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Author Topic: Byakugan -> Tenseigan  (Read 51657 times)


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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2014, 04:51:25 PM »

Silly man, first one to jump on the claiming band wagon, yet you never noticed there's ten of the things, one (Madara/Obito) or two (Naruto) just were formed into staves. I could also question where do you get the rikudo sage chakra considering tenseigan appears to be just a lookalike not the legit thing, and beast per ball idea too since Obito had three yet formed just the one. There is no 'bomb' either really, its just extends stupidly fast to pulverize anything in a wide area akin to jinton.
I'm assuming you're comfortable to bumping the count up to ten or eleven then? And there's a lot you probably should read up on concerning the Six Paths Chakra, Six Paths Sage Chakra, and how it adapts into SL.

Like I've explained before, in the series the Six Paths Chakra is what allows the Rinnegan to be awakened (It's also acquired after popping in a Rinnegan, apparently). And this chakra comes about when the chakra of Ashura and Indra are combined after a long period of time. But how this translates on SL, is that every Senju and Uchiha has the potential to mix the two and unlock the Rinnegan (bearing in mind, that they have an EMS already). This is due to the fact that if we had to establish a Hagoromo, Ashura and Indra characters, everybody would not sit right with it since we're already head-deep into the Rinnegan pit and we would have to void ALL other Rinnegan in existence. And the fact that people would probably treat them as a whole other thing to hunt and regulate like Biju would be another mess many wouldn't want at all.

The Six Paths Sage Chakra is what you get when you mix Natural Energy with the chakra. But since on SL we've made it so you have to choose between the Rinnegan and Sage Mode, only those who've gone the Sage Mode route can make the Six Paths Sage Chakra.

But the point of actually putting these requirements, is to help adapt them and keep them under control on SL.
Not the place for it though, so commenting on tenseigan itself.

As anyone who read the thing would see, assuming its legit info of course with almost all info from movie missing still, if you guys want this it has to be modified fairly heavily if you want it on SL, cause its canonical self simply wont work. Comparing it to rinnegan, even that is not nearly as far-out if you cut out the part of combining specifically reincarnee chakras, not just genetics.

This info came DIRECTLY from the official databook that was given out to first-day movie goers, which was scanned. It was then translated by those on Narutopedia (the place that we get all our info from), where they have also translated info from all the other databooks (and the manga) and applied it to the respective articles. All databooks are done by Kishi himself, along with the chapters too of course. But the truth is, we have no choice but to rely on this info. Think about it. As far as I know, not everyone here can read Japanese or have access to the raw chapters as they come out. We have to rely on scanners, translators and scanlators to give us our crack that is the manga. We have to rely on the fact that what we've been reading, is THE actual Naruto coming out in Japan, and not just some giant cruel underground joke. You can also apply this to history books, but that's a whole other area of historical research and philosophical ideas that would be too scary for some on here to get into or handle.

Read the previous for things concerning the reincarnations and chakra-stealing stuff.

Tenseigan? Have to be 100% ootsutsuki (which appears to be a dead clan outside of Toneri btw), your own eyes sealed into the altar after birth most likely, I'd daresay visit the moon as well, implant somebodys byakugan without dying or organ rejection. And even then, despite the OPness, it'd be technically finite chakra, not to mention the as of yet completely unexplained fairly gross blob picture of Toneri being overtaken by some white gunk.

Refer to what I said about the Rinnegan and SL adaptation. Let's not get into space-travel and rituals and stuff either. Eyes have been shown to be simple plug-n-play even in the series. (Heck, even in the movie Toneri just plugs in Hanabi's eyes, and Hinata just plucks the eyes back out after he's lying on the floor defeated). Hyuuga/Otsutsuki mixing (either from birth or implant) is fine. But the power of the Tenseigan and it's granted techniques should be regulated by the amount of Rinnegan resets you have. One being at a beginner's level, and six being at full power and mastery. But what we're going to tone that power down to, since some have objections to having it roughly equal to the Nine-tails Chakra Mode, still needs to be discussed.

Only way I could think of on the fly of this possibly being a thing, is if whatever eye magic unlocking it would require would grant you the ability to make the chakra cloak outta the power you pour out of your tenketsu. Think of it as a compressed, constantly active molded kaiten if you will, lol.

It's like the Sharingan and Rinnegan's special techniques that have nothing to do with vision. It just works.

As for it being some special uber chakra...uhh, prolly not. Even susanoo is ultimately the users own, instead of coming from some mystery source.

Uchiha chakra levels, etc. But the Tenseigan Chakra Mode would be directly from the user's chakra, which should also be large due to even more genetic buffs and shenanigans.

Edit: forgot preta path mention. Absorbing one would kill you unless you start breaking your own rules, since the nature energy innit would just petrify you.

Actually, the interesting thing about the technique is that it requires some Senjutsu application to form, but it's completely a Ninjutsu technique. This is probably why Senjutsu is so effective against it, since Senjutsu overpowers Ninjutsu. It's a Ninjutsu that specifically defeats Ninjutsu (and whatever else comes into contact with it). Just like the Preta Path is a Ninjutsu that defeats Ninjutsu.

But let me know if I've missed something. Half-asleep here.

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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2014, 05:28:11 PM »

Complete outsider perspective, but can someone tell me what the problem with treating this the same way SL treats the Rinnegan is? In simple, layman terms if you don't mind.
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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2014, 05:59:02 PM »

It most likely will be the same kyutu, because a purely canon version of tenseigan would be simply impossible. Now its more a question of what the differences from canon version on SL would be.

As for Kage's points, if you have the full set of chakras, its ten balls regardless, Madara/Obito just formed one staff and kept nine in reserve, Naruto made two and kept eight.

Also I'm quite well aware of rikudou stuff, thank you very much, that's why I mentioned it, and am also wondering whats the point you're trying to make o_O on SL, uchiha + senju can mix chakras to go rinnegan thus rikudou? Well okay. Rinne people can't get sage mode so they can't do rikudou sage? Okay. Sage moders can mix senjutsu with it to get rikudou sage? Uhh no. Following your thing up so far, even if you were uchiha + senju with sage stead of rinne, you'd be just a normal sage, since due to inability to mix the chakras to get rinne thus get rikudou you'd also have nothing to get the rikudou sage from.

I also made a small typo, this; "considering tenseigan appears to be just a lookalike"; should have balls in there too. If going by info gotten so far, the tenseigan balls are just swirly green balls made of energy from now dead ootsutsukis. Might be bloody powerful but some core differences to legit balls would still apply I daresay.

Moving on, so its from data book, okay, I'm cool with that, but it doesn't change the fact its still hella vague, and is assumably going to make much more sense after one has seen it in the movie itself. I for one haven't, haven't been able to find it anywhere yet.

Moving on, of course I know people can't do moon trips on SL, that's why I specifically pointed it out so people can see how dorky it'd be -__-' as for the instant eye implantation, I can't comment on Toneri cause as aforementioned haven't seen movie yet, but other than him I've never seen anyone do it except Madara, who had Hashi's healing power at that point. For him it really would be as simple as just stick it in, the nerves would reattach themselves after that. For Sasuke it took surgery and days of recuperating, and though it wasn't shown how Obito did it we can assume it either was same as Sasuke, or slightly quicker due to possible slightly hastened healing which I'm recall half zetsuness granted.

Moving on, I beg to differ on the 'it just works cause lolmagic and chakra'. Or well sure, if you want to pull that then be my guest, but I prefer to at least try have some logic to things, which is why I gave the kaiten-esque example of how it could possibly work on SL. Mangekyo? Tsuku and koto are illusions, amaterasu makes special flames outta your chakra and flings them out, susanoo lets the user spew out the huge chakra mass and form it to the giant, might even be the eyes that are the control tool though considering madara made one while eyeless I suspect the eyes are just the activator, similar to how a huge trauma is activator to mangekyo.

Kamui is the only slight question mark since only one instance of it was shown in the series, unlike SL. On-site each have their own pocket dimension for it, as silly as that is, but at least in canon I suspect that if someone else than Obito/Kakashi had kamui then ultimately they'd have been connected to the same dimension. It would make sense for a couple of reasons, starting from heritage.

Rinne-sharingan can warp user to many dimensions. Rinnegan is descended from it, and can access 'limbo' which is far enough removed to be invisible to naked eye, but close enough for your clones there to interact with this one still. Sasuke's teleport tech might have something to do with this still. Sharingan in turn is descended from rinnegan, so it could be kamui is just an entire dimension of its own, even further removed than limbo so nothing in there can interact with this one, but still not completely separated. After all, if it was completely separate and just a pocket dimension, if you swirled yourself in at some spot then wouldn't it make sense you'd come out at exact same spot. Instead, Obito could come out wherever he pleased, like the two were overlapping each other.

A bit ranty, but see? Logic. That's where my tenseigan chakra mode idea was from, expelling chakra from every tenketsu akin to kaiten, and forming the cloak out of it. As for the 'whatever eye magic' mention, that was just a generalized meaning for whatever way -if any- ends up being the way to unlock tenseigan on-site.

Lastly, preta business. The balls take nature energy to form, so why on earth would it suddenly disappear after they're made? They wouldn't, so, suck up a ball via preta path, and you suck up all its made of, nature energy included. Same thing happened when Nagato's preta caught Naruto and sucked up his senjutsu, nature energy came along with it, and bam petrified. As for why the balls can't negate senjutsu even at onmyodo level, pure guess here, but by common sense it'd be because senjutsu has nature energy like the balls do, so it'd be the same as trying to negate itself, in other words impossible, so instead of the senjutsu getting pulverized it produces a clash instead. Kind of like the guns against those ghosts in the crappy final fantasy movie.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 05:59:34 PM by Warren »


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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2014, 06:17:53 PM »

If you'll recall there were Rinnegan and sage mode resets being added into the game that forced us to acknowledge the Rinnegan in rp. No such thing is happening here.

My god people, we all say stuff is too OP but we're going to add this for no reason? Void it. There are 0 positive outcomes to adding this to rp.

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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2014, 06:30:51 PM »

If you'll recall there were Rinnegan and sage mode resets being added into the game that forced us to acknowledge the Rinnegan in rp. No such thing is happening here.

My god people, we all say stuff is too OP but we're going to add this for no reason? Void it. There are 0 positive outcomes to adding this to rp.

Void it because there are no Tenseigan resets?

As for positive outcomes, it may add more byakugan users, and therefore more variety, to SL RP. If Rinnegan is okay as is, I can't really see the harm in Tenseigan. It's not as if it gives any of the paths or anything. I'm not even certain it gives mastery over all elemental affinities like the Rinnegan does. The only special move it adds is the Chakra cloak + truth balls maybe if allowed, and a base power-up from what I understand.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 06:31:31 PM by Kyutu - Super King - »
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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2014, 07:30:45 PM »

Yes people running around at faster than Raiton no Yoroi speeds with balls that negate all ninjutsu. That's what SL has sorely needed to encourage activity in rp.


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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2014, 07:38:45 PM »

It most likely will be the same kyutu, because a purely canon version of tenseigan would be simply impossible. Now its more a question of what the differences from canon version on SL would be.

As for Kage's points, if you have the full set of chakras, its ten balls regardless, Madara/Obito just formed one staff and kept nine in reserve, Naruto made two and kept eight.

Also I'm quite well aware of rikudou stuff, thank you very much, that's why I mentioned it, and am also wondering whats the point you're trying to make o_O on SL, uchiha + senju can mix chakras to go rinnegan thus rikudou? Well okay. Rinne people can't get sage mode so they can't do rikudou sage? Okay. Sage moders can mix senjutsu with it to get rikudou sage? Uhh no. Following your thing up so far, even if you were uchiha + senju with sage stead of rinne, you'd be just a normal sage, since due to inability to mix the chakras to get rinne thus get rikudou you'd also have nothing to get the rikudou sage from.

I also made a small typo, this; "considering tenseigan appears to be just a lookalike"; should have balls in there too. If going by info gotten so far, the tenseigan balls are just swirly green balls made of energy from now dead ootsutsukis. Might be bloody powerful but some core differences to legit balls would still apply I daresay.

Moving on, so its from data book, okay, I'm cool with that, but it doesn't change the fact its still hella vague, and is assumably going to make much more sense after one has seen it in the movie itself. I for one haven't, haven't been able to find it anywhere yet.

Moving on, of course I know people can't do moon trips on SL, that's why I specifically pointed it out so people can see how dorky it'd be -__-' as for the instant eye implantation, I can't comment on Toneri cause as aforementioned haven't seen movie yet, but other than him I've never seen anyone do it except Madara, who had Hashi's healing power at that point. For him it really would be as simple as just stick it in, the nerves would reattach themselves after that. For Sasuke it took surgery and days of recuperating, and though it wasn't shown how Obito did it we can assume it either was same as Sasuke, or slightly quicker due to possible slightly hastened healing which I'm recall half zetsuness granted.

Moving on, I beg to differ on the 'it just works cause lolmagic and chakra'. Or well sure, if you want to pull that then be my guest, but I prefer to at least try have some logic to things, which is why I gave the kaiten-esque example of how it could possibly work on SL. Mangekyo? Tsuku and koto are illusions, amaterasu makes special flames outta your chakra and flings them out, susanoo lets the user spew out the huge chakra mass and form it to the giant, might even be the eyes that are the control tool though considering madara made one while eyeless I suspect the eyes are just the activator, similar to how a huge trauma is activator to mangekyo.

Kamui is the only slight question mark since only one instance of it was shown in the series, unlike SL. On-site each have their own pocket dimension for it, as silly as that is, but at least in canon I suspect that if someone else than Obito/Kakashi had kamui then ultimately they'd have been connected to the same dimension. It would make sense for a couple of reasons, starting from heritage.

Rinne-sharingan can warp user to many dimensions. Rinnegan is descended from it, and can access 'limbo' which is far enough removed to be invisible to naked eye, but close enough for your clones there to interact with this one still. Sasuke's teleport tech might have something to do with this still. Sharingan in turn is descended from rinnegan, so it could be kamui is just an entire dimension of its own, even further removed than limbo so nothing in there can interact with this one, but still not completely separated. After all, if it was completely separate and just a pocket dimension, if you swirled yourself in at some spot then wouldn't it make sense you'd come out at exact same spot. Instead, Obito could come out wherever he pleased, like the two were overlapping each other.

A bit ranty, but see? Logic. That's where my tenseigan chakra mode idea was from, expelling chakra from every tenketsu akin to kaiten, and forming the cloak out of it. As for the 'whatever eye magic' mention, that was just a generalized meaning for whatever way -if any- ends up being the way to unlock tenseigan on-site.

Lastly, preta business. The balls take nature energy to form, so why on earth would it suddenly disappear after they're made? They wouldn't, so, suck up a ball via preta path, and you suck up all its made of, nature energy included. Same thing happened when Nagato's preta caught Naruto and sucked up his senjutsu, nature energy came along with it, and bam petrified. As for why the balls can't negate senjutsu even at onmyodo level, pure guess here, but by common sense it'd be because senjutsu has nature energy like the balls do, so it'd be the same as trying to negate itself, in other words impossible, so instead of the senjutsu getting pulverized it produces a clash instead. Kind of like the guns against those ghosts in the crappy final fantasy movie.
Another main reason why we don't allow Rinnegan + Sage Mode, is because you would literally have Sage of Six Paths status. But why wouldn't you consider somebody without the Rinnegan to not truly have the Six Paths Chakra? Just because we had to make an OOC decision down the forked road?

And the Truth-Seeking Balls are just Ninjutsu because Kishi says so. (We actually get the Classification, Rank, Type, Class and Range sections of the jutsu infoboxes on the wiki straight from how his databooks categorize and explain techniques.) And Toneri is a confirmed user after going Tenseigan Chakra Mode, which is also listed in the databook. The only difference with his though, is that they glow green because of the chakra mode.

Anyways, anybody could see that I'm for Hyuugas finally being able to feel special and have fun. More Hyuugas means more variety. And more variety of Hyuugas means more Hyuuga chicks. It's like you guys hate Hyuuga chicks! Toneri wanted one, and Naruto hooked up with one Toneri wanted and eventually went on to make another small Hyuuga chick with his Hyuuga chick. Heck, even Konohamaru is having a push at hooking up with the sister of Naruto's Hyuuga chick.

But yeah, more variety would be fun, since it produces less in-breeding. And I'm still pushing for the requirements for using the Truth-Seeking Balls to be put in place.

If you'll recall there were Rinnegan and sage mode resets being added into the game that forced us to acknowledge the Rinnegan in rp. No such thing is happening here.

My god people, we all say stuff is too OP but we're going to add this for no reason? Void it. There are 0 positive outcomes to adding this to rp.

Void it because there are no Tenseigan resets?

As for positive outcomes, it may add more byakugan users, and therefore more variety, to SL RP. If Rinnegan is okay as is, I can't really see the harm in Tenseigan. It's not as if it gives any of the paths or anything. I'm not even certain it gives mastery over all elemental affinities like the Rinnegan does. The only special move it adds is the Chakra cloak + truth balls maybe if allowed, and a base power-up from what I understand.
There aren't any resets for the other elemental KG, and yet we stick those by the reset system too. (But I've been seeing more people getting lax about that. Don't know if that's good or not.)

Yes people running around at faster than Raiton no Yoroi speeds with balls that negate all ninjutsu. That's what SL has sorely needed to encourage activity in rp.
Sage Mode + Raiton Chakra Mode. There, I believe I've just outclassed Hiraishin and Nine-tails Chakra Mode speeds. But even then, both of those too are subject-able to Senjutsu Chakra enhancement. But I guess adding another clause about not being able to use any other jutsu (except Sage Mode/Tenseigan Chakra Mode) while using the balls would help to balance that out, since you're literally handling and forming an element composed out of all others.

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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2014, 07:42:58 PM »

Yes people running around at faster than Raiton no Yoroi speeds with balls that negate all ninjutsu. That's what SL has sorely needed to encourage activity in rp.
On the other hand, soul stealing, gravity changing, all jutsu-knowing and predicting, dimension hopping, instant forced teleportation on one's self and others among plenty of other Rinnegan/Mangekyo Sharingan-only techniques is A-okay, because there are resets for it?
Also, I said variety, nothing about activity.
Honestly though, I'm just confused on where exactly it is you want to draw the line.
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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2014, 07:47:48 PM »

My suggestion of letting it go until more details are brought out is clearly out the window, so let me attempt to pitch in here.

I believe that the easiest, and I mean the easiest, way to incorporate Tensaigan into a reset SL (we are not even considering how you would get this if you wanted to RP with it yet in this post) is to have Byakugan + Kaguya + Sage mode. Byakugan for obvious reasons, and sage mode for obvious reasons.

But why Kaguya? Well, this goes back to the argument of making Tensaigan the Hyugan equivalent of the Rinnegan. Senju + Uchiha = Rinnegan, so Kaguya + Hyuga = Tensaigan right? Incredible physical energy plus ocular prowess plus ability to manipulate senjutsu would logically power up a Byakugan to the point in which we have this super dojutsu. What about eye replacements and all that jazz? Well, just like with EMS, sacrifice your own eyes via some made up ritual technique and implant the eyes of another Hyugan.

What effects would this have? Well, by combining the great chakra control of the Hyugan with the ability to manipulate natural energy, you can create a special ethereal cloak around yourself that does some cool stuff. Those special balls? Well, since I object to Rinnegan having them, I would logically object to Tensaigan having them.

Now, how about if we want to overlook the reset system and do this RPwise, because there are people on this site who would like to see that alternative (because of the way the reset system rubs). Well, RPwise, I still would argue Kaguya + Hyuga + sage control, just that it is RP'd out.

And yes, now that I am this far, if a Kaguya were to implant the eyes of a Hyugan (rather than just be born of both because, you know, everyone has their own way) then they would have to sacrifice the first set of eyes to get the second pair powered up.

I'm all for more Hyugans again (even though non-dojutsu folks still find the bottom side of the rug) but I am still against those truth seeking balls for either great dojutsu.

And regarding Kage's post, you cannot outclass hiraishin at great distances (like across a continent) because teleportation of similar speed is almost always superior to swift movement of similar speed at incredibly great distances. The spans of most zones though tend to be small enough for this not to be a factor, so truly it could outclass it at short distances, but not extremely long distances.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2014, 08:00:40 PM »

Nothing against hyuga love, I'm a naruhina person myself.

And I'm saying a non rinne uchiha + senju wouldn't have rikudou chakra by your rules, because even you yourself just said so.

"But how this translates on SL, is that every Senju and Uchiha has the potential to mix the two and unlock the Rinnegan (bearing in mind, that they have an EMS already)."

Mix the chakras, it becomes rikudou chakra and you get rinne. Don't mix, you get mokuton at most, if even that, no rikudou whatsoever. And seeing as sage mode locks you from rinne, you can prolly see the bag you talked yourself into.

As for the balls, for tenseigan sort guess we'll see with the movie. For normal I wouldn't be so iron of databook = god about them being pure ninjutsu tho, cause really, it makes no sense whatsoever. Nature energy doesn't just disappear, it'll stay there in the jutsu, just like in senjutsu. If anything its classified as ninjutsu because it doesn't involve bashing faces like tai, nor tripping balls like gen, no pun intended.


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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2014, 08:24:57 PM »

My suggestion of letting it go until more details are brought out is clearly out the window, so let me attempt to pitch in here.

I believe that the easiest, and I mean the easiest, way to incorporate Tensaigan into a reset SL (we are not even considering how you would get this if you wanted to RP with it yet in this post) is to have Byakugan + Kaguya + Sage mode. Byakugan for obvious reasons, and sage mode for obvious reasons.

But why Kaguya? Well, this goes back to the argument of making Tensaigan the Hyugan equivalent of the Rinnegan. Senju + Uchiha = Rinnegan, so Kaguya + Hyuga = Tensaigan right? Incredible physical energy plus ocular prowess plus ability to manipulate senjutsu would logically power up a Byakugan to the point in which we have this super dojutsu. What about eye replacements and all that jazz? Well, just like with EMS, sacrifice your own eyes via some made up ritual technique and implant the eyes of another Hyugan.

What effects would this have? Well, by combining the great chakra control of the Hyugan with the ability to manipulate natural energy, you can create a special ethereal cloak around yourself that does some cool stuff. Those special balls? Well, since I object to Rinnegan having them, I would logically object to Tensaigan having them.

Now, how about if we want to overlook the reset system and do this RPwise, because there are people on this site who would like to see that alternative (because of the way the reset system rubs). Well, RPwise, I still would argue Kaguya + Hyuga + sage control, just that it is RP'd out.

And yes, now that I am this far, if a Kaguya were to implant the eyes of a Hyugan (rather than just be born of both because, you know, everyone has their own way) then they would have to sacrifice the first set of eyes to get the second pair powered up.

I'm all for more Hyugans again (even though non-dojutsu folks still find the bottom side of the rug) but I am still against those truth seeking balls for either great dojutsu.
Actually, this is a good point if we want to make this the Rinnegan's opposite. Just like we have a minimum for unlocking Rinnegan, we should probably require 4 Hyuuga and 1 or 2 Kaguya before using a Rinnegan/Sage Mode reset for Tenseigan. But should one's Kaguyaness/Eight Gates be voided upon subbing those resets? It seems fair, since this is the warrior mode to the Rinnegan's mage mode. (And then we have Sage Mode!)Though we'll probably tone it down just a bit to be weaker than Nine-tails Chakra Mode, just to satisfy the status quo.

I'm not so sure about the whole eye-snatching factor being played into this. The Uchiha are supposed to be all about that, since they're the grumpiest and edgiest clan by nature. Do we really want the Hyuuga to get involved in all that? They would literally be trying to snipe each-other out left and right with their natural sniper-scopes. Heck, give it time and we'll push them into actually developing guns.

But that's kind-of the whole point of having some genetic superiority over others. Especially if you're descended from what I like to call, one of the Great Four Clans: Uchiha, Senju, Hyuuga and Otsusuki.

And regarding Kage's post, you cannot outclass hiraishin at great distances (like across a continent) because teleportation of similar speed is almost always superior to swift movement of similar speed at incredibly great distances. The spans of most zones though tend to be small enough for this not to be a factor, so truly it could outclass it at short distances, but not extremely long distances.

Nothing against hyuga love, I'm a naruhina person myself.

And I'm saying a non rinne uchiha + senju wouldn't have rikudou chakra by your rules, because even you yourself just said so.

"But how this translates on SL, is that every Senju and Uchiha has the potential to mix the two and unlock the Rinnegan (bearing in mind, that they have an EMS already)."

Mix the chakras, it becomes rikudou chakra and you get rinne. Don't mix, you get mokuton at most, if even that, no rikudou whatsoever. And seeing as sage mode locks you from rinne, you can prolly see the bag you talked yourself into.

As for the balls, for tenseigan sort guess we'll see with the movie. For normal I wouldn't be so iron of databook = god about them being pure ninjutsu tho, cause really, it makes no sense whatsoever. Nature energy doesn't just disappear, it'll stay there in the jutsu, just like in senjutsu. If anything its classified as ninjutsu because it doesn't involve bashing faces like tai, nor tripping balls like gen, no pun intended.

It's Chakra and Natural Energy and stuff. It kinda either disappears or returns to the air after usage. Probably both in their respective ways.


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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2014, 08:41:40 PM »

Yes people running around at faster than Raiton no Yoroi speeds with balls that negate all ninjutsu. That's what SL has sorely needed to encourage activity in rp.
On the other hand, soul stealing, gravity changing, all jutsu-knowing and predicting, dimension hopping, instant forced teleportation on one's self and others among plenty of other Rinnegan/Mangekyo Sharingan-only techniques is A-okay, because there are resets for it?
Also, I said variety, nothing about activity.
Honestly though, I'm just confused on where exactly it is you want to draw the line.

Yes, because all of those abilities are dependent on a person's skill in a fight. There's not a Rinnegan or Sharingan jutsu that can't be avoided by people smart enough, most Sharingan techs are countered by Hidden Mist Jutsu for christsake.

Since I've been in roughly 5000% more zone fights then you maybe you could trust my opinion in saying how much better Tenseigan chakra mode would be than the Rinnegan, I can just see right off the bat how stupid it would be. If Tenseigan mode is weaker than 9 tails chakra mode by combining it with Sage Mode and Raiton no Yoroi you'd easily jump over that amount of speed and power.

I've loved the past 5 years or so of proving people wrong as much as the next guy, but maybe this one time we could just NOT do the dumb thing. I said it when Rinnegan was being released that it shouldn't be acknowledged in rp, and now rp is really dumb with 3 dozen Rinnegan users. I'm saying it again now. Just don't do it. Acknowledge this is a dumb idea and make some cool custom Hyuuga jutsu instead. Hyuuga/Sage Mode is already much better than Sharingan/Rinnegan, it just requires you actually be good at zone fighting to use it effectively.

Nintaijutsu is "the meta" of SL if you will. Ninjutsu is useless if you're too fast to be hit by anything. Allowing this is just buffing what is already the strongest way to fight.


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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2014, 08:50:15 PM »

My suggestion of letting it go until more details are brought out is clearly out the window, so let me attempt to pitch in here.

I believe that the easiest, and I mean the easiest, way to incorporate Tensaigan into a reset SL (we are not even considering how you would get this if you wanted to RP with it yet in this post) is to have Byakugan + Kaguya + Sage mode. Byakugan for obvious reasons, and sage mode for obvious reasons.

But why Kaguya? Well, this goes back to the argument of making Tensaigan the Hyugan equivalent of the Rinnegan. Senju + Uchiha = Rinnegan, so Kaguya + Hyuga = Tensaigan right? Incredible physical energy plus ocular prowess plus ability to manipulate senjutsu would logically power up a Byakugan to the point in which we have this super dojutsu. What about eye replacements and all that jazz? Well, just like with EMS, sacrifice your own eyes via some made up ritual technique and implant the eyes of another Hyugan.

What effects would this have? Well, by combining the great chakra control of the Hyugan with the ability to manipulate natural energy, you can create a special ethereal cloak around yourself that does some cool stuff. Those special balls? Well, since I object to Rinnegan having them, I would logically object to Tensaigan having them.

Now, how about if we want to overlook the reset system and do this RPwise, because there are people on this site who would like to see that alternative (because of the way the reset system rubs). Well, RPwise, I still would argue Kaguya + Hyuga + sage control, just that it is RP'd out.

And yes, now that I am this far, if a Kaguya were to implant the eyes of a Hyugan (rather than just be born of both because, you know, everyone has their own way) then they would have to sacrifice the first set of eyes to get the second pair powered up.

I'm all for more Hyugans again (even though non-dojutsu folks still find the bottom side of the rug) but I am still against those truth seeking balls for either great dojutsu.
Actually, this is a good point if we want to make this the Rinnegan's opposite. Just like we have a minimum for unlocking Rinnegan, we should probably require 4 Hyuuga and 1 or 2 Kaguya before using a Rinnegan/Sage Mode reset for Tenseigan. But should one's Kaguyaness/Eight Gates be voided upon subbing those resets? It seems fair, since this is the warrior mode to the Rinnegan's mage mode. (And then we have Sage Mode!)Though we'll probably tone it down just a bit to be weaker than Nine-tails Chakra Mode, just to satisfy the status quo.

I'm not so sure about the whole eye-snatching factor being played into this. The Uchiha are supposed to be all about that, since they're the grumpiest and edgiest clan by nature. Do we really want the Hyuuga to get involved in all that? They would literally be trying to snipe each-other out left and right with their natural sniper-scopes. Heck, give it time and we'll push them into actually developing guns.

But that's kind-of the whole point of having some genetic superiority over others. Especially if you're descended from what I like to call, one of the Great Four Clans: Uchiha, Senju, Hyuuga and Otsusuki.

And regarding Kage's post, you cannot outclass hiraishin at great distances (like across a continent) because teleportation of similar speed is almost always superior to swift movement of similar speed at incredibly great distances. The spans of most zones though tend to be small enough for this not to be a factor, so truly it could outclass it at short distances, but not extremely long distances.

Nothing against hyuga love, I'm a naruhina person myself.

And I'm saying a non rinne uchiha + senju wouldn't have rikudou chakra by your rules, because even you yourself just said so.

"But how this translates on SL, is that every Senju and Uchiha has the potential to mix the two and unlock the Rinnegan (bearing in mind, that they have an EMS already)."

Mix the chakras, it becomes rikudou chakra and you get rinne. Don't mix, you get mokuton at most, if even that, no rikudou whatsoever. And seeing as sage mode locks you from rinne, you can prolly see the bag you talked yourself into.

As for the balls, for tenseigan sort guess we'll see with the movie. For normal I wouldn't be so iron of databook = god about them being pure ninjutsu tho, cause really, it makes no sense whatsoever. Nature energy doesn't just disappear, it'll stay there in the jutsu, just like in senjutsu. If anything its classified as ninjutsu because it doesn't involve bashing faces like tai, nor tripping balls like gen, no pun intended.

It's Chakra and Natural Energy and stuff. It kinda either disappears or returns to the air after usage. Probably both in their respective ways.

Do Rinnegan folks lose Mokuton when they power up? No, so why would Tensaigans lose their Kaguya (not eight gates, that is something they wouldn't reset in period) powers then? They could use the ash-killing bones technique in the Tensaigan form, for example (presuming people aren't trying to do that without Hyuga + Kaguya).

According to Narutopedia, Tensaigan is the equal to Rinnegan. Without any further context, this assumes that it allows him to master all chakra natures just like the Rinnegan.

Him using the cloak is the equivalent of the Sage of Six Paths awakening the Rinnegan himself; by using natural energy and going into sage mode, his special chakra allows him to awaken Six Paths Sage Mode. Similar parallel going on over here.

The lack of the ability to use the Six Paths may seem like a downer, but the ability to use yin-yang Kaguya techs, the ability to use yin-yang Hyuga techs (of custom nature of course, essentially rendering all ninjutsu and senjutsu against the user nigh useless) and the special sage mode is more than enough without the additional speed, endurance, and truth seeking bull- I mean balls.

In my opinion, if we have to have a Rinnegan and we can have a tame version of Tensaigan, then I say go for it. I dislike the Rinnegan and Tensaigan as the next guy because it makes it even harder for me to fight in a zone without needing yet another power-up, but Rinnegan is here to stay. It is time for Uchiha-Senju to take a side-bench and actually have a bloodline to compete with them.

As much as that craps over everyone else not of these special bloodlines...

*P.S After taking a jog around my house, I have come to the realization that all this is really going to do is replace Uchiha-Senju with Kaguya-Hyuga... Replacing one master for another.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 08:54:50 PM by Eric »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2014, 09:20:49 PM »

Yes people running around at faster than Raiton no Yoroi speeds with balls that negate all ninjutsu. That's what SL has sorely needed to encourage activity in rp.
On the other hand, soul stealing, gravity changing, all jutsu-knowing and predicting, dimension hopping, instant forced teleportation on one's self and others among plenty of other Rinnegan/Mangekyo Sharingan-only techniques is A-okay, because there are resets for it?
Also, I said variety, nothing about activity.
Honestly though, I'm just confused on where exactly it is you want to draw the line.

Yes, because all of those abilities are dependent on a person's skill in a fight. There's not a Rinnegan or Sharingan jutsu that can't be avoided by people smart enough, most Sharingan techs are countered by Hidden Mist Jutsu for christsake.

Since I've been in roughly 5000% more zone fights then you maybe you could trust my opinion in saying how much better Tenseigan chakra mode would be than the Rinnegan, I can just see right off the bat how stupid it would be. If Tenseigan mode is weaker than 9 tails chakra mode by combining it with Sage Mode and Raiton no Yoroi you'd easily jump over that amount of speed and power.

I've loved the past 5 years or so of proving people wrong as much as the next guy, but maybe this one time we could just NOT do the dumb thing. I said it when Rinnegan was being released that it shouldn't be acknowledged in rp, and now rp is really dumb with 3 dozen Rinnegan users. I'm saying it again now. Just don't do it. Acknowledge this is a dumb idea and make some cool custom Hyuuga jutsu instead. Hyuuga/Sage Mode is already much better than Sharingan/Rinnegan, it just requires you actually be good at zone fighting to use it effectively.

Nintaijutsu is "the meta" of SL if you will. Ninjutsu is useless if you're too fast to be hit by anything. Allowing this is just buffing what is already the strongest way to fight.

Sorry, but I won't take your experience in zoning as evidence. My only question is where is the line drawn for what is and isn't acceptable? The Tenseigan is, as stated by the articles, equivalent in power to the Rinnegan. What makes this less acceptable than said Rinnegan? Obviously we are excluding auto-hitting attacks and things which are already axed by the rules.
>INB4 banned for opinions.


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Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2014, 09:38:41 PM »

Well enough nerfed/regulated/wte word you prefer, it can work. Matching up to kyuubi cloaks not really an excuse to axe it either, cause a whole lot of things can do that already. What's one more to the pile, lol.
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