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Author Topic: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.  (Read 4973 times)


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I'm making this so people can see the topic has been made and such, Madara will come in with the fancy post containing rules and such shortly.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Raifudo Oppa

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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2015, 03:20:30 AM »

It's been a half day.

Though I guess that's seconds in SL time.

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2015, 10:37:57 AM »

lol When I asked you to make a topic for our fight, I didn't have this in mind. Thumbs up for the EPBH reference though.

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2015, 11:27:39 AM »

The current match is IC.


-A decision on whether or not the battle is IC or OOC by both parties.

-A judge may be picked before or during the battle, if the chosen judge makes a ruling that is deemed ridiculous by either party, a new judge may be chosen ONCE by either side. If the matter still can't be settled, it must be brought to the forums for a final decision.

-If you are gone a week without posting, without prior notice to the opponent(s), you forfiet the match
(Same consequences as the above for team battles and one on one). If the match lasts more than a period of 30 days,
a week of no replies will be an automatic loss, prior notice or not. A week afterwards, the fight will stop and a judge will determine the winner (same rules apply as the above). In case of a draw, the match, if IC the fight will become OOC. The challenger then moves to the bottom of the list to await his/her next try.

-Each fighter must direct their opponent(s) to a page where their entire history, weapons, and abilities are clearly laid out. (If the fight has already started and you forgot to mention your wikia page mentions your ability disintegrate things on touch and NOT the fourm page YOU directed me to, thats too bad
you can't use it now.) Jutsu and ninja tools are an execption.

- One elemental Kekkie Genkai (aside from Mokuton and Hyōton) may be used if you have no resets, otherwise no KG can be used unless both parties agree upon it. Unless working on conjunction with a separate character, Rinnegan and Sage Mode abilities cannot be combined.

- Only two repost allowed by each person. (If a multi-fight is intiated and a person has reached their two repost limit, they are no longer allowed to post and their fate is left to the actions of thier comrades or enemies.)

-Only use skills and abilities acquired IC that are reasonable to have obtained before the match starts.

-Both sides may have a maximum of 3 people for a team. Each member must be known before the fight starts and it cannot be undone (Ex. If Sally, Tommy, and Kyle are the team, they cannot be switched out for Mike during the fight)

-If the battle has another Jinchuriki, they will be putting their Bijuu on the line as well and it will go to winner, IC or OOC.

-Escaping during the battle is prohibited unless the opposing party allows it.

-Summons are allowed (as long as they are reasonable) They are not allowed have any KG aside from Sage Mode (summoner must also have said ability, unless they are summoning an Edo Tensei that has it) and only two Sage Mode summons at once may be used. Rinnegan's Animal Path summons are acceptable. If a person or reanimated corpse is summoned, they count towards the rules previously mentioned.

-All problems regarding characters or posts will be directed to the offenders and judge via PM

The following are voided:

*Body Revival Technique
*Body Replacement Technique
*Swift Release
*Liquifying Ototon
*Any Custom KG that has not been given the okay by me, or a decent portion of the SL community.
*Anime/Movie Exclusive KG  that has not been given the okay by me, or a decent portion of the SL community.
*Abilities that go beyond the scope of the Naruto Universe (eg. Claiming to have demon, alien, magic etc. powers from a different
*Custom Space-Time Jutsu
*Any Six Path Chakra Abilities, Rinne Sharingan Abilities, (STC based on reasonability of your character having them, such as being the Ten Tails Jinchuriki)
*Secret Technique: Mist Rain
*Yamanaka Clan Jutsu
*If you have Kamui with other MS Jutsu. Its either Kamui or the other techniques.

***All of this is subject to change***


As the defender, I will be posting first.

Madara would traversing through a dense woodland (Zone 5), his companion Zetsu merged into his raven black hair, making the creature blend in perfectly. From tree to tree the shinobi maneuvers quickly and silently, contemplating his next objective. Words from Zetsu would ring mentally in his head as he begins to converse with his creator, 'It seems we are at a setback, what do you plan to do next?' The Uchiha wouldn't respond for a few seconds as he was still thinking it over before finally replying back,'We will simply continue the objective, use this as an opportunity to reflect and plan anew.'

Suddenly, an uneasy feeling would envelop Zetsu, a similar sensation hes had before,'Lets get home quickly, we seem to always encounter danger whenever we are gone for too long.'Madara would outwardly shake his head right before the mental conversation continues,'I look forward to whatever fools try to confront me. I haven't had the opportunity to use my newest tail to its full potential..'


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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2015, 11:41:45 PM »

It would be hard for any sensors in the area not to sense Athos' chakra, seeing that his chakra alone was on the level of a Bijuu and with the Six Tails inside his stomach seemed to double that seemingly endless chakra pool of his. Athos was a figure that stood at a towering six feet and seven inches tall and perhaps the mightiest warrior in the realm. He had crimson hair that stretched down to his ankles, almost like a crimson cape of sorts. The Ex-Uzumaki Clan Leader was dressed within a simple enough outfit, a sleeveless black shirt and pants to match, as well as creations called Tutumen on his elbows and knees.

The man wasn't waiting in the woods, or trying to get a type of sneak attack on the Nine Tails Jinchuuriki, he wasn't like that. Actually, he was standing in Madara's way, where the forest ended and would open in a seemingly endless field of rolling green grass that came up almost to Athos' shins. On his waist was a weapon known as Oken, resting casually there as Athos waiting for the man to get to him. His golden hues watched the woods closely, and his stance was calm, cool, and collected.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2015, 08:28:21 AM »

Would pick up on the man's immense levels of chakra, as if two Tailed Beasts were waiting for Madara beyond the forest, exciting the man, "Hmm, someone who can tango?" He ponders aloud. His chakra was nothing to sneeze at either however, even before becoming a Jinchuriki, Madara's chakra pool was colossal. But after becoming the Jinchuriki of Chomei and then after him, Kurama, Madara's power had made leaps and bounds to a realm all his own, but perhaps this day he would meet someone he could call a rival?

Madara would continue on through the forest towards the chakra source as he takes out two kunai from his weapon holsters. These kunai would be marked with a jutsu shiki, a technique formula, which he would  throw to his left and right, sending them off far into the forest. Before reaching the end, the Uchiha would form a handseal, causing a tree he is on to grow, surpassing the others around it to the point Madara could see from the top both the vast expanse of the forest and the grassy plains,
"Ah, an Uzumaki. Its been awhile since i've seen one of you." His voice would echo, loud enough to be heard in the nearby grassland, "The life-force energy and red hair of your people stick out like a sore thumb. Why are you here?" Activating his three tomoe Sharingan in both eyes, he would await a response from this friend or foe. The man would be approximately 100 yards from the Uzumaki, and his kunai would be about 30 and 40 yards away from him.

Hiraishin no Jutsu: Flying Thunder God [Markers Placed]


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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2015, 04:17:34 AM »

Madara would be able to tell on closer examination that Athos' crimson hair was tied with several bands down it's length, as to keep it in a controlled ponytail for battle. The man felt a grin touch his lips as Madara showed himself, seemingly ready for a battle,"My name is Athos, and I am the Six Tails Jinchuuriki." There was no reason to hide this, seeing as Madara was a fellow Jinchuuriki he would have been able to tell which beast it was anyway. After that, the man took a deep breath, letting it fill his lungs before he spoke again. But when he spoke this time, his voice seemed powerful, strong, carrying easily over the area around them without actually sounding overpoweringly loud and without the usage of Ototon,"I am nothing but a humble warrior, and I've come to challenge you, Nine Tails Host. My mistake last time was letting the previous host get away."

With that, the man's feet moved just slightly and then power seemed to erupt from around him, causing the grass that was around him to shift slightly. Natural energy flowed into his body and he easily converted it into Senjutsu Chakra. Elegant black markings curled out from the corner of his eyes as he entered Sage Mode but nothing else changed, besides the obvious boosts of Sage Mode. He didn't need his Sharingan, seeing his own eyes were on par with it at his age, shining a defiant golden hue as they stared at the form of Madara. But as he entered Sage Mode, his attention was also brought to the two signals of Madara's chakra that he left in the forest, easily distinguished as Hiraishin Marked weapons, seeing as Athos was a master of the technique as well. It was a good thing to know that they were there, though.

The man rolled his shoulders and moved to rest his hand casually on the end of the hilt of Oken as he watched the male. Something Madara wouldn't be able to tell was the activation of Athos' Mind's Eye of the Kagura, a skill he took to new levels as his years as the Uzumaki Clan Leader. But with Sage Mode's enhancements, he could not only see the battlefield but the land past it as well. He gestured for Madara to take the first strike, if he were to even accept his challenge,"What say you?!"

[Sage Mode Activation]
[Mind's Eye of the Kagura]
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2015, 03:13:48 PM »

"I say this is the last mistake you'll ever make." Responds the Nine Tails Jinchuriki as he forms a handseal, generating two Shadow Clones. The clones would then quickly proceed to form katas of their own and launch an assault upon the Uzumaki. One would spew out a large cloud of of pollen from his mouth shooting out like a jet stream while the second would compress a tornado like mass in his mouth, expelling it moments after the first bunshin attacks. The first strike would be a field of Chakra Absorbing pollen from the use of Madara's Mokuton Bloodline Limit, which reacts to chakra not belonging to Madara. Threatening to drain Athos and the ninjutsu he may use to defend himself, the pollen would begin to grow if it makes contact with chakra, becoming small spiked trees in the process. If direct contact is made, the pollen would try to rapidly take root inside his opponent from the outside, God forbid if his foe breaths it in at all.

The second jutsu coming towards his red haired adversary is Fūton: Atsugai. The tornado like mass would have been pressurized to its highest limit, pushing the pollen throughout the grassy field. If contact is made with Athos or whatever obstacle may be in its way, it would explode into a vast range of dense wind threatening tosweep Athos off his feet and crush him to mush. Working in conjunction with the Wood Release attack, it would give the pollen a sort of penetrating effect, allowing it to burst through robust defenses.

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu-Shadow Clone Technique
Chakra Absorbing Pollen
Fūton: Atsugai-Wind Release: Pressure Damage 


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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2015, 04:28:19 AM »

Athos watched the man as he would make clones, and then go about talking about making mistakes. And then he made clones, and then the pollen, and all that stuff. And Athos frowned,"So you're such a coward you won't even fight me, then? Kids these days don't even have enough honor to share their name." He uttered with a sigh, already seeing that he was going to be bored with this fight. It wasn't all that hard for the man to come up with something to counter Madara's incoming attacks, casually drawing a marked kunai from his pouch and launching it upwards toward the pollen-laced Tornado. As the Kunai would come in contact with the kunai, having been equipped with an Uzumaki Sealing Technique, the jutsu would almost find itself sucked up and sealed away, seeing as it would seal the tornado and the pollen in the process.

And that fast it was already down to Madara and the two clones. Without any buffs, Athos would have outclassed Madara in a Taijutsu fight, that much could be said already. But Athos was currently three times faster than he was on a normal basis, which made him more than able to take on the three Madaras. Athos left the spot where he stood with enough force for the ground to crack in protest and despite the distance Madara thought he had with Athos, it'd take him only a whole second to close the distance between the two of them. And Athos hadn't superman jumped to Madara either, he had run across the air. With each step the man had taken, a small chakra platform had formed beneath his feet, as if he was running along a stretch of road, which explained how he got to the man so quickly.

And even with the Sharingan, one second is still one second, and the Sharingan doesn't make the brain process things any faster. His left hand was still casually resting on Oken as he had crossed the distance between the two of them in that instant, now launching out his own attack with speeds that outmatched Madara's own. He seemingly moved like a drunk upon reaching Madara, having thrown a seemingly sloppy right punch from his hand, though he missed and spun, using his momentum, dragging the air in front of the area before Madaras. From that came an attack Madara literally wouldn't be able to see. Frog Kata, or Sparrow Kata, was a dangerous thing in the hands of Athos, given his ability to be able to solidify his chakra as he saw fit. So, even as he seemingly messed up and missed the men, from the swipe came a condensed blade of Senjutsu Chakra that aimed to easily and almost instantly decapitate the clones.

Of course, in that same fluid motion as he spun, he would have spun and his left foot would have ended extended towards Madara, just missing him by a foot or so. This was the same type of attack as before, though. The Senjutsu that left his foot this time though was like a miniature spike wall the size of Madara's whole upper body. It was a flat surface that had spikes that would have actually pierced Madara once it left his foot, giving the man literally less than the blink of an eye to avoid this attack. By the time the attack was said and done, it had take Athos no longer than two seconds to cross the distance, spin around, and then stop.

Uzumaki Sealing Kunai
Senjutsu Chakra Attack One.
Senjutsu Chakra Attack Two.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2015, 05:32:01 AM »

Unfortunately for the Uzumaki, such a method wasn't as easy as he had previously thought. Due to the rather slow activation and "draw in" effect of the Uzumaki Sealing Technique (, the pollen would have ample enough time to drain the seal of chakra, Madara's attacks most likely destroying it mere moments after contact.

It had yet to be seen how either of the two would fair in a Taijutsu battle against the other, or who was faster, stronger etc., considering the fact this was the first time the two had met. As a wise author once said, "Assumptions are dangerous things to make, and like all dangerous things to make -- bombs, for instance, or strawberry shortcake -- if you make even the tiniest mistake you can find yourself in terrible trouble. " Which the red haired man had found himself in for underestimating the Uchiha and overestimating himself. This would hopefully interrupt his attack, bombarding him with chakra absorbing pollen and crushing his body at the same time to a paste.

Contrary to what his opponent thinks, making the brain process things faster is exactly what the Sharingan does. It doesn't physically slow down the actual fast moving objects, but instead allows the user to process the visual information faster and with greater clarity, otherwise Sharingan wouldn't be...well Sharingan. In an instant, the three would ascend their eyes to new stages. All Madara would have one Eternal Mangekyo active and one Rinnegan. If his foe manages to still survive and continue his attack, as he struck he would suddenly be met with a steel shattering repulsive force extending out an entire acre, capable of destroying and pushing back half a city block. If successful, Madara's Shinra Tensei would not only crush his opponent, but repel most if not any attack he had for him, hopefully sending him twice as far as the move extended. One clone would then form a set of handseals, causing the area around them to let loose a torrent of rain from the heavens. Once again a jutsu that reacts to opposing chakra signatures, the dense zero visibility rain would act as a powerful adhesive. Like liquid cement, the rain would try to bind the Uzumaki to the point where he could not move a finger, if still alive of course, making brute strength virtually useless like Swamp of the Underworld. The environment along with Madara and company would be unphased by the rain as it would roll off of them as normal water would. The third would channel chakra into his eyes, preparing for a jutsu but not yet unleashing it.

Shinra Tensei- Almighty Push
Chakra Adhesive Rain

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2015, 01:12:10 PM »

Its been over two weeks since my opponent's last reply, though he has let me know he might be late on the reply on the first week, the second week I've received no notice. If I am able to get in contact with him we will discuss the status of the match, but if another week goes by it will be done.


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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2015, 06:38:51 AM »

I did send a message to your account about this week as well >>
But sorry for the wait and thanks for understanding :D

Of course, if the seal was being used on the ground and in the normal state that Madara had used 'proof' to support, the man would be right. But it was obviously a custom version of the seal, one that was on a kunai, and a custom technique that's abilities were clearly stated, regardless of what the base form was capable of. And seeing as Madara accepted some pollen was taken in, it would've actually been all of the pollen and the tornado as things were originally meant to go about. Even if it hadn't, Madara's own Shinra Tensei would clear the area of pollen, and if not that then his own rain would have destroyed the pollen. But regardless, it never made it to Athos.

So that meant he had continued on with his attack, but the slight change in Madara's chakra and the activation of the Rinnegan, the details having been taken in with the Mind's Eye, had caused him to understand what was about to happen, it wasn't all that hard to pick up when you had been a fighter as long as Athos had been. He wasn't the first person to try this tactic on him, so changing his own actions was an easy thing to do. Athos had originally planned on throwing Senjutsu chakra at Madara in attacks when he struck but instead he put that amount of Senjutsu chakra towards his new plan that had already formulated. And because he couldn't change the fact that he was going to be in front of Madara, he just kept going.

The Senjutsu that had originally been meant to skewer the three Madara would be poured into Athos' Tutumen, which would react almost immediately. As the Shinra Tensei had come to slap into Athos, his hands would have come up to place the flats against the incoming barrier... And it'd stop where it was. Athos was still close to Madara and the fact that his Shinra Tensei would be stopped should be enough to stun the man. Athos' strength with just the Sage Mode would have been enough to slow and stop it if he was on the ground but now, from the Tutumen, exploded steam outwards from Athos. The sheer physical strength of Athos toppled with the sudden Senjutsu Steam that powered his chakra would give the man enough force of his own to stop the progression of the Shinra Tensei.

The steam would have covered Athos' form and the area around it as it expelled the powerful jet force. The heat of the steam was enough to cause the rain that tried to fall past it to immediately evaporate, stopping it from being able to hinder Athos at all. Seeing Madara's own rain would have blinded him as well, seeing neither of his Dojutsu could see through chakra, or this rain even, he would have locked himself in a private world inside that Shinra Tensei, which would have been short lived.

As things work the way they do, the Shinra Tensei would have given out, whether by the fact that Athos overwhelmed it or that it just served the purpose of time it originally had been planning on, which was a few moments, and then things would have gotten real.

The Steam would have followed Athos as he'd explode forward, closing the distance between the two of them faster than the Sharingan could have helped Madara's brain notice something was about to happen. Seeing Athos was a thing building up force and speed, like a winding toy, until the thing stopping him, the Shinra Tensei, was out of the way. What happened next was quick, easy, and painless.

As Athos flew forward, his goal was not Madara directly, but the area behind him, when it came to destinations. Athos' hands would have aimed to came slamming against, and then through, Madara's chest, blowing out the whole upper cavity as though it was nothing more than bits of paper. But he hadn't stopped there, planning on charging through the man as though HE was paper himself, seeing as he was also getting another boost of strength and speed from Unrivaled Strength, hoping to obliterate Madara completely, as though he had come in contact with a freight train... The train being Athos.

And had the man still somehow managed to find himself surviving or trying to dodge the attack, not even a whole second behind Athos would be the Sparrow Kata Senjutsu Chakra, the size of which it was increased being enough to take out the wall of a building. Of course, the chakra itself was created to be like a thousand little blades that aimed to slice and dice the other two Madara as well, even if the real one had used some type of trick to get away. But, the speed at which Athos moved, even a speedy Hiraishin attempt wasn't going to be enough to help Madara escape this attack.

Unrivaled Strength
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2015, 08:46:04 AM »

My post will wait until I discuss my opponent about his recent post.


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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2015, 08:52:32 AM »

My post will wait until I discuss my opponent about his recent post.



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Re: Madara vs Athos! Who wins?! Who's next?! YOU DECIDE!!!... Not really.
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2015, 07:11:24 PM »

Been more then two weeks prior to Athos post, is this match going to continue at any time or have someone conceded this match without notifying the general public? I need some answers, ASAP.
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