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Author Topic: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev  (Read 4898 times)


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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2015, 03:39:06 AM »

Kunai marked with hiraishin would indeed be destroyed on the island, however he still had the one he had tossed behind him. With the currents picking up, the marked kunai was at least 30 yards away and still going.

Feeling the destruction of one of his seals and the appearance of Dato back into the realm with his Sage Sensing, the Yondaime was disappointed. However, the fog that destroyed his kunai gave him a malicious idea. Weaving through a set of kata, the Yondaime would manipulated the Dokuton water on the western side. The effect? A simple rise in sea level. The purple water would spill onto the western side of the island, flooding the chasms with their poison. This again would create a superheated steam and add to the density of the fog. Dato's fog would turn purple and due to the sheer volume of water being put into the chasm, grow much bigger.

The Yondaime had effectively turned his poison airborn. The evaporation of the water would cause the Dokuton to turn to the only other form available, basically a gas. Now both the sea and air would be infected with the Yondaime's poisonous chakra. The fog, or essentially a smog would float in the air, covering the island. Of course some of it would get in contact with the kirisame as it reached the eastern side, but with how slow kirisame is at absorbing chakra and how there was a vast amount of Dokuton water being converted to smog, it would be a long time before it could effectively clear it. Dato would be momentarily safe due to height in the air, but within a matter of minutes the purple smog would reach him. Now with some of the ocean and air polluted Dato's world was very purple at the moment. If the smog touched him, his chakra network would be infected and eaten away.

Once done with that, the Yondaime would have his ethereal warrior spawn both a longsword and shield to further his prowess. However there was something more to this shield than meets the eye, something Dato wouldn't be able to note unless he had encountered the item before. The Yondaime would stare at the island, watching the smog and kirisame, as he awaited the power play by Dato. The Yondaime would think that even for a jinch a 1800 ft radius of Kirisame would be pretty chakra taxing.

1Rose sea level of western side
   Dokuton Smog created due to it
2Spawned Susanoo accessories

(Note while his chakra isn't limitless, which best example is Mu. This isn't perfect Susanoo, but much smaller, as an alive Sasuke can keep it sustained for awhile. For a better example, a ninja with low chakra when alive like Itachi, was not strained when an Edo Tensei. Thus it will be quite sometime before severe ability dampening strain is felt )
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Dart Terumī

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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2015, 08:13:14 PM »

On hold whilst we discuss.

Dart Terumī

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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2015, 11:36:08 PM »

Dāto took note of the Yondaime taking advantage of his previous attack. He frowned slightly from his position in the air as the fog would begin to take on a very weak purple hue. “You aim to make your poison airborne then, huh?” He asked himself quietly. If he didn't act carefully, the Mist Denizen might find himself in quite the predicament. Seeing as how the western half and the ocean outside of the Kirisame blanket were swiftly becoming under Trev's control, Dāto didn't have the advantage to launch his prepared move. He also knew that by diffusing the poison into an ever in motion body of water, especially with splashback and current undertow caused from the rain, the Dokuton would have to be rather diluted. Coupling this fact with introducing it to the superheated fog would weaken it further. Still, Dāto didn't know what type of poison it would be to counter with the antidotes he has with him nor what effects it would take on his body. He wasn't going to risk exposure.

He flew up higher, even though the increasing poisoned-infused fog would take some time to even threaten him immediately, so he could act near the lower lying clouds. This next move would require more contact and concentration than his first move. He formed the Horse handseal and closed his eyes. His five tails would wave in the air before chakra was pulled from them and infiltrated the clouds causing them to become  fully saturated with his signature. The moisture could not be contained as it fell to the ground. Trev might believe it to be Kirisame once more to try and give the Terumī back advantage. But he would most certainly be wrong in assuming so.

As the rain fell from the sky and made contact with any foreign entity, be it even as small as a droplet of vapor, a faint hissing sound would emit to denote that it would be dissolved instantly by the highly concentrated acid. This rain was no laughing matter and shouldn't be taken lightly. The only items not affected by the rain would be the ones attached to the Terumī, the Terumī himself, and techniques that contained his chakra. It fell to the increased water level on the western half of the island and through the fog, dissolving everything it touched along the way. Even the Dokuton on the surface of the water would dissolve away as the Mist denizen's acidic rain fell. It fell in a much more heavy torrent than the rain on the eastern half of the island. Its initial circular spread would begin with an astonishing 1000 yard stretch, easily overlapping into the Kirisame on the eastern half of the island. This would ensure that Trev and his ethereal warrior would not be able to easily flee before the Susanoo was completely dissolved despite its Sage enhancement. Also, the marked kunai would just so happen to be within the spread and therefore it too would face dissolution, especially the seal. Due to the large size of this technique, his shroud would lose three tails leaving him with a two tail shroud.

(Futton: Sansei Ame no Jutsu; Boil Release: Acid Rain Technique)

Trev could, theoretically, maintain the Susanoo though he would find he'd have to focus most if not all his chakra and attention into maintaining its large form due to the constant barrage that was beset upon him. Assuming this would be the case and that his new rain would dissolve the already weakened Dokuton, Dāto would fly just a bit down from the clouds in order to observe his handiwork. He held a single kata, waiting for his opponent's next move.

ONLY IF the Susanoo shows any opening in its defense, then a jikūkan would erupt rapidly in the opening and two of his clones would pop out. An untransformed (V1, one-tail shroud) clone would be carrying a transformed (V2, three tail shroud) clone which would let loose its bijūdama point blank at Trev. It would carry enough strength to blast through his Sage enhanced form to cause some serious, if not fatal, damage that would prevent his Edo Tensei body from reforming immediately and allowing the Mist denizen time to seal up his remains. Both clones would be sacrificed in the explosion, granting the Mist denizen back his chakra.

IF NO OPENING OPENS, then nothing else happens.


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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2015, 01:46:08 AM »

Ethereal warrior would eventually start to get drenched by the acid rain. The sizzling could be heard quite clearly as the the figure would be burning from the acid. However, the warrior possessed a sturdy defense, enhanced by the Senjutsu chakra running through it. This allowed the Yondaime time to react as his figure slowly started to get smaller and smaller. Though the figure's shield would not be damaged at all, a most perplexing thing if Dato was close enough to see it.

Using both his Sharingan for visual purposes and Sage sensing, the Yondaime got a feel for the eventual radius that the technique would encompass. Figuring out the safe haven from this bombardment, the Yondaime would start his escape. A fair amount of chakra would be focused to his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan as the susanoo was growing weaker, egged on by the Yondaime not focusing on maintaining it and straining himself.

As the susanoo was about to leave him open, a swirl in the space-time dimension would erupt over the Yondaime as he utilized Kamui to escape. To his surprise, a biju bomb would be launched at the opening in the susanoo just as he was leaving, what a lucky break. The Kamui would swallow him whole as his susanoo dispersed, from the lack of chakra and rain, moments before the biju bomb struck it.

The Yondaime would not stay in his pocket dimension for long however, reappearing closer to his starting point of the island, but still in the ocean and outside the acid rain by a considerable distance.   The Yondaime would pull out a paper seal that could receive the his chakra signature and attach it to a kunai. The kunai would then proceed to float in the air, remaining at a standstill. The Yondaime would utilize Kamui many times more, doing the same thing by the north, south, and eastern parts. Being very careful to not go into any kirisame or acid rain. By the end of it, four kunai with tags would be floating around the island, not exactly the easiest thing to spot.

Due to the multiple uses of Kamui, Dato would have trouble pinpointing the exact location of the Yondaime, as he did not stay in one spot for more than a few seconds.

2Manipulating Attack Blades
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Dart Terumī

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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2015, 04:43:58 AM »

For a brief moment, Dāto had thought he had eliminated the Otokage once his signature faded away after the bijū bomb went off in the area. However, once Trev reappeared, this gave Dāto the insight that his opponent possessed the same dōjutsu ability as he. “Lovely,” he mumbled to himself as he floated within his rain. By now, said rain would have eliminated the Dokuton within the spread completely and caused the increased water level to diminish back to normal, exposing the earth of the island beneath it. However, this would be no respite as even the island began to erode under the torrential downpour. Along with the island being dissolved, so too would the fish bodies that floated on the surface. A layer of acidic rain would begin to collect on top of the water as it keep pushing further and further into the ocean during the downpour. There would be some serious ecosystem problems after this battle was finished and the fisherman were gonna be quite angry with the Mist denizen.

Just as soon as Dāto felt his adversary's chakra back within this realm, it would wink out of existence again only for it to reappear in an altogether differing location. He scratched his head as the signature would linger in place for a spell then disappear once more only to reappear in another differing position. All of said positions would be out of range of the spread, which as previously stated was 1000 yards (3000 feet), so whatever technique Trev was setting up, it wouldn't be able to directly affect the Terumī unless.... “He's setting up for a fūinjutsu or kekkai!” the adolescent would exclaim aloud. So, in order to prevent such a setup, he would exert his control over the water below that contained his chakra.

By raising both his hands and using very minimal chakra, he would manipulate this control of the water and caused multiple spiraling pillars to erupt forth from the ocean and surge in the directions of which Trev appeared and disappeared. If anything would be in their path, they would most certainly face certain destruction, especially the ones that surged from the acidic layer this carrying those properties. The one on the eastern side would carry the Kirisame properties, thus anything carrying his signature would be wiped out but the kunai would actually remain fine, just drowned. Of course, this was just a shot in the dark as he couldn't see that distance. Hopefully, this widespread assault would also intercept and pierce through the Otokage as well.

(Suiton: Suigadan; Water Release: Water Fang Bullet)


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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2015, 11:46:04 PM »

    It would seem that his opponent was quite the smart one deducing his attempted plan and all. As when the Yondaime had placed the last of the four kunai, yet another barrage was headed his way. The Yondaime in his Sage Transformation state would have to avoid the water release technique at all cost. Like earlier in the battle, to escape he utilized the jet boosters on his back and flew through the air at a great speed.

    Of course, this left his kunai open to being destroyed, which would simply not do. Lucky for him, he had a chance to save them. Considering the could manipulate the movements of the kunai, the Yondaime would have them fly directly upwards with him. Of course he would do this to the other three as well (Not because I know they're being attacked, but because for my next jutsu they must be evenly placed.) Now whether the manipulating attack blades technique was faster than Dato's was unknown, but it was worth a shot. Worse comes to worse, the Yondaime would still likely escape.

    It was now or never, if the Yondaime didn't react soon, his kunai and plan should surely be foiled by the water technique. Lucky for him, his jutsu only required one kata. Forming the ram hand seal, the four kunai would suddenly stop in the air and all around them and the encompassing island would be within a red square barrier. Of course the water release technique would be not too far behind them, but once the barrier was set up, it would crash into the bottom of it and not breakthrough.

    The four kunai would represents the four points of a square, with the barrier now floating above the island, and encompassing Trev and stretched up high to encompass Dato. With the square barrier in place, the kirisame and acid rain would effectively be blocked from entering the playing field. This was a variant of Four Red Yang Formation technique, with the kunai seals acting like a chakra receiver. Of course, he was only one Edo Tensei, thus the strength would not be full par at all roughly 1/5 to be precise, for at full strengh it could block a biju bomb from the Ten-Tails. However, even in it's weakened state, any attack would still have severe trouble breaking through.

    If all went well, both Dato and the Yondaime would be within this giant confine of a barrier, as the field would start to clear from lack of rain. The Yondaime wanted this fight to end and go at it within this psuedo arena. Of course the Yondaime had sacrificed a lot to ensure a clearing of the field, panting heavily from chakra taxation of the barrier. Would his opponent oblige in the duel? Or find a way to destroy the kunai or barrier.

    Lazy so no more color codes xD

    1. Jet Booster Jump
    2. Manipulating Attack Blades
    3. Four Red Yang Formation (variant)
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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2015, 01:55:26 AM »

My last post was July 13th 11:46 pm according to the forum time, it is now July 21, 2015, 01:52:17 am. The host has not posted in the week time frame included in their rules, and thus the Hachibi will be stripped and given to me. Dato has not given me prior notification he would be absent.

Thus I request a mod lock this thread. If Dato returns soon and gives valid reason to me, I may choose  to reengage in the fight, but as of right now consider it over.
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Re: Dāto Terumī vs. Trev
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2015, 12:14:40 AM »

At the request of the host, I am hereby unlocking this thread and moving it from it's respective place on the grounds that the match will continue in all good fun. :)
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