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Author Topic: Ichirou vs Shadow decision  (Read 4059 times)

Garō, Ichirou

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Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« on: July 26, 2015, 06:14:46 PM »

I have been convinced not to let this go and so i wont, ill make a topic about it.

In the fight with Shadow after i was kamui'd the fight was put on hold as i brought my next action to the judge in an attempt to avoid heavy arguing.

My action was to banish myself to the realm of light via a custom technique and return to the battlefield via my kuchiyose (there are more details but im not going to post the whole thing here.)

Now initially there was discussion About whether or not chakra could be utilized within the kamui realm, they decided that chakra could be used and my technique could be performed, but that when my kuchiyose unsealed me i would return to the kamui dimension

When i tried to explain to the judge that this was wrong and i would not return to the kamui the message was read but no response was given

I was simply told that i would be forced to return to the kamui realm even though there isnt anything force my return there.

So the point of this topic is to ask if my kamui escape would have gone through like its supposed to, or if im magically returned to kamui with no explanation.



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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 06:35:34 PM »

Because I'm on the john at work I'm not gonna go all in, but I think it would work.

Where in the hell does it say that kamui forces you to stay there despite using other space time techniques to escape?

As it stands, it is not posted anywhere that kamui negates space time techniques from working (or forces you to stay there? XD wot). The only examples the manga have given are that space time techniques are very susceptible to one another. Kamui not only linked too kaguyas, but also teleported him out of the pure land supposedly. So it seems like, with the information I have gathered, that kamui actually works very well with other space time techniques and does not dampen them in any way shape or form.
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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2015, 07:11:40 PM »

I believe the point is whether this 'light' place is a full dimension of its own removed from everything else, or a pocket thing.


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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2015, 08:08:44 PM »


As for his technique he tried to use:

Pyramid of Light: Prison of the Guilty - Utilizing a physical barrier as a catalyst, Ichirou or his Kuchiyose can cast this Fuinjutsu upon the barrier to seal the barrier and all it's contents within the realm of light,

Pyramid of Light: Gateway to freedom - The polar opposite to the Prison of the guilty, this is a Fuinjutsu used to recover things from the realm of Light

His plan is to make a physical barrier around himself and then cast the fuinjutsu upon it. Appear in the realm of light and then have his summon use gateway to freedom to cast him back into the real world.

Disregarding space-time jutsu arguments for a moment I previously asked him. How would his summon know he was in the Light Realm? Just on a hunch?
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 08:12:45 PM by Madara (Shadow) »
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2015, 08:11:25 PM »

I have questions; several:

1] Is this 'light realm' a canon place or custom deal?

2] If canon, then is it outside the Kamui pocket dimension and what prevents you from getting to it?

3] So, if this 'move' is denied, do you get a repost or is it , your move fails and you are trapped in the Kamui Pocket?

4] If your move fails, then is it Shadow's turn to make an action or is it game over?

5] If it is game over, then I have to question why....why would Shadow get the bijuu just because you are trapped in his realm? Would he not then have to enter the realm and continue to fight?

6] What does Shadow's post before mine mean? I don't understand the significance.


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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2015, 08:14:34 PM »

I have questions; several:

1] Is this 'light realm' a canon place or custom deal?

2] If canon, then is it outside the Kamui pocket dimension and what prevents you from getting to it?

3] So, if this 'move' is denied, do you get a repost or is it , your move fails and you are trapped in the Kamui Pocket?

4] If your move fails, then is it Shadow's turn to make an action or is it game over?

5] If it is game over, then I have to question why....why would Shadow get the bijuu just because you are trapped in his realm? Would he not then have to enter the realm and continue to fight?

6] What does Shadow's post before mine mean? I don't understand the significance.

1] Custom
2-6] The fight ended already. I'm not sure what he's trying to accomplish from this other than seeing if his custom tech can bypass kamui in furture rps.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2015, 08:18:13 PM »

I would be interested in this too.

Nayeli has her demon realm as well.

I do like custom things. As long as they have some drawbacks too. I do not like stuff that works better than everything in the world, all the time, and never fails.


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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2015, 09:18:43 PM »

I point to my question.

If its a separate dimension of its own like 'kamui dimension', then in theory it'd be possible to get out if one had enough chakra to make the connection, which could be quite a considerable amount.

If its a kind of border realm like what hiraishin travels through, something that exists separately in each realm, then one can only get in and out of it in that same dimension, not use it to cross into other ones, because there's no connection between them.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2015, 09:28:21 PM »

The realm of light is more closely related to kamui yes.

And i posted this because the decision seems a bit biased and i just want an actual clear deicison with whether or not this would work


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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2015, 10:15:05 PM »

Why would you agree on a judge if you thought he was biased??
Don't say f*ck any more because f*ck is the worst word that you can say

So just use the word mmmkay!


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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2015, 10:27:46 PM »

@Shadow: the main sphinx, Lin Ya I think he named it, is notified when something enters the realm of light. She has this crystal ball that lets her see into the realm.
Once she saw him there, she could simply unseal or reverse summon him out. Since she is not in your Kamui, he would not return there.
If she unsealed him inside your realm, that could mean she could unseal stuff in any realm and that is just silly.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 10:29:20 PM by Masane »

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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2015, 10:50:46 PM »

The realm of light is more closely related to kamui yes.

And i posted this because the decision seems a bit biased and i just want an actual clear deicison with whether or not this would work

Well, in detail, how does the technique work? The barrier is used to formulate the space-time jutsu, so it functions akin to a Kamui's dimension's sharingan or (more appropiately) a hiraishin technique formula in that it is necessary for the jutsu?

If that is the case, then if the barrier connects to a pocket dimension, then while in the Kamui dimension the portal should open up, I imagine that would leave an opening for a space-time ninjutsu of this sort to work if the destination barrier is outside of the Kamui dimension.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2015, 10:55:22 PM »

Here's something I would like to bring up.
Asked Keito for a judgement call. He has responded in my favor. Battle over unless rearranged to continue.
When did being sucked into somebody's Kamui realm equate to a ruling of a combatant winning a fight? Let alone, locking the topic before public admittance to being defeated?

ºHow to declare a winnerº
The battle commences with the initial post & terminates once either combatant is unable to continue. Such a feat can result in several ways, including knock-outs (concussions, etc.), full paralysis, almost-fatal wounds & so forth. So long both parties declare it plausible & understand the longevity/risk of the claim, it's considered eligible for use. However, things can, of course, become debatable in attempt to reach such a goal & in doing so arguments are bound to commence. If need be, either party can have onlookers & such /dis/agree with the action until a verdict is reached. If desired, either party can have other hosts or officials of sorts represent them for a more "legitimized" (as some have called it) reasoning or "Back-up".
The situation here is that both combatants are unable to continue in this state. Although they certainly can continue the fight if one goes in to continue it. This is why there's this whole discussion about Kamui's dimension being escapable, because it can go in either one of two ways:

Kamui is escapable - Ichirou can come out and continue the fight, or have an opportunity to flee. The latter is debatable.

Kamui is inescapable - Ichirou is trapped within, but as per the rules, he would have to be knocked out or incapacitated since he is the Jinchuriki here. If Shadow doesn't go in to do so, then he's refusing to fight Ichirou any longer.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2015, 11:00:20 PM »

Why would you agree on a judge if you thought he was biased??

I didnt think he was

The realm of light is more closely related to kamui yes.

And i posted this because the decision seems a bit biased and i just want an actual clear deicison with whether or not this would work

Well, in detail, how does the technique work? The barrier is used to formulate the space-time jutsu, so it functions akin to a Kamui's dimension's sharingan or (more appropiately) a hiraishin technique formula in that it is necessary for the jutsu?

If that is the case, then if the barrier connects to a pocket dimension, then while in the Kamui dimension the portal should open up, I imagine that would leave an opening for a space-time ninjutsu of this sort to work if the destination barrier is outside of the Kamui dimension.

The technique is more akin to kamui in the fact that it uses barrier space to transport whatever is within it into the realm of light, its the technique that i attempted to use on you in our most recent bout

The only entrance and exit poi ts for the realm of light is those who can cast the just which are Ichirou, the sphinx, and masane as shes also been taught sphinx barrier techniques

I was told that the jutsu could be used to leave but upon an exit i would return to the kamui,

I said that this wouldnt work because once again the only entrance and exits are those who cast the jutsu, i intended to use a jutsu scroll to cast the jutsu on myself, sealing me into the realm of light until a sphinx utilized the exit jutsu to pull me out

The exit jutsu works in the same manner, spawning a barrier space which would pull the desired items or persons or whatever from the realm into that barrier space

Once again whenever i explained this to the judge i wasnt even given a response and no other discussion was had


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Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2015, 12:18:43 AM »

My question is .... where is this post of your Sphinx helping you escape Kamui's dimension? Was it ever posted?

Because a few good points were made. Like how did the sphinx know to unseal Ichi from the Light Realm without notification? Yes, a crystal ball was mentioned but how did the creature know to even bring it out or to look at it. Does this crystal ball glow a certain color or does one have to look deep into it to see?

Without proper justification / train of thought, it may lead to Shadow's win anyway.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, seems like you accepted your defeat and is now debating the decision. I view that as bad etiquette.

And going back to what Warren said, is this dimension 'pocket' size or 'worldly' size?
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