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Author Topic: Most unique fighting style?  (Read 2442 times)


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Most unique fighting style?
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:25:29 AM »

I'm curious. SL has been around for years. And I'm sure plenty of you were around during the 'golden days' I've heard so much about. People come and go, but as people leave, so do personalities and fighting styles.
So, in your time here, what were the most unique fighting styles or most unique ninja you've encountered?
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Re: Most unique fighting style?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2015, 10:48:22 AM »

There was this awesome fighting style called fun. And let me tell you it was AMAZING.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Most unique fighting style?
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2015, 11:37:35 AM »

Fighting a monk who let the supernatural do all the fighting, and sometimes all the talking too.

Since then he has modified some stuff, and I don't think he still fight that way.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Most unique fighting style?
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2015, 05:30:43 AM »

Do you guys remember when people use to fight at Genin and Chuunin level? Those where the days.


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Re: Most unique fighting style?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2015, 08:53:07 PM »

Most unique?

Goodness. That would have been my little brother Santachi! He was an elephant and a cannibal who would take on human form. What that little guy could not come up with!

Oh my, and I can't forget Mole Sage The Crazy ANBU. What a riot he could be? Always trying to blow up something and yelling at the kiddies to get off his lawn, most notably some kage come to visit. His mole techniques were great. Let me see if I can find those...

[runs to her archives]

oh man...this makes me quotes from a training session with me...

okay your ready. you can now summon the mole so now i shall give you a list of moves to practice. and because you need someone to try and kill while im on vacation im going to do this. *unleashes an evil clone who looks exactly like me except he has a moustache.* your job is to behead him and try not to join him and the darkside.
  • Mole face jutsu: well it makes finding a person easy because of the other heightened senses. Plus Sharingans and other genjutsu really wont be effective when you have it active.
  • Mole claws jutsu-also allows you to move through the earth almost instantly
  • Mole Fusion-this one takes a lot of practice, mole fusion gives you great affinity with the earth,enhanced strength and the ability to go through the earth at amazing speeds.
  • Earth sculpting-you put your will and are able to change stone and rock and it allows you to do a wide variety of different doton moves such as form earth pillars or make hands pop out to grab an enemy or something like that.

Asadi, believe it or not. I loved fighting with him. I could never predict what he was going to do next. You gotta love someone who keeps you on your toes and does the unexpected. After a while you read the zones or have a training partner and you think...ok, he does this, this, and this. and whamo...he does this, this, and this. I never got the same fight twice out of the old man.

TheWhiteFangofKahona was a blast in the zones too. And I never had to be afraid to take a hit with him. Unlike Dizzy, if he killed me I knew he wasn't going to eat me too.

Uhm, so there was Dizzy. He killed my sister once and ate her to absorb her powers. I never saw THAT done before.

NarutoThheHokage...I probably put the spelling error in the wrong place. HE spelled it wrong, I just forget where. Armageddon every time. I can't tell you how many times he and I destroyed the world. It is his fault that Osa's Sake House is Underground.

Yes, SL was blown up years ago. You are all living in a dream.

Uhm, PyroPrinny! He ate a debil fruit and could change into all sorts of metal constructs of destruction. I forget who we were fighting. There was always some npc raid or huge melee going on in Suna till the mods would fall from the sky and kick us out to the zones. But he would roll in with tank treads for legs and bowl right over the hordes of enemy fodder or do outrageous things like have a huge cannon jut out of his boxer shorts' fly...he never wore anything but boxers...and lob missals all over the place.

But I have to tell on my brother Teostra while I am here. This was before he ate that One Piece Debil Fruit that Prinny gave him and began to ooze purple poisons everywhere. So gross.

I fought him one time and we came to a stand still. And so it became clear to me that as his training progressed more satisfactorily than my own, that the next time I fought him I would more than likely die. Our sparing days were over due to my need to live. But he kept asking and I kept being 'busy'. >.> Yes, shivering in my go-go boots and peeing down my leg. See, he had this new weapon he wanted to try out on me. One day though I could no longer put him off as I had been more than rude in delaying my eventual demise. So off to the zones we go. WE fight and comes to the killing blow...he holds the fowl round weapon of destruction before me and there is no escape. Too proud to cry for mercy I ran through my will in my mind and as his hand came up to hold the orb before my face I realized life was all too short; I would miss Kayenta. He squeezed his hand and the thing exploded shooting grapefruit juice all over me! The big TURKEY BUTT! He KNEW how much I hated grapefruit. He laughed and wandered off.

Imagine the nerve of him dragging out such a prank for months like that!


And of course, if anyone has ever seen Hobby Gobby on the field of battle with his Dance Pole, one must say he has indeed seen uniqueness in action. I'm sorry, there is just not enough white out in the world to erase the image from my mind of the Big No Necked Goblin King of Suna strutting around a dance pole in a loincloth!

Now don't get me wrong, these guys can all do serious zoning. But I like to play. And they were never too serious to act the fool and let down their hair and have some crazy fun!


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Re: Most unique fighting style?
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2015, 11:28:57 PM »

Ah Kayenta's post made me remember Sabumaru. The guy is a cannibal and is quite loony. Fun times when rp'ing around his guy. Always eating some kind of.....special meats.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Most unique fighting style?
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2015, 11:37:27 PM »

That all sounds pretty fun. I know that there's a cannibal now named Sabu, but I haven't interacted with him. The mole guy sounds like he was using sage mode before it was even a thing (or maybe not. Just reading the RP stuff you posted made it seem like he was from long ago).
But that's cool how people would eat someone to steal their powers. It's surprising that more people don't do that to gain powers...But it's probably because no one allows their character to 'die'. Only NPCs die in this game lol
Pyro and Naruto both sound crazy though. But, I think that's sometimes what games like this need. It reminds people that things don't always have to be so serious and that this is still a game...Though, I don't think anyone would be stand for someone like Pyro in this game these days.
And I've recently begun interacting with Hobby. He's actually pretty fun. It's a refreshing break from the boring, political aspect of this game by throwing me into the world of the unknown. But that's probably because I like when people break the mold and do stuff that people aren't expecting. No one wants to deal with a bunch of ninjas that are basically the same character with different pallets.

And I don't understand what you mean, Uetto. Could you clarify?
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Re: Most unique fighting style?
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2015, 11:42:46 PM »

Back in the day when Kg weren't in the game and it was still Naruto. Nothing added or anything people used to fight at lower levels than we do now because the limitations back then were low.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Most unique fighting style?
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2015, 08:10:35 AM »

Back in the day when Kg weren't in the game and it was still Naruto. Nothing added or anything people used to fight at lower levels than we do now because the limitations back then were low.

That's BS and you know it, Shadow. Before KG were introduced, people did whatever they wanted to do and it was generally accepted. Around that time, the Twilight movies were coming out and we had a huge influx of vampire/werewolf characters. Things were still very relaxed and everyone was about having fun.
Before even that time, when there were only four jutsu to pick from, it was even crazier. Because there wasn't much to pull from the Naruto source because it was pre-timeskip. Because of that (and probably because a lot of us were young teens) there were almost no limits. A whole bunch of original jutsus were being made daily. A lot of stuff was ripped from other manga like DBZ, YuYu Hakusho, and One Piece.
Things got how they are today sometime after reborns were introduced...Likely around 2009-2011. It really went downhill when that SLS thing reared its ugly head and people weren't 'considered official to RP' unless they signed up there. That's when all the regulations started up and everyone started being butthurt about everything.
I don't know if it was because a lot of us got older or what, but people hardly actually RP'd as a genin or chuunin (unless that was their rank in the game. Then they usually did. Back then, it was Oro Kills not resets that mattered though)

So yeah, don't BS. This game was never JUST Naruto back then. People just had more imagination back then.

Most SL RPers these days -


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Re: Most unique fighting style?
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2015, 06:40:16 PM »

Back in the day when Kg weren't in the game and it was still Naruto. Nothing added or anything people used to fight at lower levels than we do now because the limitations back then were low.

That's BS and you know it, Shadow. Before KG were introduced, people did whatever they wanted to do and it was generally accepted. Around that time, the Twilight movies were coming out and we had a huge influx of vampire/werewolf characters. Things were still very relaxed and everyone was about having fun.
Before even that time, when there were only four jutsu to pick from, it was even crazier. Because there wasn't much to pull from the Naruto source because it was pre-timeskip. Because of that (and probably because a lot of us were young teens) there were almost no limits. A whole bunch of original jutsus were being made daily. A lot of stuff was ripped from other manga like DBZ, YuYu Hakusho, and One Piece.
Things got how they are today sometime after reborns were introduced...Likely around 2009-2011. It really went downhill when that SLS thing reared its ugly head and people weren't 'considered official to RP' unless they signed up there. That's when all the regulations started up and everyone started being butthurt about everything.
I don't know if it was because a lot of us got older or what, but people hardly actually RP'd as a genin or chuunin (unless that was their rank in the game. Then they usually did. Back then, it was Oro Kills not resets that mattered though)

So yeah, don't BS. This game was never JUST Naruto back then. People just had more imagination back then.

Lack of imagination has very little to do with the decrease in fight diversity. Reborns and post-timeskip developments reinforced the idea that SL should be a place for Naruto RP; SLS emerged originally as a separate continuum for people in favor of that, but many of these same people didn't want to let go of SL, so when SLS broke apart, many of them returned to SL and brought what RP they did there back with them. The only official thing that truthfully can be said to have been brought from SLS that stuck permanently was an official tailed beast list (which would have been necessary anyways if the beasts were to ever be a part of RP, a mistake that I wish I wouldn't have supported)

Non-naruto stuff got a whack there, but then the series developed the Uchiha (and later Uchiha-Senju and/or sage mode) meta that more rapidly narrowed the list of viable (for upper tier fighting anyays) classes, whacking off "minor" clans that couldn't easily compete (after all, the narutoverse canon by that point offered less and less to most minor canon clans, so either those clans had to make up for it with custom stuff or start hybridizing).  Purely custom clans often borrowed from non-Naruto sources for their special clan binding point (unless they were a socializing clan) and got double-whacked as a result of that. Village-clans became more prominent (as if the era of warring states switched over to hidden villages, except villages had long since existed before then) and some like Konoha started claiming the public village boards.

 The end result is the meta we have now with the fighting style(s) that we have now.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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