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Author Topic: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow  (Read 5311 times)


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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2015, 06:43:42 AM »

Shadow looked upon the flying pair with a dull expression and watched as Ichirou jumped off and went into bijuu chakra modo. Assuming for Ichirou's sake this final time that the blasts were larger two story buildings and aimed at the cardinal directions around him, Shadow was in quite the Naruto World War version of England getting bombed.

Nindo was still in the way of fire, but luckily for him, like any other summon he could desummon himself to a safe place and he'd do just that until Shadow summoned him back.

Again Shadow utilized his Mokuton kg and manifested Mokuton: Hōbi no Jutsu. This would form a tailed beast bomb bunker around him in time before the attack hit. Even with senjutsu chakra Shadow kept it fueled enough to withstand the blast. The blasts around him would surely get a large number of his kunai, but by that same token they would miss some.

Shadow stayed inside the Hobi as he activated a jutsu that summoned forth the giant 3 headed dog he dubbed Fluffy. This colossal monster shared the same line of sight with Shadow and would start to attack Ichirou on command keeping him at bay.

Meanwhile at the same time the dog was brought forth, a bird of equal, but slender size shot off towards the sky at Theinin. Due to the bird's lightning fast speed and ability to turn on a dime it'd be hard for the sphinx to deal with. With its giant beak pointed it aimed to impale the other worldly creature.

Finally Shadow started to leak his chakra into the ground around them both. Until his dog and bird were dealt with his aim was to keep his chakra seeping into the ground. Traveling further and becoming more abundant.

Bijuu bunker
Summoning jutsu
Leaking chakra
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2015, 09:25:23 AM »

Ichirou's assault of explosive blasts served two purposes, the first being a way to destroy the assembled tools, the second was to put his opponent on the defensive if just for a moment, whilst Theinin could prepare and execute his next jutsu.

As the explosions set off, Theinin's Jutsu would begin, and as the summoning techniques for Shadow's two beasts would be executed, Theinin's jutsu would finalize, placing a Bright golden Pyramid overtop his opponents and his newly formed summons.

The pyramid was set up in a fashion so that Shadow would be at the center, with the very tip of the pyramid being 500 feet above him, and every edge of the base being 540 feet away from him.

Pyramid of Light: Coliseum of the Mortals.

Formed in the same manner as the pyramid of light, the coliseum of mortals is designed to force Taijutsu battles for those trapped within the barrier. The Jutsu operates by utilizing Senjutsu chakra funneled throughout the barrier to surpress it's victims chakra levels to an extent where even simple jutsu may be difficult to cast. Just as an example, a Ninja of Jonin level caught within this barrier (when performed by a powerful Sphinx) would have difficulty performing a jutsu as simple as the clone technique (not the shadow clone). The barrier would form as an entire pyramid with a floor included,  and would cut off Shadow's connection to the ground, ceasing his chakra flowing into the earth.

The barrier served not only to suppress enemy chakra, but to trap them within a confined space, As his large bird like Kuchiyose would soon discover should it continue it's attempt to fly at Theinin, as it would crash into the wall of the barrier, finding it harder than steel while at full power.

However there was a downside to the barrier. When done through proper means, Those versed in the means of Senjutsu chakra could actually absorb the chakra from the barrier and utilize it against Ichirou (Something that Ichirou discovered the hard way).

Of course Ichirou would be confined within these walls himself. However his opponent would find his chakra operating perfectly, thanks to a piercing within his Tongue. This piercing was a gift from his Sphinx, and served as the only barrier pass to this specific technique.  The chakra that surrounded him formed from just a head to a entirely spitting Image of Son goku, four tails and all. .

The Ethereal Biju stood at it's full size (Roughly 350 feet) with Ichirou at it's Epicenter, His Byakugan still taking in everything going on in the surrounding area. The hulking mass knelt over onto all fours as it waited to be attacked, once again charging chakra at the Maw. The Senjutsu chakra being utilized to fuel the technique served to increase the rate at which it grew stronger, allowing him to reach higher damage levels with lower charge times, though charge times still remained. If the large 3 headed dog summon would continue to move to attack Ichirou, It would find itself in a situation as the four chakra tails that extended from the back of the beast would reach forward, growing in size as they wrapped around the beast, three tails around each neck and one around the body. The Senjutsu Biju chakra threatened to crush the beast with intense grip while the Jutsu charged.

1 turn jutsu charged.

3/10 Sennin Modo

Theinin's Actions:
1. Pyramid of light: Coliseum of the mortals

Ichirou's Actions:
1. Full Biju chakra Mode
2. Jutsu charge

Edit: Added proper height for the Ethereal Son Goku, Madara(Not shadow Madara) provided me with better reference
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 08:39:32 PM by Ichirou Hyuuga »


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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2015, 03:03:44 PM »

The bird which was going towards the Sphinx would halt at the sight of the barrier and trail off down towards Ichirou where it would start to release egg bombs shortly before getting there. It would attempt to circle Ichirou after having laid some out of his range between Shadow and Ichirou. While the bird did that, the dog, Fluffy would indeed be captured. However since Ichirou was more or less strangling them they would still attempt to bite at the tails.

As the barrier started to form and did so successfully, (although who knew how long it took?) Shadow would have gotten ample time to leak his chakra into the ground as said. So even as he was cut off he'd already accomplish his task.

Shadow was inside a bijuu dama bunker and while his vision inside was basically nothingness his connected eyes with the summons granted him the vision he needed to investigate the situation. Such a big barrier it was too. 500 feet tall and like 500+- feet in length? Well that Sphinx must be pretty damn worn out by now. Expelling that much chakra into the barrier while being an animal even.

Moving on Shadow wasn't privy on such things. He had dealt with enough chakra blocking/eating/stopping bs to last him 10 lifetimes. To escape the barrier Shadow activated his Flying Thunder God technique. This allowed him to simply appear outside the barrier via space-time. Truly a waste of chakra for the other worldly creature, however just before he left a seal would have been placed inside the mokuton bunker itself.

Now at the very least 50 yards from the barrier itself Shadow stopped for a moment. He'd only do one thing and that was linking up with the previous amount of chakra he left before. He pushed some more chakra into it for now while he waited just in case. From outside the failed barrier he would wait as Ichirou fought his summons.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2015, 05:47:08 AM »

The four tails of chakra that clutched the beast were naweed at, but to no real avail as they were simply chakra, the grip that the tails held would have been tightening, and at this point they would sharply jolt the three heads to the right or left, aiming to break all of the beasts neck at once.

Once the beast was dealt with (if it was) it's body would be cast upward toward the egg bombs aiming to hit them before they made contact, though if the beast disappeared in a plume of smoke the tails themselves would reach up to grab the eggs, and fling them back at the large bird.

For now Ichirou remained within his large Ethereal beast, conducting combat with the large bird. As he did so small pieces of paper could be seen flying out of one of the pouches on his belt. They took the form of paper planes and began to fly throughout the area.

While the barrier was large, this was only Theinin's third jutsu since he had begun this conflict, and as such he wasn't as worn out as one might think. with the opponent free of the barrier the technique was dispersed as it' usefulness had decreased drastically.

For now the beast flew into the clouds, Electricity surround his body and branching off into the clouds and he charged the sky, increasing the strength of the storm that poured rain down atop them. Causing higher winds and heavier rain.

Of course Ichirou never took his eyes off his opponent, the visual range of the byakugan allowing him to spot him at his distance easier than most anyone else, he also kept a keen eye on the chakra that was being fed into the ground. Expecting either another bone technique or perhaps more wood.

2/10 Senjutsu charged

2 turn jutsu charged

15 paper planes circling the area

Ichi's action:
- Break dog neck
- throw dog body or catch egg bombs and throw them back
- paper planes

Theinin's actions:
- Release the barrier
- charging the sky
« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 06:09:34 AM by Ichirou Hyuuga »


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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2015, 03:00:07 PM »

While the necks of the dog were broken it wouldn't do much at all except cause more trouble for Ichirou. Due to Shadow's chakra rods into the dog and the amphibian technique that came with it the beast would divide into 3 and one would appear making a total of 4. (or still 3 if you count dividing as the tech) Either way Ichirou would find it impossible to rid the beast without first defeating Shadow. So the dogs stayed there and as they divided went to lunge at Ichirou from all sides. (Front, right, left)

--In combination attack form--Meaning at the same time--

Due to the dogs now lunging at him, Ichirou would be made to make some decisions. From above the bird had lay eggs all over the vicinity of Ichirou and the hounds. (20 in total, spread out across 50 yards) From directly near him the dogs were rushing. Would he try to restrain the dogs with his tails or use his tails to lunge the eggs at the bird? Or would he act in combination to lunge eggs and fend off the dogs somehow? Who knew. Still if he chose to throw them back at the bird he'd find the bird too quick and nimble to hit let alone that the bird would have already set them off(the eggs) to provide a smoke screen for the dogs. Hopefully this would stop Ichirou's paper from being used or just exploded the paper as it left his pouch. (The egg bombs are fit with enough power to equal 10 C4's per)

Shadow was done with his chakra planting in the field. It wasn't dense so much as thin and drawn out just enough to encase both himself and Ichirou in a crude circle-like shape. At the same time he looked up to the sky noticing the changing conditions due to the sphinx. Immediately what came to mind was a lightning based playing field. Sadly for this plan was the automatic downfall that would come soon. In accordance with his own assumption Shadow would create a very generic and unoriginal futon no Yoroi to cover his body if lightning were indeed to be used against him.

Long range attacks were not going to work on Shadow anytime soon. He was hoping for a chance to combat Ichirou in Taijutsu, but for the time being his opponent seemed to caught up in charging bijuu bombs to blast at the area rather than said combat. For the final act Shadow did indeed do what Ichirou had expected, Dance of the Seedling Fern. Around the whole circle would sprout bones, thousands in total. Purposely Shadow intended for this to happen in conjunction he'd form a ball of lightning between his hands using lightning release and propel it towards the already amplified, statically charged sky. Once there it would explode to create a large light over the area and hopefully domino effect the sky itself to cause explosion after explosion in the form of lightning strikes.
He was hoping to make the area much like a rave with shadows and lights. Alternating patterns bursting forth. This would allow him maybe to blend with the bones without Ichirou fully seeing where. (Lightning ball big enough to cover whole area)

Dogs actions:
Split into 3 separate beings.
Lunge at Ichirou.

Bird actions:
Explode the egg bombs.

Shadow's actions:
Futon no Yoroi.
Dance of the Seedling Fern.
Lightning ball rave party. (Or just the lightning ball blasting light if it doesn't domino effect)
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2015, 09:24:28 PM »

Ichirou was annoyed to see the dog split into 4 of itself, though this did not cause him to release his grip. instead the large ethereal beast would stick to it's original plan, throwing the dogs into the air to intercept the egg bombs, and cause them to explode prematurely in the air above him. Judging by the power in each egg, the first explosion would hopefully set off a chain reaction to detonate the rest, and remove the pesky eggs from the battlefield for now

Seeing as the dogs had split into several from being killed the first time, Ichirou would only imagine that any of them hit would split into more, unless the detonation of 10 c4s per would totally annihilate their body and leave nothing else to split from.

with the dogs being cast into the air by the giant chakra beast, this gave Ichirou more than enough time to disperse his paper into the area, and utilize it. The paper would quickly spread out to Ichirou's south, west, and east. With five paper planes traveling to each location. They circled a 200 foot area, and flew at heights that varied between 150-250 feet between the five planes. The planes would bear chakra whenever peered at through a doujutsu, and each bore a specific seal on the inside of their wings,

With Ichirou's Sennin Modo still active, coupled with his byakugan. He was able to keep a high reaction time in the battle. And as his opponent activated his bone forest Ichirou was quick to react. Several of the bones would hit the Ethereal Son Goku, though none would puncture as the resistance of the Biju Chakra Mode was high, and once the bones impacted, the beast would vanish.

Utilizing Hiraishin, Ichirou had teleported to the Southern set of paper planes, at a height of 250 feet. And as his opponent set off his lightning ball, Ichirou set off his Bijudama.

Theinin had been gathering his chakra within the clouds, concentrating it to control the lightning, and shadow's attack set Theinin's plans on the wrong course. Theinin had intended to strike down with multiple lightning strikes, each aimed at a particular target (though not each one would have been as strong as kirin of course). however this didn't work out like he had wanted. instead lightning would crash to the ground in varying places. And Theinin could only gain control of a single strike, one that he would use to hit the large bird Kuchiyose and take it from the sky.

Ichirou's Biju bomb was much stronger this time around, having taken more time to charge it. With this blast Ichirou aimed to destroy all of the bones, all of the tools that his opponent had left around, his Hobi (Ichirou imagined that his blast would take out the construct this time, considering there was no active usage of the technique, it had been hit with his Bijudama before, and there was more Senjutsu in his current attack) and the opponent  himself. The blast would effectively clear the zone into a large flat, dry wasteland. And the clouds would thin themselves out as well and cease their rain,  causing Theinin to descend from them and into the battlefield.

Ichirou too was caught in the blast, However the large Ethereal Son Goku would curl into a ball, and Ichirou would supply the Biju chakra with the remaining power of his Sennin Modo to assist him in tanking the blast, and upon the dust settling he would no longer be in his Sage mode nor his Biju mode, giving Son Goku some time to rest. Hopefully with all that had went down in the past few moments, Ichirou no longer had to worry about his opponents Kuchiyose, or his other preset defenses.

Sennin Modo expired

Ichi's actions:
- Throw dogs
- hiraishin
- Biju bomb

Theinin's Actions:
-Lightning strike


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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2015, 03:35:33 PM »

It was already stated that as Ichirou broke the necks of the dogs last turn that the bird had already finished laying the explosive eggs.(or at least most) All 20 of them over 50 yards was not a time consuming project especially considering the bird's swift and agile nature and the small area. Also the dog had split into four, while Ichirou did say he didn't release his grip he did not however say he gripped onto the newly formed fourth (4th) dog. This allowed the dog (maintaining its lunge) to bite onto and attempt to rip off Ichirou's left arm, shoulder, and part of his head. (It's a big dog)

--At the same time--As said last turn--

The plans that Ichirou had made would be cut short. While Ichirou went to throw the dogs at the last few bombs dropping, the eggs, as said last post, would detonate. Resulting in an explosion of 200lbs of C4 around Ichirou. It was still too early to tell if he had someone survived the explosive damage or not. (Added with shrapnel and concussive force) The explosion would make the ground rumble and a very loud blast to radiate the area. Unless Ichirou (again) had somehow protected his ears the sound would very likely rupture his ear drums. This would not only cause fluid to drip from his ears, but also tinnitus, dizziness, and weak facial muscle control. The ground on which he was situated and around him would crumble and sink it at the most 5 feet and at the least 3 feet. Alternating every so often in depth. Added this could make Ichirou stumble and fall over if he survived, both dizziness and an unstable ground.

Ultimately this would stop the paper from coming out of the pouch and even if it was claimed that some did would it'd be eradicated by the explosives. Stopping it all in all.

However on the bright side...

As planned Shadow's bone forest would still come. It was still too early to see if Ichirou managed the blast or not (dirty debris plus a dirt cloud mixed with chemical gas) and Shadow wasn't going to wait and see. The full size of the forest expanded to reach Ichirou and about 50 yards behind him. And the lightning rave had started.

Ichirou's Sphinx (500 feet in the air as said by Ichirou) was surrounded by clouds and now was surronded by lightning strikes that it had little to no control over. Since Ichirou had done nothing to stop it. The Sphinx was the first object the lightning would start to hit without a doubt seeing as it was basically right next to the lightning. (And had lost control over it) The poor thing would be rattled with shocks and probably fried dead. Sad. The beast couldn't possibly hit Shadow's bird while being struck with lightning itself, so that was negated off the bat.

As the rave went on Shadow formed with the bones to get closer to Ichirou, assuming the man was there Shadow would reach out and grab at Ichirou with his hands in a hug like manner if you would, skin and all. Hopefully Ichirou would return the hug and had the bones made contact with Ichirou he'd be in for a pleasant surprise.

The dogs weren't dead, as they can't die unless Shadow does and would fall to the ground safely from the bones. From there, the three of them would takes spots and the side and behind Ichirou. The bird that was safe from lightning altered it's path and dove down to strike Ichirou where he was.


Ichirou's quote 'this did not cause him to release his grip'. He however did not mention a move for the fourth dog resulting in it lunging out and biting at Ichirou. He didn't take any action against its lunge.

Stated last turn the egg bombs went off as soon as the dogs split. Ichirou acknowledged the dogs splitting, the bombs went off at that exact moment. This negated Ichirou using his paper planes as the explosion would have destroyed the paper anyway.

The Sphinx which is in the clouds was said to have lost control by both myself and Ichirou. Without a doubt the first thing the lightning would strike is the Sphinx. Lightning loves living things. This negates it's attempt to strike Shadow's bird. From there on the lightning strikes wherever it wants minus the participants of course. For one to say random lightning hit the other would be void. It'd be like saying all of a sudden a tornado hit the other. Lightning was formed, it is no longer in control of anyone.

Bone forest is set off and Shadow attempts to hug Ichirou. While the dirt cloud would block his vision from afar that was mostly due to Shadow having poor sensing skills, but this close he'd be able to locate him with obstructed vision and sensing power.

Dogs fell and are now on Ichirou's sides and behind. The bird is diving at Ichirou with it's beak in attempt to drill straight through his body.

The bijuu bomb I didn't include. I can't say if Ichirou would still shoot it or if he'd lose balance and fall over and make it implode in the sky. Either it does that or shoots out towards the bone forest. Either way I cannot say until he proves to keep his balance or just shoots it to the sky.

Cool guys don't look at explosions.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2015, 07:47:22 PM »


Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2015, 06:22:17 AM »

As per judge ruling, here is my next post

As the four dogs were cast into the sky, Ichirou was surprised to see that the eggs did not explode immediatly upon impact.

However this did not hinder Ichirous actions, though he knew he had to be fast. The chakra within the eggs (visible due to the lovely byakugan) had to serve some purpose, and given the eggs that had been laid out of range coupled with the flight pattern of the kuchiyose ichirou came to a quick assumption that the eggs were probably explosive in some way or another.

That being said Ichirou had created a gap in the blast radius of the eggs on the ground and the eggs in the sky-should they turn out to actually be explosive- and would take advantage of this.

Given the birds fast flying capability, it was safe to say it was at least 400 feet in the air whenever it turned to begin laying eggs, and seeing as the dogs Were thrown to intercept the eggs, we can say they made contact with one another at about 350 ft.

Ichirou would unleash from his pouch a flurry of his specially marked paper, which would fly in cardinal directions from ichirou, roughly about 25 in each direction. The light weight chakra infused paper would fly with great speed, at about 200 feet, each traveling well over 60mph. The paper aimed to escape the area quickly, saving as much of it as it could.

Now the order of events for his opponent would be exploding eggs, bone forest, lightning ball -as described by shadow- however with ichirou successfully dispersing the dogs to intercept the eggs, there would be more a slight window between the bird finishing up laying its eggs and detonating them. Since the dogs couldnt lunge at ichi, he didnt have as much to worry about.

Though the paper was fast, it wasnt able to dodge the entirity of the explosions as they went off, though a few pieces managed to escape the blast off to Ichirous west, and though the explosion rocked him, ichirou would maintain his ability to hiraishin to the remaining piece of paper as the Four tail chakra beast cloak would tank most of the blast. If his opponents kuchiyose hadnt taken the time to finish laying its eggs and detonated them early, the paper would move through the openings created to preserve itself and allow the hiraishin to go off without a hitch

Now 200 feet in the air, ichirou would set off his biju bomb around the same time as the bone forest, clearing the zone in the manner previously stated.

However at the time of the egg explosions, Theinin decided to set his jutsu pff prematurely. -as he was unaware of the explosive natire of the eggs, causing him to sacrifice a fully charged jutsu in order to remove the threar of the bird- Causing him to only be able to produce a single bolt of lightning, though it would aim to strike and kill the flying kuchiyose with one swift move. As the beast doubted some drill beaked bird could out maneuver lightning.

This would render shadoes lightning rave party a bit useless, as the charged lightning would discharge immediately following the explosion -at the same time ichirous hiraishin would happen- making the ball of light pretty much just a ball of light.

As for the bone forest, ichirous altitude of 200 feet coupled witht he immediate release of the bijudama would lead to the destruction of the forest as previously described.

Ichirou would also utilize the beast cloak and remaining senjutsu chakra in the manner prevoiusly described. Utilizing it to protect himself from the blast before ending the beast cloak and exiting sage mode.

Ichirou was unsure how his opponent would handle this blast, though the Otsutsuki didnt expect this blast to kill this man, it stood to reason that his chakra was at least a bit taxed, due to the large mokuton tech, the two bone forests, the doton tech, the hobi, and the hiraishin that he performed while within ichirous barrier-remember utilizing jutsu within the barrier is much much harder, nigh impossible for most- it was safe to say he had used at least a good portion of his reserves.

As for the after math of the blast, ichirou would land on the newly smoothed out ground and wait, with his kuchiyose beginning to descend from the sky. Currently at 400 feet.

Ichis actions:

Theinins actions:


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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2015, 12:31:00 PM »

Shadow took note of the explosions going off and Ichirou using flying thunder god to escape his bone forest after said explosions. All that was left to deal with was the bijuu bomb that was directed at him. Well that was easy to deal with. Shadow bit his thumb and slammed his hand onto the ground below him, "Summoning: Quadruple Rashōmon!" With that 4 Rashōmon gates would appear in front of him and effectively nullify the bomb. The only reason he didn't use three was due to senjutsu chakra being added.

After the bomb made contact with the gates the only things there still were Shadow, Ichirou, Theinin, and Shadow's dogs which were currently running back to the battleground with the exception of one that stayed back about 200 yards from Shadow's position for Shadow's own benefit in case he needed to dodge at a moments notice. Resilient things they were, the dogs.
Once that was done he took advantage of the debris cover.

Shadow wasn't empty on chakra as much as Ichirou thought. Once Shadow did reach a limit that was too low for his comfort he would automatically recover it. For now however he had enough left for his next order of moves. Stepping it up a level. ~

Utilizing his inherent speed as well as the futon no Yoroi that convoluted around his physique Shadow bolted towards Ichrou's locus. Shadow diminished the expanse amidst them within moments. If unhindered in his endeavor Shadow's endmost maneuvers were to discharge bone bullets from his left hand at a separation of 10 yards. Once executed Shadow guided his right hand to make contact with Ichirou's left cheek, a split second beforehand the skin that covered Shadow's fist dispersed to show only bone. Skin served as a cushioning factor and Shadow wanted to hit Ichirou head on with bone. Hopefully the result would be the two going into a taijutsu battle.

Shadow had extra sets of eyes around him as well as his own. It was safe to say if Ichirou didn't want to fight hand to hand and tried trickery that he'd be able to react accordingly in time. Two of the dogs were looking at Theinin, one stood 200 yards away and monitored the area behind Shadow, the last was looking onward at Shadow and Ichirou.

Rashomon gates
Bone Bullets
Right hand to hit Ichirou's face to start a taijutsu battle

Using their visual link with Shadow to help Shadow spot any blind attacks that may happen. One 200 yards back.

RIP in pieces.

Edit done:
There was an extra /color code and it was driving my OCD insane. Here is a scrn cptr to prove that no edits were made to the text and only the /color. :P There's no "« Last Edit: July 2, 2015, insert time here by Madara (Shadow) »"
« Last Edit: July 02, 2015, 12:41:56 PM by Madara (Shadow) »
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2015, 01:36:12 AM »

Hold, again.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2015, 04:07:38 AM »

Now that it has been agreed that the dog kuchiyose is indeed dead, heres my post.

The idea of Rashomon gates was something that Ichirou commended, as he too was a user of the Rashomon, however the debris from the various explosions was no deterent to Ichirou, as his byakugan peered straight through to see his opponent as he made his charge.

Within ichirous mental realm he cursed, "Sorry Son, im gonna need a little more of your chakra." to which the beast would reply, with a roaring shout "Worry not! My blood is boiling and im ready for action!"

This was all the okay that ichirou needed, and as his opponent charged ichirou would do two things, the first would be throwing his hand up and forming a strangely unexplainable shape with it, which would make no sense to anyone.. Except for Theinin, who slammed his palms together as if signalled

Simultaneously Ichirou activated the One Tail Lava release chakra mode, coating him in Gokus chakra once again, however this time it took the form of lava, coating his body from head to toe, this lava served as both a great offense and defense for reasons that need not be explained, as coating ones self in lava was pretty self explanatory.

This rendered his opponents bone bullets useless, as they impacted the molten armor and melted, giving ichirou more time to respond to his opponents actual strike, which he ducked with gusto as Theinin Simultaneously activated his jutsu,

A barrier would form around the trio, extending out to about 100 feet from every side of ichirou and Shadow, buts its size wasnt relevant, what was relevant was the fact that the barrier cast a Genjutsu on the victim(shadow) which cause every muscle in his body to tense, and every bone to lock up. Making him feel like a veratible statue of sorts.

This was the kekkai genjutsu: body of stone. And it served to purpose excellently in this situation. Once again Ichirou was left unafflicted by the barrier thanks to the pass inserted into his tongue, and before his opponent could even fully realize he was locked in a Genjutsu, ichirou struck.

His first strike was placed directly into the bridge of his opponents nose, with ichirous palm forming the point for the strike, and with ichirou discharging chakra into the mans head, aiming not only to crush his eyes with the strike, but to close several of the tenketsu in his head and maim him instantly.

However ichirou was not done, immediately after the first strike made impact ichirou followed through by utilizing the gentle fist to execute the eight trigrams 128 palms technique.

His opponents futon no yoroi would be short leaved, as ichirous first strike would close the mans tenketsu, disrupt his chakra and cease the technique. However his bone armor was still in play. But this had already been taken into account. Ichirou had noticed the layer of chakra that coated his body earlier when he had first activated it, and assumed it to be an armor of sorts. As such each of his furiously fast strikes would release a burst of Biju chakra into his pathway system, closing 2-3 tenketsu with every strike. And with the added speed of the chakra mode, as well as the intense burns each strike would cause, it was safe to say this burger was cooked.

Theinins barrier arose not even a second after ichirou dodged shadows strike, and ichirous counter strike was conducted not even a second after that, leaving his opponents reaction time to be next to none. And with ichirou taking out his eyes first neither his sharingan or rinnegan would save him.

Ichirou struck with such speed and ferocity that he would fall to his knees panting once he was finished, but during his strikes he made sure to close so many of his opponents tenketsu that chakra control would be a thing of the past. No matter how many extra lives he had, none of it worked without chakra.

Another benefit of the gentle fist was that damage to the chakra network was unrepairable, so as each set od tenketsu closed no amount of instant healing could bring it back, as chakra would be a necessity to heal.

Should everything occur per plan (and its hard to say that it wouldnt) ichirou would deactivate his lava release chakra mode and utilize paper release to wrap his defeated opponents charred body in paper and seal it with a sealing tag.

Once that was finished he would climb atop Theinin, with the paper that concealed his opponents body hovering over and landing on the beast as well. "Take me home, Theinin." he would grumble. To which the beast would nod before making its way back to Amegakure



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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2015, 12:18:53 PM »

Shadow looked onward as Ichirou activated the lava cloak and made the strange signal with his hand. He was wondering when Ichirou was going to utilize the cloak and his question was answered. Even though Ichirou was covered in lava Shadow wasn't too worried as he had a way to counteract it. As Ichirou ducked Shadow's eyes followed the mans face and without a doubt in order to hit Shadow's nose Ichirou's eyes would have to look up towards Shadow's face. Furthermore Ichirou would be under the impression that Theinin's barreir would take effect. After all this did happen so fast in a matter of like 1.5 seconds. However the thick dust over the area wouldn't allow Theinin to see his signal at all even if he had eagle eyes and Ichirou was basically a walking glow stick.

So this was the defining moment it seemed. Ichirou posed to and striking at Shadow's nose with Shadow and Ichirou's eyes connecting. Check mate.

As their eyes connected Ichirou would be trapped inside a genjutsu cast by Shadow. Even with Ichirou having mastered his bijuu it would take him at the least a couple of seconds to break it. (See Killer Bee vs Sasuke) So Ichirou's body would fall limp. Oh how the tables have turned. Right after Ichirou went limp Shadow would cast a double kamui on Ichiror's body sending it into his realm. (Double Kamui is near instant)

However even while doing this Shadow was near out of chakra or about to be. In order to offer a cover if something askew happened after or somehow before his moves his SST would start to spread across his body ready to replenish him in a moment's notice.
Double Kamui
SST only need to activate the final part.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 04:36:48 AM by Madara (Shadow) »
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2015, 09:05:07 PM »

An Unfortunate turn of events that Ichirou's signal went unheeded, leading to his entrapment within a Genjutsu, causing his body to go limp and fall back, still coated in the lava from before. (Note the Sasuke v Killer Bee fight, the Genjutsu didn't deactivate his chakra mode.) However this Genjutsu would only last for a very short time before Son Goku would awaken Ichirou from the technique.

Though there was an issue, his opponent intended to utilize a double Kamui to trap him within the Space time ninjutsu and lock him away. Though there was an issue that his opponent seemed to have forgotten, He did not have the Sharingan in both of his eyes. And therefore could not double Kamui.

At the start of the match Ichirou could spot with his Byakugan that the man bore the Rinnegan in one eye, and the Sharingan in the other. This coupled with his usage of the Rinnegan Summon technique as well as long range Kamui previously in the fight meant that his eyes were still split, as he hadn't activated his full sharingan.

This meant that a double Kamui was an impossibility, and that Shadow had instead utilized the Long Range Kamui to attempt and suck Ichirou into his Space time dimension, which gave Ichirou much more time in comparison to the double Kamui.

As Ichirou awoke from the Genjutsu, but before he was claimed by the Jikukan, he utilized Hiraishin to teleport to a previously placed marker, at a destination his opponent would be currently unaware of. It wasn't like Ichirou to retreat from a battlefield, but this fight had gone on long enough, and there was too much at stake here.

Not only was Shadow's attempt at a double Kamui nulled due to his own fault, but Theinin wasn't about to let things go too easy either, he had closed in to barely 60 feet now, and a flap of his wings had blown the dust from the area, as he disbanded the dust he launched forth from the maw of his mouth three shots of lightning, each would function much like the lightning beast running jutsu, and would aim to pierce and electrocute the opponent should he come into contact with them, the blasts would also aim to push shadow away from Ichirou, and force a change of tactics.

As Ichirou arrived at his location his beast would speak with him. "Can't say I support you leaving the fight like that, Ichirou." he rang out in the Mental Realm, "Yeah I know, but there's too much at stake. I'm not willing to lose you that easily, Goku." he replied, causing the beast to grumble in acceptance.

Once Ichirou had left the area, Theinin knew his work would done, and would Unsummon himself back to the pyramids of the Sphinx to vacate the zone as well, waiting to be called on by Ichirou once again.


Note that this is not a forfeit of the match, nor is it unability to continue. This is tactical retreat because the fight has gone on long enough, and with this last attempt to entrap me failing, the fight is concluded.

It's OOC information, but Ichirou utilized Hiraishin to return to Amegakure, which wasn't far from where they had begun their encounter in the first place, so it's not like I jumped halfway around the world or anything ridiculous.


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Re: Ichirou Hyuga vs Kaguya ° ° Shadow
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2015, 05:03:27 AM »

Ichirou's previous post was called out mostly for his use of FTG to flee.

Trev sided with me and Ichirou used his boot to kick him.
Keitō was chosen as the new judge and Ichirou accepted his ruling.

As of now Ichirou is inside my kamui realm.
---Original Message from Uzumaki 神 Keitō(2015-07-17 01:59:31)---
---Original Message from Kaguya ° ° Shadow(2015-07-17 01:53:29)---
So it's agreed he can't FTG and he's sucked in kamui?
While Theinin is attacking me. My post continues from there.


Shadow had successfully sucked Ichirou into his kamui realm. A whole new dimension that wasn't attached to the Earth's own dimension in any shape or form.

As stated his chakra was running low and he was a mere second away from activating SST. While the lightning strikes were aimed towards Shadow. (All at the same time by the looks of it) He had a plan that gave him chakra while also nullifying the attack. Preta path. (Keep in mind Shadow can sense normal chakra in the range given) This specific power granted via Rinnegan allowed the user to suck in any ninjutsu type attack and mix it back into their own chakra system. So that's what he did. As the attacks came to him they would be absorbed by the barrier that Shadow had erected around his body. Even if for some reason this failed the lightning wouldn't take effect on Shadow. His amaterasu armor has diamond and diamond does not conduct electricity at all.

At the same time while using the recycled chakra and activating SST (insert over dramatic epic SST activation post here) Shadow looked to Theinin and used Amaterasu. (60 feet away) At this range with the beast not really being all that fast hopefully it would get rid of the pest.

Preta Path
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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