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Author Topic: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules  (Read 6255 times)


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Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« on: October 13, 2015, 05:51:39 AM »

I asked Deathstroke to post a topic for me while I was at work (so I could have some responses when I got home) but it got deleted somehow. So ok.

I want to ask about how this division between people making new rules for the bijuu or not following any rules is going to work.

I still don't really understand Warren at all since what he's doing seems to be just voiding the rules since he still wants Shukaku, and that option was not even close to winning.  Also Warren you were an IC member of Akatsuki I know you're the host of Shukaku <<

So if that is how it is going to work, with Warren and others who want to do whatever not accepting challenges any more, are the people who are rewriting the rules going to have new hosts appointed?

I would think we could just let anyone who wants to ride off into the sunset and do whatever with their beast and then we would have our own set of 9 all held by people who want to be part of the challenge system.

Also, are bijuu challenges just on hold right now or do the lines between Camp Rules and Camp No Rules just need to be more clearly drawn?  Because right now I know that I have no idea what if any rules are in play.


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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2015, 06:36:30 AM »

... So if that is how it is going to work, with Warren and others who want to do whatever not accepting challenges any more, are the people who are rewriting the rules going to have new hosts appointed?

If the new rules omits challenges then probably not. If the new rules include challenges then probably so.
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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2015, 06:42:52 AM »

Hmm, I thought the poll decision was split.
In turn, those wanting to role play with the Bijuu could, and those who did not want role play with the Bijuu  did not have partake?

Meaning, there are people who voted to keep the Bijuu who did not even have one, and still want to engage with those people who have one at will.

They are being denied that chance?
Is it being the rules are voided? I thought the two major voting blocks were, *keep* or *remove,* with editing the rules only garnering a few votes?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 06:44:59 AM by Ace »


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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2015, 06:59:23 AM »

Hmm, I thought the poll decision was split.
In turn, those wanting to role play with the Bijuu could, and those who did not want role play with the Bijuu  did not have partake?

Meaning, there are people who voted to keep the Bijuu who did not even have one, and still want to engage with those people who have one at will.

They are being denied that chance?
Is it being the rules are voided? I thought the two major voting blocks were, *keep* or *remove,* with editing the rules only garnering a few votes?
The tied options were amend the rules and void the bijuu and their system entirely. Void just the rules only got a few votes.

That's why I mention Warren because he seems to not be following/fixing the rules (Option A) or voiding the bijuu entirely (Option B) it seems like it is just anarchy right now.

Unless it was agreed on before hand I would not think the poll being a tie would automatically just mean flip the table, everyone do whatever they want. I'd think every thing would stay as is till we figure out a solution.

We should have something agreed on beforehand in the case of a tie after this debacle I'd say...


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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2015, 07:05:23 AM »

Scrap the whole pointless "community". Multiple biju will exist and anarchy will reign supreme. The people that hate biju will love it, until someone rps in their village claiming to be the kage and has followers, thus making multiple universes and you can't tell them no.

SL is either gonna have a general rule set, or you're gonna have a DC pre crisis thing going on with multiple universes. No middle ground

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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2015, 07:30:37 AM »

Scrap the whole pointless "community". Multiple biju will exist and anarchy will reign supreme. The people that hate biju will love it, until someone rps in their village claiming to be the kage and has followers, thus making multiple universes and you can't tell them no.

From what I've been told, when this site was still young, that kind of was the 'rules'. Everyone just kind of did whatever and people RP'd in their own peer groups. It's kind of like that now where people sometimes tend to not RP out of their comfort zone, but there's a kind of fixed 'setting' that we all play in.

I've always believed that whether the bijuu system stays or goes, there will always be something people will argue over because someone will always try to be Superman. If it's not bijuu, people will just make up summons/items that make the bijuu obsolete.

I feel that we should let the people who don't want the bijuu in place RP. And the people who want the bijuu in place, they can RP too. I guess the bijuu still will have 'hosts' in that sense, but if someone doesn't like that 'host's rules, then there can be two bijuu. Or three. Or more. If you're not happy with it, then too bad I guess? We (the players) are the ones who decide what happens in RP through our writing. Maybe you broke the bijuu into pieces and everyone gets a different emotion? Maybe there's a good and evil bijuu? Who knows? People will still play with who they want to play with and stay away from the people they don't want to play with, just like real life. If you know someone's a jerk or you don't like them, don't play with them and don't start problems. Just go your own way.
Heck, anyone can void just about anything anyway. I once saw a brand new Academy Student get voided just because they posted in a village and didn't go through the gate. Is that good conduct? That's for everyone to decide on their own.
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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2015, 01:45:21 PM »

A house divided will not stand, and we are certainly divided.

Like I have said in the past, despite there being a tie, people went ahead with creating various workshops in order to try and mend the numerous loopholes that were present in the current rule system. While at the same time, I have seen nothing about people voiding the beasts. In fact, the various encounters I have had since the poll ended, has been filled with people still accepting the beasts as Valid RP mechanics. Not only mine, but others as well.

So, to me it seems voiding the Biju has predictably failed, but now we are left with the anarchists who now feel as if they have no obligation to follow rules. Well, while at first I was an advocate for a "free for all" of sorts, I was still under the impression some form of challenge would remain. Say Bocc wanted to challenge Warren for his beast. After having used the necessary means to find him, it should be Warren's responsibility to make it so Bocc can execute his challenge; Such is the burden of all hosts. It is our responsibility to make it so people have a fair chance at winning a beast, even if it isn't what we want exactly.

If we resort to dividing ourselves further by allowing any plebeian to claim some of the strongest tools in the game, then we might as well allow everything to be up grabs. 25 different 9 tails, 14 Samehadas, 18 Yata mirrors, ect. It would be the inevitable downfall of SL's RP, and I truly do not wish to see that happen. This community needs order; a set of guidelines. Why us in particular? Well, the proof is in the pudding so to speak. If the biju were creating arguments before, imagine all of the threads that will be made about people claiming other individual's items? Well, sorry bocc, but I reeeally like that triple bladed scythe. It's mine now. You know what? I want your shoes too.

"But wait, we already said you can just ignore them."

True, but what if I enter Konoha, and someone who voids me is talking with someone who does not, and I want to talk to my friend? Now we have a rift that will likely ruin someone else's RP experience, and detour them from ever trying to interact with the public again.

The SL community is childish. Simple as that. We heckle one another with snide comments, talk behind each other's backs in Pm's, and everything else we can think of to recreate the good ole high school experience. Do you honestly believe that we have the capability to sustain a site that has no rules? If you do, then I am honestly taken aback.

The point i am trying to make is that we need established guidelines for everything. Some people might not like it, but that's just too bad. I don't like having to pay taxes, but that does not mean I can just void the government's ability to make me do such.

My suggestion? Return to the most recent rendition of the Biju rules until we can come up with something more solid. Create another poll if need be, but remove the third option in order to try and break the aforementioned tie.
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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2015, 04:27:34 PM »

I agree we need order, however, it isn't fair allowing people to use techniques like Edo Tensei and  Hirashin and basically limit them to personal friends and the chain continues. We need amending to rules and RPers in general so everyone has a chance at possible achieving high status. Expect Biju because I don't like them, makes the strong even stronger.

Honestly look how many people are Uchihas. Then look how many say they are part Senju/Uzumaki or have Senju/Uzumaki DNA. Now look how many actual Hyuuga members RP. You will clearly see people love to naturally have power.

I would make a suggested template of a list of techniques 'site wide ban' from RP with their reason why. Though it will won't deter people from using said techniques anyway.


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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2015, 08:54:03 PM »

I agree we need order, however, it isn't fair allowing people to use techniques like Edo Tensei and  Hirashin and basically limit them to personal friends and the chain continues. We need amending to rules and RPers in general so everyone has a chance at possible achieving high status. Expect Biju because I don't like them, makes the strong even stronger.

Honestly look how many people are Uchihas. Then look how many say they are part Senju/Uzumaki or have Senju/Uzumaki DNA. Now look how many actual Hyuuga members RP. You will clearly see people love to naturally have power.

I would make a suggested template of a list of techniques 'site wide ban' from RP with their reason why. Though it will won't deter people from using said techniques anyway.

How...short sighted.

Because I don't like them is not a good excuse in why we should ban an entire plot point in the Naruto-verse.

Then to go on and say that techniques like Hiraishin and Edo are passed around between friends is also fallacy. Yes, there have been situation where it has happened, but it is not exclusive to those particular techniques. Much like anything else, they can be earned if you put forth enough effort. It is not our job to hold your hand through the process of getting higher tier techniques, much like in every other game. Me? I had to kill someone to get Edo tensei. I went out and actively searched for it, and earned it through time and effort. There are a number of people on the FTG list whom have done the same things. They made the correct connections, and eventually came to earn those techniques.

What's a popular game right now? Call of duty? Is that still a thing? Well, when you first start up the game, do you immediately get the most sought after gun and skins? No, you need to put forth time to get the correct number of kills or to a certain rank. Yes, the process is easier for some than it is for others, but none the less everyone has a chance to earn those items. Everything depends on how much time you are willing to sink into something in order to see it to the end. The same can be said about SL. Just because we do not hand them to you on a sliver platter does not mean they are exclusive. You can earn any technique, weapon, or ability if you try hard enough.

Now, in regards to the "everyone wants power" bit; of course people want to be the strongest. This is a competitive game, and people are looking to "Win". If being an Uchiha gets you the most hax, then you are damn right that people are going to pick it. Though for you to say there are no Hyuuga is also misinformed. I can list off at least 10 people who have the Byakugan right now off the top of my head, and while they may not be Hyuuga per-say, it basically equates to the same thing. I know people who have the Sharingan who claim no link to the clan itself aside from the KG. Though, this is beside the point; what I am trying to say is that what clan's people pick depends on their play style, and skill levels. If they need their hand held more than the next guy, sure they can pick Sharingan.

Now, there will never be a site-wide ban on techniques. It can't, and wont happen. For example; Truth seeking orbs. I was under the impression everyone just knew that those techniques were over powered and void in every facet of Rp, yet come to find out there are at least 3 people claiming them. Why? Because people don't want to listen to things if it does not benefit them.

How are you supposed to enforce rules when half of the game refuses to even come onto the forum so they can see them, or when they don't like said rule they ignore it? It's a lesson in futility if you ask me. That is why I was focusing more on Biju rules in my last post, because that is a group of 9 who willingly subject themselves to the community, and must follow the rules they put into place, otherwise they lose their power up. I think we need to take baby steps before attempting to nerf the entire game.
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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2015, 01:01:26 AM »

I avoid the bijuu like the plague, but that doesn't mean I think it should be voided.

Is there a better way of doing it? Probably. Will it happen? No, because none of you can agree on anything.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 01:01:57 AM by Genesis »


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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2015, 01:23:25 AM »

I avoid the bijuu like the plague, but that doesn't mean I think it should be voided.

Is there a better way of doing it? Probably. Will it happen? No, because none of you can agree on anything.

Well then why do we even allow people to propose things on the forum? Come on already, one of you Uzumaki guys posts basically this same post in every forum topic that is any kind of debate/discussion.
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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2015, 01:46:16 AM »

I avoid the bijuu like the plague, but that doesn't mean I think it should be voided.

Is there a better way of doing it? Probably. Will it happen? No, because none of you can agree on anything.

Well then why do we even allow people to propose things on the forum? Come on already, one of you Uzumaki guys posts basically this same post in every forum topic that is any kind of debate/discussion.

They're not wrong on that comment though.


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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2015, 02:03:44 AM »

I avoid the bijuu like the plague, but that doesn't mean I think it should be voided.

Is there a better way of doing it? Probably. Will it happen? No, because none of you can agree on anything.

Well then why do we even allow people to propose things on the forum? Come on already, one of you Uzumaki guys posts basically this same post in every forum topic that is any kind of debate/discussion.

They're not wrong on that comment though.

That doesn't make it less un-helpful though.
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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2015, 02:41:02 AM »

Okay then, you want something helpful? Give me tomorrow, and I'll provide you guys with some proper guide to this entire Tailed Beast drama. Like, for real. I'm getting pretty sick of seeing those sorts of discussion on the latest post when I log in.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 02:41:26 AM by Snap »


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Re: Further Questions: New Rules vs No Rules
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2015, 02:48:17 AM »

Okay then, you want something helpful? Give me tomorrow, and I'll provide you guys with some proper guide to this entire Tailed Beast drama. Like, for real. I'm getting pretty sick of seeing those sorts of discussion on the latest post when I log in.

Good luck with that.
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