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Author Topic: Bijuu handling.  (Read 9023 times)


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2015, 04:23:31 AM »

My main thing to bring up with first post wasn't the survival actually, it was having a sensible IC reason for any kind of gifting/swapping/whatever of a beast, so we don't get another case such as Night.

What could be considered a sensible IC reason? Does "I need to gift this to u cuz u mah homie" count? I am having a hard time considering what would be a reasonable IC reason to hand your tailed beast off. OOC, well yeah, you got this and that and RL and stuff, but IC, you would only hand it off if you had it on a summoning leash and wanted to gift it as a prize or reward. But it could also be just a gift, just like IC.

That last reason kind of negated the purpose of having a sensible IC reason, if it were to be counted as a sensible reason.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2015, 08:25:02 AM »

So no...I don't believe you could get one bijuu out and another in before they die.

Yeah you can.

I think the rest of this stuff is ridiculous to be honest. I don't know what Night was doing but I'm not delaying anyone. I don't agree that you should do multiple bijuu fights at the same time. Perhaps one challenge and one defense. If you're getting your fight then you should do the dang fight instead of complaining about junk like this. "Oh man he gave it to his alt." Yeah, I did, it's my bijuu, I'll give it to who I please.

I laughed at the idea that you need a "legit IC reason" to give someone a bijuu. Well what if someones idea of what is legit is not the same as mine? I assume I will be character controlled into not being able to give the bijuu to who I want?  That's garbage, but this site is turning to garbage so nothing really surprises me at this point. I'm already character controlled into not being able to have more than two bijuu so why stop there?  The idea of one person hoarding them is nonsense. Zenaku had all 9 and nobody complained about that. It's not like I'm just going out and grabbing all the bijuu and running home with them before anyone else can play with them. I have to capture them from people and I have.

I find myself agreeing Kirk more and more in regards to these things. Everyone wants to know how they can void people doing the things they don't like and how they can get rules made and changed so people can't do this and that to them. Shut up and rp. Just shut up and rp.

Do I call people out on god modding and things like that, yes, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how no one attempts to solve anything through rp. The Kiri jinchuriki don't want to fight me, I'm not going to sit here and whine about it till someone changes the rules, I'm going to figure out another way to get the bijuu from them. I have other hunters, or I'll pay someone off with something else they want to get it for me, in rp. Why is that so hard?


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2015, 12:22:55 PM »

Night was in the wrong. We all pretty much agree on that. He had challengers on the list, ect. In all truth the beast should have gone to the next person on the challenge list.

What I did was completely fine. I had a bijuu and all was mundane. No challengers, no one wanting to make a trip to get my bijuu. Sure Ichi did talk to me about fighting, he never followed through. Kay alt challenged me and then withdrew. So no one was in line.

I was waiting around with nothing happening. I wanted a break from RP. With no wait list or anything of the sort I gave it away OOC to Athos. Now at this point you may want me to have done it IC and I could have easily. Shadow and Athos know each other IC and have rp'ed sometimes, truth be told it would have gone to Hazama instead if IC, but same person ooc. Mattered little.
-----End self-explained bijuu giving----

OOC and IC bijuu giving

So here's the issue I stumbled across while thinking. MOST people. I say most as some have their rp intricate like a web. Anywho, most people know their friends IC. Say I've known Bocc outside of the game for years and we both like Naruto and we both like playing SL the odds of us not rp'ing together is slim to none. What I'm trying to say is it doesn't matter most of the time if it's IC or OOC. If you give it to a person OOC you know that person pretty damn well or you'd give it to someone else. Odds are you know them IC. It'd be surprising to see someone give it to a rando.

IC rp'ed with the bijuu and OOC giving it away. Or I didn't rp and gave it away IC or OOC or (insert here)

This part is too diverse to make a solid rule I think. There's about 5 variables I can think of off the bat.

So I'm going to go with something taken from 'I, Robot' a simple list of rules that you must follow prereq to even consider giving a bijuu away.

1) You have no current challengers
2) You aren't currently in a fight
3) Must make a connection in RP if OOC or IC

The first two are simple. We all agree on those. Rule 3 is the bad one and ties all aspects of extracting, passing along, etc. So since rule 3 is a wildcard I say let it rest. Leave it alone. Use common sense.

I gave it to my grandma OOC because her nephew Fabio wanted to trade it for a velociraptor that knew karate. Or I gave it to so-and-so IC because it'd only make sense. Should someone have to die because they don't want a bijuu anymore from extraction? No. Let them live and continue rp, lest you're against rp, get out now.

There's two examples. The first one looks shady to me while the second one is awesome-sauce. Second one makes sense they passed rule 3. Boom give it away. Example 1 doesn't make sense you can't give it away. And millions of other variable situations. Make sense of it before giving it away. You want to give it OOC to a friend of 6 years? Makes sense give it away.

For those of you who are against it. Why do you care so much? If you wanted the bijuu you should be on that challenge list already. If it doesn't affect you or your rp move on.

Night's transfer was wrong, still people on the list.
Shadow's transfer was fine, no one was on the list.
Bocc's alt hopping was fine, no one on the list AND he gave it to a weaker-in-a-sense alt than Bel.

First two rules passed? Great.
Rule 3? Use common sense and don't be an ass. Try to make sense of it before doing it.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2015, 02:43:41 PM »

Uhh, you're lashing out why exactly? Not once did I point fingers your way Bocchi, lest you count the joke of 'omg how many people are you', and now I'm (among others) the one getting slandered? How very kind of you.

I said basically naught of Belphe and Desare because outside of the alt issue people frown on there isn't anything concrete. For all I know Belphe could have been yet another akatsuki person and after seeing Desare went 'oh hey here's another of the beasts', easily too because he didn't make himself into a jinch. Or well then he just was an individual whose ass Desare kicked.

Debatable to some people no doubt, I will admit it doesn't quite sit entirely right with me either, but if dismissing the alt issue and looking at it from purely IC pov then at least I could see either of those things having happened, and that already makes two at least generally acceptable legit IC reasons.

So uhh, I don't mean to be an ass, but I would advise minding what you say a bit more. Insisting trying to put some more RP into things through at least slight IC sense into this matter is plain stupid, yet then demanding all others should just shut up, stop whining and RP, could be viewed as rather hypocritical.

But to get back on topic, as for Night, no offense to the guy but I'm not really seeing much if any IC sense there instead whatsoever. Sure he could have been just an akatsuki spy at kumo and so on, but lets assume he wasn't for a moment, like he claimed. He had a good job as ANBU captain, wasn't trusted much but not doubted so much he wasn't be given a chance instead of capture/kill-on-sight, he even had a soon to be quite rad house to live with Rinoa in.

What does he do? Just leaves all of that behind, even the close to impossible experiments he just started, without a word or any kind of explanation to anyone. Most likely suicided in giving away the beast too, since he was a jinch. While kumo higher-ups might call it predictable due to not trusting him in the first place, I'd imagine at least Rinoa feeling pretty damn pissed/betrayed over it, especially after some of the things he told her.

That right there in turn, would be an example of not at all legit IC reason.

Hell, even Shadow's thing makes some slight sense. Knowing him, could have been he had been already bored of hosting or for some other reason been wanting to get rid of it instead, orrr he just felt like rather giving it away instead of risking his life fighting for it. Several possibilities right there.

Further on Shadow, the list of 3 isn't looking all that bad. Combining ours and Kay's, could make it into say uhh, if one has already planned some kind of giveaway of the beast, and have a legit reason for doing it too, then they do as she said and state it beforehand, instead of blindsiding others with it.

Edit: Don't care what people say, I liked the movie version of I, Robot too.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 02:45:52 PM by Warren »


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2015, 02:56:09 PM »

But to get back on topic, as for Night, no offense to the guy but I'm not really seeing much if any IC sense there instead whatsoever. Sure he could have been just an akatsuki spy at kumo and so on, but lets assume he wasn't for a moment, like he claimed. He had a good job as ANBU captain, wasn't trusted much but not doubted so much he wasn't be given a chance instead of capture/kill-on-sight, he even had a soon to be quite rad house to live with Rinoa in.

What does he do? Just leaves all of that behind, even the close to impossible experiments he just started, without a word or any kind of explanation to anyone. Most likely suicided in giving away the beast too, since he was a jinch. While kumo higher-ups might call it predictable due to not trusting him in the first place, I'd imagine at least Rinoa feeling pretty damn pissed/betrayed over it, especially after some of the things he told her.

That right there in turn, would be an example of not at all legit IC reason.

Hell, even Shadow's thing makes some slight sense. Knowing him, could have been he had been already bored of hosting or for some other reason been wanting to get rid of it instead, orrr he just felt like rather giving it away instead of risking his life fighting for it. Several possibilities right there.

Further on Shadow, the list of 3 isn't looking all that bad. Combining ours and Kay's, could make it into say uhh, if one has already planned some kind of giveaway of the beast, and have a legit reason for doing it too, then they do as she said and state it beforehand, instead of blindsiding others with it.

Edit: Don't care what people say, I liked the movie version of I, Robot too.

I can't really say on the Rinoa matter, but I think she's cool with it. She can contact him about it if she wants at any time.

I gave it away cause I was bored, wanted a break. Had no challengers so fighting for it wasn't an issue. I planned on not rp'ing anymore so I gave it to someone who does RP.

Yeah, stating it would be nice. Kind of like what I did with mine.

I, Robot was a glorious movie. ~
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2015, 03:21:28 PM »

I can; she wasn't happy one bit >>; I will spare you the language though.


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2015, 05:11:20 PM »

But one way to stop the madness is to right now say-

Removal of tailed beasts!  :eek:

-after these matches if I am still host I am doing this. No more challengers for this host.
And you draw the line.

Awww...  :oops:

1) You have no current challengers
2) You aren't currently in a fight
3) Must make a connection in RP if OOC or IC

As long as we don't have to come up with some reason for surviving an extraction even if the trade was done in an OOC manner, I have no complaints worth posting about at this time. The third rule seems kind of unnecessary though considering the reason can be practically anything just short of "I don't want to fight you for it".
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2015, 06:09:30 PM »

I didn't target anyone with that on purpose. If you had read it fully the point I was making was not that I had an issue with some rp being required to transfer bijuu. My issue was that it has to make sense and how do we determine what makes sense. I don't think anyone should be telling anyone else what makes sense for their character to do. So no I don't see that as being hypocritical.

If we're going to use those 3 rules my only issue is how do we enforce #3?


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2015, 06:31:11 PM »

Rule 3 doesn't have to be added. Just a suggestion. Was trying to make errone happy.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2015, 06:44:53 PM »

Rule 3 doesn't have to be added. Just a suggestion. Was trying to make errone happy.

I understand that, and I'd love as much as the next guy for "Everything has to make sense." to be just a rule in general. But as we know many people on SL have different ideas of what that entails.


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2015, 07:25:31 PM »

Be that as it may, if Kay's thing of clearly stating when you intend to pass a beast to someone else is employed, I don't see it harming anyone to add a simple 'why' onto that. Could perhaps constitute as the 3 or something.


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2015, 07:37:54 PM »

Be that as it may, if Kay's thing of clearly stating when you intend to pass a beast to someone else is employed, I don't see it harming anyone to add a simple 'why' onto that. Could perhaps constitute as the 3 or something.

Until someone doesn't think your why is good enough and they contest it. Then we have another forum debate about whether or not your characters logic makes sense or not. It just seems to me that it's a set up for just more awful things to come.

I just feel like it's either something that cannot be contested and there for pointless, or people are going to be telling other people what their characters personalities and such would allow them to do. I don't particularly like either of those ideas.


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2015, 07:44:51 PM »

A debate where you can prove yourself, as opposed to doing whatever on earth one pleases as long as its not to an alt a second time and your challenge list is empty.

Looking at how things have gone so far, I'd quite prefer the former.


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #43 on: January 02, 2015, 07:58:14 PM »

A debate where you can prove yourself, as opposed to doing whatever on earth one pleases as long as its not to an alt a second time and your challenge list is empty.

Looking at how things have gone so far, I'd quite prefer the former.

Prove what? That you're rping your character? How is it that I'm the one in favor of people not having to be interrogated about what they want their characters to do in rp and there are people against that?

It is either pointless, or character control. Anyone with half a brain can think up a reason someone would do something. That's pretty much how rp in general works.

Let's say you were to give Shukaku to Konoha. I contest your logic behind doing so. We make a forum topic and you explain it. What exactly would I counter with? How can I argue that the thought process you had your character go through is incorrect?

It just seems that unless we get some space-cadet Jinchuriki who is brought onto the forum to explain himself and goes, "Uuuuh, uuuuh, I unno." then their decision to give their bijuu to someone could never be overturned, so what is the point?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 08:00:12 PM by bocchiere »


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Re: Bijuu handling.
« Reply #44 on: January 02, 2015, 08:09:53 PM »

To prove it actually was RP, not just shady OOC deals or whatever because frack everyone else is why. Would prevent new Nights, not even to begin about worse situations.

Say you fight yourself into a dead end, surrounded by hunters with no escape out of it. What's that, you quit and suddenly the beast is in the hands of someone else halfway around the world because magic?

And so on.
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