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Author Topic: Attempt to strip the 7 tails  (Read 19346 times)


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #60 on: August 17, 2014, 11:16:17 PM »

Quote from: Kageri
I think the question is more 'Does Sabu have a right to void and keep his tailed beast?' and, correct me if I am wrong, Hono is claiming that he was only voiding to avoid losing -- therefore, the tailed beast goes to him.

I don't see anything wrong with Hono saying 'Take up as if he wasn't there' since Sabu was trying to void, though it does make me wonder why he didn't try to claim the beast then and there.

I don't see why this wasn't brought up weeks ago but Hono himself said that he has a life and our jobs sometimes get the best of us.

I also kinda want to bring up the whole "loop-hole" with voiding a fight while still maintaining the beast as a Jinchuuriki.
It's kinda their obligation to carry on that roleplay according to the rules that everyone; including the Akatsuki that likes to bring up when their beasts are in danger of leaving their hands.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 11:18:19 PM by Camel »


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #61 on: August 17, 2014, 11:32:44 PM »

Quote from: Kageri
I think the question is more 'Does Sabu have a right to void and keep his tailed beast?' and, correct me if I am wrong, Hono is claiming that he was only voiding to avoid losing -- therefore, the tailed beast goes to him.

I don't see anything wrong with Hono saying 'Take up as if he wasn't there' since Sabu was trying to void, though it does make me wonder why he didn't try to claim the beast then and there.

I don't see why this wasn't brought up weeks ago but Hono himself said that he has a life and our jobs sometimes get the best of us.

I also kinda want to bring up the whole "loop-hole" with voiding a fight while still maintaining the beast as a Jinchuuriki.
It's kinda their obligation to carry on that roleplay according to the rules that everyone; including the Akatsuki that likes to bring up when their beasts are in danger of leaving their hands.

They have an obligation to carry on a RP fight in which the tailed beast is contested. Now, if we want to discuss whether the tailed beast was being contested for, then I'm all up for pointing out that Sabu shouldn't have went in to have a 1v1 with Hono IC knowing full well no sensible person would fight 1v1 without strings attached.

If we're not going to point out that a host put themselves on the line by attacking, then go ahead and lay the flowers on the issue. Since of course you bring up a good point, I doubt the latter will be happening anytime soon since even if the hunters don't have to go hunting and the hunted go to them, the rules would still come into play if one side wants to take the beast.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #62 on: August 17, 2014, 11:39:57 PM »

It's true that Jinchuuriki have an obligation to continue any official plots they begin.
However, this doesn't hold true if the plots are corrupted or participants don't act fairly. If it's true that the other Akatsuki members planned on coming one way or another and were denied entry through out-of-character means, this changes things.

As Kageri's said several times now, my final judgment wouldn't really matter much considering the fight was voided before it could be given. If they want to continue the fight from where it was, I can give the judgment and allow them to proceed;  I seriously doubt this is the case, though.

My honest recommendation is for Hono and Sabumaru to have a fight where the results reflect in RP; if one side dies, they're dead. As indicated before, they should set up all rules and choose a judge beforehand. This would best resolve the matter.

If both sides refuse to ever acknowledge the other in something as serious and server-impacting as a Bijuu, we're likely to see the same splits we did before where multiple Jinchuuriki of the same Tailed Beast ran around -- and that's just purely not acceptable.

Since of course you bring up a good point, I doubt the latter will be happening anytime soon since even if the hunters don't have to go hunting and the hunted go to them, the rules would still come into play if one side wants to take the beast.

This is a good point for the future, though; since all fights are now canon unless something unusual happens, regardless of whether one is attacking or defending the rules will come into play -- Bijuu can be taken in either instance.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 11:49:32 PM by Darkshinobi »


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #63 on: August 18, 2014, 06:02:46 AM »

If someone came up to me and said they were going to try and capture the 4 tails, and then summoned an Edo Tensei Kaguya Ōtsutsuki and claimed she instantly teleported me to a dimension made entirely of black holes, I would not need to get a judge to make a decision. That is blatant god modding, and I can void any attempt to interact with me in such a fashion.

If I went to Konoha to kill Nathan back when he had the 4 tails and then Dark and Tsuyo tried to stop me I'm pretty sure I would get laughed out of the village if I went "Well you know Tsuyo is mean to me and I think Dark is a god modder, so I'm not going to acknowledge them in this rp." That was what Hono did.

 I had knowledge of Sabu's situation via the Akatsuki rings and means to get to Yama via Desare's Kamui. Hono did not allow us to rp in defense of our clanmate though. Saying that someone who has every right to join an rp is not allowed to is god modding. It’s not like I’m just making this up now I said it before when Hono made his topic.

Yes that is what we have to deal with here. There's really no arguing with him.

We have explained it many times to Hono but since he refuses to understand what we are saying Madara and I will be entering the rp in the second fashion that we conceived.

I also agree this can be locked.


Jk, Hono kicked me out of the clan, so he fully intends to ignore me to try and avoid dying. Yaaaaaaaaaaay.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 08:04:03 am by bocchiere

No one in my clan has done anything worthy of the punishment of having to fight Hono so if it comes down to it I will fight him. Though I don't see how it would as voiding that rp was no different than refusing to fight someone trying to use Byakusharinnegan on you.


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #64 on: August 18, 2014, 06:36:25 AM »

Here is the two cents from someone no one really cares to hear from <3

I think this is all pointless, even if we sat here and argued and bickered for days and days.

Sabu voided the fight and went on to RP in several other places, one of them being in Iwagakure.

Hono went on to RP in his village as if nothing had ever happened, up until now.

Now, there is a point I mention those seemingly unimportant things, but I'll get to that in a minute. I'm going to use myself and Aaron as examples.

Pretend the two of us are fighting, me as Hazama and him as Dark. Dark makes a post where he breaks out some incredibly broken and overpowered insta-kill technique and uses it on one of my summons. My summon dies and I don't argue the attack or anything.

And then, ten more posts into the fight between himself and I, he breaks out the same attack. This time, instead of it aiming to hit a summon of mine, it threatens to kill me instead! And you think I'll let that slide?! So, I bring it up to argue the move!

Regardless of how fair the move is ruled in the end, I already acknowledged it fully earlier in the fight, and therefore I can't even start an argument, technically. After the fight, sure! But when you acknowledge something by not arguing about it that posting round, then you initially screw yourself later on in the fight.

NOW, you may be asking yourself 'what the hell is he getting at' and it's simple! This RP, the whole voiding the fight thing, I was involved and I remember it fairly well. I also remember hearing both sides of why it was voided and whatever, but that doesn't matter.

As said by Eric(I don't want to get the quote) Hono posted about RP being fine, it being voided, and things can move on like that are. Okay, those are OOC words and may not count towards anything. But, Hono has continued to actively RP since this RP was voided. Now, feel free to shoot me down if you feel like I am wrong, but he didn't bring this matter up right away. Actually, it's been a month(?) or something close.

The amount of RP that Hono has done since then, as well as Sabu, almost erases Hono's ability to even argue about trying to strip Sabu of the beast. In my opinion, at least, it's just like a fight but on a much larger scale. Both parties moved on with their lives as if nothing happened, and now later on, one of them is trying to bring up an argument when it's already past the point of return.

That's like me trying to suddenly argue that Nightfall and Sabu screwed up in the Uzushio scandal and I want my beast back. I have done RP since then, a fair amount has happened for both our characters, and the RP was voided. Does that mean I have the same right to argue about the Seven Tails? (Not that I want to, don't really care anymore.) It's the same logic, just different situation.

If Sabu being stripped was such a big deal, then it would have had a topic the moment Sabu left the halls. Instead, it was pushed to the side until now. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing to try and screw over Sabu is actually the plan of a group of friends who get together, and they are simply using Hono as their 'front' while secretly fueling his flames. Or if this is just their sick way of laughing and getting kicks by trying to poorly stir up hornets nests here on SL.

Regardless, I hope someone takes my point into consideration. Or don't. Oh well. ^^
(Probably a lot of spelling errors throughout this post, sorry if it messes up anything too bad.)
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #65 on: August 18, 2014, 06:38:50 AM »

Hono claims he has not done any rp in the meantime I am correct. If Hazama is right and Hono is lying, again, then I believe this topic has just been finished.


I am calm. lol I am just being passionate; I know when I am right.
We never continued RP, most the people were upset and left the village and the next thing I RP'd was being the 7-tails Jinchuuriki after sealing it.

The screenie said that they could RP, but no one did. I didn't; I gave up and felt like quiting SL because things like this always happen.

Yeah there it is. So what actually happened?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 06:41:55 AM by bocchiere »


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #66 on: August 18, 2014, 07:04:20 AM »

If Sabu being stripped was such a big deal, then it would have had a topic the moment Sabu left the halls. Instead, it was pushed to the side until now. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing to try and screw over Sabu is actually the plan of a group of friends who get together, and they are simply using Hono as their 'front' while secretly fueling his flames. Or if this is just their sick way of laughing and getting kicks by trying to poorly stir up hornets nests here on SL.

If that's true then I'm extremely offended.
Wait, wait, I'm already really offended.

This is a joke. I left that RP because of Honō's bs. And I told a lot of people that was why I left, including Honō who's apparently just lying out his butt all over this thread.
I've said if he wants it he can come take it. But he didn't actually manage to kill me (shocker) and I'm fine with a 1v1 if he properly comes and challenges me.

This is a month too late. I've done WAY too much in RP to just suddenly not be the host. It would ruin like everything I did in the last month, just because Honō suddenly decided to try and screw me. That's not gonna fly with me, because it's a ridiculous attempt at character control.

If he wants a fight then he can fight Bocchy, I'm literally not putting up with him, mostly because of garbage like this.

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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #67 on: August 18, 2014, 07:07:24 AM »

Ok so Hono has not rp'd since then. Adreis was just making an assumption for some reason that he had and got me all excited.

So ignoring that, yeah what Sabu said.


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #68 on: August 18, 2014, 07:21:10 AM »

sorry but I am corn fused now.

why would someone else fight your bijuu match Sabu? You are the host.

is there a rule now that hosts can have champions stand in for them?

It's always been a rule that you can do whatever you can get people to agree to.

We do not have to a field a 1v1 challenge against Hono, so if he wants one he'll be fighting me.


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #69 on: August 18, 2014, 07:39:23 AM »

sorry but I am corn fused now.

why would someone else fight your bijuu match Sabu? You are the host.

is there a rule now that hosts can have champions stand in for them?

It's always been a rule that you can do whatever you can get people to agree to.

We do not have to a field a 1v1 challenge against Hono, so if he wants one he'll be fighting me.

And if he's not fine with that then I'll happily step on his face.

I'd just rather not because I loathe how unbearable he is to RP with. The process he went through for "stripping" me was pathetic, and I find him rude, childish and bratty.
These aren't potshots by the way, these are the reasons I voided that RP, and the same reasons I prefer to pretend like he doesn't exist. Which is totally legal even as a jinchūriki so long as I don't just ignore him when he actually tries to come and take it, which he never did. There was NO attempt from him to actually talk to me about it other than "Chōmei is automatically mine now" after I left, at which point I just blocked him because the function is to use on people harassing you, which I felt he was doing continuously. He repeatedly insulted me and called me a liar and I was not having it.
And no I didn't save the messages because IT WAS A MONTH AGO and I did not expect anyone to take this seriously. Obviously I was wrong.

Bocc's eager to crush him, I'm eager to continue with believing that there is a god and he wouldn't create such an impossible human being and make me deal with him. So I'd rather let them fight than torture myself.

But if he really wants me, he has to come get me, same as everyone else. Just deciding a month later to claim my beast is not okay with me, and I won't stop RPing as Chomp's host. Too little too late.

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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #70 on: August 18, 2014, 05:01:45 PM »

I didn't really want to post here and get involved with this headache, but it involves my village so I guess I have to. I'll make it clear now that I like the idea of RP being fun, so the RP in Konoha will continue regardless of who gets the Bijuu.

Next, Sabu voided himself before the decision was made and, as Booc' told me last night, you can't void Bijuu matters, so I believe Honor has the Seven-Tails because Sabu voided himself. Any who, just felt the need to inform you all that the RP will not be put on hold because of something this trivial.

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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #71 on: August 18, 2014, 05:09:51 PM »

I am done arguing with Tyrants and people who scream and cry for what they want rather than actually trying to argue the facts.

I will not listen to Bocchiere raging as I am not suppose to interact.
Other than that Sabu, you ran away; you claim I am being OP

Now, I don't care what you say, people; mods judges and all, know what happened. You ran when you knew you would lose.

This GM, MG, or OP move he is saying is unfair is a Raiton infused Aburma Tech and a simple raiton field. B rank at best used by a person above anbu rank.
This is silly. You can't admit when your wrong, and my RP will not suffer for it.

Regards, Hono Uzumaki
P.S: I am sorry this happened this way, wish we could be nicer to eachother about this :/ especially when I was the whole time and all you are doing is 'claiming' I am doing something I am not. :/

The Akatsuki is calling someone else OP. Funny xD

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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #72 on: August 18, 2014, 05:11:47 PM »

You may lock this Sabu is no longer the Jinchuuriki. Thanks.


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #73 on: August 18, 2014, 06:06:57 PM »

You may lock this Sabu is no longer the Jinchuuriki. Thanks.

When was that decided?  :-?

I'm all for let's fight to the bitter end, but that's a bit of a stretch. Nathan put in his two cents about it and you pretty much call it a done deal?

There is no statue of limitations that I know of, but we are talking about a month here. Not only are we talking about a month, we are talking about auto giving someone a biju. I and Warren got into issues because Warren got attacked in the RP that we were doing with Kay.

There was a debacle, and eventually, it was decided that Warren and his attacker would just do a 1v1. I slunk out of the aftermath and made my way out of the crosshairs of a certain team of hunters (justly or not, it's the way it went down). The entire precedent set is that a host can't just choose not to RP with hunters simply because they don't want to.

At the same time, it also set that the biju can be fought for 1v1 like the old challenges if no other compromise could be made. Especially since the issue was a month old thing that didn't come up till certain circumstances lined up, an alternative to strip seems to be in order. Activity issues being the cause or no, I have serious objections to just handing the tailed beast over because of some sleight of this sort.

Sabu says he is willing to do 1v1, and so does Hono. As far as I see it, they can do their 1v1 to settle the matter. Sabu does not want to, but he cannot shrug it off to Bocc, or anyone else for that matter.

If we were to decide that Hono gets the tailed beast automatically based on the justification that Sabu voided himself out of a RP he put himself in danger of, then should I get prepared for a 1v1 with Dark (or any member of that team)? Should I go ahead and hand Konoha back thier tailed beast because of the way I slunk out of that months old conflict?

If so, then I demand my time fighting Kokuo be compensated for training my sage mode. >_>
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Attempt to strip the 7 tails
« Reply #74 on: August 18, 2014, 06:17:26 PM »

Ok so now Nathan has joined the completely ignore what I am saying party.


For the fifth time. Hono.  BLATANTLY. GOD. MODDED. When he refused to allow more Akatsuki members join the rp. Any time someone blatantly cheats, like claiming to be a Super Saiyan or something, you do not have to rp with them.

When I said you cannot void bijuu fights to Nathan yesterday it was because I was telling him that he could not void me coming to Konoha to kill Hono if it was decided he has it, because me coming to Konoha is not god mod.  Thank you for taking time to come here and twist my words.
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