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Author Topic: The grey area.  (Read 4479 times)


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The grey area.
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:33:55 PM »

I am starting this topic for one reason. To try and wipe out as much grey area as possible when it comes to techniques. I am tired of people's excuses for god moding being "Well there are no rules for it, so I can use it however I want." I refuse to accept that as a valid argument anymore.

So, this is a wide spread topic where anyone can post techniques they think need specific rules. Mine being: Izanagi, Chibaku tensei and it's correlation to the Deva path cool down time (If any.), and finally Kotoamatsukami and if it should even be allowed.

I am sure there a many techniques that need rules and regulations, these are just the few that are off the top of my head. (Sarcastic jabs are not welcome. You know who you are.)

For Izanagi, I think there should only be a one turn/death limit for it. It is literally the most powerful genjutsu in the world as it allows you to escape any form of damage imaginable. There need to be a specific way to use the technique, and how post it in your fights. If you activate the technique in one post, but do not take any damage, may it be self inflicted or otherwise, then it could potentially last more than one turn. Though if you do so happen to die after it's activation, you cannot continue to use the same Izanagi. You should also be forced to leave hints behind that the technique is still active to avoid meta gaming or any other form of unfair RP.

I am really just coming up with this off the top of my head so if you have a better idea of how to regulate the jutsu please post it.

Planetary Devastation is my next point to make. I firmly believe that this technique should fall under the Deva path cool down time. It is a horrifically powerful technique that literally lets you destroy the surrounding area and everything inside of it. (We have all seen the Anime/Manga so I don't need to describe much.) it has come up in a Biju fight that I am in, and while I think it should in fact fall under the Cool down, my opponent did not.

He gave me Anime examples of how it looks as if Pain/Nagato is using Shinra at the same time as Chibaku. Now, my rebuttal was the actual Manga chapters showing that he never used Shinra at the same time, but he still made a good point. "Just because it was not shown in the Manga does not mean it isn't fully canon." I am paraphrasing of course, but you get the jist. I consulted Kamui and he agreed with me, but I need to know what you guys think.

Kotoamatsukami (Or however the fudge you spell it) Now...It's character control as fuck, and most people void it outright. No eye contact is needed, and most people will never know they are under genjutsu unless someone else tells them. Now, It's up in the air for me if it should be nerfed or just voided outright. If there were to be nerfs...I would suggest eye contact is a must obviously. Uhm, you can use it once, and you have to wait ten years? (basically meaning you get a one time use and it's done.)
Possibly just have it as a kill move. As most eye genjutsu amount to death if they are to work it would be paramount to the same thing with Koto. If in battle, all you can make your opponent do is off themselves and it's over. If it's in RP...Well I would get permission from the person OOC before attempting something like this, but I guess you could try and manipulate them, but it's just so much character control.

The more  I write about it, the more I just say get rid of it. I'm sure you all agree.

If you agree/Disagree with my thoughts, tell me! Also add any jutsu that you think should be brought to light.
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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2014, 09:29:40 PM »

Quote from: rusaku
Kotoamatsukami (Or however the fudge you spell it) Now...It's character control as fuck, and most people void it outright.


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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2014, 10:32:02 PM »

Quote from: rusaku
Kotoamatsukami (Or however the fudge you spell it) Now...It's character control as fuck, and most people void it outright.


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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2014, 11:11:42 PM »

Don't know how to treat Izanagi, but from Danzo's use of it, it needs to be activated before you die or something. Like, your mind has to go through a moment of realization that you ARE going to die from whatever is attacking you. It's a last-ditch effort technique that costs one of your precious eyes. The reason why it's even considered a Kinjutsu is because of two facts:
  • You cast a genjutsu on the reality around yourself, essentially manipulating reality.
  • You lose an eye bearing the doujutsu which the Uchiha are known for, and thereby reduce your field of vision to only a single eye, creating for yourself a literal blind spot.
So when you do come back from your apparent avoidance of death, you better take your opponent out quick, because you probably used a butt-load of chakra to manipulate reality, and you're down one eye.

Chibaku Tensei probably requires some sort of cool-down, but not on the level of a grand Shinra Tensei. While casting the technique, it should be noted that the user shouldn't be able to use any other Deva Path-related powers. A skilled Rinnegan-user should be able to have their other Path abilities to help defend themselves, and that's still a butt-load of other abilities at their disposal. But don't forget, you're already using a butt-load of chakra casting Chibaku Tensei itself.

And Kotoamatsukami is pretty much universally voided. Especially since people are getting into the habit of acquiring Senju cells in order to use it once a day. But that's more like twice a day, if it's in both eyes.

I know that people say that your chakra level isn't taken into account anymore, but anybody with chakra-sensing abilities or a chakra-seeing doujutsu should be able to gauge their opponent's chakra level. But that isn't to say, that they can essentially call them out in the same posting. Rather, it should be the opponent that mentions the amount of chakra they used, or how much they have left in their pool, before the calling begins. And in this, there are tons of other factors to take into account as well.


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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2014, 11:37:55 PM »

Izanagi generally has to be activated before death, yes, only way to get around that is prepare a transcription (if thats the word) seal beforehand. Better question is just how much damage can it reverse?

While reviving yourself might seem op, it actually isn't all that terrible if your bodys well enough preserved, you just refresh it up and restart vital functions with the transcribe. While the fact at least one eye has to be intact for it to work is obvious, it still brings up another question; is it freeform like normal Izanagi, or does the action have to be included in the seal? Meaning if you for example try revive yourself like Madara, but body is torn to pieces, you'll either instantly die again or it simply won't work. Personally kinda leaning towards the set action, cause if you consider Itachi's usage of it, the Mangekyo and consequent Amaterasu were only ever set to activate from eye contact with Obito's sharingan.

Moving on to Chibaku Tensei. To my understanding it doesn't have a cooldown like the push and pull moves, but as aforementioned one of any noteworthy size (Nagato vs Naruto) can be quite a chakra hog. Even for us gods with limitless chakras I'd daresay that's at the very least going to slow down their activation since you have to build up your chakra again. Given a little time then sure, you'll have room to work around, but something like a huge CT immediately followed with a giant mega laz0r of doom? Not happening bro.

Kotoamatsukami, as Kage mentioned, problem is the only canon clear estimate of time was given with two more unsuitable hosts for the eye than the last; Danzo and a friggin crow. A more legit uchiha could recharge it considerably faster, not necessarily in a day but possibly within the week still. As for its actual usage, if you want to eliminate the trolling potential of it, just ask for OOC permission. Otherwise lest you immediately break it on accident with a giant chakra flex, or someone else breaks it for you, its basically 'I looked at you, and now you're a suicidal maniac who will kill him/herself immediately'.


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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2014, 01:38:37 AM »

Going straight to chakra usage. I had thought of a system where each rp rank made; weather it be genin, sannin, kage, w/e would be given with an amount of chakra. You know what I'll just template it.

Rank | Chakra points
Academy student| 10
Chunin | 15
Jonin | 25
Sannin | 35
Kage | 50

Now we add in KG

Uchiha | +5
Hyuuga | +5
Senju | +7
Ice | +7
Gates | 1 (?)
Kaguya | +3
Rinnegan | +8
Sage Mode | +8

So someone who's a kage with Uchiha, Senju, Rinnegan, and kaguya would have like 74 chakra points.

And thennnn we add how much a technique costs. Chibaku costs like 35 and so on and so forth. This would eliminate everyone having 4 bijuu's worth of chakra. Just was a thought.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2014, 02:35:44 AM »

And thennnn we add how much a technique costs. Chibaku costs like 35 and so on and so forth. This would eliminate everyone having 4 bijuu's worth of chakra. Just was a thought.

I think you're on to something.
*Cough* We have people claiming Bijuu level chakra, 5x over to be exact.*cough*


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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2014, 03:05:47 AM »

Going straight to chakra usage. I had thought of a system where each rp rank made; weather it be genin, sannin, kage, w/e would be given with an amount of chakra. You know what I'll just template it.

Rank | Chakra points
Academy student| 10
Chunin | 15
Jonin | 25
Sannin | 35
Kage | 50

Now we add in KG

Uchiha | +5
Hyuuga | +5
Senju | +7
Ice | +7
Gates | 1 (?)
Kaguya | +3
Rinnegan | +8
Sage Mode | +8

So someone who's a kage with Uchiha, Senju, Rinnegan, and kaguya would have like 74 chakra points.

And thennnn we add how much a technique costs. Chibaku costs like 35 and so on and so forth. This would eliminate everyone having 4 bijuu's worth of chakra. Just was a thought.

No I love this idea. I wanted to do something like this a while back, but the project was just to overwhelming once I started writing it. I was gonna try and convert everything to a D&D style format with actual stats and chakra pool, and I had a few friends who wanted to do it with me. It was a lot to process no lie. To many loop holes and other things like that. Had to drop it.

The only problem I found was that I didn't think anyone would want to give up their unlimited chakra. Now all of a sudden that jutsu they love to spam would drain their pool after the second time and it's impractical. #VoidSauce

If we could get people to actually agree to it, I would try it. 
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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2014, 03:14:34 AM »

Going straight to chakra usage. I had thought of a system where each rp rank made; weather it be genin, sannin, kage, w/e would be given with an amount of chakra. You know what I'll just template it.

Rank | Chakra points
Academy student| 10
Chunin | 15
Jonin | 25
Sannin | 35
Kage | 50

Now we add in KG

Uchiha | +5
Hyuuga | +5
Senju | +7
Ice | +7
Gates | 1 (?)
Kaguya | +3
Rinnegan | +8
Sage Mode | +8

So someone who's a kage with Uchiha, Senju, Rinnegan, and kaguya would have like 74 chakra points.

And thennnn we add how much a technique costs. Chibaku costs like 35 and so on and so forth. This would eliminate everyone having 4 bijuu's worth of chakra. Just was a thought.

Might as well go all out while you're at it. I present this partly out of jest, and partly out of contribution purposes.

You could re-make the wheel, or you could adjust the wheel someone else has made.

Though for all practical sake you might as well make a forum for the RP if you are really going to try to start chakra pointing things and such.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2014, 03:25:12 AM »

Kinda seconding Eric here. If you want to start bringing stats into this, make it a forum-based or CYOA RP. There's no way its gonna fly on SL.


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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2014, 06:13:25 AM »

Man I kinda wanna do this just because it would arguably make me even more OP as it would make Earth Grudge Fear about 1,000,000,000,000 times more powerful. Not to mention Kyuubi.

50*5=250 (My own Kage level heart combined with the 4 other Kage level hearts)
250+5+7+3+8=273 (adding in the KG)
273+2500(Counting Kyuubi's chakra as Jounin level times 100 as Kakashi stated it has 100 times as much chakra as he does)
Grand Total of: 2773 chakra points.

If we go by Warren's example I can cast Chibaku Tensei just under 80 times in a row before (not) dying of chakra loss.



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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2014, 06:15:43 AM »

Man I kinda wanna do this just because it would arguably make me even more OP as it would make Earth Grudge Fear about 1,000,000,000,000 times more powerful. Not to mention Kyuubi.

50*5=250 (My own Kage level heart combined with the 4 other Kage level hearts)
250+5+7+3+8=273 (adding in the KG)
273+2500(Counting Kyuubi's chakra as Jounin level times 100 as Kakashi stated it has 100 times as much chakra as he does)
Grand Total of: 2773 chakra points.

If we go by Warren's example I can cast Chibaku Tensei just under 80 times in a row before (not) dying of chakra loss.

Surely we'd nerf Earth fear for that reason.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2014, 02:56:19 PM »

Lol no. A persons chakra is drawn from the whole body, not just the heart, so jiongu would not by any means just multiply your chakra outright like that.


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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2014, 05:45:11 PM »

Lol no. A persons chakra is drawn from the whole body, not just the heart, so jiongu would not by any means just multiply your chakra outright like that.

You know that it's exactly what Jiongu does right? You get the chakra affinities and chakra pool of the people whose hearts you assimilate.


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Re: The grey area.
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2014, 06:10:58 PM »

Yes, and I didn't say it gives you none. I meant I just don't see how can it give as much chakra as a whole person, considering the whole body is basically one big chakra generator down to every individual cell, and through jiongu you get just a small piece of it with the heart.
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