got older, and I matured as well, and I spent less time trying to throw together a really cool, powerful character, and more time in creating the mold that could lead into one. I started taking pride in them, shaping them with real motives, strengths, weaknesses, and made them flexible enough to change, but stoic enough in their beliefs to maintain who they are at core. Characters stopped just being an escape from whatever life was dishing out; they became a living, breathing story in their own right. Villain or hero, they were their own people.

Which brings me to today. Recently, I have come back to SL, and I've returned to that old site I quit eight years prior. I revived my characters in the former, and made an entirely new one in the latter. I become my characters when I immerse myself into that role; they do not become me. They do not become what I want to become, that I wished to become. They are still, at core, just people, not machines in which to reflect how impressive my characters' skills are. That's not what defines a person, and thus, they cannot define my characters. When it is time to play a role, I take this very seriously. My problems cannot be reflected in that character. By no means am I saying that all of you should treat it to the degree I do, or that real life should be completely ignored when you are in character, because at the end of the day, we're still human. A bit of us will leak through.

However, the issue I see is that it leaks through TOO MUCH. All the in-fighting and bickering stems from a few core problems, that I wish to help eliminate for good. It's been far, far too long on far, far too active a site not to develop some ground rules. My take on how things should be redone is far and away to an extreme, but again, that is only because I am very serious about developing a world that deserves to be enjoyed by everyone. I understand, however, that some of what I am about to say is, perhaps, harsh, offensive, or 'going too far' but we can come up with a far less severe set of rules as a whole. But there should definitely be some.

So my first suggestion would be to wipe all characters, in roleplay sense, clean. Obviously, I do not mean the resets, titles, etc. Just the story. Gone. No one has any powers, we all start from scratch. This is, in my opinion, the best thing we can do. However, I also know that this is a really extreme scenario, and that other things, like scaling down existing characters, or setting them to characters who will be created after a certain point, are options. The idea of starting a whole new story is appealing to me, but take that as you will.

My next point would be to set a limit on the Kekkei Genkai. One. ONE PER PERSON. PERIOD. NO EXCEPTIONS. On this rule, I stand completely firm. Also, if you wish to have sage mode later, take that into account, because you're getting ONLY that, and you will be roleplaying someone with no other unique bloodline limits until you reach this. No Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, unless you have legitimately, AND PUBLICLY, performed a transplant by a blood member of your family. No random eye transplants. No Rinnegan through implants or weird, 'I just woke up with it' mumbo-jumbo. These eyes are supposed to be treasured; the eyes of the Sage of Six Paths, and thus, it should be treated as such. My suggestion is we appoint these to ONE person. Just one. How they obtain it is a different matter, but there should be no other user but one person. And no, I do not give a damn how Madara got his, because he's a crap character to begin with when he was finally introduced outside of existence in legend, and is an example of what not to roleplay. You are not Madara. Your character is not Madara. And everyone trying to emulate someone with this much power makes none of you unique.

No non-Naruto abilities. None. This shouldn't even be a point I have to bring up, but for some reason, it is. If you want to be taken seriously, and want people to include you in a bigger part of the story, then at least try to look like you know what you're doing. I have no problems with people having other personal pleasures, but be reasonable. This is the Naruto world. Not the Bleach world. Not the Dragonball Z world. Not Twilight. This is Naruto. This does not mean, of course, you can't make stuff up; on the contrary, unique, custom jutsus are great. Have a theme to represent your character, as long as it's within reason.

So, the last point I will make is how we handle the story itself. Most of you just call it Voiding. I call it 'you no longer have the right to roleplay anymore'. Again, I am being harsh, but this is my personal opinion on how you handle this situation. Why do I feel like that? Because it means you, AS A PLAYER, are obviously not ready to handle the social aspect that goes into a collective story. No, you won't get your way all the time. Suck it up. When you get into a role, you are essentially saying you accept the consequences that come with the unwritten rules. Pulling your character out because you can't handle it, or have some issue with this person in real life, or other nonsense means you should not be participating in the story. You are bringing nothing anyway, so stay out of it. It's no fun to participate with you, and that's what it comes down to. We all want to have fun, but that means not being selfish, and forcing the story to go the way YOU want it to. There are other people here who have come to be a part of that story, too. None of us have complete say in what happens to our characters, but that's kind of the point. The suspense, the surprise. The story is interactive, and if you cannot interact, then simply stay out, saving yourself, and the rest of us, further complications. Or, putting it more nicely, if you can't deal with your character suddenly dying, then maybe you should save yourself a headache.

That's just what I have come up with, but if there's anything more, please, feel free to throw it in. And no personal attacks on each other, please. The point is to help that attitude dissipate, because there's enough out of character fighting as it is. If you have something to say, be mature about it. Again, what I have written are merely suggestions, and can be discussed further on how we, as a community, want to go about a game-wide change in the roleplay, but I would like to make it that way; game-wide. I apologize if it's a long read, but this is something very important to me, and I hope you all take pride enough in your own characters that is important to you, too.



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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 01:32:39 AM »

Greetings Zeromi, and welcome to the forums.

For those that might be unmotivated to read her exquisite entry in detail, allow me to summarize her suggestions:

1. Start the server from scratch when it comes to role-play; rebuild the world from the ground up.
2. Limit Kekkei Genkai and/or special abilities to one per character. Rinnegan should be held by no more than one person at a time.
3. Remember that this world is a Naruto world; don't use powers from other universes, such as One Piece, Bleach, Twilight, Dragon Ball Z, Fairy Tail, et cetera.
4. Handle the combined story better -- understand that things will not always go one's way, and that one shouldn't simply attempt to back out every time it doesn't. If one can't get along and act maturely, they shouldn't be a part of the plot.

There was also a hidden message here that very much needs to be emphasized:

We have no canonical plot in the background, no central conflict; this is an open world where we write ourselves into and out of creation and everything currently comes from our interactions.

I become my characters when I immerse myself into that role; they do not become me. They do not become what I want to become, that I wished to become. They are still, at core, just people, not machines in which to reflect how impressive my characters' skills are. That's not what defines a person, and thus, they cannot define my characters. When it is time to play a role, I take this very seriously. My problems cannot be reflected in that character. By no means am I saying that all of you should treat it to the degree I do, or that real life should be completely ignored when you are in character, because at the end of the day, we're still human. A bit of us will leak through.

Before I respond to any other points, I want to underline this one. This is what marks the difference between an acceptable author and a wonderful writer. Our characters are just that; they exist in role-play as separate entities from ourselves. Based on how they're written, they have different thoughts and feelings; different emotions, goals, and reasons than we. One should never intertwine the two.
For example, Darkshinobi doesn't trust anyone, with four exceptions. There are Sannin in our village that he remains wary of; he will never for an instant lower his guard in public, because friends have died or betrayed him or various other myriad instances that have completely broken his trust in the world.
I'm not that cynical; I tend to freely explain things that should best be kept secret. In reality, I trust the person behind Jestar or Kora or Kite, though Dark will never.
In short, there's a complete difference between role-play and reality. I honestly hope that everyone keeps this in mind.

As for a response to your points, Zeromi, I'll try to edit them on in a bit.


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2014, 01:45:27 AM »

Actually, I should restate something about the first point I brought up. The case of wiping everything is my own, personal opinion. What I was trying to say there is that extreme does not need to be taken, but, going forward, we should try to keep ourselves, as a whole, in check as to how our characters develop. Remember that clicking a button does not help you roleplay; your writing does, and we should emphasize this part. We can keep everything the same, I was only suggesting that, from this point on, we should try to develop a more defined outline as far as character development and story goes. How we transition into that should be a group decision.

Edit: I cannot believe you, of all people, had to summarize me. >.>
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 01:50:56 AM by Lilienne »


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2014, 05:39:14 AM »

I actually wanted to gather the Tailed Beasts and become the Shinju host just to kill everyone and reboot the rp world by force. So that would be ok with me.

Kyutu - Super King -

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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2014, 05:40:18 AM »

Dark did, if you hadn't noticed.

To give a response to the actual topic, I'm going to hands down say that it isn't possible. On all points, just about.

1. This is going to come across as a slap in the face to people who care deeply about their characters. Some people have been legitimately using their characters for years non-stop. To tell them to completely remove those and restart is not at all going to go over well.

2. Not all Kekkei Genkai are even. If this is to 'make it fair', you'd have to try harder. Further more, what counts as a kekkei genkai anymore? We have people who are basically immortal zombies, yet technically that's not a kekkei genkai. Good base, but needs more thought.

3. I agree with this. Zanpacto are silly. Custom jutsu, so long as they follow the naruto-verse rules (which are loose in and of themselves) are fine in my book.

4. This is a problem with people in general, not specifically the site. This would be more than just a 'rule change' but would need a 'societal change'.
>INB4 banned for opinions.


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2014, 06:01:23 AM »

Well, that's fine and all, but the point here is to offer suggestions, not just agree/disagree with me. That's not helpful. I'm looking for everyone else's ideas on how to keep things in check, and what we can do in the future that will prevent as much of the crazy OOCness that happens mid-plot.


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2014, 06:55:32 AM »

This is not going to go well.

I've done just that with my SL experience, when it comes to creating a mold and growing my character's abilities to fill it. This consisted of getting inspired by Asura's Wrath, forming a mold to make a character that could probably and literally punch things repeatedly to death, into death repeatedly, in death repeatedly. I even did some adjustments to the mold once there was more room to grow. And I'm sure that many others on SL has done the same.

Though here's the thing. RP is entirely secondary on SL. It's rules and such are made by the players, or at least those who would lend their voice to do so. We've had the topic before of debuffing or even wiping the slate again and again. And the same conclusion would usually be that not everybody is going to agree to that.

The best thing that I could suggest, is to start working your way up. I used to be a two-reset Uchiha scrub back when I came back to SL. Now I'm running a village, moving mountains and mostly everybody loves me.


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2014, 07:17:28 AM »

Now I'm running a village, moving mountains and mostly everybody loves me.
I love you Kage <3

Yeah I'm not interested in this being a thing, so I'm gonna just continue to RP as the insanely overpowered character I like to RP as.

1. This is going to come across as a slap in the face to people who care deeply about their characters. Some people have been legitimately using their characters for years non-stop. To tell them to completely remove those and restart is not at all going to go over well.

I haven't been using this particular incarnation of Sabu for years but I'm literally going to laugh at you if you say I have to stop using my character, OP or not, because nobody could ever make me do that, and it is actually quite a slap in the face.
That's all I have to say about this.

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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2014, 07:24:26 AM »

Edit: I cannot believe you, of all people, had to summarize me. >.>

It wasn't for my own sake; there are quite a few on here who don't feel as though they have the time to invest in thoroughly reading a topic, as evidenced above.

For those that might be unmotivated to read her exquisite entry in detail, allow me to summarize her suggestions:

1. Start the server from scratch when it comes to role-play; rebuild the world from the ground up.
Revised: The above is her recommended final extremity; she merely suggests that we remember that in-game resets don't matter as much as one's writing capability. In short, writing should be held in a higher regard than one's account.
2. Limit Kekkei Genkai and/or special abilities to one per character. Rinnegan should be held by no more than one person at a time.
3. Remember that this world is a Naruto world; don't use powers from other universes, such as One Piece, Bleach, Twilight, Dragon Ball Z, Fairy Tail, et cetera.
4. Handle the combined story better -- understand that things will not always go one's way, and that one shouldn't simply attempt to back out every time it doesn't. If one can't get along and act maturely, they shouldn't be a part of the plot.

There was also a hidden message here that very much needs to be emphasized:

We have no canonical plot in the background, no central conflict; this is an open world where we write ourselves into and out of creation and everything currently comes from our interactions.

I become my characters when I immerse myself into that role; they do not become me. They do not become what I want to become, that I wished to become. They are still, at core, just people, not machines in which to reflect how impressive my characters' skills are. That's not what defines a person, and thus, they cannot define my characters. When it is time to play a role, I take this very seriously. My problems cannot be reflected in that character. By no means am I saying that all of you should treat it to the degree I do, or that real life should be completely ignored when you are in character, because at the end of the day, we're still human. A bit of us will leak through.

Lili, I believe that Kyutu's disagreement was intended as constructive criticism.
I'm...Low on time again; forgive this for sounding blunt.

These points are all related to the community at large, and I fear that I'll have to agree with Kyutu insofar that most of them won't be widely-received.

1. The original recommendation to reset the server simply won't happen. I agree with the idea, but too many people have worked too hard on their characters to simply acknowledge it. To be frank, even if Bocchiere does obtain the Ten Tails and metaphorically nuke the world, it'll be ignored by the masses.
The revised recommendation makes most sense. I've argued for a long time that which is emoted in canon should have precedence over that which is obtained through out-of-character resets.
And I've rarely had a problem with those acknowledging me for obtaining abilities through role-play. For the most part, it's an either-or scenario where one can come to power through both means'. There are a few people who swear entirely by the rebirths, though.
2. This has been discussed before and while I agree entirely with the principle, the community has given a thorough and resounding no. Too many have worked too long and hard to attain their abilities to simply let them go. For a good deal of this community, the fact that they're overpowered is why they're here; they want to be able to throw satellites around.
If anything, I suggest that another forum is attempted where rules such as these can be more completely regulated. In an open-world scenario such as this with no moderation, there is almost no way to enforce this.
3. This is something I believe the community at large can agree upon. We are in a Naruto World, and to this we need to stick.
4. Again, without some sort of moderation, this is a task that seems impossible. The leaders of a village or clan have the right to decide if one acting -- in their opinion -- unbecoming is allowed to participate with their members, but they cannot control the server in its entirety.
The best one could hope for is for each of the major powers to agree that one person should no longer be interacted with; in practice, I'm not entirely sure this has ever happened.

I'm out of time, so I can only give feedback for the moment; this feedback, as Kyutu's, is intended with the hopes that we can find a more realistic version of these ideals. I'll try to give ideas of my own at a later date.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 07:27:13 AM by Darkshinobi »


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2014, 07:28:46 AM »

I'm not gonna nuke the world that'd be silly. I'm just going to Tengei Shinsei the moon into the planet. >>


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2014, 12:26:04 PM »

So, first of all, thanks for at least a few replies. Maybe we can get the ball rolling.

Secondly, I know he was being constructive, but my issue was that it fell under the "The problem with "x" is this" and that's kind of where it ended. What I want to see more of is "The problem with "x" is this, so I think that another solution should be "y" instead."

And the fact is we aren't being very polite as a community, which is why this is all being brought up. But I'd like to hear more suggestions as to what all of you want to do, or what you think will work, kind of like what Darkshinobi was doing in his post. But it is clear what has been happening for years now has forced many good people away, and I simply don't want to keep seeing more people get fed up.

So bring on your own personal suggestions.


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2014, 06:25:46 PM »

This site is lame, cause some people on here are just way too serious. I've said it like at least four times now, be nice. That's it, a very simple, yet "difficult" solution to most problems on SL.

If we as a community cant get along, perhaps it's time to some mutes and bans, that would likely silence a few mouths.
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So just use the word mmmkay!


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2014, 07:22:25 PM »

4] stop trying to exclude others by trying to make this a Naruto Canon Universe. Search other threads for why. its been discussed to death.

Yeah, this is something I have an issue with. At a certain point if somebody wants to pretend that they're a Jedi when everyone else is in the Naruto universe it just becomes anti-fun. That is their enjoyment is impeding on my ability to interact and have fun. How are you supposed to respond to getting force choked when there's no mechanism to counter that in the Naruto universe?

Or what about techniques that are traditionally protected, such as Hiriashin? Doesn't mean much to go to such great lengths to 'protect' that when I can just say I know how to apparate or create port keys. What is somebody going to do if I just decide to Avada Kedavra them while we're at it?

At a certain point we all need to agree which world we're in if we all want to play nicely -- we all need to play by the same rules.


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2014, 09:19:47 PM »

So this is my first forum post and those who don't know me well I've been called an above-average RPer (I won't go as far as say 'great' as I'm not one to push my luck). One point I haven't seen put in to argument is everyone is born to TWO parents. So if this were to be put in to place does this mean your character only gets their abilities from one and the other was just a mediocre shinobi or even a non-shinobi? Granted Chu only has one actual bloodline ability (Futton), his other two main abilities being an implanted Byakugan and Usagi Sennin Modo. Heck, I don't even use that eye much anymore.


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Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2014, 09:33:11 PM »

So this is my first forum post and those who don't know me well I've been called an above-average RPer (I won't go as far as say 'great' as I'm not one to push my luck). One point I haven't seen put in to argument is everyone is born to TWO parents. So if this were to be put in to place does this mean your character only gets their abilities from one and the other was just a mediocre shinobi or even a non-shinobi? Granted Chu only has one actual bloodline ability (Futton), his other two main abilities being an implanted Byakugan and Usagi Sennin Modo. Heck, I don't even use that eye much anymore.

On the topic of getting abilities from both parents that is up for debate really.  We can't say for certain how Kekkei Genkai are passed on genetically, but the canon seems clear that one KG is normal (and they're not even shared by everyone in the clan, such as the Yuki bloodline.) while having multiple is either the result of genetic experimentation or extremely rare, akin to something like Heterochromia iridum (two different colored eyes in the same person).

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