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Author Topic: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)  (Read 3901 times)


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Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« on: December 11, 2015, 10:00:54 PM »

[Format stolen from Dart/Dāto]

Jinchūriki: Akasaka Rakudo

Affiliation: Kirigakure no Sato

Preferred Method: OOC 1v1/2v1 or IC 1v1

Preferred Zone: Wetlands

Preferred Judges: PM for details regarding the selection of a judge (I have no preferred judge and want to come to a choice on equal terms with the challenger)

Preferred Outlet: SL Forum

Special rules

-The match is to be 1v1, if the preferred method was agreed to be IC. However the match will be defaulted to OOC, if that player doesn't agree to *IC* terms of engagement.

-Victory for the challenger is the defeat of the host through any means necessary, and vice versa. Death in the fight does NOT equate to death IC, unless such a term was agreed upon.

-Skills acquired during an OOC match are not carried over IC. Similarly, knowledge of participants' abilities do NOT carry over to IC RP.

-If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 30 days then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (I.E. Both fighters MUST send a PM for this option.] If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a  winner based on these criteria:

     • Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?

     • What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?

     • Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. His(her) decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.

If neither side can be conclusively declared the winner, then the fight either proceeds or a draw is declared. In the case of a draw, the challenger may rejoin the queue of challengers after the latest challenger without having to wait for cool-down (this circumvention for the benefit of the challenger for not technically being declared the loser, though by not succeeding the host can be considered a winner in this situation.)
Note, this is a technical victory for the host, so unless the challenger truly believes that a restart is necessary to increase victory chances, then it is not recommended to settle for a draw without reviewing this process a second time.

-Prefers SL forum, as it is most useful for fights where long periods of time may pass between postings, serves as a record of the fight's progress for other challengers, and for that damned time-out option.

-Must post at least once (1) a week. Though if a pattern of postings persists (I.E. If either player stretches their posting to the full week, each and every post without prior notification to the other), then the challenge will be voided. The cool-down will be initiated to challenger (if challenger is problem) and the host will be stripped (if host's activity is problem).

-Decided judge will remain judge throughout. No boots.

-Re-posts are allowed, within reason. (I.E. If either participant has to repeatedly re-post, the match will be concluded. See inactivity clause.) Re-posts are only to fix the issue brought up by the judge. Modifying the entire post to save yourself or completely change your character's strategy is an automatic disqualification from the match. (See inactive clause for consequences.) Edits are NOT allowed. An edited post is an automatic disqualification. A brand new "Reply" must be made so there is a full history of the entire fight for judge and other readers.

-Can only use skills that are known IC at the official start of the match. No borrowing from others. No immediate power ups within the match.

-Discussion of non-allowed techniques will vary by challenger and discussed via PM, only.

-Inflammatory, racial, harassing, or abusive language aimed at each other either in the match or in PM will result in an immediate void of the challenge. If challenger, (s)he loses all rights to ever challenge the current Jinchūriki. If host, he loses the match and Bijū given to the challenger.

-In the event that a host is defeated, the new host has the cool-down challenge period time-frame to either accept the special regulations for the tailed beast or completely re-write or alter the special rules. If they do not post their own variant by the beginning of the next challenge, then it is to be assumed that they comply with the previous special regulations.

-If host defeated, allow host to finish up any role-play that may involve having the beast. Then a reasonable RP will be concluded as to how the beast transferred hands.

-All measurement units to be used in U.S. Customary Units. (I.E. No meters, grams, etc. Use feet, pounds, Fahrenheit, etc.)

Any questions, PM me please.

(Mostly) Non-Negotiable Voids

* Swift Release
* Senjutsu-enhanced Dust Release techniques
* Rinnegan + Sage Mode or Tenseigan + Sage Mode
* Tenseigan
* Claims of immunity to Ototon
* Liquefying Super Senjutsu Ototon
* Demon empowerment, vampirism, etc. Pretty much anything that doesn't make sense in the Naruto lore
* Borrowing resets when you already have resets
* Izanami
* Kotoamatsukami
* If you have Kamui with other MS Jutsu. It's either Kamui or the other Mangekyō Sharingan techniques.
* Using Izanagi to circumvent the negative effects of the Gate of Death
* Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
* Claiming to use an "undodgable/unavoidable/unblockable" attack
* Just happening to have "a seal" that eliminates one or more of your weaknesses
* Non Zetsu Mayfly

**All of this is subject to any change at the host's discretion**

The rules for this fight:

Fight is 1v1 OOC
Field of Battle is Zone Six (Plains)
The decided judge for this battle is Keito
The rules above have been agreed upon and will remain in place throughout the challenge.

As the current defender, I am obliged to the first entrance post within this thread.


A tall obscured figure began approaching the designated field where he was supposed to train his Steam techniques in peace. It wasn't until that he reached the middle of the grassy plains that his figure came into full view; it was the Sandaime Mizukage. The man appeared to full garb in his usual battle training gear which was reminiscent of the battle garbs of the Great Shinobi Wars. One of his eyes was bandaged and hidden underneath to most unsuspecting Shinobi was his implanted doujutsu: the Sharingan. His other eye wasn't bandaged in any way and revealed to be an inactivated Byakugan. The man also sported the twin blades, Kiba that was tightly strapped to his back through the notch on the hilt of the blade itself; the odd positioning of the blades didn't strain his movements in any way. Another oddity of the man was that he bear some of the physical traits of a Inuzuka; such as their distinctive red markings on their cheeks and their pets. Rakudo also sported an odd seal upon his forehead that was almost reminiscent of that of the 'White Strength Seal' except that it was in the shape of a spiral-like target; the seal however bear no resemblance in power to the 'White Strength Seal'. The seal had another important motive and that was to unleash another sealed doujutsu upon his command; the Rinnegan was something that he hasn't used it quite a while. 
Nevertheless once he reach the clearings of his choice, the man let out an exasperated sigh, "Covington. You might want to leave this place...I just got a bad feeling right about now." Rakudo said as the his little buddy let out a yelp in confusion before taking off back to the man's home. What was the bad feeling? Maybe his senses were picking up that he was being followed or hunter; one or the other, it didn't bother him one bit. He just didn't want anyone innocent involved besides himself and his swords. Time would only tell if his 'senses' were still up to par as they used to be back then. He didn't see anyone so maybe he wrong this time? However Rakudo always had to go with his 'gut feeling' when it came to situations like this.



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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2015, 07:05:17 PM »

Belief; A false sense of security in the notions of old. Proof being tossed aside in wake of an archaic arrogance, an ignorance so deep seated within the minds of those believers that even in the face of the truth, they are shrouded under a blanket of ineptitude.

A man stepped onto the zone, each of his righteous steps casting eager into a daze, beliefs being shattered. What this man exemplified was the new truth, a light that would lift the shroud, break through the ways of old, a being of such divinity that it challenge the old gods. Two options were left for those under the old beliefs; Be enlightened by his seraphic stride, or choose to cast away the truth before them, and remain ignorant, on this day, a man with such gall to bold the truth before him and attempt to see this man bleed, or so ignorant that he would believe that he could.

Nevertheless, the Uzumaki stepped forth (See Sl avi pic for reference on appearance), cast from his spatial chariot, ambulating to the first quarter of the southern side of the cloudy plains with a light breeze at his back, his eyes noting the presence of a man not unfamiliar to him, gauging the current distance between them to be 164.042 feet, and stopped his movements.

To those familiar with Sage mode and it's inner workings would notice the passive gathering of natural energy into the man's body, while those with even the slightest chakra sensory technique would notice the expulsion of chakra from his body in the form of an aura that would stretch outwards to roughly 15 feet, lowering the immediate temperature of the air around him by 30° to further accommodate the man's affinity for the cold.

With his eyes locked onto the man, he allowed his body to relax, this moment was one ingrained within his psyche for quite sometime, and by no means would he allow the opportunity to slip on by.
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2015, 07:17:39 PM »

Rakudo was fascinated by the man's ostentatious display of chakra; his beliefs at this moment were focused on this very battle to come. Rakudo formed a quick one-handed kata and spread out his arms, clenching both hands into a fist as he began spewing out a blanket of fog from his parted lips; this chakra fog would blanket the area in a manner of minutes. This technique was his own version of Hiding in the Mist technique and would serve his purpose of hiding his chakra signature from his opponent but also served to hide his next actions to come. Rakudo unclenched one of his fist and began forming another one-handed, this time his form that seal over his unbandaged eye; his actions activated the doujutsu in hibernation: the Byakugan.
Rakudo was allowed a near 360º field of vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra--this weakness however was accounted for--thanks to his obscuring blanket of chakra fog that in no doubt would hinder most doujutsu users. After all of this was done, the man formed a fixed handsign and conjured up two doppelganger of the Sandaime Mizukage; the latter was in fact to revealed as a Kage no Bunshin. Rakudo wasn't ready to use his 'trump card' just yet and was barely getting a feel for this battle, the chakra emanating from Yujo meant this would a battle of ages.  Rakudo for now keep his sights set on Yujo from the distance of 164.042 feet, his activated Byakugan would see every move that he would or attempt to make from the blanket of fog.
Just in case, the man brought his hands to side right near the notch that secured both blades to his back-- if it was needed-- the man would flick his wrist to unlatch the holster and put the Kiba blades to use. However for now, he kept his hands steady near his waist, his other two doppelganger also followed suit as the original; both standing side-by-side the original Rakudo and watching Yujo with anticipation.

[Kirigakure no Jutsu variant]
[Kage no Bunshin: 2]


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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2015, 11:47:28 PM »

Having stated thusly that a light breeze was at his back, the natural winds would impede, or slow the progress of Rakudo's mist, of course this depended on the amount of chakra the man was willing to expend to further it's advance, but Yujo was afforded a bit more time than a few minutes before it would blanket the area, and completely obscure his vision. His opponents relative inactivity allowed the Uzumaki to complete several actions without needing worry of immediate threat, as such he utilized the natural energy his body had always been gathering, and entered his sage mode, a full body transformation that would resemble no other. His skin blackened, his hair spiked like a prideful Saiyan prince's, and veins of gold energy ran up and down his figure; strangely the upper portion of his attire seemed to vanish upon completing the short transformation, leaving him shirtless.

Now empowered by Sage mode, he formed two one handed seals, upon completion a Black Mandala would hover above his head, like a halo. The ice halo above his head would sit idle, siphoning natural energy from it's creator. The other seal he had formed acted upon the sky however, dark clouds rolling in from the surrounding areas to eventually spread his influence, while the existing ones gathering directly above the two combatants. The existing clouds began raining down a light drizzle at first, of course with the intent of becoming a torrential downpour in the proceeding moments. Purple droplets fell from the sky, their color being slightly obscured by the overall lack of light the clouds had created, though this was mostly irrelevant considering his opponent's use of the Byakugan.

If his opponent had remained inactive, and allowed the rain to shower the ground, each droplet, instead of being absorbed into the ground would rise into a thick mist, continuing to threaten the Mist shinobi on several fronts.  As the first droplets touched down, the jutsu would likely remain unknown to Rakudo considering it's origin was of Otogakure, moreover having been a new age variant of an archaic style, though it's effects became more apparent almost immediately due to Yujo's Senjutsu empowerment; as the droplets came in contact with foreign chakra, whether it be external, or internal, corrosion at a foundational level would occur, this poisonous rain apparently being capable of 'eating' chakra. Yujo stood idle, his mind and body focused on Rakudo's chakra, whether it be with his Sage mode sensory, or his sharingan in the case that Rakudo had not sufficiently taken care of his Dokuton rain.

[Enjaku Kokka: Yin Version. 'Sage mode']
[Ice release Halo siphoning natural energy]
[Dokuton Rain variant]
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2015, 08:21:09 PM »

Rakudo was well-aware of his surroundings, the build up of chakra emanating from Yujo was enormous. More so he seen the man mold his chakra and made the appropriate handsigns for his techniques; his actions were seen through his lone Byakugan eye. The appearance of the black mandala, didn't startled him to say the least. Rakudo surmise that this would literally be the fight for his 'life'-- there was no time for reminiscing--both clones acted accordingly just when the droplets began falling from the sky and clapped their hands in unison. Both of the doppelganger molded their chakra precisely and conjured up a dual-layer dome of earth above their position.
It wasn't the greatest of protection against a technique of this caliber but it served its purpose; by buying the original a few seconds to perform the summoning technique. Rakudo used what time that he had to quickly bring his hand up towards his face, biting the tip of his thumb and molding his chakra precisely in one swift motion. The Sandaime Mizukage quickly slammed his hand onto the ground below him as a array of seals appeared, "Summoning! Isobu, come forth!" Rakudo shouted.

A large plume of smoke erupted from his location and in his place was the Sanbi no Isobu; him and his clones seem to allocated themselves upon the nape of the turtle's neck. The earthen shelter was also demolished upon its appearance, "Sorry about this Isobu..." Rakudo said. Isobu and the man were well acquainted to say the least, but he still had to show the proper respect for something that he was thinking of sealing into his body--the latter was that he felt bad for the beast--actually becoming a host had its troubles. The man lifted off his eyepatch to reveal an activated Sharingan. Rakudo using his hidden doujutsu, stared into the only eye that was open by Isobu; effectively placing it in a genjutsu.
This was done to manipulate the future course of actions that were to come from the summon. Rakudo and his clones were also well protected from what was about to come; once the droplets began gradually turning into a torrential downpour. Isobu was very versatile to any situation that his opponent could throw at him; the shell protected against Dokuton. However this wasn't the case as this was a senjutsu-enhanced and this meant that his defense wasn't exactly interminably; it of course had its limits.

Their general surroundings were still enclosed in the chakra colored fog, what made matters worse for him was that another type of mist began generating from the Poison Release technique. The man's previous actions still obscured the field of battle with his chakra-colored fog--Rakudo had only a few minutes before the corrosion would start to occur upon Isobu's shell-- to prepare himself for that and what would come next, both him and his doppelganger(s) formed a one-handed kata then molded their chakra to their feet to adhere themselves to the beast's body; this was done to prevent themselves from falling off due to the next course of actions that will come.

[Earth Release: Rock Shelter]
[Summoning Technique: Isobu]
[Genjutsu: Sharingan]


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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2015, 11:54:47 PM »

Rakudo was well-aware of his surroundings, the build up of chakra emanating from Yujo was enormous. More so he seen the man mold his chakra and made the appropriate handsigns for his techniques; his actions were seen through his lone Byakugan eye. The appearance of the black mandala, didn't startled him to say the least. Rakudo surmise that this would literally be the fight for his 'life'-- there was no time for reminiscing--both clones acted accordingly just when the droplets began falling from the sky and clapped their hands in unison. Both of the doppelganger molded their chakra precisely and conjured up a dual-layer dome of earth above their position.
It wasn't the greatest of protection against a technique of this caliber but it served its purpose; by buying the original a few seconds to perform the summoning technique. Rakudo used what time that he had to quickly bring his hand up towards his face, biting the tip of his thumb and molding his chakra precisely in one swift motion. The Sandaime Mizukage quickly slammed his hand onto the ground below him as a array of seals appeared, "Summoning! Isobu, come forth!" Rakudo shouted.

A large plume of smoke erupted from his location and in his place was the Sanbi no Isobu; him and his clones seem to allocated themselves upon the nape of the turtle's neck. The earthen shelter was also demolished upon its appearance, "Sorry about this Isobu..." Rakudo said. Isobu and the man were well acquainted to say the least, but he still had to show the proper respect for something that he was thinking of sealing into his body--the latter was that he felt bad for the beast--actually becoming a host had its troubles. The man lifted off his eyepatch to reveal an activated Sharingan. Rakudo using his hidden doujutsu, stared into the only eye that was open by Isobu; effectively placing it in a genjutsu.
This was done to manipulate the future course of actions that were to come from the summon. Rakudo and his clones were also well protected from what was about to come; once the droplets began gradually turning into a torrential downpour. Isobu was very versatile to any situation that his opponent could throw at him; the shell protected against Dokuton. However this wasn't the case as this was a senjutsu-enhanced and this meant that his defense wasn't exactly interminably; it of course had its limits.

Their general surroundings were still enclosed in the chakra colored fog, what made matters worse for him was that another type of mist began generating from the Poison Release technique. The man's previous actions still obscured the field of battle with his chakra-colored fog--Rakudo had only a few minutes before the corrosion would start to occur upon Isobu's shell-- to prepare himself for that and what would come next, both him and his doppelganger(s) formed a one-handed kata then molded their chakra to their feet to adhere themselves to the beast's body; this was done to prevent themselves from falling off due to the next course of actions that will come.

[Earth Release: Rock Shelter]
[Summoning Technique: Isobu]
[Genjutsu: Sharingan]

Yujo requested a repost and I am obliging his request on the grounds that we agreed that Sharingan wouldn't be used. However this wasn't contested in my first initial entrance post, so I fail to see why this detail should be omitted but I'll compromise and do it. It will be generally assume that another unactivated Byakugan is under the eyepatch of Rakudo. (I am sick with a head cold and I am trying to deal with it :oops:)


Rakudo was well-aware of his surroundings, the build up of chakra emanating from Yujo was enormous. More so he seen the man mold his chakra and made the appropriate handsigns for his techniques; his actions were seen through his lone Byakugan eye. The appearance of the black mandala, didn't startled him to say the least. Rakudo surmise that this would literally be the fight for his 'life'-- there was no time for reminiscing--both clones acted accordingly just when the droplets began falling from the sky and clapped their hands in unison. Both of the doppelganger molded their chakra precisely and conjured up a dual-layer dome of earth above their position. It wasn't the greatest of protection against a technique of this caliber but it served its purpose; by buying the original a few seconds to perform the summoning technique. Rakudo used what time that he had to quickly bring his hand up towards his face, biting the tip of his thumb and molding his chakra precisely in one swift motion. The Sandaime Mizukage quickly slammed his hand onto the ground below him as a array of seals appeared, "Summoning! Isobu, come forth!" Rakudo shouted.

A large plume of smoke erupted from his location and in his place was the Sanbi no Isobu; him and his clones seem to allocated themselves upon the far end of the creature's back. Isobu's shell overhang upon their location--but only partly--they would still have to deal with the poison rain dispersing into mist. The earthen shelter was also demolished upon its grand appearance, "Sorry about this Isobu..." Rakudo said. Isobu and the man were well acquainted to say the least, but he still had to show the proper respect for something that he was thinking of sealing into his body--the latter was that he felt bad for the beast--actually becoming a host had its troubles. By an act of whim and willpower, the man's temple split open part-way to reveal an activated Rinnegan. Rakudo using his hidden doujutsu, projected his chakra straight into Isobu; effectively placing it in a genjutsu by the appearance of the spiral-like doujustu in its eye. This was done to manipulate the future course of actions that were to come from the summon. Rakudo and his clones were also well protected from what was about to come; once the droplets began gradually turning into a torrential downpour. Isobu was very versatile to any situation that his opponent could throw at him; the shell protected against Dokuton. However this wasn't the case as this was a senjutsu-enhanced and this meant that his defense wasn't exactly interminably; it of course had its limits.

Their general surroundings were still enclosed in the chakra colored fog, what made matters worse for him was that another type of 'corrosive' mist began generating from the Poison Release technique. The man's previous actions still obscured the field of battle with his chakra-colored fog--Rakudo had only about a minute before the corrosion would start to occur upon Isobu's shell and make its way towards his general locationl-- to prepare himself for that and what would come next, both him and his doppelganger(s) formed a one-handed kata then molded their chakra to their feet to adhere themselves to the beast's body; this was done to prevent themselves from falling off due to the next course of actions that will come forth.

[Earth Release: Rock Shelter]
[Summoning Technique: Isobu]
[Genjutsu: Rinnegan (Rakudo's nerfed version of Genjutsu: Sharingan)]


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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2015, 12:27:02 AM »

For some Shinigami forsaken reason his opponent decided to completely null the main purpose of a mist Jutsu, and yell out his intentions. Now upon hearing the Bijuu named called out, the Uzumaki was appalled at his opponent’s audacity. Not only summoning the very beast this man had striven for, not only summoned a beast against an Uzumaki, but summoning an entity entirely composed of chakra, in a chakra eating rain; the resulting turmoil caused the Uzumaki to cringe. The moment the turtle touched down, was when the man began preparing himself for the very few threats this beasts posed to him, having been well versed in its abilities. Being afforded a bit more time to react due to his opponent so clearly telegraphing his actions, only beginning action as the two attempted to make eye contact.

With a single seal, the copious amount of rain within the air around the Sanbi, and the Sandaime converged onto their positions at a high speed in the form of incredibly sharp needles, each with the capability of piercing through flesh, and imbedding themselves into the afflicted. These senbon were manifest from the closest raindrops of course, whether they were currently falling within two centimeters from Rakudo's face, or 10 meters from the Sanbi's maw, this was an unfortunate consequence of Rakudo's lacking of action towards Yujo's rain. Being as Rakudo had allowed such a high magnitude of Dokuton rain to fall, the killing efficiency of his attack would equal that.

Having studied the Sanbi for a large period of time when he hosted it, he knew of the weak spots this turtle did best to keep under wraps, unfortunately for him, the majority of them were his bright red exposed flesh, and his single functional eye. 500 Dokuton raindrops Senbon converged onto the giant Eyeball of the Turtle, if allowed to pierce through the soft tissue, the Dokuton chakra did as it was programmed. Another 500 being sent to pin cushion the fleshy underside of the beast. Rakudo on the other hand required little finesse, as he was a squishy human whose chakra was split every which way, the same amount of rain being sent at this man as well, his clones likely getting caught in the crossfire.

The surrounding clouds had converged onto the zone, doing as they were commanded, and making this place into a Dokuton wonderland. The rain continuing to fall, and continuously being converted into a thick mist that soon (Next turn) would cloud the area of roughly 10 Kilometers oxygen supply with its noxious fumes. Being as the Jutsu initially was formed above the two combatants, the immediate area (100 meters) already would began running short on safe oxygen, leaving both the lumbering beast, and Rakudo with little time, and few options.
With a seal held in his right, the jutsu was given the necessary attention, which was little, considering Yujo regularly manipulated jutsu at a microscopic level.

From his back, sprouted forth 4 chakra chains, only extending a few feet from his body so they could curve over his back (Think Doc Ock), these black chains if looked at closely were marked at their points with seals, these being Hiraishin Seals. Yujo now awaited for his opponent to inevitably bijuu bomb him, which surely would end the battle, for sure.

[Senpo: Dokuton: Sensatsu Suishō]
[Continuation of Dokuton Rain]
[Chakra Chains marked for Hiraishin]
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2015, 09:06:19 PM »

The doppelganger eloquently showed their looks of disgust upon seeing the poisonous smog converged upon their location, both of the doppelganger broke their kata and put themselves in front of their original; the two precariously adhered themselves to the beast's hide upon moving to their location. They both raised their hands into the air and began spinning the flow of their chakra, absorbing the poisonous chakra smog that had began approaching their location. The tricky part was maintaining their focus while they also absorbed the chakra-eating rain, since they of course had put themselves in harms way by quickly moving in front of their original.

Rakudo remained idle and watched his opponent's actions from the distance as a huge grin came across his face, the man was still performing the same previous action from before; these actions were done for what was about to come, Isobu's Tailed Beast Shockwave. Rakudo wouldn't have visual link with Isobu since he didn't use any of the black receivers beforehand, he did however had a weak mental link to the beast but he really couldn't issue any commands; other then the genjutsu that was placed upon the beast to act as a contract. This turtle-like creature would rely on sole instinct that all of the bijuu had and that was self-preservation. Isobu gathered up a bulk of it's chakra and within a desi-second before the venomous and corrosive senbon were to converge upon the creature's eyeball and soft tissues areas of its body, it released all of this gathered chakra in the form of a extremely loud roar; the roar would be so powerful that it most likely catch Yujo and his flashy display of chains, off-guard.

Now version-two form of this technique could repel back a Shinra Tensei, however at full bijuu form this attack was tremendously stronger. The ludicrous expulsion of chakra at this level would in no doubt, negate the ridiculous range of his opponent's technique and the bulk force of the chakra would basically clear the area of about three-hundred and twenty nine feet. Isobu's actions would of course, dispel the two clones whom precariously anchored themselves to the beast and their chakra would disperse back into the original Rakudo. This had its benefits as the clones were given a healthy meal of chakra and then some; their actions in a way rejuvenated his body with more chakra.

Isobu in a fit of rage stamped one of its human-like paws into the plains, this resulted in another small expulsion of the beast's chakra at the point of contact to force the Uzumaki to either evade the multitude of coral reefs that began spawning from underground or to continue his previous actions from before. The diversity of the coral reefs really served no other purpose, other then acting as a 'surprise' attack. Rakudo at this point was overcome with  a great feeling of excitement, he trembled at the grave prospect of match like this and to show his appreciation, the man began removing his shinobi gloves; this resulted in the display of his 'other' oddity, fully-functional mouths.

[Preta Path]
[Tailed Beast Shockwave]
[Tailed Beast Version Of Sangoshō aka Coral Palm]


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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2015, 07:21:50 AM »

With a malicious smirk, the Uzumaki would spy the ongoings through his infamous Mind’s eye technique, which granted him clarity unmatched. The buildup of chakra would be impressive to say the least, but this would be no issue. As the chakra was reaching it’s peak, the monk would suddenly drop into the stance of a shaolin monk whilst clapping his hands together in the direction of the beast and the incoming shock wave. In an instant two things would happen; the first being the creation of a barrier composed of black ice thick enough to withstand of the raw power expelled. Unfortunately for the beast, It would take far less than one would expect, especially when you consider who would wield it; The man who redefined the epitome of Ice ninjutsu.

Though what’s next is what is truly dangerous.

In performing the downward clap, he would release an Ototon technique most foul. From his fingertips, a barrier of sorts would erect suddenly; seeming to engulf the area before him at the speed of sound. Within this area, all vibration would be reflected back to it’s originator 3 fold with the intention of bombarding those within with the endless echoes of their own rowdiness. Obviously a tailed beast fueled roar would be vociferous to say the least, thus one can assume the decibel level produced would be damaging to say the least, thus once refracted back the sound would create an asinine decibel level reaching upwards of 500. Thus creating a field of energy that would produce high enough energy to rupture the brain, and other vital organs in the Mizukage whist he unlatched his gloves.

[Kagura Shingan]
[Senpō: Hyōton: Hyōgan Dōmu {Variant}]
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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2015, 07:32:18 PM »

Unbeknownst to Yujo, Rakudo had his Byakugan still active and his sense of perception was far greater then the Uzumaki; the man had kept an close watch on his actions. Whilst Rakudo unlatch his gloves off, he saw the build-up of chakra and quickly brought up his hands to clap them in one swift motion, calling forth an tremendous air pressure to match the Ototon technique; the many air currents that were conjured up, collided to create vacuum pockets around the surrounding area. These vacuum pockets threaten to slash anything in their path, to make matters worse; the technique would also reflect the sound waves back towards Yujo.

Now through some sort of dark wizardry, his barrier remained intact from his initial use of the Ototon technique but he didn't count of the coral reefs that quickly began protruding throughout the surface, the sudden upgrowth of reefs began pushing the man within the encompassing barrier up about ten feet into air. The reefs weren't strong enough to penetrate through his barrier but it had enough strength to force the man within the ice barrier off the ground and into the air. In conjunction with this wind technique, Isobu spat out a glob of water which quickly formed in front of it's entire being as the muffled sound would be reflected back more and ultimately would shatter his barrier composed of black ice. If this didn't work, Isobu let out a short roar and Rakudo knew it was time to tuck himself into safety. Isobu rolled itself into a ball and begun to bulldoze through the water barrier, the fields of coral reefs and directly towards his opponent. These action would either shatter the ice barrier or throw him into the skies because of his previous actions of the reefs lifting up the barrier that had encompassed the man, but this would only occur for a moment.

Although fragile as the reefs may be, they served their purpose of lifting this man into the air and in conjunction with Isobu, he was aiming to shatter his barrier through the usage of all the simultaneous actions. Meanwhile while Isobu tuck itself in like a roly-poly, Rakudo was dipping his hands into a pouch full of clay. The tiny mouths on both of hands began eating and molding the clay into a specific shape that would be put into play next time around. Rakudo at this point was done playing with the Uzumaki, next time around he will annihilate him and revel in his work of art that was quite the explosion.

[Great Sickle Weasel Technique]
[Water Release: Water Shield]
[Shadow Stroke]


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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2016, 08:28:27 PM »

(By ruling of the Judge, the incoming coral has been destroyed, leaving the only threat to be the Sonic the Hedgehog-esque turtle)

It was astounding that not only had the former Mizukage continued to mount successful defenses to Yujo's attempts at his life, but even with those defenses being a monstrous beast, he had failed to move the Uzumaki from the spot he designated to begin the fight. As the turtle raged forward a short lived chuckle belted through his maw as he desperately tried to suss out how this particular attack could benefit Rakudo.

By some means unbeknownst to Yujo, Rakudo braved/survived the G-forces of the amphibian centrifuge, a feat likely achieved due to some Hyūgan Kaiten training, if this was the case, then Rakudo surely has placed himself in a dire position. While the body of the Hyuga can inexplicably survived spinning at near the speed of sound while utilizing the Kaiten (in extreme cases), no training could prepare his brain to comprehend objects in his environment spinning at several hundred RPM's, leaving not only the Hyuga blind to the world, but the beast he needed to control.

Assuming this had to be the case, the Uzumaki tapped into his Hyouton KG once more, and with a light tap with his foot against the ground, the area between Isobu and himself became coated with a dense layer of slick ice (Dimensions: 120 feet long, 400 feet wide). This was done to remove the ability from the Sanbi to change his trajectory mid-way through his charge as there simply wouldn't be enough traction to make this possible, but unfortunately for Rakudo it was not yet over. In the same motion, more ice rose to create a set of bumpers of sorts, similar to the one's used for those who aren't exactly pro-bowlers (Bowling that is), this was done to aid the beast on his less than controlled path to the singular pin it intended to knock over, Yujo (Dimensions: 180 Feet long, 20 Feet High, 5 Feet thick).

If all went according to plan, the Sanbi would charge right for Yujo with little possibility for error, so in a way, Rakudo should be thanking Yujo. That'd surely be the case unless Rakudo someone managed to see the formation Yujo's chakra chains took on, stabbing into the ground, one in front, and two in the back at each flank, like a triangle, leaving a single chain ready for an attempted counter. With a set of seals taken within his hands, at the moment before Isobu was set to knock down this proverbial pin, another barrier was erected around Yujo with the intent to whisk away the turtle, and it's summoner at the moment of contact to some marked location of the Uzumaki's desire, this time it would be his frozen tundra of a Kamui Dimension, and of course being an Uzumaki this place was littered with seals and barriers to prevent any and all that entered a sweet escape, thus ending the battle.

Now, he surely was not so arrogant to believe that his moves were a surefire success, and in the case a more immediate defense was needed to be mounted, two beige colored hands extended from his torso, to about elbow length in the case where articulation was needed. These hands clapped together as is preparing for a prayer, a short one considering they parted a moment after coming together, between these parted hands formed an opaque cylinder with a bright white orb resting at it's center. This of course was Iwagakure's prized Kekkei Tota, Dust Release. In most cases this jutsu would, and should have been shot off to decimate both turtle and summoner, but Yujo still held the Sanbi quite dear to him, and wished to prevent harming him any further, especially with such a ruthless jutsu. So, the Jutsu remained idle between these fleshy hands, awaiting their time to strike.

[Senpō: Hyōton Bouringujou (Translation: Sage Art: Ice Release: Bowling Alley) :D]
[Hiraishin: Dōrai]
[Jinton: Genkai Hakuri: Hashira (Currently Idle)]
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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2016, 09:33:04 PM »

It wasn't like Rakudo was going to lose control of Isobu anytime soon, in contrary to the gyrating turtle--the man's own kaiten was very, very fast--so fast that the technique can reach speed up to about 1200 km/h (745.6 mph). The worse that would happen to Rakudo was that his vision temporarily gained the effects of oscillopsia, this meant that his vision temporarily blurred and would vibrate for a minute; it was something that wasn't that big a deal to him. The man continued to observe the situation from his position and began to mold his explosive chakra into the clay and produced a two chibi-like clay models of himself from each of his hands; the clay models remained idle until he felt it was necessary to make use of them.

Isobu on the other came barreling towards Yujo and upon the environment being changed to set up the beast into actually striking the pins and forever trapping him in some sort of dimensional prison, the gyrating turtle bounced into the skies thanks to hardy and spiky shell that generally served for this type of situation and the beast made use of its cosmetic ability to generally use the protruding spikes for traction during the turtle's roly-poly form and amazingly the beast came crashing down about one-hundred and fifty feet away behind the overzealous red-head; this effectively broke about one-hundred and twenty feet of ice that was summoned and then some. Isobu then unfurled itself from its position and let out another ferocious roar before it began gathering a variable of black negative chakra and mixed it with a white positive chakra into an 8:2 ratio until it was compressed perfectly into a ball.

All while this was occurring, Rakudo let loose the clay minions from his grasp and they rappelled down the beast in such a quick fashion that upon reaching the ground, the clones dash about fifty feet in rapid succession towards the red-head's location and began to expand upon their journey towards Yujo and once the clones were about a hundred and five feet away from Isobu, both of the clones exploded in such a fashion that they release a barrage of microscopic particles of clay that divided into a multitude of planarians; these clay-like creatures began to make their way towards Yujo's position in the form of extremely large dust cloud. (For example take this naturally occurring event as a diagram for this attack)
It would appear to unsuspecting eyes that this was a normal cloud of dust that was converging towards the Uzumaki; the latter was that this wasn't even dust at all. In fact these planarians were microscopic bombs that when they were inhaled would literally be used to cause destruction at a cellular level; meaning he would turn to dust if the proper counter wasn't made in time.

Rakudo remained idle for a mere moment to gather his senses while Isobu charged the bijū bomb and quickly he formed a handsign in response to Isobu charging the deadly attack; this action halted the beast and restrain it from letting loose of the attack so carelessly. However once Rakudo spotted that the man was about to make use of the particle-style of Iwagakure, a smirk came across his face and he broke the handsign that he was forming; this resulted in a compressed bijū bomb being sent barreling towards Yujo at astronomical speeds. Now a bijūdama can cross an area of 14km in the span of two seconds and the speed of sound is about 344m/per second, this means that the speed of this attack was generally so fast that Yujo wouldn't even have time to blink when the attack propelled to his general location.

It would take a miracle to save this man from the double-whammy onslaught that was dispatched his way then again, this red-headed man showed him that miracles were genuinely not possible in normal situations; it wouldn't come as a surprise to him if he managed to avoid the throes of death once again.

[Leaping Bullet Shell Tower]
[Rakudo's version of C4 :D]
[Tailed Beast Ball]


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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2016, 06:27:54 PM »

While several details soon to be pointed out made the set of actions he became an idle bystander of moot, the BROWN haired man internally applauded Rakudo’s continuation of breath for another turn. Speaking of breath, the moment the Sanbi had unfurled he’d again expose himself to the noxious weather effects that still threatened him, and his summoner. The moment the first breath was taken upon release from the Roly-Poly state, from either of the two, the battle quickly headed towards a conclusion.

Not only would Rakudo expose the Sanbi to the rain/mist once more, he so generously left the Turtle’s maw agape, further allowing access into the squishy non-defensible innards of the beast. Furthermore, the chakra the tailed beast bomb required had little chance of survival considering the aforementioned Weather based effects, it being constantly eaten away as it had been gathered. So unless Rakudo intended to have the Sanbi gather it’s chakra at a rate faster than the Dokuton could eat away at it, then no bomb could be produced. In the case that he had, the jutsu’s charge up time would have greatly increased, giving ample time to solve the issue if it ever became one, and that'd be if the bomb could be sustained while it's structure constantly was being destabilized.

Simply put the same effects took hold of the Bakuton technique well before it had a chance to disperse; rather, it had been eaten away soon after its release from Rakudo’s hands.

It was strange; Rakudo’s actions were dealt with without the Uzumaki needing to take action, or even turning to face him. This left him in a state of dismay, “Maybe I should check if he put himself in a Genjutsu unwittingly, the poor fella…” He empathetically thought on behalf of his opponent.

With a shrug, he removed the trepidation he felt for his opponent’s self-inflicted state of deleteriousness. Within his defiant mind, forsaken was the idea of moving to deal with this opponent, so he stood with his back turned to the Bijuu, and summoner. Finally taking action upon becoming dangerously bored with fighting his old friend, the Sanbi, the monk took a seal in hand controlling the mist that Rakudo had taken little mind to, and converged it towards every orifice possible of both summoner and Beast, in Rakudo’s case, his creepy mouth hands being a simple way of transmission into his body, any other hole it could penetrate had been taken advantage of as well. Being as Rakudo had done literally nothing to give a defense to this mist that as explained several posts ago, left zero 'Safe' oxygen within the bounds of this zone, one has to assume that he’s just sitting in a cloud of the toxins, which made most counters to this nigh impossible.

While this occurred, Yujo cleaned the grime from his fingernails that had been procured during this battle, figuring there was no excuse for such a grotesque display of a lacking of hygienic awareness, even in the face of an opponent like this. Even with his mind majorly elsewhere, the single chakra chain not dedicated to the barrier shot forth towards the beast, with little specificity, its only goal was to give the Sanbi a little tickle, any grazing amount of contact made would mark the beast, and as mentioned thusly, would send the beast into Yujo’s Kamui dimension. This attempt was done mostly to give it something to do, no expectations were had.

[Dokuton Convergence]
[Chakra Chain assault]
[Hygiene control. 8 Nails cleaned. Next turn, Thumbs]
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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2016, 08:14:32 PM »

Rakudo wasn't really keen on remembering the much finer details of his opponent's appearance, the general chakra chain techniques that was observed by the Mizukage just literally screamed that this guy was from that strange red-headed clan down south of Kirgakure. So it was only logical to view him as if he hailed such a flourishing red-headed clan whom appearance is generally rooted in their clan's ancestry.

In root of the dire situation that had befallen upon the two, Rakudo was ample enough to actually defend himself in this case as his Rinnegan eye was still activated and the man responded accordingly to threat by making use of the Preta Path once more; these actions allowed him to absorb any chakra, regardless of any shape or nature transformation, and dispersing it within one's body by spinning the chakra within one's body in the opposite direction.

While Rakudo made use of the Preta Path to defend himself against the environmental onslaught, Isobu was also quick to react and due to the destabilization of the compressed bijūdama, the beast instead fired off a series of uncompressed bijūdamas from the energy that was once made up from the completed technique. Isobu was also quick to maneuver itself in such a way that when it fired that technique, it pivoted its body in a three-hundred degree angle; allowing the beast cover the span of area and clear off the environmental hazard away from it.

Within the cover of dust that was created from the multiple explosions of the uncompressed bijūdamas, Isobu curled itself back into a ball and maneuvered itself away from the chakra chain's range; the beast bounced into the skies to allocated itself away from the general area. This in turn made distance between them was now about eleven kilometers and Rakudo at this point could temporarily hailed this new area his 'safe zone'.

The only good thing that came out of all of this is was that he safe for the moment, however due to these actions, his previous attacks were all but moot at this point.

Once Isobu landed away from the previous area, it quickly unfurled itself from its roly-poly state and began eyeballing the change of playing field. Rakudo also smirked for a moment, peeking at the environmental change and expanding his usage of the Byakugan to keep an eye on Yujo, "Damn fool. I should properly thank him for such a wonderful gift of chakra. It's such a pity that I will have to end this..." He mentally intoned to himself and dipped both of his hands into his pouch of clay, the tiny mouths began molding the specific amount of explosive chakra into the clay models; shaping them in the form of planarians. Rakudo wouldn't use this technique just yet, for now he kept a steady looksee at his opponent while both of the clay models remaining idle in each of his hands.

[Blocking Technique Absorption Seal]
[Continuous Tailed Beast Balls]
[Leaping Bullet Shell Tower]


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Re: Rakudo vs Yujo (Let the indecisive battle for Isobu begin!)
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2016, 06:56:25 AM »

Got called to make a ruling on the latest actions within the match by the challenger, agreed with by the defending host it was declared as follows;

The torrential poisonous storm would have caught up with Rakudo and the beast by the time these posts came into play, allowing it to disrupt the making of the highly intensive tailed beast assault. Furthermore with Rakudo's attempts at the Blocking Technique Absorption Seal, given the AoE and time-line factor at play of the storm it would not save the tailed beast blasts from the chakra eating droplets in time. Though on the contrary, due to the challenger issuing the rain also be detrimental to Rakudo himself, the BTAS saved for such a fatal occurrence. Otherwise the scene would leave off with the tagging of Sanbi via Chakra Chain that occurred during the event prior's happening with the beasts own nerfed assault.
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