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Author Topic: Qualitative or Quantitative?  (Read 10024 times)


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Re: Qualitative or Quantitative?
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2015, 11:46:39 PM »

Now you would say that's not enough. So I would say a hurt hand and a gash across my left ribs 6 inches long and 1/4 inches deep. That a good size gash. Major blood flow there. Unless treated I'd be in trouble with a matter of five to ten minutes. Blood loss and the movements of battle increasing blood flow from the wound. That'd probably settle it.

Of course I'd probably attempt to treat my wounds. But that itself presents a challenge. Defend and treat. Really no room for attack or counter. It adds up to making your hit even that much more valuable to you. Pop a blood pill and go with it I suppose if the pressure is on lol.

Actually, people don't bleed too much when they suffer a gunshot wound to the ribs. (just as long as it doesn't hit around the heart area lol) Sure, there's arteries beneath each of the ribs (which is why they advise us to basically 'surf the bone' when we do needle thoracentesis or have to drop a chest tube at the STP before we can evac to a higer echelon of care) but the main worry when dealing with chest/rib injuries is pneumothorax or hemopneumothorax. So as long as the pleural space isn't punctured, you probably wouldn't have to worry too much. Though, with blunt trauma you can have pneumothorax occur without puncturing of the chest area.

I would say an arrow wound would be different than a bullet. Arrows are no where as fast and cut/tear. Bullets pierce.

A gash is gunna bleed I'm sure.

Add in: I getting at the fact bullets main wound factor is the trauma it causes because of the vibrations upon impact and while passing through. It doesn't need to cause major blood lose to kill. The trauma can kill.

Arrows are more of a cutting tool. The kill more so by causing blood lose. Unless you get a brain, heart, lung, ect.

Most time when hunting a gun shot deer can be harvested right after the shot. A arrow shot deer typically needs some time to die, bleed to death. And I have seen arrows leave much bigger blood trails than bullets.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 11:57:55 PM by UettoSenju »


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Re: Qualitative or Quantitative?
« Reply #46 on: October 27, 2015, 01:27:15 PM »

This just occurred to me. Remember the Neji vs Kidomaru fight?

Neji's byakugan range at the time was 50 meters radius.
Kidomaru knew the distance and the exact location of byakugan's blind spot.
While Kidomaru was getting info from his attacks, it's safe to assume that he was (well) outside of the 50 meters range.

Kidomaru shot his arrow and Neji could shift his blind spot by turning his head and see the arrow coming.
Although I give every shinobi a reaction time of 1/10 of a second, turning your head too fast carries RL consequences with the worst case of snapping your own neck. Personally, I don't think it would be wise to apply that reaction time to neck turning, but of course someone will try.

Let's see...using the range of 50 meters.
With the reaction time of 1/10 of a second, Kido's arrow would have to go supersonic to reach Neji.
With the reaction time of 1/2 of a second, Kido's arrow would have to go nearly the speed of sound (about 20 meters shorts)
With the reaction time of 1 second, Kido's arrow would have to go 50 meters per second.

So obviously, Kido's arrow has to be faster than 50 meters per second but less than the speed of sound (343 meters per second). I would guess 100 meters per second at least. I am assume the speed of the arrow did not drop as Kido was controlling it. And Neji did a whole lot of running to catch up with Kido.

I spent so much time on this long post and I forgot what was the main point of it. T.T
Maybe it was to compare Kido's arrow speed with Neji's reaction time. ._.

I would say an arrow wound would be different than a bullet. Arrows are no where as fast and cut/tear. Bullets pierce.

Add in: I getting at the fact bullets main wound factor is the trauma it causes because of the vibrations upon impact and while passing through. It doesn't need to cause major blood lose to kill. The trauma can kill.

Yeah, it's the trauma that kills and that's the purpose of the bulletproof vest.
Because an arrow can pierce through a bulletproof vest pretty easily.

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