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Author Topic: To clarify.  (Read 2911 times)


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To clarify.
« on: November 23, 2015, 08:13:22 AM »

I figured I'd place a topic about it here stating the compromise made for the rp in zone five.

Kite and I felt that Yujo's one shot on our lives was rather bs, lacked certain details, and god-mod (auto-hit/character control). There for we countered  respectfully attempting to compromise that we would accept his attack if he accepted our counters/dodges.

His attack was a direct auto-hit as you can never state hitting or dealing direct amounts of damage to someone in you post. The zoning rules to SL points this out clearly.

It has always been accustomed to me to auto counter and auto-hit. If you fail to see the auto-hit then I suggest you study up on how to rp a bit.

The ice that attacked us was never stated to be made of chakra. It was stated the chakra was flowing in the area heavy due to him battling his beast and the seal being weekend from such seems to me. Such large chakra surges at SL are often rped with strange natural happenings. Such as pressure changes, earth trimmers, wind pickups, lightening strikes, etc. It led us to believe this was what happened.

We can not defend against something not stated in a post. Details in rp are the main key to good rp. Leaving them out is no means of being sneaky rp wise.

Furthermore it comes to question how can one form such a jutsu without having to concentrate their chakra to some degree via hand seals or meditation. I mean tacking on having a personal battle of tug a war with a beast within would also make performing such feats extremely hard even with seals I'd think.
Unless he argues he wasn't really fighting the beast and only said such to trick us. Which is giving false details in post and also god-modding in my eyes.

Regardless of all the flaws we seen in his attack he failed to compromise with us on our counters. Kite had had his Byakugan active before even reaching this scene and I long had a defence for airborne attack of this nature.

So talk was made for a judge. Yujo and me exchanged some names. One of which was Zen. I stated I'd need to confirm with Kite first. In the mean time of that we were informed a judgment had been passed. As if a judge had been forced upon us.

Yujo claimed I had accepted said judge, which I had not fully but simply brought the person's name up. Regardless I told him we couldn't just choose a judge without Kite's approval. He argued it was to late or something along those lines.

Of course Zen agreed with Yujo. I had/have no issue with that. It was the forced upon we did not agree to. It should be noted I highly, highly respect Zen as a person, judge, and pref. I have no ill feeling toward him.

Thus it boiled down to the issue would have to come here. I for one have no wishes for another of the off the charts argument to be had at this form like that of the KirixYujo or AmexYujo.

I will not partake in such. I don't believe you people deserve to have another issue like that thrown upon you. I don't believe you all want that nor would even wish to read it.

Thus I proposed another compromise to Yujo. One that he accepted.

In order to reframe from the arguing and whining that would result I am allowing Uetto to be killed by his auto-hit in a repost I will be making. On the condition Kite is allowed to dodge and can not have any harm brought to him or be perused after. If such happens the rp is to be void. Kite in return can not engage Yujo.

I felt it needed to be made public what was happening as no questions arose from it later or issues.

I take pride in the fact that it took a cheap shot to take me out. A simple little ol Konoha knuckle head who had no talent couldn't be faced like a man. It just shows how cowardly those plotting against me are I suppose.

In the end of it all I will say it has been an honor to have rped that character with all of you over these 10 years. This does not mean I am leaving SL. I simply must start a new chapter is all.

And to Yujo... I once spared your life in Iwa voiding my killing you so your character could life on. I thank you for repaying that kindness in allowing Kite to walk out of this free of harm and without argue. I do not know is why you targeted us and I don't care in the end. I just hope that you reflect upon the incidents you keep getting into with claims of auto-hitting and attempt to find a way to fix it from causing you issues in the future.

Who knows now that you have freed me from my ties to Uetto perhaps I will be granted the GM spot and able to pure 100% into it.

P.s. I'm sorry this ruined our fight Bocc. I was enjoying it.


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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2015, 09:55:04 AM »

Just claim to Hiraishin away anyway since I made you an Edo Tensei zombie the last time we fought and then I think you just kinda stopped being one.


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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2015, 01:38:23 PM »

Just claim to Hiraishin away anyway since I made you an Edo Tensei zombie the last time we fought and then I think you just kinda stopped being one.



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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2015, 03:47:48 PM »

I don't think you being 'dead' in that RP should stop you from continuing any ongoing spars that you had. I mean, isn't the spar between you and Bocc OOC anyway? >.>

And Kirk, trust me, I don't think anyone liked the method Yujo used and I thought Zen's ruling was fair imo.

The ice that attacked us was never stated to be made of chakra. It was stated the chakra was flowing in the area heavy due to him battling his beast and the seal being weekend from such seems to me. Such large chakra surges at SL are often rped with strange natural happenings. Such as pressure changes, earth trimmers, wind pickups, lightening strikes, etc. It led us to believe this was what happened.

We can not defend against something not stated in a post. Details in rp are the main key to good rp. Leaving them out is no means of being sneaky rp wise.

Okay, so if you two thought that, then why did you guys stayed within the area?

What details did you feel were left out? There are many ways to word an attack without saying the word 'attack'.


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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2015, 05:30:01 PM »

Who knows now that you have freed me from my ties to Uetto perhaps I will be granted the GM spot and able to pure 100% into it.

Just kidding, while I am sorry to read this, I do have to point out that "cheap shots" should not be spoken of with such negativity, especially when a mano-mano might would have dragged on for longer than advantageous for the attacking party.

Perhaps, though, it is for the best. You have been wanting someone to take you out in a fight for a long time now. If you and Bocc wish I say you should continue the fight, just to see who would win. 'cause you know, that's been pretty anticipated for awhile now.

*to clarify, I do not promote detail omission as a tool of zoning.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2015, 05:33:34 PM by Eric »
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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2015, 07:39:29 PM »

Zenaku had a brief exchange of opinions with me in regards to this fight which I found quite hilarious that I was needed for a second opinion and on top of that, it seems that these days users have a vague concept of math. Mind the casual conversing at the end.

Quote from: Zenaku's exchange of words with me
From: 五代目雷影 Zenaku offline
Sent: 2015-11-20 20:19:55

Reply Forward < Previous  Next >

Nope, i'm as laid back as can be. Spicy doesn't affect me haha
 ---Original Message from Uchiha Kamui(2015-11-20 20:19:22)---
 I thought you wouldn't like getting a second opinion from me, considering that I am 'spicy' so they say around here. I dunno. People are weird sometimes. <<;
---Original Message from 五代目雷影 Zenaku(2015-11-20 20:12:01)---
Oh absolutely. We both come from the same group of zoners. Why wouldn't i get a second opinion from you? ^_^
 ---Original Message from Uchiha Kamui(2015-11-20 20:10:18)---
 Then the issue that this group has would be Kite? I won't interfere nor give an actual ruling as they seem to be working things out in their own way. I just stated my opinion to you as I would rule it. At this point if any issues were resolved by them then I wouldn't see a need to have someone give a 'third-party' ruling unless it was requested. I appreciate you coming to be for second opinion on the matter though. :D
---Original Message from 五代目雷影 Zenaku(2015-11-20 20:06:08)---
I'm well aware of the distance issue. They apparently didn't have an issue with the range which i would of instantly called bull. They have issue with if it's possible or not which sparked my ruling. Kirk is fine as apparently Yujo already accepted the antibodies.
 ---Original Message from Uchiha Kamui(2015-11-20 20:00:38)---
 Kite never states the activation of his doujutsu, he only states that it was used to determine the severity of his situation, analyze it then combat it in his own way. (Your ruling with Kite, I can agree with)

 As for Kirk, this technique by Yujo is by no means a chakra poison in any way but it's a foreign chakra and it can be combated before in entirely engulf oneself. Consider when Sasuke used his doujutsu to create a Genjutsu to combat it and made it seem that the C3 technique turned him to dust.
 Kirk assesses the situation, activates his doujutsu and analyze the situation to which he uses his own special brand of antibodies to combat foreign chakra. You don't necessarily need to know you opponent's unique chakra signature for this but rather see it in a from of color or whatever; through a form of doujutsu/sensing skill. Ice Release chakra can be countered if the necessary steps are taken. My ruling is Kirk too the appropriate steps to counter Yujo's actions. Kite however never stated his prior activation of his doujutsu and this will have to reconsider either his post or make a new post stating 'damage' from the technique. The entire situation is entirely up to those guys, Kite can either repost his actions or just post taking moderate damage in some form. Also Yujo needs to reconsider the range of his techniques, 100 meters is exactly 328 feet. This technique is a almost as big an entire foot ball field. (It's nineteen feet short of being a field)
 I understand that he is a "jinchuuriki" but the tailed beasts have their limit and don't have a bottomless supply of chakra.
---Original Message from 五代目雷影 Zenaku(2015-11-20 19:21:59)---
Well this was my initial ruling

 I've read and researched the fight in it's entirety. My ruling is as follows. Kite, I need you to show where/when you exactly activated your byakugan unless you state that you had it active from the start. But let's assume it's active. For what you're attempting to state to occur you would of needed to take measures against taking in the foreign chakra either before you entered the engulfed area or the first post after you entered. Once it's inside you it's no different than if you were standing in a cloud of dark fog that you later found out to be deadly and poisonous. I don't believe your response post would work.

 Kirk: You claim that you programmed antibodies to combat all foreign chakras? Let's consider this boiling down to simple internal chakra poisoning which is exactly what it is. There's no way you could take measures against every single invasion of chakra within your body. Now if you told me you'd sampled some of his chakra before and your body created antibodies on their own? That i'd buy. But as you're stating now, no i don't believe that would fly as that would mean any chakra outside of your own would be negated. That's not possible.

 Though i frown on the underhanded method Yujo used in this particular situation, both Kirk's and Kites responses wouldn't of saved them. Sure there are ways to survive this but those aren't it. Sorry. I rule in favor of Yujo this time. It may not instantly one shot kill you both but you're definitely affected in a very bad way. The damage is beyond moderate but it's up to Kirk and Kite to take in the exact amount of damage

 ---Original Message from Uchiha Kamui(2015-11-20 19:10:31)---
 Sooooooooooooo? What do want to hear in particular? My thoughts on Yujo using a 100 meters attack (Which is ridiculous these days considering no one converts from meters to feet) or do want to hear summary about how I feel about this whole fight in general? >_>
---Original Message from 五代目雷影 Zenaku(2015-11-20 19:04:57)---


The matter of the issue should've been resolved between all three of you, including Kite whom the issue was all about but I see that it already too late for such pleasantries. :oops:


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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2015, 08:26:01 PM »

I just want to point out that Kite did state his Byakugan was active in his first post of the RP.
But that doesn't change the view of his post anyway.

But what is this distance issue? The range of Yujo's chakra in the RP was 30 meters, not 100 meters. Did I miss something? o.o



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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2015, 08:27:11 PM »

I just find it ironic that Zen is saying 100 meters is a bullshit distance when he was using mile wide ototon in his fight with bocc, but I digress.

I honestly had no idea this was happening, and didn't find out until kirk messaged me about it, but when I went to read what had been posted so far I knew exactly what was going to happen.

Kirk says it's commonplace for people to create anomalies with their chakra? I for one have never seen that happen in the Anime/Manga (Give me an example of such if you could please) and I sure as hell have never seen it on SL. Of course I don't thumb through every single interaction, but I read a fair share.

The only person I have ever run across who does that is Yujo, and that's literally a technique of his. Unlike what Kirk is pointing out, Yujo explicitly manipulates chakra to create his personal anomaly. So when he entered the zone and everything started to change, that is literally him injecting his chakra into the surrounding atmosphere to manipulate later. Albeit some of the details were incredibly vague, I feel as if we need to give a certain amount of leeway to those who can even attempt sneak attacks considering the difficulty of displaying details that could be mistaken for something other than an attack. Considering every single one of you would meta game to avoid getting touched in the same situation if he had said anything even remotely aggressive.

Some of y'all complain about how no one is a ninja anymore, but bitch when someone tries to do some ninja type shit.

Then to say it was character control is also a far stretch considering Kirk literally yawned, and both of you had full length conversations while within the Area of effect. You cannot have a conversation without breathing at least a little and if you did, that would have to be explicitly stated, because it is so far out of the norm to do that for anyone.

Another red flag for y'all could have been the "Weak" seal, considering this guy has been Uzumaki for years upon years, and we are basically better than anyone at sealing. There is no way on god's green earth that any respectable Uzumaki seal would ever be weak. #RedHeadForLife (For those of you who are a little more dull than others, I was being factious here.)

Now I must note that I don't think Kirk should have gotten done in this way. I would have liked to see him go down in a blaze of glory if nothing else, and to see him to one posted is a bit depressing. Though, if Kirk agreed to be killed to save kite, then there is not much that can be done. At least he went out like he lived; honorably.

Next time Yujo, stop stirring shit up >.> Getting real sick of your crap.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2015, 09:01:32 PM »

I just find it ironic that Zen is saying 100 meters is a bullshit distance when he was using mile wide ototon in his fight with bocc, but I digress.

There's a difference. In Zen's case, that's a jutsu, but in Yujo's case, he's literally expanding his 'chakra aura'. Jutsu vs Chakra aura. As far as I can tell, no one was able to expand one's chakra aura that far. The only person that comes to mind was Neji against Kido, but even he didn't expand it that far. Maybe 15 - 20 meters at best based on my observation (manga/anime).

Kirk says it's commonplace for people to create anomalies with their chakra? I for one have never seen that happen in the Anime/Manga (Give me an example of such if you could please) and I sure as hell have never seen it on SL. Of course I don't thumb through every single interaction, but I read a fair share.

I thought this was simply possible because it was Ice Release. I remember Haku making it snow with his chakra. But I guess with creativity, it can somehow be done with any other chakra nature. However, it goes back to the 'expansion of one's chakra aura' argument.

Some of y'all complain about how no one is a ninja anymore, but bitch when someone tries to do some ninja type shit.

I agree with this and everything afterwards. However my only issue was the 'amount of time' that passed between Yujo's mentioning of 'micro ice particles' and the activation of the trap. Allow it more realistic/reasonable amount of time for the ice particles to get deep into the bodies of Kirk and Kite. I feel that Yujo should have waited one more turn to spring the trap.

Next time Yujo, stop stirring shit up >.> Getting real sick of your crap.

It makes a great read though. -eats popcorn-


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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2015, 11:08:39 PM »

Like the last part of rusaku' post says, my only real issue is that these topics start every time yujo fights someone. Like Kirk said the only reason this isn't one is that he's taking a dive for the sake of all our sanities.

Yujo asked me for opinion on his attack and I asked him if he knew he was starting the same argument yet again and he said yes and I told him I wanted nothing to do with it then. Call it being a ninja or being sneaky or whatever. If the outcome of you trying to kill someone is 100% of the time the whole site needs to argue about it for 2 months you're doing something wrong.


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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2015, 04:30:35 AM »

I simply found it a farcry someone can make such a Jutsu on a whim. Not needing hand seals or concentration while also playing tug a war with a tailed beast within which would place a strain on one's chakra I believe.

It would be like Uetto just standing there and trees randomly starting to grow and attack people. He is a master of Mokuton yet still uses at least one hand seal. Even the Second Hokage had to use seals for Suiton and he was known to be te greatest master of it or something along those lines.

And like I said you can never note a direct hit or damage done to an opponent in your post. Even if the hit an damage is certain in your eyes. It is an auto-hit regardless. What you can do is call them on auto-countering if you feel they dodged something tey shouldn't have without proper logic.

I did not make this topic to argue those things though. So I'd like to reframe from it.

I want to point out agian I hold no hard feelings towards Yujo. He is a friend and I'm sure I will rp with him agian one day


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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2015, 07:09:42 AM »

So... Lock? I mean, if Kirk isn't looking for a discussion (or soap opera) then I don't really see the need to continue this topic. Especially if it is going to devolve into a "Yujo plays unfair, ready the picketmen".
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: To clarify.
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2015, 07:26:48 AM »

So... Lock? I mean, if Kirk isn't looking for a discussion (or soap opera) then I don't really see the need to continue this topic. Especially if it is going to devolve into a "Yujo plays unfair, ready the picketmen".

Indeed lock.

I was going to make it aware there may be a funeral as well. I believe all should be invited and it should be done in a party type ordeal. My character would have it no other way.

I'm requesting if it is that no fighting be permitted at the funeral events.

Allow my character one last chance to promote rp so to say. His final wishes.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2015, 07:27:51 AM by UettoSenju »

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