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Author Topic: Kekkei Genkai Limitations  (Read 2824 times)


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Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« on: May 10, 2015, 01:50:49 PM »

So the growing trend of "Resets =/= RP" has been giving people a good +1 and more. It's been allowing people to excel at a better pace than going by just resets alone. I've been a bit lenient here and there with some of this. Though there have been small cases of advancing stupidly-fast, which I will not name out here.

Though here's something that I thought of: What keeps someone from going the Kabuto or Hiruko route in order to gain multiple Kekkei Genkai? Furthermore, what would keep someone from not only having Sage Mode, but also the Rinnegan? I actually fall under the latter, since I currently have Sage Mode and have the ability to awaken the Rinnegan whenever I want.

Resets always served as a psuedo-limiter to how many KG one could have. But now that we're throwing them out as a guideline, what are we going to go by now, other than it being subjective based upon what someone is willing to allow or void? A more disturbing question: What's to keep someone from starting out at (manga or SL) kage-level power if we're going to make things subjective?

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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2015, 02:35:48 PM »

Thank you Kage for bringing this up. I was going to make a subject myself, but was unsure on how to word it.

Anyways, what can we do? Even when we say no to these accounts that have Resets =/= RP, they continue. It is annoying because for those who have actually either played the other portion of SL or paid money/obtained free accounts with resets, have become a thing of the past.

Now I'm all for sitter accounts that have insane amounts of PVPs because that shows that the person played through the PVP system. Example: Kazumo.
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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2015, 03:29:55 PM »

Maybe we can split it up? Through RP you can only gain two full resets,  while anymore requires KG to fill the blank? As for Sage Mode and Rinnegan? I think it is best to keep them separate. Even 10 Tails Jinchuriki  had a weakness to Senjutsu. To allow either user to have both is tantamount to making a neigh invincible character. Not to mention the sub abilities they may have to compound it.


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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2015, 03:54:14 PM »

Heh. I made a Kabuto account already. It was under the name Acuna, however it did have some resets and even when I switched to a non-reborn account it was fine to everyone. As for rinnegan AND sage mode? We've somehow all agreed to this current standing rule where you can't have both. You'd be stupidly OP with sage-mode and rinnegan. Do I need to link Madara videos? What is keeping us from doing it is to keep the game more fair. And I know there's a shit load of other stuff that isn't. But just because one fixed thing stands out among all the broken you want to break it?

Now I know you've said that in light more as an example of what could be or the sort...

Say some new person out of the blue suddenly is here. No one knows him and he claims 16 max and all that.

Now I make a new account and rp on it. Claim 16 max. I know the game. I know the rules. I was here before it was Shinobi Legends back when it was LoN.

How do you decipher the two?
The green thumb person will be more subjective to someone with a stacked account. As in if you start telling them you can't just claim resets without rp'ing it or the sorts. They will ask questions more and all that. The not new person on a new account wouldn't deter like the noob, instead may alter a bit in their path while keeping what they want.

Then there's the rp. If the noob and the pseudo noob both rp getting those resets or at least train in them isn't that good enough? But then there's the issue of training too fast. Yet if I bought a max account and claimed it (max) everybody is fine with that. Even if the work was done by someone else. This site is about rp'ing and having fun. Hah.

Basically what does it matter who got what when and how long it took?

If the person is playing inside the rules of the game and rp'ing and not causing trouble then what? You're mad at that person cause they want to rp on an rp site? Albeit they trained one kg at the rate which you can get kyuubi fully mastered.

If they claim to rp at a level above their account then test them on it. Call 'em out. See if they're all they say they are. Let them use max resets or not. You both are Kage's. (Lolz @Kage's name) You both have the power to decide where in the village you think this person belongs and all that.

It's the village they rp in that will say no or yes. If you say no they'll usher from place to place until they find somewhere people will accept it.

I dunno.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2015, 03:59:38 PM »

RPing in general heavily favors people who have advanced writing skills. I know the 'real world' isn't fairness for all, but seriously SL is suppose to be a get away from the real world. Everyone here knows that some people aren't great at writing as others and  the growing trend of "Resets =/= RP" is annoying me.  I will admit myself, reading and writing were one of my worst subjects while math was one of my strongest, the opposite can be for others.

It was suggested we involve both somehow I would like that to be seen. We needed a limiter for both otherwise someone can just RP gaining certain combination of powers making them on levels much greater than Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Future suggestion making combat in RP for fair for people who aren't as good in writing..


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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2015, 04:41:46 PM »

So the growing trend of "Resets =/= RP" has been giving people a good +1 and more. It's been allowing people to excel at a better pace than going by just resets alone. I've been a bit lenient here and there with some of this. Though there have been small cases of advancing stupidly-fast, which I will not name out here.

Though here's something that I thought of: What keeps someone from going the Kabuto or Hiruko route in order to gain multiple Kekkei Genkai? Furthermore, what would keep someone from not only having Sage Mode, but also the Rinnegan? I actually fall under the latter, since I currently have Sage Mode and have the ability to awaken the Rinnegan whenever I want.

Resets always served as a psuedo-limiter to how many KG one could have. But now that we're throwing them out as a guideline, what are we going to go by now, other than it being subjective based upon what someone is willing to allow or void? A more disturbing question: What's to keep someone from starting out at (manga or SL) kage-level power if we're going to make things subjective?

I may be speaking for myself here, but resets have not been completely thrown out as a guideline. Yes, I'm not a huge stickler, but I don't just ignore it either. Someone who has 16 maxed out resets that RPs like crap still can use those resets; albeit, their crap RPing will either bring them down anyways or give me reason to just reject their claims to fame (but not necessarily to power).

If RP is the primary or only method for judging prowess, then subjectivity is the only way anything will be limited, because unlike maths or sciences, acting and RPing are themselves rather subjective. What I think is crap RP someone else will find thrilling and invigorating, and vice versa. There is nothing more than acceptance that keeps someone from having the power of a kage.

Now, RPing on a kage-level, to be technical, is very different from having the power of a KG. RPing on a Kage level takes some literary merit (you don't have to be the best, but if you can't form a complex sentence then you're not likely to become a Kage of any of the more populous nations) that terrible writers will struggle with. Argumentatively, writing here on SL has made me a worse overall writer; the need to describe almost everything plus some in a serious RP fight is simply numbing for a general audience wanting to be entertained, along with repetitiveness that has come as a habit when making long posts without charting them out first.

There have been a few general limitations to power, with that being sage mode and Rinnegan. Seniority or no, no one, not even Kage, should have that combination at his/her fingertips for any reason whatsoever. However, what is accepted by RPers is trumped by any rule of thumb or law around here, so really, with the "reset power != to RP power" subjective ruling, what else could be expected?

Presuming that the problem is that "resets != RP power" risks allowing newcomers the ability to just power-level past the lower RP levels, the only solution so far employed is that folks only RP with those that do things the way they accept, which excludes people and, if they don't find a niche to be a part of, eventually causes them to either leave or become outcast rejects always out to stir up trouble. As Kayenta would probably put it, if it comes down to picking the poison, I imagine many would rather say Laissez-faire or in this context, "let them do" to keep some flow of newcomers around.

This website is not a forum, and will likely never be. Double standards just because someone is brand spanking new (or has a new account rather) are not productive. Wanting RP to be the way power is gained has that risk of newcomers really good at RP already to quickly power through the ranks (as I thought was the intention, to reward good RPers and punish those who just buy an account to get ahead) while resets favor those who can either acquire an account (purchase or otherwise) or have been here long enough to grind through it.

The sought after middle high ground has been to just roll with what you feel is good in contrast with hard and fast rules. And that makes for some rather conflicting RP when differing RP groups are brought together. If in unison enough people rejected crazy amounts of KG, then it would become a norm, but everyone would have to dismount the horse in order to put it in the stable for good.

That's my take on it, with the customary repetition that I was earlier joking about.  :smt080
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 04:43:01 PM by Eric »
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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2015, 05:57:10 PM »

Totally working on a Kabuto/Orochi experiment style for one of my characters. Otherwise the real question is what do YOU(the keyboard warrior) wish for your character to turn out to become. Our characters are purely made out of our own interest, making regulations on such is kinda hard. Although, I'm not trying to brag or anything since many of you have been here for longer than I have; but I can certainly vouch for myself when I first joined that I was a noob. Still working my way around zones and RP, even attempted to attack Suna out of boredom only to realize I had god modded terribly and didn't understand how to properly do such. It was only after actual time spent on SL, RPing and zoning with others was I able to understand this 'system' we've instilled, whatever it may be, in order to properly role play with one another. With such I was then able to properly grow my character to what they are. Still some peoples views will be different than others, yet we still manage to get some form of RP going no matter what. I've made many request to restart a forum based test for SL RP and maybe we could better Limit the grotesque amounts of KG and power ups some new accounts gain, but I don't believe we can limit things site-wise.

As for limitations, I believe our characters should have things that make sense to them and their story. You can certainly have a character that happens to know multiple village secrets, how? They ventured and traveled the shinobi world and nations on friendly terms and became acquainted with the people and their lifestyle, eventually learning a thing or two. Not just oh I want that technique, its mine now. >>; Or simply having our characters visit a relic or place known to host said power/ability and seeking such out. That in itself is RP! We shouldn't just leave RP to fruitless attempts at battles and fights like we continue to do. >>; With our current 'guidelines' its not meant for every single person to have achieved full max reborns, that only happens with time. So we should treat our RP the same. Despite the ultimate desire for a newbie to start off with some high level abilities is just bizarre, especially if they don't know how to use them properly. We all have to live and learn, especially with our characters; some seem to be skipping that step which is the problem. Kishimoto made it clear that characters like Hiruko/KAkuzu/Kabuto can exist, its just a matter of HOW they exist in our SL world.


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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2015, 11:04:51 PM »

I've always thought people should be allowed two (Like the Mizukage from the manga) and like one implant that they're body can handle. So I'd say three max.

But this doesn't include biju skills and stuff like that.
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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2015, 02:39:18 AM »

The whole "Resets=/=RP" thing has good intentions, but holy crap, it's abused.

If someone were to rp with me with no resets but were to fight me as if they had multiple KG, I'll deal with it on a case by case basis.

The big question I ask: Did they RP obtaining it, training it, and what not?

Possible Outcome 1: Typically if the person is a good writer and rp'r, character development, training, etc., would come naturally. Usually in that situation, I'd interact with them.
Outcome 2: Now, if they made a new account, claim EMS straight up, and no prior rps, then I'll question the integrity of the person.

It can go both ways also: Someone can obtain a 16 reset, make a new character that is OP beyond anything and rp. We've all seen this before.

TL;DR: Honestly, I just think it should be dealt on a case by case basis. There are alot of good roleplayers that are amazing at rping. I honestly think that not having a multiple reset account should hold them back.

Look at their history and their previous roleplays. Judge before you interact with them. I disagree with placing a "blanket solution" solution on the problem such as giving them free 2 kgs. That might help fix some of the problem, but screw over people who actually roleplay well.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 02:42:16 AM by Genesis »


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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2015, 02:58:36 AM »

I noticed a lot of these resets =/= RP people happen to be low level Academy Students with custom titles and names...Which leads me to believe that a lot of them are alts of people. I mean, I can kind of understand the desire to RP at a higher level when you start out. I did in a way, but I've spent a lot of time in the forests and RPing. So, it's kind of annoying when someone who shows up thinking that good writing ability automatically makes you Superman.
Good writing ability's appreciated, but you could always just have good writing to grow your character over time. But I basically deal with people as they come. If they're obnoxious, then I just stop playing with them. But if they're RPing as a powerful character but not making it overtly powerful, then it's a good medium. Unfortunately, people don't really approach me for RP, so I have to go out and butt my way into stuff. And when I do that, I feel like I'm not wanted because everyone already involved has the whole 'story' planned out and they're just acting out a script without any external input.
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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2015, 06:58:51 AM »

Subject 1: Kirk R. Schilling (aka Uetto of the Senju/ThePervySage)

-worst grammar track record at SL
*crowned Hokage
*16-1-2 zone record
*undistouted defender of Konoha
*God killer

-rps via ACSD account
* trolled everyone by simply giving away maxed out account during time everyone was looking to buy them
* no one questions rp athority
* hasn't attempted to level in probably a year
* drink in rp 95% or time and nothing else

Subject 2: Everyone Else

- fight over this bs when they could just do like subject one and be a baus



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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2015, 12:07:12 PM »

I'm not gonna lie, even after nearly two years on this site, I still consider myself a super max noob when it comes to interacting with others. Before SL I was a fanfiction author for Naruto, I say before because SL is a bit addicting. I see lots of people with awesome abilities and sure, as a human, I want some of that, but as a writer I look at things the logical way and know that some things just aren't possible to get. So in order to get certain abilities, and not have people attacking your credibility or authenticity, time should be spent. Whether it's through actual RP or spamming them hotkeys, a certain amount of time should be spent.

In my case, I'm going at it in both ways, using the fact that I didn't dive straight into the Shinobi Realm when I first made the account and focused on personal training. Time spent unhindered by the world has given me a lot of free time. While others were out there constantly fighting and doing missions and whatnot, Jay was training, knowing that the world of SL was a dangerous place.

I'm a bit of a loner and thus, RP is hard for me, but I'm getting better, depending on who I'm RPing with I guess. The Resets =/= Rp thing annoys me as well, to an extent. But when you consider the age of the character, then it becomes a gray area.

Obviously mad respect goes to those that have spent a really long time on this site and developed their characters without resorting to a reset, And those that maxed out their resets.

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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2015, 04:20:33 PM »

The Resets =/= Rp thing annoys me as well, to an extent. But when you consider the age of the character, then it becomes a gray area.

It seems everyone follows that. Kirk and I both have had max accounts though when we rp'ed on acds with max resets nothing was said.(and still do) It wasn't debated or argued about. We filled out all the demands from all sides. Resets = rp, kg = rp, insert something here = rp.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Kekkei Genkai Limitations
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2015, 04:31:19 AM »

The Resets =/= Rp thing annoys me as well, to an extent. But when you consider the age of the character, then it becomes a gray area.

It seems everyone follows that. Kirk and I both have had max accounts though when we rp'ed on acds with max resets nothing was said.(and still do) It wasn't debated or argued about. We filled out all the demands from all sides. Resets = rp, kg = rp, insert something here = rp.

Well te thing is Shadow people know the time we spent on our characters. Sure I leveled but I also toed everything. That's how it should be in my opinion a two way street. Do both.

He'll I keep Uetto at a bellow Jounin level for two years at SL before I started to make him rise on strength. It was to buil the character. Uetto was a nobody misfit. He was weak and had no natural skill thus he rose by training like crazy. Then one day he broke through. All the skills he has I have spent major time training either months and some years.

I do t do it as much anymore due to not having the time from RL like I use to. However, I do still make him training from time to time and fight to stay on top his skills.

He never had a teacher. I also made it that way so he had to be dependent and learn on his own. To create a sense of durability and a will to strive on.

In the end though I think people should do what they enjoy. Build your character how you like. It is yours and we are here to have fun. So long as someone tries and attempts to get alon with others and have fun why should they be limited or not good enough?

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